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Chapter 012: That's it? That's it!

By a lake in Lubei District, the four of them were standing under a big tree waiting for someone. They had been standing there for a while.

When people go to work in the morning and pass by, they will take a few more glances at the four of them, not because they are so handsome, but because they look a bit cool.

The sack's head was wrapped in gauze, Songzi hung his arms, Dabo's eyes were black and blue, and Erkui's face was still swollen.

They all looked like defeated soldiers.

Ring ring ring,

A bicycle came from a distance, and Songzi's sharp eyes saw that it was Jiang Wu. After all, Jiang Wu also had a very unique look, and he also had a white gauze on his head.

"Brother Madan, Jiang Wu is here." Songzi said.

Ma Dan kicked Song Zi and lowered his voice: "Don't be so stupid. I'll call you Brother Wu when we see you next time."

"Oh, I see."

Jiang Wu rode over on a bicycle, and one of the defeated soldiers was added to the group. A passing girl couldn't help laughing when she saw the five figures, but she was afraid of being heard by them, so she hurried away.

"Brother Wu."

"Brother Wu, you are here."

Ma Dan and others came forward.

After being punished by Lin Yi yesterday, he has become better behaved now. Jiang Wu nodded: "Find a clean place to give you something."

"I know, let's go there." Ma Dan immediately led the way.

In a hidden corner by the lake, Jiang Wu took out four electronic watches and said, "Each of you will have one piece and sell it for fifty. You can find a relationship to sell it yourself. Don't tell Brother Yi's name to others. Just say it's your own product, you know?"

"I know, I know."

"Come to me to get the goods after you sell them. If you sell a watch, you will receive six yuan, but the money will be withheld as compensation."

Ma Dan and others nodded.

Jiang Wu looked at these guys and said, "But Brother Yi Renyi is afraid that you will have no food to eat. I told you before I came here that if you sell one watch, you will keep two yuan for food."

Ma Dan and the others were stunned. They didn’t expect that they still had money. Yesterday, they were worried about their future food problems. If a watch can save two yuan, then selling one yuan a day would be enough for them to eat and drink. They were very poor before.

, several people couldn't come up with two dollars together.

Jiang Wu left.

Erkui couldn't wait to put the electronic watch on his wrist and looked at it over and over. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. "If I had money, I would buy one and take it out to have fun."

Electronic watches these days are as popular as the love-crazy people of later generations. Although they are not willing to sell their kidneys, there are still many people who are willing to use the money they save through frugality to buy a watch.

Ma Dan slapped Er Kui, "Don't think about those things that are available and not available. Think about where to sell. Brother Wu just said that you can't go to places that are too exposed. He usually goes to factories to find connections when selling goods.

You all think about what connections you can find to sell the watch."

"My second uncle is the office director of the winery. I will go to the winery to try it." Dabo said.

"Then I'll go to the tractor factory." Erkui's eldest brother works in the tractor factory.

"I'm going to the cable factory. I have two kids there." Songzi also had a goal.

"Then I'll try it at the spinning factory." Ma Dan has a good relationship with a girl who works at the Jiangcheng spinning factory.

The factories they chose were actually not as good as the steel factory and cigarette factory, but Jiang Wu had told them that they had already occupied the steel factory and cigarette factory and asked them to find another place.

After discussing, the four of them split up.


Erkui came to the tractor factory, but the guard refused to let him in. Finally, he saw an acquaintance who was a co-worker of his eldest brother's team. Erkui hurried over.

"Brother Qiangzi."

"Oh, Erkui, how can I find your brother?"

"Yes, the guard won't let me in. Please go in and help me bring a message to my brother. Just say that I will wait for him outside."

Not long after, Erkui's brother Dakui came out of the factory in a hurry. When he saw Erkui, he asked quickly: "What's wrong, Erkui? Something happened at home. What's wrong with your face?"

Erkui came to the factory to find him, which made Dakui think that something happened at home, but when he went to work in the morning, everything was fine at home.

"It's okay at home, brother. I came to see you for something. I accidentally touched my face. It's okay, hehe." Erkui said, licking his face.

Da Kui really wanted to go up and kick this younger brother in the feet. Why did you come to the factory to find me if nothing happened? Countless bad thoughts flashed through his mind as he walked from the workshop to the gate.

"What's the matter with you?" Dakui asked angrily.

Erkui pulled his brother aside and rolled up his sleeves to show his brother. Dakui was stunned when he saw the electronic watch, "Where did you get the electronic watch?"

"Brother, you know about electronic watches." Erkui said in surprise.

Dakui glared at his brother angrily, "Do you think your brother is illiterate? Do you know that I graduated from junior high school? It's like you didn't even finish junior high school. Besides, there are people in our work unit who have been showing off in the factory these two days."


"Is it a boy or a girl?" Erkui asked.

He was afraid that his elder brother's tractor factory had been captured.

"The woman is said to be a bride price."

Erkui felt relieved upon hearing this.

"Brother, does anyone in your factory want an electronic watch? I have one on hand. I'll sell it for them for 50 a piece." Erkui said.

Dakui frowned and looked at his brother, "You are speculating. If you catch me, you will go to jail."

Erkui smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother, what I make is pretty safe. I will sell it piece by piece. If you catch it, just say you brought it. The police can't do anything to me."

His words are just like those of a layman.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Brother, help me ask in the factory if anyone wants it." Erkui finally said the purpose of his trip.

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

Dakui turned around angrily and wanted to go back to work, "Hey, brother, don't leave. You can take this watch with you and show it to others. By the way, you can help me promote it. If you buy it, let me know."

As he spoke, he took off his watch and put it on his brother's hand.

Da Kui actually also likes this electronic watch. Since his brother put it on him, he didn't take it off. It doesn't matter whether anyone buys it anyway, but he can earn money by wearing the watch for a day, and he can also make a splash.

"Okay, I'll give it a try, don't blame me if no one wants it." Dakui happily returned to the workshop with the electronic watch.

On the way, I would raise my hand from time to time to look at the jumping numbers on the watch, and I would say something to my mouth and wipe it with my sleeve. The more I looked at it, the more I liked it.


When Ma Dan came to the textile factory, he did not go to the doorman because he knew that the old men would not let him in. There were many female workers in the textile factory and the management was stricter than other units.

On a small bridge on the way to the textile factory, Ma Dan watched the old man fishing under the bridge while waiting for someone.

"Ling ling ling ling ling~!"

The closing bell rang in the textile factory, and at the same time the radio was turned on, first playing "Ashima" and then the midday news.

Countless female workers either pushed carts or walked out of the gate.

They are all female spinning workers after get off work, and many of them are young and beautiful girls. The girls passing by can’t help but take a second look when they see Ma Dan. His head is wrapped in gauze and he looks like he just came off the battlefield. Eye-catching.

"Xiaomei, Guan Xiaomei."

Ma Dan finally saw the person he was waiting for, waved and called out.

Guan Xiaomei was walking out hand in hand with a female worker of the same age, and was stunned when she saw the mah-dan shape.

Getting ready to go.

Guan Xiaomei's co-worker pulled her arm hard and whispered: "That bitch is not a good person. If you look at him like this, he must be fighting again. Don't pay attention to him."

"It's okay." Guan Xiaomei smiled and let go of her coworker's hand and walked over to Ma Dan.

He took one look at Ma Dan’s appearance and said, “What’s wrong with you? Are you in a fight?”

"I touched it accidentally." Madan said.

"It doesn't look like it. Your head is bandaged and your nose is bruised and your face is swollen. Even a fool can see that you have been beaten." After saying this, he couldn't help laughing.

Ma Dan felt a little angry.

Is it so funny to be beaten yourself?

"What do you want from me?" Guan Xiaomei asked.

"Find a quiet place to talk." Madan said.

Guan Xiaomei nodded and followed Ma Dan to a secluded place. Before Ma Dan could speak, Guan Xiaomei said:

"Are you running out of money? I don't have much money left. I haven't been paid yet. Even if I am paid, my mother only gives me 5 yuan in pocket money a month."

As he spoke, he took out a small wallet with a knitted hook from his body, took out two yuan from it and handed it to Ma Dan. Mo Dan saw the wallet and after taking out the two yuan bill, there was only a few dollars left.

A few cents and a few coins.

He was a little worried.

In fact, he has always liked Guan Xiaomei.

And he could also feel that Xiaomei liked him quite a lot.

But there is a big gap in their family conditions. There are three workers in Guan Xiaomei's family. His father, mother and Xiaomei both work, and he has a younger brother who is in high school. As for Guan, his family is very poor and food is a problem.

How could he have the nerve to mention that he likes someone?

Do you dare to go to the woman’s house to propose marriage?

If your parents ask you, can my daughter live a good life after getting married, how will he answer? That’s why he never said anything about liking Guan Xiaomei from the beginning to the end.

"I'm not here to borrow money, Xiaomei, please help me." Ma Dan said and took out the electronic watch in his pocket.

"Hey, electronic watch, where did you get it?" Guan Xiaomei asked in surprise.

Guan Xiaomei knows that this thing is not cheap.

"I'm helping a friend sell electronic watches. You can go back to the factory and ask if anyone wants to buy it," Ma Dan said.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Guan Xiaomei took the electronic watch and put it directly on her wrist, "It looks good. I'll wear it for two days to help you promote it."

Saying that, he turned around and left.

It was too late for Ma Dan to stop him. When Guan Xiaomei disappeared completely, he murmured: "You took away the watch, how can I sell it."

But there's nothing I can do, he's already gone.

He thought for a while and was about to find another friend. His friend worked in a steel rolling mill. He didn't have an electronic watch in his hand, so he started to fool him.


This chapter has been completed!
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