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Chapter 104: Retreat is equivalent to closed-door cultivation

The screams disappeared,

The noise of the prisoners disappeared.

The originally noisy prison suddenly became extremely quiet, revealing a strange atmosphere.

Lin Yi looked at the dead bodies and blood stains on the ground, and his heart didn't waver at all. To him, the guy in front of him was just an NPC who gained experience at the beginning of the game.

Thank him for sending me 25 experience points.

A few days of confinement made Lin Yi think about one thing clearly.

In the independent world of prison, your cowardice means humiliation or death. If he accepts death, the worst he can do is go back to hug Xiaoqing and make money, but he will never accept humiliation.

Then there is only one way left.


Work hard!

Kill everyone who messes with you!

It's just a matter of death.

And for murder,

Lin Yi had his own idea. This Johnny was definitely here to kill him, but he didn't want to kill him at the beginning, but wanted to torture himself. I don't know if this was the request of that bastard Brock Turner.


How could Lin Yi give him a chance?

Killing Johnny, on the one hand, is to protect himself and on the other hand, he can establish his authority. On the other hand, he is also creating an opportunity for himself, an opportunity to escape from prison.

in jail,

Various protective measures are very strict.

Lin Yi now had very few means, and it was very difficult to break through the prison wall alone. In the solitary cell, he thought of an easier way to get out.

Court trial.

Those who commit crimes in prison are also subject to trial. In normal legal procedures, the suspect will be brought to the local court for trial and sentencing. At this time, Lin Yi's chances of escaping will be much greater.

But now,

I'm afraid there are many people in prison who want his life. Lin Yi will have to wait for the day of trial and will have to hold on for a while.

He moved his eyes away from Johnny's body and scanned the small prison. The prison was only about ten square meters in total. It had three walls and one iron fence, just like a cage for raising pigeons. The bed was built into the wall, with bunk beds. Johnny originally lived there.

The lower bunk and the upper bunk are empty.

There was a table opposite, also fixed in the wall, and a plastic armchair next to it. Lin Yi found something good on the table.

An apple.

The prison provides fruits for lunch and dinner, which you can take back to eat. This is the only food that can be taken back to the cell.

This apple is very beautiful, big and red.

Lin Yi picked up the apple and wiped it on his body. Kacha took one sip.

He hadn't eaten for two days and was really hungry.

On Johnny's bed, Lin Yi found a book. The book was flipped over and clasped on the bed. Lin Yi turned it over.

"The Count of Monte Cristo".

Lin Yi found it funny. Did Johnny still want to be like the Count of Monte Cristo and escape from prison and live a rich life?

He definitely has no chance.

But you may not have it yourself.

Under the book, Lin Yi also found some good things, a box of cigarettes and a lighter. He only smoked two cigarettes and left most of the box.

The most valuable thing in prison is cigarettes. Many prisoners secretly hide a few cigarettes. The fact that Johnny has a pack here shows that he really has a lot of energy in prison.


Lin Yi put the cigarettes and lighter into the space.


at this time,

The prison alarm sounded.

There was the sound of leather shoes running on the iron plate in the distance. The gate opened and a group of prison guards wearing riot-proof uniforms ran in, holding shields, batons and anti-riot guns. Some people shouted at other prisoners standing by the fence and called them

After rolling back on the bed, the others quickly ran towards Lin Yi.

The prison guards ran closer.

Through the fence, the situation in the cell can be seen clearly.

Johnny fell to the ground without any movement, and the ground was covered with blood. Lin Yi sat on the bed, spread his legs and looked at the prison guard outside, putting an apple in his hand into his mouth.



The sound of chewing is very clear.

This scene is very strange. Some people even thought of a devil chewing bones when they saw this scene.

The prison guard pointed his gun at Lin Yi through the fence and shouted: "Stand by the wall, put your hands on the wall. If you dare to resist, I will blow your head off immediately."

The apple core in his hand was thrown to the ground. Lin Yi stood up obediently and put his hands on the wall. The prison guard saw Lin Yi standing and then opened the cell door. Several armed guards rushed in and beat Lin Yi to death.

Pressed against the wall, afraid that he would make any slight movement.

Lin Yi was held down by several prison guards.

Weared handcuffs and shackles.

The handcuffs and shackles are connected with iron chains to prevent him from exploding and injuring others. Now he can't even straighten his waist while walking.

Several people pushed and dragged him to the solitary room.

It's still the same room as before.

Lin Yi only left for less than an hour before he returned to his old place again. This time it was the big-faced prison guard who received him, but the way this guy looked at Lin Yi was no longer the same as before.

Before, he looked at Lin Yi with contempt and disdain, thinking that Lin Yi was a piece of garbage. He would be bullied in prison and would become the plaything of those black guys in a few days. But just now he heard that this guy

Killed Johnny within minutes.

Who is Johnny.

The whole Fox River prison knew it.

American prisons are also an independent society. Prisoners live in gangs inside, including white gangs, black gangs, Indian gangs, and Mexican gangs. These guys are divided into many small gangs based on race and external forces.

Johnny is the second-in-command of one of the white gangs.

Johnny's fists are very powerful, and the most important thing is that this guy is extremely ferocious. In prison, he has already had five serious assault records, causing disability three times, and was given an additional twenty-five years in prison. However, his previous crimes were even worse.

It's heavy, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out in this life.

And this thin and weak-looking Asian man in front of him actually killed Johnny with his bare hands. The people who just sent him had already said that Johnny's legs were broken and the fatal injury was to his neck bones, which were caused by this guy in front of him.

It was broken by force.

Lin Yi was pushed into the solitary room.


The iron door slammed shut.

The world is quiet again,

Lin Yi doesn't need to worry about the rest.

Johnny's body will naturally be handled by someone, and the case of his murder is also very simple. Someone will investigate it and submit it to the judge, waiting for the sentencing date.

Lin Yi's level has also been upgraded.

Upgraded from an ordinary criminal to a serious criminal.

It’s not fast to defeat monsters and level up.

The status of a prisoner rises very quickly.

After a while, a guy wearing a police hat came to the door of the solitary room, opened the small iron window and looked at Lin Yi, and said in a vicious tone: "Boy, you will be locked up for a week, and you will stay here honestly from now on.


Lin Yi knew the guy at the door. He was the prison sergeant. When Lin Yi was sent to Fox River Prison on the first day, this prison sergeant showed up. He warned Lin Yi with a fierce look to be honest. He was also the one who arranged for Lin Yi to go to solitary confinement.


Lin Yi sat on the bed and looked at the prison sergeant whose cheek was cut into pieces by the fence, and said calmly: "I want to ensure food and water."

Berwick narrowed his eyes, and finally shouted to the big-faced prison guard next to him who was in charge of Lin Yi, "Tony, give him the same food as other prisoners."


The small iron door was closed.

Lin Yi was lying on the bed, his body turned sideways. He touched the chains on his hands, wondering if his golden space could take away the shackles and handcuffs on his hands.

Give it a try.

Holding the chain in his hand, he mentally ordered "collect it".


The handcuffs on Lin Yi's hands and the shackles on his feet disappeared instantly.

Lin Yi felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

Ha ha,

With this ability, his chance of escaping increases countless times.

As a felon, when he is sent to court for trial, he will definitely be handcuffed and shackled to prevent him from escaping and committing other dangerous behaviors. Now that the handcuffs and shackles can be taken away, he will be able to move freely and do whatever he wants.

Lin Yi secretly released the handcuffs and shackles.

But when it comes out,

They were no longer wearing them, so Lin Yi handcuffed them himself.

at dinner,

Lin Yi's food has been greatly improved. It is no longer a piece of dark bread. An iron plate is inserted through the small iron door below. Inside is boiled corn, chicken legs, bread, and the fruit is a banana. In addition,

There is also a bottle of mineral water.

Lin Yi sat up, put the dinner plate on the table and started eating. To be honest, the taste of these things was really not that good. They were all ready-to-eat food coming off the assembly line, but this was much better than the black bread before.

At least he can fill his stomach.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Yi took a rest and began to exercise. Although his body had been systematically strengthened, his foundation was not very good.

System enhancement is a bonus on the original basis, so the better Lin Yi's basic body is, the higher his bonus will be.

Lin Yi plans to use this period of seclusion to improve his body. He is looking forward to the results after the exercise.

No equipment?

It doesn't matter.

Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, abdominal tightening and leg raising, side pulls, bending over and raising knees... Although these movements are done with bare hands, they can still kill people if they are done in too many groups.

He had handcuffs and shackles on his hands. Lin Yi secretly opened the handcuffs, leaving only the shackles, and wrapped the handcuff chain around his waist. In this way, if a prison guard inspected Lin Yi, his back was to the door and his hands were in front of him. The prison guard would not notice at all.

He was found to have taken off his handcuffs.

Start exercising.

Groups of twenty, come first with a few groups of each.

Lin Yi soon broke out in a sweat.

However, he did not stop and continued to practice the next item, practicing the Yi Jin Jing. In the book Lin Yi read, the explanation of the Yi Jin Jing was to stretch the muscles and bones. It was similar to Indian yoga. The movements were very simple at the beginning, and the movements became more and more complicated as you went back.


After practicing the Yi Jin Jing and just warming up, Lin Yi first performed the Black Dragon Eighteen Moves several times, and then summarized the boxing, Sanda, Muay Thai, kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Israeli Krav Maga moves he had simulated in his mind a few days ago.

Practice a set of fighting moves.

In fact, there is nothing special about Lin Yi's boxing set. It is still just a combination of strength and skills. It's just that he finds what suits him best based on his own situation and turns the skills into instincts, so that he can use them like an arm.

Finger play.

It doesn't matter how you hit someone.

Fists, moves, bricks, folding stools,

As long as you can defeat your opponent.


The small iron door was opened from the outside.

The big-faced prison guard looked at Lin Yi with evil eyes. Lin Yi had his back turned to him at the moment, the chains in his hands were rattling, and he was sitting up and down squatting.

The big-faced prison guard found nothing unusual and closed the small iron door again.

Lin Yi continues to exercise.

This chapter has been completed!
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