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Chapter 57 Northern Expedition: Victory in the First Battle! (1)

When King Langya was working hard, a sky full of fire flashed above Liangzhou City.

Arrows with black pills fell from the sky and landed accurately near the palace of the king of Liangzhou City. These arrows exploded after hitting the ground. They did not hurt the people, but only destroyed the luxurious palace under construction.

The guard hurried in and told King Langya that King Langya was disturbed. In anger, he beheaded the guard and drank wine with his head.

Seeing that King Langya was still taking effect, the others did not dare to provoke this master anymore, so they all chose to keep their mouths shut.

Because the arrows falling from the sky made the people in the city restless, they began to secretly investigate where the arrows came from and whether they were a disaster from heaven or man-made.

It wasn't until Huo Qubing led his army to attack the southern border that they finally realized that those arrows were a warning to them from the Huo family's army.

But didn't the Huo family army go to attack Yongzhou? Why did they suddenly arrive in Liangzhou?

The guards were puzzled. While sending troops to fight, they also found a close adviser of King Langya to inform him about Huo Qubing's attack on the city.

When he heard from his confidants that Huo Qubing was attacking the southern territory, King Langya burst out laughing——

"The Huo family sent the main force to attack Yongzhou and Yuzhou, but they sent a kid with a yellow mouth to attack me in Liangzhou. When this kid first entered the battlefield, he dared to attack rashly without even knowing my troop deployment. The Huo family taught him

Such a good boy!"

"Then Your Majesty, do you need to apply for reinforcements from Bingzhou and Youzhou?" The confidants bowed with worry on their faces.

Huo Qubing is coming with force, it doesn't look like he is trying to test, and now they are fighting fiercely outside Liangzhou.

"No need, Huo Qubing is a newborn calf, so why do I need to mobilize reinforcements? You fight him for a while, shake off his momentum, and he will retreat." King Langya smiled and waved his hand confidently.

Confidant: "..."

He wanted to say something else, but when he saw King Langya sinking into Wenrou Township again, he had no choice but to leave with a sigh.

How can such a master accomplish great things?

Outside Liangzhou.

Xie Yuan received the news from the scouts, discussed with Cui Heng for a while, and decided to wait for Qi Yan and Luo Chen to arrive in Liangzhou, then launch a night attack from Western Xinjiang and take Liangzhou City directly.

At that time, Huo Qubing also withdrew his troops and returned, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

"That Langya King sent someone to call me Huangkou Xiao'er! Look how I went to take Liangzhou City and destroyed his Han Palace!" The young man carried the haystack angrily.

Dudu Huo coughed, and the young man shivered and immediately stood upright.

But he still couldn't help but pout.

"According to reports from the scouts, Brother A and Luo Chen will arrive fifteen miles outside Liangzhou tonight. Once they confuse the enemy's sight, we will send an army from the western border to Yumen Pass and attack Liangzhou City directly."

Xie Yuan pointed to the Yumen Pass on the Kanyu map and spoke warmly.

"Why does my lord want to pass through Yumen Pass?" Huo Qubing was stunned.

"I have a guess in my mind, which can be confirmed by leading the army to Yumen Pass to attack Liangzhou City. Let's wait for brother and Luo Chen to arrive first."

Everyone then stayed in place to adjust.

After King Langya learned that Huo Qubing had withdrawn his troops, he laughed even more wantonly.

Look, he said, what kind of trouble can a child with a yellow mouth make?

But when he asked about the results and learned that Huo Qubing led an army of 30,000 men and wiped out his 70,000 men, King Langya couldn't laugh anymore, and even gritted his teeth in anger.

Huo Qubing, Huo family, he is at odds with them!

This chapter has been completed!
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