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Chapter 152: New skills in the lottery


Dominic takes his team and the big guy and prepares for action.

There was a loud bang.

They detonated the bomb.

The base was ablaze.

Several people rushed into the opponent's base, snatched the electromagnetic pulse bomb after a fight, and started flying away in their car.

Behind them, dozens of cars chased them wildly.

"Da da da, da da da~!"

The pursuers in the car opened fire fiercely at Dominic and the others, and bullets hit the car with bang bang sounds.

One car per person.

No one knew which car the electromagnetic bomb was on, so they could only track it together. Dominic and the others ran while arguing and bickering on the radio. This was their daily routine.

Lin Yi touched the headphones.

He can hear everyone's calls.


In the car behind, someone took out a rocket and fired at the convoy.


Fortunately, it didn't hit any car, but the shock wave of the explosion caused several cars to sway.

"Guys, in the second phase, start dispersing." Dominic ordered.

A big iron ball flew out, and Dominic and the others quickly got out of the way, but the pursuers behind them were unlucky, and several vehicles were hit by the big iron ball.

at this time,

Lin Yi's heavy-duty Dodge Ram moved.

He came out of another road and caught up with Dominic and the big man's car, "Who is this? Is it a pursuer?"

shouted the big man.

"I don't know either." Dominic was also surprised.

Lin Yi stepped on the accelerator to catch up with the big guy, turned the steering wheel violently, and knocked the big guy's car away. Dominic didn't know who Lin Yi was, so he hit Lin Yi. Lin Yi suddenly swung the car and dodged the car.

Nick's impact adjusted the intercom to talk alone.

"Don't touch Dominic, we will release your wife and children after the matter is completed." Lin Yi said.

Dominic stepped on the brakes, his brain moved, and he hit the pillar next to him.

Lin Yi drove to the big car. The big car overturned and was pinned underneath. Lin Yi reached out to grab the electromagnetic pulse bomb rolling aside. The big man held on tightly and refused to let go. "Who are you? You can't take it away."


Lin Yi pulled out hard.

"Your job is over big guy."

"no way".

The big man stared at Lin Yi.

Hold on tightly and don't let go.

Lin Yi started wrestling with him.

Lin Yi activated the second level of physical enhancement, doubling his physical strength compared to the normal state, but the big guy in front of him was truly an extraordinary person. His arm circumference was thicker than many people's waists.

Lin Yi didn't even move.

Oh shit.

Lin Yi's stubborn temper also rose, "System, purchase a third-level physical enhancement."

The system flashed golden light.

Wallet spent $20 million.

The cost of physical enhancement increases incrementally. The next level four physical enhancement will require US$200 million, or 1 billion RMB.

The third-level physique was enhanced by 150%. Lin Yi instantly felt that his strength had increased a lot. The big man suddenly felt huge pressure, and his muscles were knotted and his eyes widened with anger.

But slowly,

Lin Yi had the upper hand,


The electromagnetic bomb was snatched away by Lin Yi.

He lost the strength contest, which made the big guy a little frustrated, but he knew that the electromagnetic bomb could not be thrown away, so he quickly took off his seat belt and wanted to climb out of the car, but then Lin Yi took out a gun and pointed it at him: "Big guy, just wait and see.


The big guy stopped.

He knew that he really couldn't move anymore now.

at this time,

Countless cars were chasing after them. They had just dispersed, and the others had diverted other pursuers away from the base. Now they had circled around and came back.

Lin Yi quickly got into the car, stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

"Da da da, da da da,~!"

Someone started shooting at Lin Yi's car. For the current base, anyone who does not belong to their camp is an enemy.

Lin Yi drives with one hand,

The other hand stretched out, and there was an RPG in it.


Rockets exploded.

Suddenly a car was shot, and the car exploded instantly.

Lin Yi was unyielding and immediately switched to another RPG, aiming another shot behind him. Immediately, another car was hit and exploded.

Two cars exploded,

Block the way of the car behind you.

The pursuers behind him immediately slowed down. Lin Yi stepped on the accelerator and rushed toward the base gate.

The base gate is an iron gate.

The usual disguise here is that it is a chemical factory in the industrial zone, so it is far less strict than the military zone. A few security guards at the door originally wanted to stop them, but Lin Yi hit them with a shuttle, and these guys were so scared that they fell to the ground.


The Dodge Ram slammed open the iron gate and quickly disappeared into the night.


An airport in the suburbs,

Lin Yi drove in. A military transport plane was parked on the runway. The rear hatch was open. Lin Yi drove directly in.

The hatch is closed.

The plane started to start and soon climbed into the sky.

Lin Yi got off the car,

The cabin door in front opened automatically, and Lin Yi walked in. This was a cabin full of technology. Many people were operating something on the computer. A man with a golden beard walked towards Lin Yi, but there was a bit of arrogance on his face.

"You are 'Lin', and I have always been curious about you." The bearded golden retriever said in a frivolous tone.

"What are you curious about?"

"I'm curious whether you are as powerful as the legend says, or you just rely on some cleverness." The golden-haired bearded man chuckled after saying this.

"Look at your thin body, man, sometimes you have to rely on this." He said and made a big fist gesture.


Lin Yi punched quickly,

He punched this guy hard in the ribs.

Explosive liver.

The bearded golden retriever didn't even see Lin Yi's movements clearly, let alone react and dodge. He rolled to the ground, his face twisted and he clutched his abdomen and screamed in pain, "Ahhhhhhh~~!"

At this moment, Seifer came out of a cabin inside, glanced at the bearded golden retriever, and said to Lin Yi: "Lin, have you got the bomb?"

"got it."

"Is it in the car? I'll ask someone to take care of it," Seifer said.

"No, I've already had someone take you away."

He didn't trust people like Seifer, so it was safer and more convenient to keep them in his own space.

Seifer looked very unhappy.

"You don't believe us, so why cooperate?"

"I remember I once said that I will take the lead in this operation, and you will assist me, right?" Lin Yi said rudely.

The woman gritted her teeth and said nothing.

She had taken the initiative many times in the past, but after meeting this 'Lin', she felt frustrated and manipulated at every turn.

This made her very unhappy.

The bearded golden retriever on the ground finally took a breath. With the punch just now, he felt that his soul was flying away. Even now, he could not stand up. He stared at Lin Yi fiercely and said loudly: "I will kill you,


Lin Yi lowered his head.

He gave it a cold look.

Lift your feet.


A football kicked hard on the bearded man's head. The bearded man's head tilted and his tibia was broken directly.


Cypher was angry.

She didn't expect that Lin would kill her men in front of her, which was a huge provocation.

Everyone else in the cabin picked up their guns and pointed them at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was not afraid.

As if he had done a trivial thing, he said to the angry woman: "We have obtained the electromagnetic pulse bomb. The first phase of the plan is completed. Now let's proceed to the second phase of the mission and find those unlocking keys."


Cypher's chest heaved violently.

The other person doesn't care about her feelings at all.


Don't care at all.

There was no explanation or even mention of killing her men. Instead, she was directly ordered to do something.

If not the next task.

She wanted to kill him.

"Also, Dominic's wife and child can be released now." Lin Yi suddenly thought of another thing and said to the woman.

"You're ordering me!"

The woman gritted her teeth and squinted her eyes.

Lin Yi took out a cigar from his body, lit it and took a puff, and said slowly: "We can attack the United States, attack big people, and even start a war, but don't bully the weak. It's not necessary. It's interesting to challenge powerful enemies.


Seifer looked at Lin Yi.

He took out his cell phone and dialed a number, "Let the woman and the child go."

"Next, let's study how to seize the cipher disk. There are six cipher disks in total, and they are placed in the hands of six people. I believe you can handle this matter, right? Ms. Safer, I know that you are the world's top

One of the most powerful hackers with the smartest brain, I believe this will not be a problem for you." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"how about you?"

"I, of course, do what I need to do." The "things that need to be done" that Lin Yi said are lying in bed and waiting for news.

Airplane bedroom cabin.

That was originally Seve's bed.

But now it was occupied by Lin Yi. Lin Yi was not polite at all and lay down directly on it. Seve had a mysophobia, and his teeth itched in anger when he saw Lin Yi lying on his bed.

"Go and do your work, I'll take a rest." Lin Yi waved his hand.

It was like he was the boss and Seifer was his female secretary. This made Seifer even more angry. She swore in her heart that when this matter was over, she would find a way to kill him.

Women go out.

Lin Yi ordered to open the system panel.

When his car drove onto the big plane, the system gave a prompt to get 118 experience points. When the experience value reached 1,000 points, he could win the lottery again.

But he didn't have time at all because of the big bearded golden retriever. Now that he's settled down, he can finally draw the lottery comfortably.

"System, experience value lottery."

"Ding~~Acquire the skill 'Underwater Breathing'."

"Underwater breathing, as the name suggests, allows players to breathe underwater. When the player is underwater, after turning on the skill, a protective shield will rise around the head to isolate the water. At the same time, the player can breathe freely, which is no different from the air on land.


Lin Yi was overjoyed.

He likes this ability so much.

When I was a child in the countryside, children would go swimming in the river in the summer. Of course, if they were caught, they would be beaten, but they still couldn't stop their enthusiasm.

Lin Yi likes swimming and the feeling of freedom.

He also has the best swimming skills among children his age.

Competing with who can swim farther, who can stick a stick longer, and who can catch fish, he has had countless fantasies. It would be great if he could breathe underwater, and he would definitely have more fun.

When I grow up,

I almost rarely swim anymore.

Made him miss it very much.

Now that he has this skill, Lin Yi's first thought is to swim in the sea when he has time to see what it feels like to travel freely on the bottom of the sea.

Thinking of the sea,

Lin Yi suddenly remembered that he had seen underwater breathing somewhere. There was a squirrel named Cindy in SpongeBob SquarePants. She lived on the bottom of the sea and always wore a shield on her head. This skill of hers should be the same as her shield.


Lin Yi laughed when he thought of this.


This chapter has been completed!
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