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Chapter 114: Kidnapping

"Tick tock tick tock."

There is more and more venom.

Lin Yi collected them into bottles.

In one day, Lin Yi prepared the medicine, tidied the room without leaving any traces, put on makeup again and exited the apartment.

Lin Yi took the tram to Chicago.

Then we hailed a taxi and came to the vicinity of the Turner family apartment. These are all high-end manors. Each family covers a very large area. For example, in the Turner family, the main body of the manor has three floors, and there are two auxiliary buildings outside the manor.

, there is a large lawn in the front and back.

Lin Yi came to a sewer manhole cover, looked around for no one, opened the manhole cover and climbed down. The sewer was not as dirty as expected, but the smell was still unpleasant. Lin Yi took out a gas mask and covered his face, turned on the flashlight and went

Go forward.

Two days ago,

He found a map of Chicago's sewers from the Internet. The sewers in a city were as dense as spider webs. Most people would not be interested in him, but Lin Yi looked at them carefully for a long time and memorized the map in his mind.

The direction he was walking now was towards the Turner Manor. Of course, he was not trying to get out of the ground to attack the Turners, but was preparing to find the water supply system of the Turners.

Each manor has its own water supply system. The main pipe is connected to the water supply system, and the water supply system then filters and supplies it to the manor pipes.

Stepping in knee-deep stinking water, Lin Yi finally arrived at the predetermined location and found the water supply system he was looking for. He climbed up from the pipe. There was a large water supply on it. Lin Yi used a wrench from space to open one of the valves and

Pour the potion in the bottle.

Gudu Gudu Gudu.

Pour a whole bottle in. This medicine made by Lin Yi will not kill you, but after drinking a certain amount, you will feel nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, panic, and weakness.

Everything is done,

Lin Yi tightened the valve.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yi emerged from the sewer, found a place to take off his work clothes, and changed into clean clothes.


Just wait.


Inside Turner Manor.

The chef collects water for cooking and washing vegetables.

Some bodyguards try to save trouble by drinking tap water directly from a glass. Don’t they say that water from the United States can be drank directly?

Time passed minute by minute.


A bodyguard felt a stomachache and a strong sense of nausea. He quickly rushed into the bathroom, lay down on the toilet and vomited.

I had just finished vomiting and felt that the lower body gate could not be closed, so I quickly sat on the toilet, and my body gushed.

After finishing the exercise, I was sweating all over and felt a little exhausted, accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty breathing and palpitation.

His companion noticed his condition and came over to ask: "Mick, how are you, are you sick?"

Mick looked pale and held his stomach, "I don't know, did you eat something bad?"

Just as he finished speaking, the bodyguard who asked Mick also felt sick to his stomach, nauseated and vomited, and he also lay down on the toilet and vomited.

"Kevin, you're not feeling well too. Is there something wrong with what we had for dinner?" Mick asked.

"Uh-huh, I didn't eat anything either."

The two struggled to get out of the toilet and found that two other bodyguards and Brock Turner were also in a similar condition. Brock was doing better, but had some diarrhea.

"Food poisoning."

Bodyguard Captain Kent said.

He is not feeling well now, but he has not reached the point of vomiting. He just feels flustered and weak.

The person with the mildest symptoms was John Turner. He did not eat dinner and only drank a glass of milk.

"Call an ambulance." John Turner immediately ordered.

About ten minutes later, an ambulance came screaming. When it arrived at the gate of Turner Manor, the gate opened automatically and the ambulance drove in.

But no one noticed that when the door opened and the ambulance entered, another person also followed.

Lin Yi walked into Turner Manor, his steps were not in a hurry, he took out a white coat from the space and put it on, and put on a medical mask.

Transform into a doctor instantly.

The ambulance stopped at the entrance of the manor, and the bodyguards helped it out. Brock Turner did not move. Naturally, such a young master was waiting for someone to carry him. John Turner was also in the room. The two doctors got out of the car and asked about the situation.

At this moment, Lin Yi walked closer.

The doctors who followed were a little stunned. Looking at Lin Yi's outfit, he was obviously a doctor, but they couldn't remember who he was. Could there be a third person coming?

at this time,

Two pistols suddenly appeared in the doctor's hand.

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang~~!"

"Bang bang bang~~!"

All six bodyguards were shot to death by Lin Yi and fell at the gate of the manor.


The two doctors screamed and fell to the ground.

"There are no more patients now, you can leave." Lin Yi said.

As if they had been granted amnesty, the two doctors quickly climbed up and got into the ambulance. As soon as the ambulance driver opened the door, they rushed out of Turner Manor faster than when they arrived.

Lin Yi does not kill innocent people,

But not these bodyguards. They are just for this job. If they come in by themselves, they will definitely shoot themselves.

It's a hostile relationship.

have nothing to say.

And to be honest, Lin Yi's potion was designed to deal with them, otherwise he would not be able to defeat these high-level bodyguards who were born in special forces with his current ability.

The wages of avarice is death.

Let's all be content with our destiny.

John Turner and his son Brock Turner were both in the lobby, waiting for the doctor to come, when they were startled by the sudden burst of gunfire.

what's the situation?

A doctor in a white coat walked into the hall. The father and son looked at the doctor holding a gun in surprise, "Doctor, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yi took off his mask.

When the Turners saw this Asian face, they immediately looked horrified.

"Yes, it's you!"

Lin Yi smiled softly, "Yes, it's me."

Brock Turner was so frightened that he jumped up from the sofa, turned around and ran away regardless of his weak body.

"Bang bang bang."

Lin Yi fired three shots in a row.

But it was aimed at the top and broke the ceiling in the hall.

Brock Turner was so frightened that he immediately fell to the ground. Old John Turner even dared not move. Lin Yi stepped forward and aimed a shot at Brock Turner's thigh.



Brock Turner screamed.

"No, no."

Old John shouted loudly.

"Don't hurt him. I'm willing to compensate you. One million dollars, okay? One million is not enough for two million."

Lin Yi ignored Brock Turner who was rolling on the ground, walked up to Old John, "Bang!" and shot him in the thigh.


Old John gritted his teeth in pain and groaned.

"Don't kill me, I'm sorry, I know we were wrong, please let us go." Old John begged, enduring the pain.

Lin Yi looked down at Old John and said coldly: "If I hadn't been standing here with a gun, would you have repented and apologized?"

Taking out a rope from the space, Lin Yi quickly tied up the Turners and his son. He also took out two bombs from the space and locked them with wire locks, making it difficult for them to break free.

Looking at the bomb with flashing lights, the two father and son naturally guessed what it was. They were both trembling with fear. Lin Yi threw them on the ground and ignored them.

There were still several servants in the manor, and Lin Yi shouted loudly: "A bomb has been installed in the manor. If you want to survive, leave immediately."

Several servants were so frightened that they ran out quickly.

It's clean now.

Lin Yi quickly surveyed the manor and left bombs in many places, under the corners, in cupboards, under the beds, and beside the stairs.

he knows,

The police should be here soon.

Come to the courtyard,

Lin Yi dropped many bombs under the haystacks and flowers in many corners.


The sound of sirens came from a distance, indicating that the police were about to arrive. American police dispatches are always very fast, usually only taking 5 to 10 minutes.

But Lin Yi has already made arrangements.


A police car rushed into the manor, but just as it was halfway through, it shot out a dense barrage of bullets from a window, "Da da da, da da da, da da da~~!"

The bullet hit the car window and exploded instantly.

The guns sold in American gun stores have been treated so that they cannot fire continuously. However, this kind of treatment is not difficult for those who know guns. Installing a "bump stock" device can increase the power of a semi-automatic rifle to full power.

At the level of an automatic rifle, the rate of fire is as high as hundreds of rounds per minute, and it is extremely lethal.

In the Las Vegas massacre, the suspect used a modified "bump stock" device.

The police car suddenly turned its steering wheel and swerved across the courtyard of the manor, stopping forty or fifty meters away from the manor building. Two police officers got out of the car and fired repeatedly at the shooting window, but they could not see anything clearly in the darkness over there.

They can only shoot randomly.

"Da da da da da da~~!"

There was another series of shots from the window, and one of the bullets hit a policeman in the shoulder. The policeman screamed and fell to the ground, using his other hand to crawl behind the car.

Another policeman is hiding on the buttocks.

"He has heavy weapons, we are no match at all."

"Waiting for support."




Police cars kept coming from all directions, but they were notified that the gangsters had heavy weapons. The police just blocked the cars at the gate and did not dare to come in.

It didn't take long for the director to arrive.

FBI agents are here.

Reporters also arrived one after another. Seven or eight broadcast trucks were parked outside Turner Manor, and reporters carried cameras to film from a distance.

Helicopters hovered above the manor, and huge searchlights swept over Turner Manor from time to time.

The injured policeman climbed out of the manor and left the police car in the courtyard of the manor. Someone immediately carried the injured policeman into an ambulance.

"Does anyone know the current situation?!" the director shouted to his subordinates.

Someone immediately came over to report, "We received an alarm from the hospital. The ambulance brought two doctors to the Turner Manor to pick up the patient. Someone pretended to be a doctor and shot and killed the bodyguard hired by the Turner family. Now Mr. John Turner and his son are still there."

The manor is probably controlled by gangsters."

A word came to the director's mind.


"There are some gangsters on the other side."

"There is only one person who knows about it now."

The director did not believe that only one person could be kidnapped and "called the SWAT team over immediately."

"It's the director."

At this time, a senior FBI agent came over and said to the director: "What's the situation now? Are you sure Congressman Turner is inside?"

"The person who called the police said they should be inside, and the Turners and his son are both there," the director said.

The FBI agent thought for a while and said: "Tell me, is it possible that he is the Asian gangster named 'Lin'? He once shouted on TV to protect the Turners and his son. He has disappeared for 2 weeks. Springfield City

No trace of him has been found there."

The director frowned deeply, "If it's not just kidnapping, but revenge, then the situation will be even more troublesome."

"But there is good news, he is probably alone." The detective said.

"We will make a rescue plan and wait for the SWAT team to arrive." The two of them glanced at the manor and got into the command vehicle together.

Every city police force has a SWAT team. Many of them are elite veterans who have retired from the army and are responsible for raids and hostage rescue operations.

Ring ring ring~!

The phone in the hall suddenly rang.

Both Turner and his son looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

Lin Yi hung up the gun and picked up the phone on the table.

"I'm a robber."

Lin Yi's first words made the person opposite him stunned, and then said: "I am a senior FBI agent. I hope you will surrender voluntarily, put down your weapons and come out. There are all our people outside, and you can't escape at all."

Lin Yi chuckled twice, "Sorry, Mr. Senior Agent, I have no intention of running away. I have installed a large number of bombs in the manor. As soon as I trigger them, the entire manor will be reduced to ashes."

"Of course, that also includes Representative Turner and his son. I believe you have guessed who I am, so you know that I am determined to die with them."

The senior agent's heart pounded.

He did not doubt Lin Yi. If the entire manor was equipped with bombs, it would be even more difficult to save people. Such robbers who want to die are the most terrifying, because they are not afraid of death in the first place, and the entire action team may be killed.

He was buried with him.

"I hope you won't be impulsive. If you have any requests, we can try our best to satisfy you." The senior agent tried to stabilize Lin Yi first.

"Request, I do have a request. You send a photographer in to install the live broadcast equipment. I want the entire process to be broadcast live across the United States." Lin Yi said.

The senior FBI agent did not expect that Lin Yi would make such a bizarre request. He thought to himself that last time you broadcast a murder in court, do you want to live broadcast a kidnapping and revenge this time?

"No problem, I'll organize people to go there immediately." The senior agent agreed immediately.

At the very least, this is an opportunity to understand the situation of the robbers, which is much better than continuing the confrontation like this without understanding anything.

The police went to ask the reporters, "The robbers want a photographer to go in and install the live broadcast equipment. Is anyone willing to go?"

Some photographers were so frightened that they shrank back.

They were just working and did not want to risk their lives. However, there were some who were not afraid of death. A photographer stood up and said: "I am willing to go in."

"OK, you don't need to do anything else, you just need to set up the live broadcast equipment." The senior agent said.

"Can you give me a bulletproof vest?" the photographer asked.

The senior detective said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether you wear a bulletproof vest or not. The robbers said that there are a lot of bombs installed in the entire manor. Once they explode, there is no way a bulletproof vest can stop them."

The photographer swallowed hard.

He regretted it.

My heart said, is it too late for me to take back what I just said?

This chapter has been completed!
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