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Chapter 015: Buying a Facade Room

Lin Yi rides home.

When the door was opening, a postman on a green bicycle came over and stopped in front of Lin Yi's house. He looked at the house number and said to Lin Yi, "Do you belong to this house?"


"There is a letter from Lin Yi." The postman took out a letter from his green satchel and handed it to him.

Lin Yi was surprised who would write to him.

He took the letter and opened it, and found that it was written by Ji Feo Chen Jianghe.

"Brother Lin Yi, you can see your words like your face.

The conversation on the train that day benefited me a lot. You asked me to read more, study more, and go outside more to broaden my horizons. We were separated for one month, and during this time I followed the train all over the world. I went to many places and saw a lot of things.

There are some things that I feel deeply.”

Lin Yi smiled softly when he saw this.

This guy is very literal-minded. I don’t know if he wrote it himself or if he specifically asked someone else for advice.

In the letter,

Chen Jianghe talked about what he had seen this month, the development of business in various places, and some of his own business questions, which he hoped Lin Yi could answer.

Lin Yi thought for a while,

He found some letter paper and wrote to Ji Feo, answering his question, and finally wrote: "Recently, I am preparing to apply for a self-employed business license to run a clothing and grocery business on Hanzheng Street. The small commodity market on Hanzheng Street is very prosperous now. If you pass by Jiangcheng, you can come and take a look.

Look, my stall will probably be ready by then."


Lin Yi just finished writing,

Li Xiangqian came back, and this time he brought another person, Chen Ding.

"Brother Yi."

Chen Ding stood in front of Lin Yi and said respectfully.

Qianqian smiled and said: "Brother Yi, Chen Ding plans to follow suit."

Chen Ding behaved maturely and appropriately in what happened last time. He was very happy to accept Chen Ding and Lin Yi.

"I'm glad you can come. Let's go out to celebrate tonight." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Soon Jiang Wu came back.

Lin Yi took the three of them to the tavern they often went to. "Boss, please weigh four dishes. If you want something better, I'll give you two pounds of powdered rice."

The food is served,

The four of them chatted while eating. Because there were other diners in the restaurant, it was not easy to talk about electronic watches. They only talked about some family affairs and interesting things from the past.

After having a meal,

Lin Yi patted Chen Ding on the shoulder and said: "From now on, just follow Qiang Qiang and he will tell you what to do."

"I understand Brother Yi."

Chen Ding left, and Lin Yi took Jiang Wu and Li Xiangqian home. It was only around 9 o'clock, which was still early, and none of the three had any intention of sleeping.

Lin Yidao: "I have an idea that I would like to share with you."

"What do you think, Brother Yi?"

"I went around Hanzheng Street today, and the business there is very good. I asked someone about the situation, and then went to the Industrial and Commercial Office to inquire about it. I plan to register as a self-employed business and set up a stall on Hanzheng Street to sell clothing and groceries."

Jiang Wu said with some surprise: "We are very profitable selling watches now. Brother Yi, why did you think of setting up a stall on Hanzheng Street?"

Lin Yi glanced at this guy and said, "Do you dare to tell your family where your money comes from now?"

"Oh~ I don't dare." Jiang Wu said with a flat mouth.

"The fact that we sell electronic watches can never be made public. If you have money, you don't dare to spend it casually. If we set up a stall on Hanzheng Street to do business, at least we will have a source of income on the surface, and others will also

I won’t doubt it, you are right.”

Jiang Wu couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, that's the truth."

"Go ahead tomorrow and continue selling watches. Take Chen Ding with you. Xiao Wu, please deliver goods to Ma Dan and the others in the morning, and then come back and accompany me to prepare the materials and go through the formalities." Lin Yi said.

Li Xiangqian met Jiang Wu.


The next day,

Li Xiangqian and Jiang Wu went out early,

Not long after Jiang Wu came back, Lin Yi was already ready. He brought his household registration book and went to the street office with Jiang Wu.

Director Chen of the Subdistrict Office met Lin Yi twice. It was Director Chen who handled the formalities for him to return to the city. Lin Yi introduced his purpose. Director Chen looked at him and said, "It's not bad to be a self-employed person. At least it's a legitimate business."


"Now the government encourages educated youth to return to the city to find their own way. Your conditions are completely met. OK, I will open a letter for you and you can go to the industrial and commercial department to complete the procedures."

The letter was opened quickly. The content was to prove Lin Yi's situation. Director Chen signed it and finally stamped it with the street office seal.

Lin Yi did not delay, and came to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau again with the letter of introduction and the household registration book. The middle-aged man who received him was the same middle-aged man as yesterday, "Chief Liu, I have opened the letter of introduction and brought the household registration book."

Section Chief Liu took the letter of introduction and household registration book, checked it and nodded, saying: "You meet the conditions. Here are a few forms for you to fill in, and I will apply for you. If there are no problems, you can get it in about a week."

Lin Yi quickly took the form.

Fill it out according to the above content and finally hand it to Section Chief Liu. When Lin Yi leaves, Section Chief Liu has two more boxes of Zhonghua in his drawer.

The boy knows how to do things.

Section Chief Liu sorted out the materials and submitted them on the same day.

After finishing the business at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Lin Yi said to Jiang Wu: "The business license shouldn't be a big problem. Let's go to Hanzheng Street to see if we can find a suitable frontman."

This was the biggest reason why he called Jiang Wu.

There are both storefronts and individual stalls on Hanzheng Street. If you don’t have money, you can just set up a bamboo bed as a stall. However, Lin Yi has big ideas. He is not satisfied with small things. It is best to have a storefront and be able to run it.

Goods make things more convenient.

"Brother Yi, do you want to rent or buy?" Jiang Wu asked.


In fact, the houses on Hanzheng Street are very cheap now. If Lin Yi continues to develop in this world, he will definitely invest in real estate. Unfortunately, he has no intention of doing so for a long time. Buying a house takes up a lot of money, and it is definitely not as convenient as renting.

Today's Hanzheng Street, although business has begun, is far less prosperous than before. In the past, Hanzheng Street had three connected commercial streets, more than three miles long, with shops on both sides. Now only half of the street is open, with a total of no more than a hundred stalls.

Talk about prosperity,

That's compared to previous years.

There are still a lot of vacant storefronts.

After all, not everyone dares to eat crabs.

Lin Yi liked two places near the street. They were both of the type with a front store and a backyard. The store was a two-story building with a warehouse and a workshop in the backyard. Each area was about 300 square meters. Now both of them have closed doors.


"Jiang Wu, ask about the situation of these two storefronts and see if they can be rented."

Jiang Wu immediately went to inquire.

Jiang Wu came back half an hour later and said: "Brother Yi, I have found out clearly that the storefront in Lunan was originally a cloth shop. The owner's surname was Sun, and he was a teacher at a primary school in the district. Their storefront was sealed up and confiscated a few years ago.

Teacher Sun was also beaten to the point of being the stinky old nine, and the fight was quite miserable."

"Teacher Sun was rehabilitated the year before last and returned to work in his original unit. This storefront was also returned to him, but he has never used it and just left it like this."

"The storefront in Lubei, I heard that it seems to be held in the street here. I can't tell what the specific situation is."

In fact, Lin Yi prefers the one on the south side of the road. The facade on the south side always faces the sun and is brighter than the shop on the north side of the road.

"Let's go and talk to that Teacher Sun."

At the school gate, Lin Yi and Jiang Wu met Teacher Sun.

Teacher Sun is very tall, but he has a slight stoop in his back. I wonder if it was caused by being beaten up a few years ago and having to bend over to fly a plane all day long. He is very thin and wears a pair of thick glasses.

"Who are you looking for?" Teacher Sun looked at Lin Yi and Lin Yi in surprise.

"Teacher Sun, I heard that you have a front house on Hanzheng Street. Let's ask if we can rent it?" Lin Yida said.

Teacher Sun pushed up his glasses and said, "It's a rental. Can you rent it for 300 a year?"

"We asked about the renting prices in the surrounding area, and it's only 200 a year for you." Jiang Wudao.

Teacher Sun shook his head, "Two hundred won't do. My place is in a good location and the house is in good condition. I can live in it without having to clean it up. In fact, I would rather find a buyer to sell the house, so I'm not in a hurry to rent it out."

Lin Yi wondered in his mind whether Teacher Sun was frightened by the fight, so he planned to kill him once and for all.

The business on Hanzheng Street is still being discussed in newspapers all day long. People like Teacher Sun who have experienced turmoil have become more and more timid, and may even regard the storefront as a burden.

"Teacher Sun, how do you plan to sell that house?" Lin Yi asked.

"What, you want to buy it?"

"That depends on the price. It's too expensive and we can't afford it." Lin Yi wouldn't be foolish enough to charge a lot of money at this time.

"Three thousand and eight."

Jiang Wu immediately jumped up when he heard the price, "Good guy, we have inquired about the price of the store over there. How can it be so expensive? It usually only costs about 3,000, and there are very few that exceed 3,500."

Teacher Sun pushed up his glasses again, "My front door is in a good location, and the back area is large..."

It’s still the same old rhetoric.

When Lin Yi heard this price, his first thought was, is it really cheap? Three thousand eighty, not one square meter, but a house, more than three hundred square meters. It is a front house on Hanzheng Street. How much will the house price here be in the future?

In case it's flat.

But thinking about it, Lin Yi was relieved that a small courtyard house in Beijing now only costs five to six thousand yuan.

He was in real estate sales.

This price was like a free gift to him. He had originally made up his mind to just rent it and not sell it. It would last less than a year anyway, but now he is moved. More than three thousand yuan is nothing to him.

What, it’s just sixty electronic watches. We can’t afford a house in the modern world. If we buy it in the game world, it can be regarded as fulfilling a dream.

"Teacher Sun, I'm interested in buying it. You can give it a cheaper price," Lin Yi said.

"Ah, do you really want to buy it?"

"Of course, it depends on whether the price is suitable."

After some haggling, Teacher Sun finally offered the lowest price of 3,600 yuan, and Lin Yi readily agreed.

the next day.

Lin Yi took Jiang Wu to Sun's house, and the two parties signed a sales agreement. Teacher Sun also found an authenticator.

Lin Yi took out a few stacks of large unity rolls from his bag and said, "Teacher Sun, these are three thousand and six, please count them."

Teacher Sun swallowed his saliva, and he and his wife counted each item one by one. Finally, they confirmed that the amount of money was correct and the deal was concluded.

Then both parties went to the street housing management office and went through the change procedures at the housing management office.

someone said,

Weren't houses allowed to be bought and sold at that time?

Naturally, public housing cannot be bought or sold.

But private houses, especially houses left before liberation, are allowed to be bought and sold by the government. Both parties can negotiate the price themselves. Once the agreement is signed, it will be effective. It doesn't matter whether you go to the street to make changes or not. However, Lin Yi knows how to do things and specifically asked the other party to go to the street.

Yes, after changing the procedures here, it will be impossible for Teacher Sun and his family to regret it in the future.

Standing in front of the door,

Lin Yi's face was full of smiles.

This is a house on Hanzheng Street, 300 square meters.

"Xiao Wu, let's find someone to look at the house tomorrow. Is there anything that needs to be cleaned up? Repair the leaking tiles, paint the peeling paint, and repaint the walls white."

"Okay Brother Yi."

This chapter has been completed!
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