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Chapter 145: Blitz Harvest

Lin Yi created a small software whose main function is automatic trading, which can replace manual operations, place a large number of orders at different prices, and set a threshold to automatically cancel these orders before the market price approaches the threshold he set.

This is actually a piece of rogue software.

It can never be traded.

But placing a large number of short orders will really scare people to death, causing those who are prepared to short-sell to follow suit and ship at lower prices, driving the price down.

Stocks and futures are all about expectations, and Lin Yi's operation is to use trading loopholes to carry out intimidation behavior in order to achieve his own purpose of controlling the market.

As for how to make money,

Then it depends on how those people prepared by Hussein operate. Before Lin Yi releases the order, they go short first. After Lin Yi cancels the order, they turn to long and use the gap period to earn the price difference.

The biggest advantage of futures is that they can be operated in seconds.

"Hussein, find a safe place. The only requirement is network communication. It won't be discovered in the early stage. It doesn't matter even if it is traced to the location later." Lin Yi said to Hussein.

"Of course, I'm ready." Hussein said.

A residential house on the outskirts of Dubai, a two-story building, a traditional Arabic-style building, with thick yellow earthen walls and wooden rafters. There is a small courtyard outside. It is rare to have two big trees in the small courtyard. It is very comfortable to enjoy the cool air in the corridor.

It looks rustic from the outside, but the interior is well decorated, very spacious and comfortable, and several computers have been set up in the bedroom.

Lin Yi poured the software he made into his computer and opened the Chicago Board of Trade futures software. The account number was provided by Hussein. Lin Yi didn't care who registered it. With such an account, Lin Yi asked Hussein to prepare an account.

More than a hundred.

And not only the Chicago Board of Trade, but also the New York Futures Exchange, the New York Energy Futures Exchange, the London Metal Exchange, and the Tokyo Futures Exchange in Japan.

I also opened a self-made chat software. This chat software has extremely simple functions. It only has a text chat function and does not require registration. However, it is extremely complicated to enter and requires multiple passwords. If someone cracks it forcefully, it will give an early warning.

Moreover, the chat information inside will not be saved, it will only be retained for 1 minute and then automatically deleted. Another point is that they use password code to communicate with each other. It is necessary to set the password cracking formula in advance and obtain the formula to restore the true content.

Lin Yi only told his collaborators this formula.

Lin Yi has used all the defense methods he can think of. If it is still cracked, he can only admire it.

Hussein is here.

Today is the first battle of operating the futures market. Hussein seemed a little excited and kept looking at the time on his watch, "Lin, when does it start?"

"Haha, don't worry, I'm waiting for the opportunity."

Lin Yi was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, holding a laptop and searching for various news, as calm as if nothing happened. Hussein admired Lin's character in his heart.

But speaking of it, only by having such a mind and not being arrogant or impetuous can you be less likely to make mistakes and achieve great things.

Lin Yi saw an article about heavy rains in Mexico's coffee bean producing areas for several days, and immediately had an idea.

"It's him."


Hussein came over.

Lin Yi pointed to the news.

"Coffee beans?"

Hussein said.

"That's right, the first battle of testing the waters starts with coffee beans."

Open the chat software, type a password code and send it out. The real content is very simple, "Test the water, Standard & Poor's, short coffee beans, the lowest point is 140.3 cents, 2 hours."


Lin Yi clicked the send button.

At the same time,

Futures combat teams located around the world received the information at the same time, and the computers automatically printed out the encrypted data.

Because it will be deleted after one minute without leaving any traces.

"Hurry up and analyze what you are talking about." The leader immediately shouted loudly.

The people responsible for formula analysis immediately started to crack it, and after a few minutes, these people cracked the news one after another.

After getting the information, the leader read it carefully, threw it into the shredder, and immediately came to the operation team room. "Standard & Poor's short coffee beans, act immediately."


The traders in the room began to operate wildly.

“What’s the price of coffee beans now?”


The leader thought for a while and said, "Let's set the position to 140.6 to close the position."

The lowest point given by Lin Yi is the lowest value for operation. They dare not pursue it. After all, there is no perfect transaction.


Some of these people are more cautious, setting it to 141.5, and there are even some who are waiting and watching without buying. After all, they are just collaborators and cannot control everyone's behavior.

Two hours passed quickly.

What needs to be prepared has been prepared.

Lin Yi started working on the computer.

Click the software to place a short order, and place orders in different echelons. The current price of coffee beans is 146.9, and Lin Yi places an order of 144.6. A series of large short orders are thrown out at once, and all orders are canceled when the price reaches 145.

There will be no transaction until it reaches 144.6 cents, and when it reaches 145, Lin Yi has already canceled the order, which is equivalent to no transaction being completed.

However, the market has already shown that there are large empty orders, which will cause other sellers to worry. Some people who are frightened without knowing why will follow the trend and sell, triggering a chain reaction to lower the price.

Lin Yihui operated in stages. After canceling the order at 145, he continued to push the price to the next stage, and finally achieved the predetermined target of 140.3.

In fact, Lin Yi didn't make a penny during this process, but someone helped him make money.

Affected by the big short order, the price of coffee beans fell off a cliff. Many people were shocked by this diving action. Many people in the market were also analyzing what happened. The entire operating market was busy, asking for news everywhere.

Is there a situation where coffee beans are affected by large-scale disasters and production is reduced?

But it's not that easy to verify a piece of news. It's easy to make something out of nothing. It takes ten times and a hundred times more effort to explain the truth.

Before explaining clearly,

Coffee beans continue to fall.





When the price reached 140.6 cents, the penalty warning system automatically canceled the order. In an instant, all the short orders disappeared, and the remaining short orders were all real short orders.

Regardless of whether coffee beans continue to fall, they have completed the transaction and left the market with profits.

Hussein was on the phone outside and came back a short time later. He excitedly said to Lin Yi: "Lin, do you know how much we made from this sum?"

"It shouldn't be too much, after all, it's only about 5 cents." Lin Yi said.

He is right,

On average, it is indeed only 5 cents, but they have invested a lot of money, which is the most terrifying thing.

Hussein held out a finger.

"$100 million,"

"Also, not all the funds have entered the market this time, and the leverage is not high, but I still made more than 100 million US dollars."


They have prepared 500 million US dollars in funds. Even if they turn on 10 times leverage and enlarge it to 5 billion, they can still reach a scale of 160 million even if they only earn 5 cents.

"Lin, you made 100 million US dollars just by testing the waters. You are making money really fast." Hussein said excitedly.

"My friend called me and said that you are really awesome and will definitely cooperate with you in your next actions."

Lin Yi smiled.

"Don't be too excited. This is just the beginning. Try the operation effect. It's time to make big money later. By the way, Hussein, I have a favor to ask you."

"You tell me, I'll do it."

Hussein didn't dare to neglect Lin Yi's words, after all, it could help him make a lot of money.

"I have two friends. You can help them apply for several sets of false identities, but it is best if they can be used legally."

Hussein was stunned.

"The two friends you asked me to send by plane?"


"No problem, I'll get them an identity in a remote area."

"Then get me a set too." Lin Yi said.

"No problem, let those FBI bastards not be able to trace it." Hussein made a reassuring gesture.

He committed a crime in the United States,

But change your identity,

They can still live very well in other countries around the world. If they are hidden, it will be difficult for the FBI to trace them. They are not gods.


So what if we track it down.

If this is exposed, let's run away and get a new one, so that we can continue to be at ease when the time comes.

"Lin, when are you going to take action next time?" Hussein has become addicted to blitzing the futures market.

"Let's see the market reaction today and talk about it tomorrow."

Lin Yi's operation today was actually not intense. It is not uncommon for the futures market to suddenly drop sharply, and this time it was only 6 cents. The range was actually very small, and it did not reach the penalty warning stage at all.

Therefore, it did not cause any splash.

After the short order ended, the price of coffee beans began to slowly rise. Lin Yi did not participate in this positive increase. It was completely operated by Hussein and the others. I believe that this wave of rebound can easily earn tens of millions.

Two days later,

Lin Yi targeted aluminum futures trading on the Tokyo Futures Exchange in Japan.

It's still the same operation as before.

This time everyone was more skillful in operation and cooperated more closely.

Give instructions.

The outside world started to sell short orders,

The current price of aluminum futures is US$1,750 per ton. Lin Yi increased his firepower this time and kept placing orders in layers. Huge short orders were placed one after another, and the price of aluminum futures plummeted.

put orders,


Continue to place orders.

Withdraw again.

After an extreme pull, the price showed a trend of falling and falling again, causing a certain amount of panic in the market.

People are speculating whether there are major institutions that are trying to disrupt the market.

Many people were so frightened that they quickly ran away.

After reaching the value set by Lin Yi, Lin Yi took the initiative to stop the attack and the operation ended. However, because his influence was difficult to eliminate for a while, the price dropped a little before he really stopped.

And this round,

Hussein and the others made about $350 million.

Then he went long in the opposite direction. In fact, according to Lin Yi's analysis, the aluminum market is generally good now. It is estimated that it will rise back in a few days, and he can earn another 100 or 200 million by going long.

five days later,

Lin Yi aimed at the London Metal Exchange. This time the product he selected was nickel. Another round of superposition operations finally reduced the price of nickel by 4.7%. The peripheral team gained US$420 million that day.

So far,

Profits have exceeded US$1 billion.

This chapter has been completed!
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