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Chapter 125 Hongmen Banquet Night Change: The Beginning of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (4)

"Huan Feng is a minister of the Jin Dynasty, and you actually gave him such medicines!" Xie Yuan frowned and spoke sternly.

"The famous people in the Jin Dynasty love to talk, and they advocate asking for immortality. I just flattered you and sent a few elixirs to ask for immortality. How come I made Xie Situ so unhappy?" Lu Zhong laughed, as if he didn't realize it at all.

The seriousness of the matter.

Xie Yuan looked at him deeply, and Lu Zhong slowly smiled——

"Thank you, Situ, for saying you want to spare my life. Could it be that you don't mean what you say?"

Next to him, Huo Qubing stared at Lu Zhong, as if he hated iron for not becoming steel.

After a moment, he waved his sleeves and strode away.

Rotten wood cannot be carved.

"Let it go, of course it has to be let go. I, Xie Yuan, never keep my word." Xie Yuan said calmly, "However, I want to take away some... of what you have left."

Lu Zhong's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What do you mean?"

"Lu Zhong harmed the Grand Prime Minister and helped Sima Jun, a criminal member of the clan, to rebel. He should have been the leader. In order to expose him, he is now sentenced to twenty floggings, deprived of his official position, and expelled from our Jin Dynasty!"

After Xie Yuan spoke loudly, he lowered his eyes and looked at Lu Zhong, who was completely stunned, and said lightly,

"From today on, you are no longer Han. Please save your methods for use outside the Jin Dynasty."

The nobles wanted to save face, deprive him of his official position, abolish his Han identity, and expel him from the Jin Dynasty. This would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

After Lu Zhong heard Xie Yuan's words, his face turned pale, and then he looked at Xie Yuan with splitting eyes——

"Xie Yuan! You can't do this! I am from Da Jin, and I am the queen of a famous family in Da Jin! I am the Fan Yang Lu family, you can't do this to me!"

Seeing his crazy look, Cui Heng shook the feather fan in his hand and said softly: "There is no longer the Fan Yang Lu family in the Jin Dynasty, and you are no longer the queen of a famous family. In all seriousness, you are just a commoner.


This last strike directly broke Lu Zhong's last psychological defense, causing him to scream.

Xie Yuan was tired of hearing this and ordered his men to drive him away for torture.

A few days later, a very embarrassed Lu Zhong was thrown outside the customs.

He staggered up, stared at the closed door with a sinister look on his face, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Xie Yuan, you should regret letting me live. When I make a comeback, I will lead my cavalry... to break through the door of Jin Dynasty and raze the Jin Dynasty that you wholeheartedly support to the ground -"

As the sun set in the distance, an unprecedented coldness burst out from the eyes of this embarrassed man.

He took another deep look at the closing of the Great Wall, then turned his head and staggered away towards the north.

After driving away Lu Zhong, Xie Yuan went to Dazaifu.

At that time, all the soldiers who had Huan Feng under house arrest had been executed, and there was a strong smell of blood outside the mansion that had not had time to disperse.

The servant was cleaning the blood outside the door. When he saw Xie Yuan, he was about to bow to inform him. Xie Yuan gestured to him, and the servant fell silent.

Xie Yuan entered quietly and saw a man sleeping at his desk from a distance.

There were countless wine jars beside him, and the smell of wine in the room made Xie Yuan couldn't help but frown.

It seemed that the effects of the drug he had taken were taking effect, and Huan Feng suddenly trembled all over.

Xie Yuan was outside the door, watching him grit his teeth and endure the medicine until the medicine was suppressed, and his clothes were wet with cold sweat.

Huan Feng slowly raised his head, his unshaven face met those familiar eyes, and he was suddenly startled.

"Tu Nan..." Huan Feng stared at the door with his bloodshot eyes.

"I read that right. Tunan...is that you? Xie Tunan?"

"It's me." Xie Yuan nodded,

"Sima Jun and his party have been killed. I can't handle it alone. The court needs you to take charge of the overall situation."

"Tunan... Lu Zhong made me addicted to drugs... I wanted to quit, but I wanted to pull out my sword several times. But I thought about how could I, the noble Saburo of the Huan family of Qiao, die in such a humiliating manner in the mansion?

.I was thinking that if you go, who will avenge you——"

Huan Feng seemed to be relieved, lying on the ground with his back stretched out, two lines of muddy tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes,

"I almost thought I would visit your graves one by one during the Qingming Festival next year."

Xie Yuanmo.

After a moment he smiled: "No, I, Yu Zhi, are unjust, brother Wangshu, and you, Sanlang - we have a long road to walk, and I will not fall down so easily.

Neither can you."

The embryonic form of the imperial examination was in its early stages, but it was not yet complete;

The women's imperial examination has just taken shape and needs to be greatly improved.

The Jin Dynasty has not yet had a rich and powerful country and a strong people, they have not yet made the Northern Expedition to recover the lost land, and they have not yet ended the Five Husbands' Rebellion in China——

In these troubled times, they still have many things to do, so how can they give up halfway?

"You're right!" Huan Feng sat up suddenly and wiped his face, "I want to see the Jin Dynasty unify the north and the south, and I want to see Kyushu return to the feet of my Han people!"

The young man regained his composure and made up his mind to quit the pill, which completely reassured Xie Yuan.

Huan Feng dressed up and tied up his hair, and one day later, surrounded by Huo Qubing and a group of black armored guards, he returned to the court and took charge of the overall situation together with Xie Yuan.

Since the Jin Dynasty cannot be left without a master for a day, Huanfeng, Xie Yuan and others discussed it and selected the new Langya King among the many Sima clan kings. The man named Sima Rui——

They raised him to the throne.

Since Sima Rui had no direct blood relationship with the previous emperors, the Jin Dynasty that started with this emperor was called the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

According to historical records, on June 17, the first year of Taikang in the Jin Dynasty, Sima Rui, king of Langya, ascended the throne and changed his reign name to Jianyuan, so this year was also called the first year of Jianyuan.

In the first year of Jianyuan, the new emperor appointed Xie Yuan and Huan Feng as his chief ministers——

The stage of the Eastern Jin Dynasty began with two phases in power and the struggle for power among aristocratic families.

Since Emperor Jianyuan also couldn't stand the idea of ​​aristocratic families being in power, he strongly supported the two-phase reform.

After Emperor Jianyuan ascended the throne, officials from all walks of life who took leave to return to their hometowns recovered from illness and returned.

Xie Yuan and Huan Feng also began to eliminate Sima Jun's remnant party.

The last group of people escaped from the pass and defected to the Wei Dynasty in the north.

Xie Yuan and the others ran to the enemy camp and stopped asking questions.

In the autumn of the seventh month, the new emperor granted pardon to the whole world and obeyed the wishes of the two prime ministers.

Emperor Jianyuan's move was praised by the people.

Then he won the hearts of the people.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty entered the stage of history with a seemingly good start.
This chapter has been completed!
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