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Chapter 159: The fourth most important thing in life is to be happy

Lin Yi's request is naturally impossible to be satisfied. Withdrawing troops from those places is just a matter of words.

The two sides continue to be in a stalemate.

And outside,

President Caroline is still saving herself. She has been notified that the prosecutors and the FBI are going to jointly investigate her. Congress is about to convene a meeting to restrict her rights. She has also approached the heads of large conglomerates, hoping that they will help her.

She survived the crisis, but those people abandoned her. It was obvious that she had become a bad person and those big financial groups were ready to give up on her.

For those big conglomerates, the president is just a tool and a spokesman for their interests. When this one doesn't work, just replace it with another one. There is no need to spend a lot of effort to save it. It takes less effort and is more obedient to replace it.

But Caroline was unwilling.

Drowning people will struggle desperately before drowning. This is instinct, and Caroline is no exception. She began to use all the power she could use to fight for herself the last chance.

FBI officials who had helped her handle internal affairs were ordered and blackmailed by her to delete a large number of internal FBI documents in the hope of covering up some of the things they had done in the past.

For example, her brother's fake death was killed, and the inside story of embezzling funds from his brother's financial company. A series of things involved in this were also deleted.

Lin Yi doesn't know,

The information about his other identity "Jack" was deleted like this. In fact, the identity "Jack" is really not important.

It's fine now,

Jack became a legal citizen again.



Capitol Hill Conference Hall,

A member of the House of Representatives is discussing whether to restrict the power of the current President Caroline to facilitate the investigation of the former president's poisoning of eucalyptus and to avoid power interference that affects judicial justice.

Those members of the opposition naturally hope to impose as many restrictions as possible, and even lock up Caroline now. People on the side of Caroline's party, although they know that there may be something wrong with Caroline, are still locked up because of factional issues.

People who still have to support their own side feel that the president's power should not be too much restricted now that the case has not been cleared up.

The two sides have been arguing since the beginning of the meeting.

This is also their tradition. If the gong is not beaten, there will be no sound, and if the reasoning is unclear, there will be no week without one or two big dramas on Capitol Hill.

But at this moment,

Someone's cell phone vibrated. When he picked it up, his expression suddenly changed and he found an excuse to leave. This was just the beginning. Later, many congressmen found various excuses to leave, leaving half of a congressional debate absent.

"What's going on?" asked the speaker presiding over the meeting.

An official next to him whispered: "The robber 'Lin' is live broadcasting again, and this time his subject is members of Congress. He has released a lot of secret information about members of Congress. If that information is true, I'm afraid they will

Facing jail time.”



Lin Yi fired the fourth bomb,

"Dirty Congressman."

This time, Lin Yi didn't say anything himself. He only said one sentence in front of the live broadcast camera, "I have some interesting stories for everyone to see. It's time for tea time."

Then release the specific content.

The first person is Congressman Randy Cunningham, who facilitated a $21 million deal for an arms contractor and received $2.4 million in bribes. At the same time, he also accepted sexual bribes from the other party.

Had a lot of fun with two beauties.

In addition, it was revealed that he had received bribes in the past, including more than $1 million in checks, cash, antiques, valuable tapestries, yacht club fees and free vacations.

Randy Cunningham is a Republican congressman who has been re-elected for eight terms. He is a veteran of several dynasties and has wide connections. He holds important positions in the House Appropriations Committee and the Intelligence Committee.

Audiences across the United States were all shocked when they saw these contents. They thought to themselves, this is called interesting stories, this is called tea time?

It will kill people, okay, big brother.

The playback continued without pausing, and next came a female congresswoman. The content of this congresswoman in her forties was even more exciting.

In addition to accepting money, brand-name jewelry, and shopping cards, he also accepted services from young men and had sex with another congressman in bed. The two parties completed several transactions in bed, including supporting and opposing motions.

Many American people have their views shattered.

It turns out that the seemingly fair discussions on the country's future and destiny in Congress were all reached under such dirty deals.

another list,

There are 97 members of Congress involved.

Among the many members of the U.S. Congress, people who are engaged in stock trading account for a large proportion, and many of them have a rate of return that is much higher than that of the "stock god" Buffett.

Why do they make money?

very simple,

Inside information.

For example, when Congress is preparing to approve some projects, they can know in advance which company this batch of orders will fall on, and even to whom the operations will be entrusted, and before the orders are announced, they first buy the company's stocks.

The orders approved by Congress are often super large orders, ranging from billions to tens of billions. When such a large order is announced, the stock price of the company that received the order will naturally rise sharply, and they will profit from it.

There are many such cases.

And it can be said to be universal.

The market is huge,

Every member of parliament can participate and get a share of the pie.

This kind of information,

There is a lot of content on 'General' Jonathan Kranz's hard drive, which is also one of his methods of controlling members of Congress.

Lin Yi never thought about controlling the members, so he chose to announce it, for no other reason than to feel comfortable and happy.

TVB said it well, "The most important thing in life is to be happy."

Tianjin Radio also said, "It's not about money, it's a great time."

Several major television stations in the United States and the Internet broadcast these contents live. The American people were shocked, and those congressmen who saw themselves exposed were as pale as mourning mothers.

they know,

Now the trouble is big.


No matter how dirty they are in private, they must serve the people with integrity and integrity on the surface. Corruption, bribery, sex scandals, and using public power for their own personal gain. Any of these things can destroy them.

No wonder these people couldn't get through the meetings on Capitol Hill and went back one by one to watch the live broadcast and study how to protect themselves.


There was another heated discussion.

"What kind of bastards have we raised? Are these the elites who lead our country? It's really sad."

"These people should be hanged."

"It turns out that those discussions were all decided in bed. It's really disgusting."

"More than a hundred people have been exposed now, and they are still going on. Will the entire Capitol Hill fall? Oh my god."

"It's not surprising that hypocritical society, hypocritical prosperity, dirty politicians' dirty deals, and sewage flowing everywhere have always existed."


A TV station interrupted Lin Yi's live broadcast and broadcast a piece of news. Just now, a member of Congress shot himself at home.

Many people were shocked.

Depend on,

Before Lin Yi finished his disclosure this time, he said that one person was dead. This is really powerful. I wonder if there will be a major change of blood on Capitol Hill after this exposure.

It's getting dark.

Dark night comes again.

Lin Yi called Seifer, "I think we have done almost everything. The financial crisis is probably unavoidable, and we can consider retreating now."

"How are you going to leave?" Cypher asked.

Lin Yi pointed outside, "Fly away directly."

Cypher laughed, I thought the same thing.

"OK, goodbye then." Lin Yi said and walked towards the roof of the CE Building. There is a passage leading to the roof. He had changed his clothes in advance, wearing a body-hugging water body suit inside and a paragliding suit outside.

Lin Yi came to the edge of the building.

Glancing down,

The police lights were still flashing below. He smiled and jumped down. Suddenly, a strong wind hit his face. Lin Yi spread his wings and flew quickly into the distance.

Seifer didn't expect Lin Yi to leave so simply, which surprised her. By the way, she thought of the electromagnetic bomb, and turned to look at the boss's table, which was already empty.

"Damn it, he took it away again, but how on earth did he take it away?"

Now is not the time to think so much. They were originally allies, but now that Lin Yi has left on his own, she has to think about how to escape.

In fact, she had already prepared, but she was not in a hang gliding suit, but in hang gliding equipment. She immediately called the operations leader, and Seifer ordered: "Prepare to retreat, follow the plan, let the people in the building leave, and you can just mix in."

In the crowd, there are two to three thousand people who have gone out, and the police can't tell them apart at all. You go out and drive away in a car arranged in advance."

The captain nodded.

Seifer also went to the roof of the building, took out his backpack and installed a triangular hang glider. He cursed Lin Yi and flew out with the hang glider.


The CE Building is on Manhattan Island, only about one kilometer away from the Hudson River. Lin Yi was gliding in the air, and his destination was the Hudson River.

The wingsuit shuttled through several buildings, as nimble as a big bird. Under the cover of the dark night, it was impossible to see that he was a person. In less than half a minute, he reached the river. When he was close to the river, he suddenly flipped sideways.

, brake with the help of air resistance, and then move into the river.


After a splash, Lin Yi disappeared.

He previously acquired the skill 'Underwater Breathing', which was activated as soon as he reached the water, and an extra shield was placed on his head, allowing him to breathe freely.


It feels so good to breathe freely underwater.

He took off his gliding suit and went into the space, took out a handheld underwater electric thruster from the space, turned on the power, and the thruster took Lin Yi to dive towards the surface of the river.



The live channels of major television stations across the United States are still broadcasting the dirty stories of corruption and power-for-money transactions among various congressmen.

In the last paragraph, Lin Yi did not appear, but left a message, "I have put these materials online for everyone to download freely. I hope it will be helpful to purify the American political environment."

People go online to download information one after another.

this night,

It is destined to be another sleepless night, both for those congressmen and the U.S. prosecutors.

but no one knows,

Lin Yi, the big devil who stirred up the turmoil in the United States and made people across the United States and even the world tremble, has left the CE Building.

Even Cypher is gone.


An accident occurred in the CE Building. Some people found that the elevator doors could be opened and the corridors could be passed. Immediately some people tried to leave. They had been locked up for two days and one night. Many people were suffering. Now that they had a chance to escape, they all tried their best.


The news spread to the whole building, and all the people trapped in the building ran out, and the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

"What's going on?" Seeing people running out of the building, the police chief outside looked surprised.

I found a few people to ask about the situation and finally got the general idea. The robbers took the initiative to open the elevator room and corridor. Now everyone in the building is running out for their lives.

The head of the FBI's face changed, and he immediately felt bad, "No, those robbers are trying to escape, and I'm afraid someone is getting mixed up in the crowd."

"What should we do?"

"Try to spot suspicious people."

The scene was so chaotic that thousands of people rushed out at the same time, making it impossible to tell the difference. However, the FBI also discovered a few people. After arresting these people and questioning them, they found out that the person responsible upstairs had already left.

This made the person in charge of the case very upset.

"What about the electromagnetic bomb?" Some people are more concerned about this. If they stay in the building and plan to detonate it after leaving, it will also be unbearable.

But these guys have no idea.

The news was quickly broadcast live on major television stations.

"The robbers began to escape, and three robbers have been captured. The biggest ringleader may have escaped from the CE Building. What the police are most worried about now is whether the electromagnetic bomb is still in the building."

"The robbers did not ask for a high ransom, and finally released the CEO of CE. Throughout the whole incident, the robbers have been exposing various problems in the United States. Now we have reason to believe that Lin's original intention was to deal with corruption and perversion of the law.

, corrupt officials, and financiers who prey on the people, but in a more radical way, which reminds me of what he once said, 'If we don't do this, no one will be able to hear our voice.'"


This chapter has been completed!
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