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Chapter 95 Medicine boy small stone

"Oh, now that I can talk, I don't care about my brother who works hard for someone. I can't worry about her. I just think about her master."

A faint sigh came from behind the two of them.

Cui Xunzhi thought of Cui Heng, blushed, and hurriedly went over to salute him.

Seeing the shame on the little girl's face, Cui Heng laughed: "Brother, I'm joking, don't take it seriously. Brother, I'll be happy from the bottom of my heart if you can go out and walk more."

He watched Cui Xuanzhi grow up. This little girl was disabled and could not speak, so she didn't like to go out for fear of being laughed at.

Now that her only problem of being unable to speak was cured and she was willing to walk around, he was naturally happy from the bottom of his heart.

Cui Xuanzhi nodded.

When Cui Xuanzhi was given a cleansing ceremony, Huo Qubing gave her a pile of rouge, gouache, gold and silver jewelry that the little girl loved. There were so many things that the little girl couldn't count them with both hands.

"Lord, I didn't spend a penny on you." The young man raised his chin proudly.

Everyone laughed.

"I gave your unjust brother a few days of public leave. There is a mountain outside the city. I heard they said the scenery on the mountain is beautiful and there are many medicinal herbs - your Aiqihuang technique. You can identify one or two when you go out for fun.

"During the meal, Xie Yuan spoke in a warm voice.

Cui Xunzhi nodded: "Herbal medicine...can...no..."

"Do you want to ask if it can be picked?" Xie Yuan asked.

Cui Xuanzhi nodded.

"The mountains outside the city were originally real estate left by the former governor. Now that he is gone, these real estates were bought with public money. Even if they are transferred to my name, you just go and pick them. No one will say anything if you pick them empty.


Cui Xunzhi's ears turned red, he nodded and stopped talking.

Early the next morning, Huo Qubing took Cui Xunzhi out for fun.

The convoy left the city gate and headed straight out of the mountain.

Huo Qubing was afraid that Cui Xunzhi was weak and would get carsick, so he drove the car for her personally.

In fact, Cui Hyunzhi has been studying with Xie Yuan for so long that Xie Yuan personally created a set of gymnastics exercises for her.

Cui Xunzhi practiced without any problems, and her body was already much better than when she was in Cui Mansion.

When everyone came to the foot of the mountain, they saw someone coming down here carrying a bamboo basket.

Huo Qubing paid attention, took another look, and found that their baskets were filled with herbs.

Speaking of this mountain, no one actually paid attention to it before.


When the former Yangzhou governor was here, the foot of the mountain he bought was full of people.

Who are they imitating? Of course they are all ordinary people in the city.

When people in the city go out to the mountains to chop wood, pick herbs, or go hunting down the mountains, the people down the mountain will ask for tax money from them.

The people were confused and asked what the tax was.

Those people said, of course it’s the tax money you get from the things.

These things all belong to the governor and are the products of the public. If you take something, how can you let the governor lose something in vain?

So of course you have to pay taxes.

At that time, the common people thought it was ridiculous. There was no such rule when the previous governor was in power.

Until someone made trouble and offended the former governor of Yangzhou, and ordered him to be flogged.

The fellow was beaten to death. The common people realized that the official authority was supreme and out of fear, they paid the taxes honestly.

Gradually, the people did not have enough to eat and no money to pay taxes, so they stopped going to the mountains.

Some even moved out of Yangzhou.

After Xie Yuan came to power, he saw the taxes paid for no reason, asked the reason, was silent for a moment, and immediately canceled this ridiculous tax system.

As for those people at the foot of the mountain who forcibly demanded tax money, Xie Yuan dismissed them all from their official positions on the grounds that they were former officials in the old department.

After this rule was lifted, more and more people went up the mountain.

Those people heard more about Xie Yuan's virtuous reputation, so they migrated from various places to Yangzhou and the Jiangnan area, willing to be his tenant farmers, or even help him open up wasteland in other industries.

Yangzhou slowly began to become more crowded, leading to its current lively scene.

Everyone bypassed these medicinal collectors and took another path up the mountain for sightseeing.

It wasn't until the sun set that everyone had fun and planned to go back to the Governor's Mansion for dinner.

On the way back, Cui Xunzhi and Huo Qubing saw a little medicine boy at the foot of the mountain.

The medicine boy's hair was disheveled, his clothes were thin, and his straw sandals had three or five holes in them.

This person looked disgraced and covered in mud, as if he had fallen into a mud puddle.

Standing next to him was a sharp-tongued middle-aged woman, who was cursing the medicine boy with her waist in her waist——

"You little beast, if I ask you to pick some herbs, you will throw them away and make yourself dirty!"

"Who are you showing mercy to? If your father hadn't died and entrusted you to me, I wouldn't have bothered to care about your life or death!"

"Since you have settled in my house, you should learn the rules of my house obediently. But you don't want to be so stupid that you can't even pick a medicine and walk around, and I will feed you for free!"

"You should be like your mother, thrown into a brothel and become something that everyone reviles!"

"Little animals..."

The woman scolded him very harshly, and all the spit from her mouth sprayed onto the medicine boy's face.

The medicine boy lowered his head and said nothing, letting the woman scold him.

Huo Qubing couldn't stand it anymore and whispered to Cui Xunzhi: "Xunzhi wait here for a moment."

Then he walked over aggressively, dragged the medicine boy over, stared at the woman and said coldly: "The governor's feet are so dirty and his mouth is full of excrement - come here, I will pull him down and give him twenty sticks!"

The attendant prepared to come up and take the woman to beat her.

The woman had never seen such a battle before, and her legs went weak immediately. She knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Huo Qubing, begging for mercy.

Begging for mercy and crying at the same time——

"He was a distant relative of the common woman. She felt sorry for him and adopted him as a medicine boy. The things he was asked to pick only grew in these days, and after that, they couldn't be bought at a good price.

But he fell down and broke all the herbs. The woman and her family are looking forward to earning some money in the past few days to support their family——"

Hearing the woman crying miserably, Huo Qubing felt a trace of unbearable pain in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, then took out a gold ingot from his waist and handed it over: "This is my compensation for him. Is it enough?"

The woman looked up and her eyes lit up when she saw this ingot of gold.

She put it in her hand, weighed it, and nodded repeatedly: "That's enough, that's enough!"

This ingot of gold, let alone enough, is more than enough to buy their family's land and property.

Huo Qubing nodded: "Then I'll take this kid away."

"Ah?" The woman was stunned.

"Since you dislike him, I will let him fight with my general. What's wrong with that?" Huo Qubing raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, it's appropriate, it's naturally appropriate."

The woman didn't dare to stop him, so she just let Huo Qubing take the medicine boy away.

Back at the mansion, Xie Yuan heard what Huo Qubing told him about the whole story. He looked at the medicine boy and asked in a warm voice: "Then are you willing to follow the injustice and join the army to fight with him?"

"The little one is willing to have a full mouthful of food." The medicine boy nodded.

"May I have your name?"

"The villain doesn't have a big name. They all call me Little Stone." The medicine boy lowered his head.

Huo Qubing smiled.

"Then I will give you a surname of Shi. How about I call you Shi Ji?"

Shi Ji...

The medicine boy was stunned, and quietly raised his head to look at the young man on the main seat——

"May I ask the governor, which stone is it and which Ji?"

"Do you know how to read?"

"Get to know some."

Xie Yuan waved to him: "Come here."

The little medicine boy leaned over and saw Xie Yuan writing two words with a pen and pushing it in front of him.

"Shi Ji...is this my name?"

"Yeah." Xie Yuan nodded.

The medicine boy's eyes suddenly turned red and he kowtowed to Xie Yuan and Huo Qubing to thank them.

At this time, Huo Qubing didn't know that the little medicine boy he picked up in a moment of weakness would set off a huge wave in the Central Plains that shook the Jin Dynasty.

Of course, these are all things for later.
This chapter has been completed!
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