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Chapter 29: The Migration of the Clan, the Beginning of the Great National Integration

The Rouran nobles thought this was a coincidence.

Well, it must be a coincidence. How could anyone knock out a leopard with just one punch?

After the leopard was taken away, the second beast's cage was brought out.

This is a pied-skinned tiger from the Northeastern forest. It ate many people before being caught and was very violent.

The flower-skinned tiger stared at Xie Yuan, looking salivating.

Xie Yuan's face was calm and he looked unafraid.

(System, how long will it take for my spirit to possess me?)

【There is still one hour left.】

An hour...

Xie Yuan narrowed his eyes.


The reason why Comrade Xiao Xie was able to be so calm and calm was because he used Cekari's Xiang Yu to possess his soul.

Although it is just an experience card, it is definitely enough to defeat a few beasts by borrowing the power of the overlord who can lift the cauldron and adding his own internal strength.

After Xie Yuan punched the flower-skinned tiger to the ground again, the Rouran nobles watching could no longer stand.

After Xie Yuan knocked down the gray wolf again with one punch, the expressions on the nobles' faces changed from shock to horror.

This guy looks thin and small, but he is so strong?!

This is just an envoy. If he were to be replaced by serious Persian soldiers, would he be able to defeat ten of them by himself?!

Realizing this, they instantly felt that Xie Yuan was showing off Persia's national power, and warned them not to provoke Persia easily.

The nobles told Rouran Khan about this matter, and the Khan remembered that he had launched an army to attack Persia earlier, but not only did he not get any benefits, but he was kicked out.

Out of the fear in his heart, Rouran Khan took the initiative to propose marriage to Persia after Xie Yuan left.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

After winning three games in a row, Comrade Xiao Xie rubbed his numb wrist and looked at the nobleman in charge with a smile: "Does what you just said still count?"

"Naturally, naturally." The noble swallowed and nodded tremblingly.

Xie Yuan went to the slave resting place here, looked at the dark crowd of people, and pointed at them——

"I want all of these people."

"Ah..." The noble hesitated when he saw that he wanted all the slaves.

"Give it to him. You can capture more slaves, but you can't miss the opportunity for good relations between the two countries."

"Yes, they also bought all the slaves in the slave market. With so many slaves brought back to Persia, they must be doing some construction or other things."

"We might as well give them all the slaves, so that when we attack the Central Plains in the future, we can have help from big countries."

"..." "..."

The nobleman next to him talked to the nobleman in Rouran dialect.

The nobles thought over and over again, and thought that if there were no more slaves, they could go to war and capture them again, but if the chance of making good friends was gone, it would be too long to wait until next time——

Thinking of this, he nodded readily and agreed.

Seven days passed quickly.

Xie Yuan made a lot of money, left Rouran with a small group of people, and headed towards the Central Plains in a swaggering way under the kind eyes of Rouran Khan.

Rouran Khan watched him bring such a large group of people to the Central Plains, and remembered Xie Yuan's words before leaving that he would go to the Central Plains for trade, and couldn't help but envy the prosperity of the Central Plains again.

One day, their Rouran cavalry will cross the Great Wall, and he will rule the Central Plains!

Xie Yuan never returned to Youzhou, but sent the people to the remote Longxi area.

The slaves looked at the barren Longxi with bewildered faces.

With this young man's command, all their shackles were released.

"You are free." Xie Yuan said calmly.


The disguise has faded, and Luo Chen and Huo Qubing can't wait to recognize their relatives.

Only then did the Governor of the Huo family and Yu Jiulu Khan realize that their good son had ventured into danger alone and rescued them with clever tricks.

The leader was obviously Xie Yuan who spoke just now.

For a moment, both of them looked at Xie Yuan with mixed feelings in their eyes.

After listening to Luo Chen's explanation of the whole story, Yu Jiulu hesitated for a moment while looking at the knotting book. He took the knotting book and led the few remaining clan members to kneel down towards Xie Yuan——


Yu Jiulu Khan's words did not surprise Xie Yuan, after all, all this was within his expectation.

If he wants to keep his people alive, he has only one way.

"Welcome to the Central Plains." Xie Yuan smiled slightly and helped them up, "Since His Highness has changed his gender to Luo, you should all take Luo as your surname."


Xie Yuan took them to the small town of Longxi, where there were houses and farmland that he had purchased long ago.

After parting ways with the caravan, he spent half a month handing over the farming techniques to the Luo family, and also left the woodblock printing and papermaking techniques behind so that they could record the history of their own clan - over the course of more than 1,700 years

Finally, these are precious archaeological documents.

Luo was grateful to Xie Yuan for saving his life and expressed his willingness to surrender to him.

In this way, the Yujiulu family of Rouran, who was once all-powerful, became exhausted after the civil strife. The whole family moved to the Longxi area of ​​the Central Plains, changed its name to the Luo family and settled down.

This was just the beginning of the great ethnic integration. In the future, more Donghu people chose to move south to the Central Plains because they did not want to fight, changing their names and surnames to integrate into the Han people.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

Xie Yuan watched Luo Shi settle down, then turned around and returned to Youzhou.

On the other side, after the governor of the Huo family and Huo Qubing got together, the father and son took the Huo family army among the slaves and rushed back to Taiyuan without stopping to meet Uncle Zhong who was in charge on his behalf.

After meeting each other after several years, everyone is inevitably sentimental.

For a time, everyone knew that the Governor of the Huo family had returned to the Central Plains.

Emperor Tianwu, who had ignored it before, felt his heart skip a beat when he heard this.

The Huo family in Taiyuan has been a famous family since the Han Dynasty. If he neglects Governor Huo so much, will he be resented by the Huo family?

Facts have proved that Emperor Tianwu was completely overthinking.

Although the Huo family was dissatisfied and disappointed with the actions of Emperor Tianwu and the children of the Sima clan, they were the emperor of the Central Plains after all, and they were just subjects - if the emperor did not do good things, they could not overthrow the emperor and bring chaos to the already chaotic Central Plains.

Add to the chaos.

While recuperating, Governor Huo heard about Huo Qubing's travels and Xie Yuan's origins, and was full of praise for him.

"Do you want to go back and follow the Xie family?" Governor Huo stroked Huo Qubing's head.

"Father, do you mind that he is from a poor family?" Huo Qubing asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter what your status is when you make friends with like-minded people. Some people who can achieve great things may not necessarily come from a noble family." Huo Dudu patted Huo Qubing's shoulder.

"Go ahead."

Huo Qubing nodded, said goodbye to his clan members one by one, and hurried back to Youzhou.

In the fifteenth year of Tianwu's reign in the Great Jin Dynasty, it was the third day of the first lunar month.

Youzhou is lifeless.
This chapter has been completed!
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