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Chapter 143: The Fierce Battle at the Airport

Lin Yi drove out of the city. After driving for about ten minutes, a system prompt sounded in his mind, "Earned 63 experience points."

It wasn't much, so Lin Yi didn't pay much attention.

Continuing to drive, he stopped at the parking lot of a supermarket in a small town next to the highway. Lin Yi said to Michael and the other three, "I've prepared a car here. You can drive away in that car later."

The three of them were impressed and said that Lin was too careful in his work and planned everything in advance.

Lin Yi took out two more stacks of banknotes from the glove box, "These are for you to use on the road."

Lincoln quickly thanked him.

"What are you going to do next?" Lin Yi asked.

The three of them were a little confused.

They were thinking about escaping before, and then they were eager to rescue little Lincoln. They also had a secret, that is, an old guy in the prison hid 5 million before he was imprisoned. They were going to get the money out. As for Lincoln, they wanted to clean up.

He had been wronged, and Michael's idea was simpler, to escape to Mexico or Cuba first.

Lin Yi took out another mobile phone, which contained a brand new phone number, and said: "This number is for you. If you encounter anything, you can call me. Also, I learned something. The whole thing involves you."

Father, I believe you will learn a lot if you find him. If your father has any ideas, you can contact me."

Lincoln answered the phone with some confusion.

Michael looked at Lin Yi deeply. He felt more and more that this Lin was very mysterious and seemed to know a lot of things.

Transactions cannot be rushed, and the other party must be willing. Lin Yi does not have to get what Old Lincoln has in his hands, so he has to make arrangements. As for the harvest, it depends on God's will.

The three of them got out of the car.

He got into another car prepared by Lin Yi in advance, waved goodbye to Lin Yi and drove away.

That's it for now.

Lin Yi thought for a while,

Driving to Montreal International Airport, preparing to return to Singapore, he continued to stare at Tyco stock with Marty.

There are newsstands at the airport,

Lin Yi bought several newspapers.

Newspapers, especially economic and financial newspapers, have a lot of news about Tyco. During this period, Tyco was in chaos, all kinds of news were flying all over the sky, and the stock price plummeted like a roller coaster, which affected the hearts of countless investors.

Lin Yi has been in the United States for four or five days.

Tyco's stock price fell another dozen points. Although it can be seen that Tyco's board of directors has begun to implement rescue policies, the results are not very good and it is still difficult to stop the downward trend. In fact, if there are no measures, I am afraid the decline will be even worse than it is now.


Lin Yi did a simple calculation,

Now he has shorted 40 million, with 10 times leverage of 400 million, and has made 100 million US dollars.

Just as Lin Yi continued to read other news, a text message alert suddenly came from his commonly used mobile phone.

Lin Yi picked up the phone,

I found out it was from Marty.

Lin Yixin asked if he wanted to report about Tyco.

But when he clicked on the message, his eyes narrowed.


singapore hotel,

Marty was looking at the computer screen, studying groups of data. In the past few days since Jack left, Tyco's stock continued to fall, falling by more than ten percent.

But there were occasional rebounds. Marty was analyzing the future direction of Tyco through data, when suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Sir, room service."

A male voice came from outside the door.

Marty wondered, didn't he order room service?

He walked to the door.

He habitually looked out through the peephole, only to find that no one was there. A normal person would probably open it to check, but after the drug lord incident, Marty became very alert and felt something was wrong.

He took two steps back.

Turn around and run towards the computer.

People outside noticed Marty's arrival and backed away. Knowing that he might have been exposed, someone kicked the door open violently.

Three or four strong foreign men rushed into the house.

Marty was already sitting in front of the computer, quickly pressing a few buttons without looking at the person who rushed in.

"Stop him."

Someone shouted loudly.

The two quickly pounced on Marty and dragged him backwards. The three of them rolled to the ground together, while the other two went to grab the computer.

"Puff puff puff puff~~~!"

At this moment, several laptops emitted violent sparks, as bright as fireworks, and burned instantly.

Lin Yi acted cautiously and installed a self-destruct device in his computer in advance. He learned this trick from Asang.

Several FBI agents were very angry. They knocked on the door just to lure Marty away from the computer. Unexpectedly, he destroyed it anyway. Now he will probably be punished when he goes back.

Marty was pinned to the ground.

Someone came over and kicked him twice in the abdomen to vent their anger, and Marty curled up in pain.

"Cuff him."

The two of them put Marty's hands behind their backs and cuffed him.

Then he turned it over and threw it on the ground. Marty's hand happened to touch something, which was a Nokia mobile phone stuffed in his pocket. It fell to the ground when he was just arrested. Marty pressed it with his body and turned it over.

Pressed down.

Marty quickly grabbed the phone in his hand.

The FBI began to search the room. Marty was slumped in the corner, motionless, while his hands moved behind his back.

Relying on his familiarity with his mobile phone, he opened it, found Lin Yi's text message, and quickly blind typed a few words.

"Caught, FBI, computer data has been destroyed."

After distributing it, stuff it under the carpet in the room.

The computer was burned down and all the data inside was lost. However, there were still some paper data, calculation paper and the like, which contained a lot of information, all of which were collected by FBI agents.

But there are still too few things, only a few words.

The captain of the team came to Marty and punched and kicked Marty, "Tell me, do you have any backup data? Who is your accomplice? Is it Jack Sparrow? Who else?"

Marty gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Marty was finally taken away, and even the burned computers were taken away, hoping that some useful data could be recovered from the computers.


Lin Yi received the message. Although it was only a short line of text, it revealed a lot of information. Lin Yi's hand gripped the phone hard.

When setting up the computer for stock trading, he was afraid of being traced and used many tricks. Not worried about this, he also built a self-destruct system in the computer. It was not the computer itself, but a peripheral was added to several computers. As long as

It will burn automatically when started.

Unless absolutely necessary,

Marty would never say these words, which shows that the situation was extremely urgent.

what to do?

Lin Yi's mind was racing with thoughts. He now knew very little information about Marty's condition, where he would be taken, whether he would be tried in Singapore or brought directly to the United States, and where he would be taken if he was brought back to the United States.

Do you want to save him?

How to save.

Mainly because there is too little information.

Taking out the computer from the space and connecting it to the airport's network, Lin Yi began to search quickly. There was no information about Marty on the public information network.

Lin Yi wanted to invade the FBI network, but he couldn't get in after several attempts. As a national-level violent organization, it must pay great attention to its own network security.

After thinking about it,

Use secret chat software to send a message to Ah Sang.

"Ah Sang, a friend of mine fell into the hands of the FBI. Can you help me find out his situation?"

It didn't take long for Asang to reply to the message.

It's like this guy is in front of the computer 24 hours a day.

"Send your friend's message."

Lin Yi quickly sent Marty’s message.

About ten minutes later, Asang sent a message, "The information you want has been packaged and sent by email. I copied a batch of information."


Lin Yi opened the secret mailbox and found a document package inside.

There are internal FBI chat records about Marty, and not only Marty, but Jack's identity has also been exposed. It is obvious that this operation between him and Marty has been discovered by the FBI.

Lin Yi didn't know how he leaked it.

But he never doubts the power of a country, especially Meilijia, a country that can monitor the whole world.

What they do cannot be foolproof, but in the chat records, they guessed the identity of Jack and Marty. After all, Jack was just a gangster before, and Marty was just an ordinary financial planner.

For something as big as Tyco, it is impossible for them to have such a large amount of funds.

It still mentioned words about drug dealers, money laundering, etc. The matter of Jack being tracked down by drug dealers and the matter of Marty being forced by drug dealers to launder money were also revealed.

So they suspected that the people behind Jack and Marty might be drug dealers or other organizations.

Among the many pieces of information,

Lin Yi finally found a piece of useful information. A subordinate reported to the leader how to deal with the person who had been caught, whether to interrogate him in Singapore or take him back to China. The leader's opinion was to take him back and asked them to send him to New York within a few days.

"New York."

Lin Yi discovered this most critical word.

If they were asked to take Marty to the FBI base, Lin Yi would not be able to rush in and rescue Marty safely.

Lin Yi looked up and looked around.



Lin Yi hurried to the ticket counter, "I want a ticket to New York. I want the nearest flight."

"The nearest flight is two hours later, only first class, the price..."

"I want it."

Lin Yi boarded the plane two hours later, and arrived at the New York airport three hours later. He did not leave the airport, but put on a hat and mask and found a corner to sit down. With his appearance, others just thought he had a cold.

Connect to China Unicom's airport broadband, turn on the computer to check the flight information, write it all down, and your brain starts to analyze quickly.

The top management asked the agents to take Marty back to New York as quickly as possible. Lin Yi analyzed the flight information and found that there were about five possible flights, including direct flights from Singapore to New York, and other flights connecting Singapore to New York.

Lin Yi writes down all the time.

Every time a flight landed, Lin Yi would observe the situation at the exit. He waited for three flights in a row, but nothing happened.

Lin Yixin asked whether his analysis was wrong.

After all, his idea was only based on his own guess. Others might come back through other ways, such as flying to other cities and then taking a bus to New York.

He has no other option,

Can only wait.

The fourth plane lands.

Lin Yi was sitting not far from the exit of the station, staring at the people coming out of the corridor. Suddenly, he found a group of people walking out of it. There were four guys pressing one person between them, and the person in the middle turned out to be Ma.


And at this moment,

Three people came from the entrance. These people were obviously here to pick up Marty and his party.

The two groups of people met, and someone looked at Marty and said a few words. Lin Yi couldn't hear what he said because of the distance, but Marty ignored him.

The man in the middle waved his hand.

Everyone walked out with Marty.

Lin Yi stood up and walked forward. When he was about 20 meters away from the opponent and walked to a cement pillar, Lin Yi suddenly took out an assault rifle.

"Da da da, da da da, da da da da da da~~!"

Lin Yi held an assault rifle and opened fire at the agents without any mercy. Some were pierced by several bullets on the spot, and some rolled to the ground in fear. Marty could have lay down on his knees, but he was not afraid, but rather excited.


Jack must have come to save him.

"Bang bang bang~~!"

The agent who was not hit pulled out his gun and fired randomly in Lin Yi's direction.

Lin Yi dodged and hid behind the pillar. The bullet hit the pillar with a loud bang. Lin Yi ducked out from the other side of the pillar and fired another shot at the agents.

There was a loud sound of gunfire.

People at the airport screamed in fright.

Some people got down, some people ran away, and the order at the airport became extremely chaotic.

This chapter has been completed!
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