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Chapter 17 The Prince of Pengcheng

"My mother-in-law was once the daughter of the Qi family. If you think about it carefully, she and General Qi are brother and sister. And you and I are cousins," Xie Yuan said.

After Qi Lao was beheaded, he went to Qi Lao's house and brought back everything there, including the Qi family's genealogy.

He turned over the genealogy, and the genealogy record stopped at this point.

It is recorded in the genealogy that in the previous generation, the two most famous sons of the Qi family have passed away. In this generation, the authentic Qi family only has one son, the son of General Qi. After the decline of the Qi family, he does not know where he went.

Unexpectedly, when they first met, he seemed to be as miserable as he was back then.

"When I visited Father Zhong earlier, Father Zhong mentioned my aunt. They married to the Xie family more than ten years ago. Are you my aunt's son?" Qi Yan was stunned.

"Yes. My name is Xie Yuan."

Qi Yan was stunned again.

Xie Yuan, that poor man who recently helped the people in Youzhou and became famous?

Is he the rumored Mr. Xie Xiao?

"Longgang Academy...is it you who opened it?"

"Well, I have nothing to do, so I'm open to recruiting some children from poor families. I have a thousand volumes of ancient books here. If Brother Qi doesn't mind, you can keep them here."

Qi Yan pursed his lips for a long time and nodded slightly: "Okay."

After the heavy rain stopped, the governor of Youzhou received the order from Emperor Tianwu.

Build a Buddhist temple.

He did not dare to delay the imperial order, so he quickly captured slaves and prisoners on death row to work as craftsmen.

When it was found that there were not enough slaves and prisoners, the governor quickly issued an order to forcefully recruit Youzhou's young men to build Buddhist temples.

Some of the only sons in the family did not want to go, and were beaten to death by the officers who were taking them into custody.

It’s outrageous to think of worshiping Buddha and burning incense these days when you can’t even afford food.

The unarmed people were angry and dared not speak out, so they were forced to build temples.

After returning from Tantuo Temple to pray for his late mother, Qi Yan passed by the temple under construction and found that they were arresting young men. He was worried about Xie Yuan and the others and planned to go back to the academy immediately.

He suddenly found a very familiar face among the ranks of captured young men.

Qi Yan took a closer look and said with a happy face: "Uncle!"

"Wang Shu..." The old man looked up, with a hint of anxiety in his dull eyes, "Why are you here...run quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, a long whip came down hard on the old man.

The old man's clothes were thin, and he fell to the ground with just one slap, and the shackles on his feet crackled.

The clothes behind him quickly turned a bright red.

"Who are you from, and can you settle down in Youzhou?" The officer who escorted the people took a look at Qi Yan. Seeing that he was young, his eyes lit up, and he quickly put away his whip and asked sternly.

Qi Yan took out a piece of silver from his sleeve, pointed at the old man who fell on the ground, and bowed to the official: "I am traveling here, I wonder if I can buy this old man?"

Before going down the mountain, Xie Yuan gave him some money, but he was not willing to use it.

Now it comes in handy.

"It's just an old bone with half a foot in the coffin. Let me give it to you." When the man saw the silver ingot, he raised his eyebrows, immediately took it away, clapped his hands and let it go.

Qi Yan helped the old man up and went to a more remote tea shop.

"Uncle, long time no see, how are you, my aunts?" Qi Yan poured a cup of hot tea for the old man, bought two steamed cakes, and pushed them in front of the old man.

This old man is from the Qi family. After the incident in Liangzhou City, he and his mother had met several times.

It was because of this old man that he was able to read and write.

"Last year there was a famine, and I didn't have any money - they were all divided up by jackals in mass graves." The old man took a sip of tea and began to cough vigorously. The mouthful of blood he spat out attracted the attention of the tea seller.

"Sir, we are running a small business, you..."

"I'll buy this tea set." Qi Yan noticed his disgust and took out another ingot of silver.

"Hey, okay, you can drink it!" The tea seller took the silver ingot and left with satisfaction.

The old man looked ashamed: "Wang Shu, I have made you lose money."

"It doesn't matter. I met my aunt's descendant, Mr. Xie who opened Longgang Academy. He and I are cousins ​​- these are his and mine. Now that I have no choice, I joined the academy, which is considered

There is a place to stay." Qi Yan lowered his eyes.

"The academy is great. There are a collection of books in it that you can take a good look at." The old man nodded.

He had heard of Xie Yuan's name. Judging from his deeds, he was probably not a person who was just trying to gain fame and reputation like a member of a noble family.

If Wang Shu were allowed to join him, he might be able to survive in this troubled world.

"Uncle, let me take you to the academy. Although the academy is large, there are not many people. I will hire a doctor to treat you." Qi Yan said.

"No need. I'm afraid it's just a few days since I've been in good health. I wanted to sleep in that open-air tent, but I didn't want to see my descendants of the Qi family before I went." The old man smiled slightly, and after speaking

There are regrets and joys.

Qi Yan lowered his eyes again.

Although the old man said this, he still took the old man to stay in an inn and invited the doctor.

After checking the pulse, the doctor just told me to prepare for the funeral in the next few days.

Qi Yan's eyes turned red.

What he didn't expect was that the old man passed away so quickly - he died that night.

Before leaving, he held Qi Yan's hand and his voice trembled violently——

"Wang Shu... If I have the chance, I will overturn the case for your father."

"Overturn the verdict?" Qi Yan's eyes were shocked.

"The incident in Liangzhou City back then... was caused by the Fan Yang Lu family who colluded with the government to frame your father secretly and deliberately suppressed the Qi family... He was not a treasonous traitor..."

It turned out that after General Qi's accident, the children of the Qi family who were familiar with him did not believe that the hero who was full of righteousness and had great ambitions could be a traitor and traitor who collaborated with the enemy and treason.

They secretly searched for clues for many years and finally discovered something fishy.

It's just that at this time, no one believed in General Qi's innocence, except for the remaining orphans from Liangzhou City and a few Qi family members.

And no one would believe what they themselves said.

It seems that General Qi will never be able to vindicate his injustice.

After saying this, the old man closed his eyes.

The candlelight in the room flickered, and the young man's sad eyes flickered, then faded away and finally merged into a deep mass.

Qi Yan slowly raised his head and looked out the window.

Fan Yanglu's...

Under the not-so-bright moonlight, the young man's eyes were filled with unprecedented hatred and coldness.

After burying the old man and returning to the academy, Qi Yan found that the academy was quieter than before.

Sensing something was wrong, he quietly entered the door and asked a book boy who was sweeping the floor: "Why is the academy so quiet today?"

"Back to Mr. Young Master, Prince Pengcheng came to visit Mr. Young Master today and brought some soldiers with him. I'm afraid he has bad background." The boy looked around and saw no one, so he whispered to him.

Prince of Pengcheng?

Why did he come to Xiaoyuan?

Qi Yan frowned.
This chapter has been completed!
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