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Chapter 134: You Can't Talk Without Business

"Which of you is in charge?"

Seydu Keita looked at Lin Yi and the others and asked.

Tommy and Kent both looked at Lin Yi. Lin Yi took half a step forward and said in French: "I am responsible."

Seydu Keita looked at Lin Yi with interest and waved to him to come over. Just as Lin Yi was about to move forward, two soldiers came up and searched Lin Yi. They let him go after no weapons were found.

Lin Yi walked to a place seven or eight meters in front of Seydu Keita and stopped.

Seydu Keita looked at Lin Yi and asked: "American?"


"Are you buying gold?"

Just now, Lin Yi had countless thoughts flashing through his mind. When he heard the question, he nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, I am buying gold."

Seydu Keita laughed twice, "I didn't expect you to be so honest. I thought you would make some excuses."

After saying that, he waved his hand behind him, and someone immediately went to Lin Yi's car and searched it carefully.

After a while, the soldier in charge of the search came back and said, "Report to the commander that there is no gold, cash or anything valuable in the car."

Seydu Keita frowned, looked at Lin Yi and asked:

"Where's the gold?"

"It has been shipped away. I am just the person responsible for the acquisition." Lin Yi said.

In the distance, Basia was a little surprised, wondering when the gold was taken away, why didn't he know, but Tommy and Kent became excited, the organization, the organization must have taken away the gold quietly, the organization is really powerful,

It's amazing that it can be done in the wilds of Africa.

Sedu Keita looked at Lin Yi and suddenly said to the people around him: "Execute them."

Lin Yi's heart tightened.

He was thinking about whether there was still a chance now. He was about seven or eight meters away from the commander. If he could be controlled.

But he didn't wait for Lin Yi to make a move.

Just listen to Seydu Keita's next sentence, "All robbers."

Lin Yi immediately stopped moving.

When the robbers heard that they were going to be executed, they were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy. Seydoux Keita said calmly: "According to Malian law, robbery can be punished with the death penalty. You participated in the robbery, and you were planning to rob more than 10 million US dollars.

This is enough to warrant the death penalty, so I sentence you to death penalty and execute it immediately."


Tu tu tu tu~!

At the edge of the clearing, a dozen robbers who survived were shot to death randomly.

Lin Yixin said,

The immediate execution here is really immediate, without waiting for a moment.

This scene,

The Brazilian Arthur was so frightened that he trembled. Tommy and Kent also felt like they couldn't control their anus. Only Lin Yi was still calm.

After shooting the robbers, Seydo Keita looked at Lin Yi again and said: "Mali's laws are also very strict regarding smuggling. You may face at least ten years in prison."

"Mr. Commander, I can actually quibble." Lin Yi said.

Hearing the word quibble, Seydu Keita laughed, "Haha, this is the first time I heard someone say that he is quibble. I am very interested in how you quibble?"

"Actually, I am a legitimate businessman. My purchase of gold from here is allowed by Malian law. I did not transport the gold out of Mali. My company may be paying taxes. All this is legal. I came here legitimately.

Do you think foreign businessmen investing in Mali cannot be classified as smuggling?" Lin Yi said.

Seydu Keita nodded after hearing this.

"Well, based on what you said, I really can't convict you. Gold can be bought and sold freely in Mali. If it is not shipped out of the country, it cannot be considered smuggling. After paying taxes, you are still legal investment merchants that Mali should protect."

"So, do you think I should let you go?" Seydu Keita looked at Lin Yi and said.

"No, since I'm not sure whether my company has paid taxes, I think I should pay you a back tax," Lin Yi said.

Keita stood up and walked to Lin Yi. Lin Yi looked at each other calmly. The two looked at each other for a while. Keita suddenly laughed and said, "It's fun to deal with people like you. Come on, get into my car."

Let’s talk alone.”

After saying that, he waved to the soldiers from Basia who were holding Tommy down next to him, "Let them go."

Tommy Kent and Barcia suddenly felt like they were reborn.

Oh my god,

We have just been on the verge of life and death. These African warlords are all murderous guys.

Lin Yi followed Keita to his exclusive armored vehicle. The two sat on the sofa. Keita took out a bottle of wine from the side, opened it, and poured a glass for Lin Yi and himself.

Keita took a sip, pointed to several assault rifles placed next to him and asked: "Did you bring these from the United States?"


"I like guns very much, I like all kinds of guns, but some are very troublesome to get. Can you help me get some guns?" Keita said.

Keita's inability to get it is not a matter of money or how rare these guns are, it's just a matter of cost. Some guns are not exported at all. If you want to get them, you have to go through a lot of smuggling links. Without profit, no one will

would do something like that.

So he may have two thousand AKs, but he may not be able to get a MK17 or HK416. What's more, he wants more than these two guns. Keita is a firearms enthusiast. His ideal is to have an armory and collect various weapons.

For all kinds of firearms, especially advanced firearms, the newer the better.

"It should be no problem. As long as I can find it, you can give me a list and I will bring it to you next time." Lin Yi agreed happily.

Keita raised the glass happily, and the two took another sip.

"How much did you pay for the gold in their hands?" Keita suddenly changed the subject.

"Seventy percent of the international gold price."

Keita became interested, but he couldn't even sell it at this price.

“Pay cash in USD?”

"Yes, USD cash?"

"I'm curious, how did you get so much cash to Mali? Is there no border inspection?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Do you think a person like me will work alone? To be honest, there is an organization behind me. They will find a way to bring the money. I am just one of the links."

"How much gold can you buy?" Keita asked again.

"A lot, funding has never been an issue for our organization."

Keita's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

"Then can you get me a large amount of arms?"

Lin Yixin said, you guys are not planning to stage a coup and become the president yourself, are you?

"Our organization does not have an arms business. We mainly deal with money. Of course, if you need it, we can help you contact us. There are many big arms dealers in the world, and some of them are also our customers." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Keita thought for a while, and Lin Yi could see that he was a little excited at first, but slowly calmed down, then looked at Lin Yi and said, "No, not yet."

"Okay, let's talk about business. How much tax do you plan to pay?" Keita asked.

"Actually, I think it's better to pay taxes than to do business." Lin Yidao.

Keita looked at Lin Yi in surprise, "Why, you still want to make money from me." He thought to himself that this guy is so brave, and he still dares to talk business with him now.

"Actually, you can also make money from me. I think there is no business in the world that cannot be discussed." Lin Yi kept smiling.

Half an hour later,

Lin Yi returned to his car.

Barcia returns to his gold mines.

Lin Yi drove away with Tommy and Kent.

When passing by the National Guard convoy, Lin Yi said hello to Keita, who smiled and waved.

"Jack, how did you do that?" Tommy asked Lin Yi curiously as he came closer.

Today's experience was simply dreamlike.

"There is no business in the world that cannot be discussed." Lin Yi also gave this sentence to Tommy.

In the negotiation just now, Lin Yi agreed to purchase Keita's gold. As a warlord, Keita usually targets small mine owners. He has much more gold than those mine owners, measured in tons.

He brought the army out to patrol. Do you really think he was really there to maintain public order? No, the real purpose was to extort gold.

Keita is an ambitious man and he needs cash, preferably US dollars.

Both sides have needs for each other, and it can be said that they hit it off immediately.

The price Keita offered was 75% of the international gold price. Although the price was 5 points higher than what it was collected from the mine owners, for Lin Yi, there was still a 25% profit, and he was very satisfied.

The method of transaction has been agreed upon,

Wait until next time,

Lin Yi would bring cash and then trade gold.

Just after Lin Yi drove for more than ten kilometers, a system prompt sounded in his mind, "You participated in a battle and fought with the robbers. The gangster value increased by 59 points."

After returning to Johannesburg, Lin Yi met Marty. Marty knew that this time was a success and was happy for him.

"More than twenty companies have been registered, take a look."

Lin Yi took the company documents, looked at them, and wrote them all down.

More than ten days later,

Lin Yi came to Mali again, contacted Keita on the phone, and drove to the agreed location. This was the first time the two parties had made a transaction. To be honest, Lin Yi was a little worried, fearing that the other party would take advantage of him.

Fortunately, the transaction went smoothly.

Keita got the money and Lin Yi got a ton of gold.

It was a pleasure to cooperate with both parties.

Lin Yi moved two boxes from the car and opened the lids. Inside were all kinds of firearms. The pistols included Glock-17, Glock-18, Desert Eagle, SevenFive, P228, Colt, and M500.

Rifles include MP5 series, SCAR assault rifles, M14EBR, XM8 light assault rifles, etc. Machine guns include M249, MG3, and M60.

Sniper rifles include AWM, Barrett M82, Barrett M107, Thunderton MSR series, M700, etc.

Lin Yi took out another small box from his pocket.

"Commander Keita, let me give you another small gift."

Keita opened it, and inside was a large and shiny Rolex watch. The dial and straps were pure gold, and the dial was studded with diamonds. It was an exaggeration.

Keketa liked it very much.

For them, the more gold and flash it is, the more they like it, "Thank you for the small gift, I will continue to trade next time."

Lin Yi smiled and nodded.

Isn’t this how friendship is gradually developed?

this time,

Lin Yi did not take Tommy and the others with him. Although Tommy and Kent were also gangsters in the United States, the two guys were frightened when faced with a real gun battle.

Go to Mali,

forget it.

Lin Yi left the two of them behind and continued collecting gold in Mali.

No amount of gold is too much for Lin Yi.

This chapter has been completed!
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