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Chapter 89

Kudo Shinya was stunned, then narrowed his eyes: "Are you negotiating terms with this general?"

Xie Yuan was noncommittal.

Seeing his attitude, Kudo Shinya's eyes became more angry. He raised his hand, and the samurai at the door immediately understood.

Not long after, there was a noise outside the cabin, followed by horrific screams.

Xie Yuan was heartbroken and quickly stood up and walked outside.

The wooden door was opened at some point, and countless people were handcuffed with heavy shackles. The warriors tied the hands and feet of these slaves and strong men, and then threw them directly off the ship.

They threw it very quickly, and soon there were only about thirty people left on the boat.

Further to the side, the women and children had their clothes ruined, huddled together and cried uncontrollably - some women and children had only their clothes left, and they had all turned from living people into food cooked in the boiler.

There was also Nannan. At some point, Nannan was stripped naked and hung up and humiliated by those people.

Xie Yuan clenched his fists and looked back at Kudo Shinya: "If you don't stop, you won't even get a stone of food!"

Kudo Shinya laughed loudly, and the samurai stopped.

Xie Yuan stretched out his hand to tear off the rope, put the girl down, and then took off his robe and put it on the little girl.

The little girl huddled in Xie Yuan's arms and cried loudly.

"I'm not afraid of Nannan." Xie Yuan patted Nannan on the back.

"The fleet will arrive at the island in one day. During this period, I will give you enough time to consider how much food we will provide in exchange for your survival." Kudo Shinya's voice came out clearly from the cabin.

Xie Yuan did not respond.

Except for women and children, the rest were put back into wooden cages.

Nannan was also forcibly taken away.

Xie Yuan counted the number of people.

There were a hundred and fifty of them when they fled, but after the incident just now, there were only thirty-three left.

Even two of the diners he brought died.

Xie Yuan closed his eyes heavily.

If... if he had noticed earlier that the drift was in the wrong direction, these people would not have died in vain.

"My lord, don't be discouraged. Our people have already gone to report the news. Cui Changshi is smart and will be able to track down the clues we left along the way to the island where these Japanese thieves are going to land." The only remaining retainer said.

When he came over, he noticed the boy's guilt and couldn't help but whisper comfort.

Xie Yuan opened his eyes and stared at the wound on his chest: "Yeah."

At this time, at the border between Nanhai County and Kuaiji County, a young man in bright clothes and angry horses held a red tassel gun and led an army of 100,000 to press the border.

"Xu Chong, let me ask you again, where is my master?" Huo Qubing stared at the person opposite, his eyes filled with unprecedented anger.

The person being questioned was the prefect of Nanhai County.

Xu Chong stood opposite with his soldiers. Facing the 100,000 soldiers who were waiting solemnly, he felt very frightened in his heart.

After Qi Jing, the only capable generals in the Central Plains were the Huo family and his son.

Except for the battle when Governor Huo was kidnapped, the Huo family army had basically no defeat.

Now facing this army selected from Huo's family soldiers, Xu Chong was not worried or afraid that it was a lie.

He swallowed, thinking that Mrs. Xu had taken care of him and must not let Xie Yuan's people set foot in Nanhai County at this time. They still needed to make more preparations.

Then he suppressed the fear in his heart and bowed with a flattering smile: "General Huo, please be patient. A few days ago, the governor left Nanhai County and headed towards Kuaiji County. It was unfortunate that General Huo came because the governor had already left for several days."

It’s day.”

As he finished speaking, an arrow flew suddenly and landed steadily in front of Xu Chong's horse.

The horse was frightened and neighed, and Xu Chong almost fell off due to a sudden movement.

He managed to steady his horse and looked at the archer opposite with a pale face.

The young man in white clothes and black hat slowly put down his long bow, took out the feather fan from his waist and slowly shook it. He smiled at Xu Chong and bowed from a distance: "I am not good at studying and scared the prefect's horse. Please forgive me."

Xu Chong's face looked very ugly.

He recognized that this guy was Cui Heng, the famous Sanlang of the Cui family. He was well-read and proficient in the six arts. This guy was not good at studying. He was clearly just for his liking.

But he really didn't know where Xie Yuan had gone.

Cui Heng thought of another way to insinuate Xu Chong's words.

After discovering that Xu Chong really didn't know where Xie Yuan was, he winked at Huo Qubing.

Huo Qubing gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Turn around and continue to search for the whereabouts of the master. We want to see the person alive and the corpse after death!"

After sending the congratulatory gifts to Lu Zhong, he felt uneasy when he heard that Xie Yuannan was going south to investigate the sale of illegal salt, so he hurried back without stopping.

When I came back, I happened to meet Cui Heng leading his troops back. When I learned that Xie Yuan was in danger alone, I immediately ordered 100,000 Huo's troops and followed Cui Heng to Nanhai County to look for him.

On the way, he heard that the Xu family was using salt mines to cover up the iron ore. Huo Qubing always felt that something had happened to Xie Yuan and was anxious to get someone, so this scene happened.

When the army returned to Kuaiji County, Huo Qubing couldn't hold it in any longer and asked, "Brother Yu, where did my lord go?"

"I received a message from Fei Ge, the lord's guest, saying that he had escaped with his slaves, made bamboo rafts and floated them to the port of Kuaiji County, where we have a manor."

Huo Qubing breathed a sigh of relief and was about to take someone to meet him when he saw Cui Heng frowning tightly, which made him feel nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"While they were drifting, they met bandits who were about to land. Their accents should be Japanese. My lord, they were all captured by the Japanese."

Huo Qubing took a breath.


According to my father, that group of island bandits who are short and small, covet the fertile soil of the Central Plains, and collude with Goguryeo to harass the borders of Jin Dynasty all year round?

If he remembered correctly, the Japanese were no different from the barbarians and could even eat people.

If the Lord falls into the hands of these people, he will not...

Huo Qubing didn't dare to think any more, his eyes just turned red.

"I have calculated that they will arrive at the port of Kuaiji County tomorrow. Those people came here for food in previous years, and this year should be no exception." Cui Heng suddenly said,

"My lord is able to protect himself wisely. Our top priority now is to rush over in time to rescue him."

If there was no one behind him, the Japanese bandits would definitely execute him on the spot.

Huo Qubing gritted his teeth and nodded.

Since there are many ports in Kuaiji County, Cui Heng carefully studied the seaside map and finally decided on two ports with their family estate nearby, and went there separately with Huo Qubing and others.

The army then dispersed.

The boat drifted for a day, and the icy sea breeze was biting.

Many people were so cold that they huddled together to keep warm, but they didn't feel alive at all.

After seeing many of their compatriots being disemboweled by the Japanese for their amusement, they became desperate.

The first ray of dawn fell on the boy who was unconscious due to injuries.

As if feeling something, Xie Yuan opened his heavy eyelids, stood up tremblingly, grabbing the wooden pole, and looked towards the coast.

There was an army parked on the shore not far away.

The flags on the army swaying in the wind were printed with the word "Huo" very clearly.

At that moment, the pale-faced young man suddenly burst into laughter.

His backup...is here.
This chapter has been completed!
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