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Chapter 31 Infection

If the Central Plains wants to be strong, it must first have an abundant population.

He wanted to try his own way to save this era that was about to enter a great war.

The governor of Xinlu rushed all the infected people in Youzhou to the sealed village and put everyone in centralized isolation.

Xie Yuan and Huo Qubing were also locked up inside.

Time was running out, so Xie Yuan took out the ancient medical texts provided by the system and started looking for a treatment for cholera.

Cholera can be treated in modern times, but in ancient times when conditions were very backward, curing cholera was not a simple matter.

Xie Yuan saw the origin of cholera, turned his head and said to Huo Qubing: "Buyi, go and bring a bucket of water for these infected villagers to drink."


When Huo Qubing left, Xie Yuan took a look at the people in the village.

They all sat there with numb faces, as if they had given up struggling.

Yes, when it comes to epidemics like cholera, those without money have no choice but to wait for death.

While Huo Qubing was carrying water, several more people died of cholera and diarrhea.

When their bodies were stripped off and burned, people's faces turned extremely pale, as if they had seen their own fate.

Cholera attacks quickly and there is no time to lose.

After more than fourteen years of travel, this was the first time Xie Yuan felt the ruthlessness of illness.

Huo Qubing quickly brought back a bucket of water.

There were all kinds of dirty things floating in it, and it was dark and frightening. Just from a distance in the bucket, you could smell the stench rising to the sky.

"Is this the water they drink?" Xie Yuan was stunned for a moment, pointing to the bucket of black water that smelled worse than swill.

"Yes, they only have this river nearby. It's just that the upper reaches of the river connects the battlefields of Jin Dynasty and Donghu Dynasty. Corpses are dumped all year round, so the river water becomes like this." Huo Qubing blocked his sense of smell and answered.

It doesn't work anymore. If he keeps smelling it, he will wake up.

"Unjust, do you still remember the method of purifying water that I taught you in the academy?"

"Remember, my lord wants to purify this water?"

"Well, to treat cholera, we must first start with water sources and food." Xie Yuan glanced at the dirty village and said softly, "This village should also be disinfected."

Huo Qubing found fine sand, coarse sand, pebbles, gauze and other objects, spread them layer by layer in the barrel, and poured in a bucket of water under the surprised eyes of people.

"Huo Xiaolangjun, what are you doing?" A man who did not dare to approach for fear of infecting Huo Qubing asked curiously from a distance.

"filtered water."

Huo Qubing found another wooden bucket, and then pulled out the cork of the bucket containing dirty water.

After the cork was pulled out, clean and clear water immediately flowed out.

Everyone: "!!"

Damn it, the water suddenly became clear!

"Okay, boil this water and drink it." Huo Qubing grinned.

Then he listened to Xie Yuan's words and asked people to take out the wine stored in the village and wipe it down in every corner for disinfection.

The people here are all infected, and they are all prepared to face death. However, when they saw the two young men busying themselves for them, they felt very embarrassed. At the same time, they were slowly infected by their behavior and joined in one after another.

Give it a try, maybe you can actually survive.

After all, if you can live, who wants to die?

On the first night, the originally dirty village took on a new look.

But several more people died, and another batch of infected people came.

People's atmosphere became depressed again.

The time from infection to attack to death from cholera can be as fast as a few hours or as slowly as more than three days.

Even if Xie Xiaolangjun develops an antidote, they may not be able to wait.


At that time, Xie Yuan was waiting for someone at the entrance of the village.

Who are they waiting for, naturally it is Qi Yan and the others.

After learning about the bet between Xie Yuan and the governor of Xinlu, Qi Yan remembered that his mother had told him that some herbs could cure cholera, so he immediately took everyone to the mountains to pick herbs, and then rushed over without stopping.

Not only Qi Yan, but Lu Zhong also came.

Several people were delivering herbs through a wall covered with thorns.

"Xiao Yuan, it's unjust, you two should be more careful in there." Qi Yan looked at Huo Qubing and Xie Yuan, with deep worry in his eyes.

"Well, brother, please bring me the herbs." Xie Yuan looked at the falling snow in the sky and said warmly, "The weather is cold, brother, please take them all away."


Qi Yan left with his retainers, but Lu Zhongli remained where he was.

He hesitated for a moment and then spoke softly: "I have learned some Qihuang techniques from my family members. Young sir... I want to stay and help you."

"Shaohan is not afraid of contracting cholera?" Xie Yuan raised his eyebrows.

Lu Zhong touched his head: "You are not afraid, and I am not afraid either."

Seeing that Lu Zhong was stubborn, Xie Yuan asked the official to let him in.

When the official saw that the children of the Lu family were also inside, he was afraid that he would be accused, so he quickly wrote a letter and sent it to Fan Yang.

The head of the Lu family's eyes twitched when he heard that there were descendants of the Lu family in the centralized isolation village, and he followed Xie Yuan to find a cure for cholera.

It can't be his son who always loves to talk back.

The head of the Lu family sent someone to see him, and it turned out that it was really his son Lu Zhong.

He was so angry that he wanted to pull Lu Zhong out, but the court already knew about the outbreak of cholera in Youzhou and issued a clear order——

Anyone who has close contact with an infected person must be quarantined and not allowed to go out.

Only when the cholera disappears can they be released.

The head of the Lu family could only watch helplessly as Lu Zhong mingled among a bunch of infected people.

This bastard boy must be eliminated!

It makes him angry.

With Lu Zhongde's help, Xie Yuan quickly found the treatment plan for cholera in ancient books.

Among them were the herbs sent by Qi Yan - which came in handy.

At that time, about ten more people died.

Looking at the corpses that were burned together, they realized that the matter was urgent and immediately began to develop traditional Chinese medicine to treat cholera.

Huo Qubing couldn't help, so he could only comfort the villagers who were crying and falling into despair.

In the middle of the night, there was snow falling in the sky, and Huo Qubing was awakened by a sudden abdominal pain.

He didn't take it seriously at first.

After going to the hut three times, he gradually began to feel nauseous and vomiting, and his diarrhea became more and more severe. Huo Qubing had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next day.

After a whole night, Xie Yuan finally developed the first version of traditional Chinese medicine to treat cholera.

It's the third day now, and there's still time.

Just as Xie Yuan was thinking about boiling the medicine, Lu Zhong came over in a hurry. He didn't even bother to bow, so he spoke to him breathlessly: "Little sir... Mr. Huo Xiaolang... Mr. Huo Xiaolang... he -"

"How is he?"

"He's also infected with cholera!"

After Lu Zhong finished speaking, the young man in front of him suddenly disappeared.

He was stunned for a moment, then slowly came to his senses.

The young gentleman... his qinggong skills are superb.

When Xie Yuan arrived, Huo Qubing could not get up.

He frowned, covered Huo Qubing's wrist with a piece of silk cloth, and checked his pulse, his heart suddenly sank.

It's cholera.
This chapter has been completed!
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