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Chapter 163: Return

Lin Yi clicked on the system description.

Art package: includes all human art categories, literature, calligraphy, painting, sculpture, architecture, music, folk art, dance, drama, photography, film, etc.

These are just major categories, and each major category is divided into countless subcategories, such as painting, which is divided into sketches, oil paintings, Chinese paintings, gouache paintings, watercolor paintings, prints, etc.

For example, music is divided into singing, musical instruments, composition, arrangement, etc.

Lin Yi was surprised.

Lin Yi is a person who loves life. He likes music. He once learned to play the flute and flute. At first, his uncle taught him, and later he studied by himself. He also participated in performances in high school and college.

Lin Yi likes to sing, and he has a good voice. When he was having dinner at KTV with his classmates, he once shocked many people with a song, and the classmates shouted that he was hiding his secrets.

He likes calligraphy, and the club in the university newspaper is calligraphy.

He also likes photography. He feels that photography can preserve beautiful moments. However, due to limited economic conditions, he has only used the simplest digital camera.

The various types of art in the art package vary in price.

For example, the price of sketches is US$20 million, oil paintings suddenly increase to US$200 million, and Chinese paintings increase to US$1 billion.

For example, photography is US$20 million. Photography is US$100 million.

Lin Yi thought for a while, and he was ready to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

"System, buy photography technology, buy musical instruments flute, flute skills, buy sketch."

Even if you have money,

He only dares to pick out small items to buy.

That's it,

It also cost tens of millions.


There is no shortage of luxury stores in Dubai. In a photographic equipment store, Lin Yi bought a large amount of photographic equipment.

After acquiring photography skills.

I also have an in-depth understanding of various photographic equipment.

Good things are really expensive.

If it weren't for the gaming world, he really wouldn't be able to play this hobby.

A high-end camera may cost tens of thousands of dollars, while a lens can cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

Nothing is cheap when played to the extreme.


After receiving the money, Lin Yi said goodbye to Hussein and left Dubai. He flew to Greece and sat on the balcony of a seaside hotel. Lin Yi took out a cell phone that he had never used before and called the Devil Seifer.


The call was answered quickly.

"You finally contacted me Lin."

When Saifu said this, he was scolding Lin for being such a bastard. He had disappeared for more than half a year, and now he is finally on the road.

"Listen to your tone and miss me a lot?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

Miss you big-headed ghost.

"Where are you? Let's meet."

"I'm on vacation in Greece."

"OK, see you tonight." Saifu said and hung up the phone.

Lin Yi threw the phone on the table. This woman was really resolute, but Lin Yi trusted her ability.


Seaside restaurant.

Lin Yi and Seifer sat across the table.

On the table is a super seafood feast.

"Where's the electromagnetic bomb?"

The first thing Saifu said when he came up was to bomb. Lin Yi shook his head, "Look at how beautiful the night is outside, with the moonlight shining on the Aegean Sea and the neon lights. It's been a long time since you rested. Don't let down the romance here."


After speaking, he picked up the wine glass.

Seifer also picked up his wine glass and clinked it with Lin Yi.

"How much did your organization make this time?" Lin Yi asked, putting down his glass.

"It's not completely over yet, but the revenue now has reached 20 billion US dollars. Why, you want to split the money now."

[By the way, the best app for reading and listening to books is Yeguo Reading, www. Install the latest version. 】

Lin Yi nodded.

"That's enough for now, I won't care about the remaining income."

"Okay, give me your account and I'll call you back.

"Seifer agreed immediately.

You can see it.

Seifer's status within the organization is very high, otherwise it would be impossible for him to agree to Lin Yi without asking for instructions.

Lin Yi shook his head,

"Just give me cash."

Lin Yi wants cash. On the one hand, he can absorb it directly. On the other hand, he does not have to have any systematic involvement with the other party, so as to avoid being traced by Sever, a master hacker, to the whereabouts of the money and Lin Yi's other identities.

be a human being,

It's better to be cautious.

As for money laundering.

Terrorist organizations are not as easy to talk to as the white turbans. They will not give Lin Yi the profits from converting the account funds into cash.

"Do you want dollars or something else?" the woman asked.

"Anything is fine, as long as it's valuable currency." The system didn't pick Lin Yi either.

Seifer looked at Lin Yi thoughtfully.


Hotel room.

The most wanted criminal in America and the super evil girl Cypher fight for 300 rounds.

As for why the two were together, it was very simple. After dinner, the two took a walk on the beach, returned to the hotel and sat together drinking and chatting. Then they looked at each other, and Lin Yi extended his hand. The woman did not refuse.

In fact, women prefer men with strong personalities who make her respect them.

But Seifer has a very high IQ, a strong personality, and is the leader of a terrorist organization. There are really too few men that she can respect.

The battle is over.

The woman said to Lin Yi: "You are wanted by the United States now, so why not come to our organization and we will provide you with better support."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "No, I don't care about being wanted in the United States. I have my own career, but we can continue to cooperate in the future."

"Can you give me the electromagnetic missile?" the woman asked.

Lin Yi nodded, "I can give it to you, but I also have a request, to exchange him for a nuclear bomb."

"I can promise you, but the specific time cannot be determined. After all, we don't have nuclear bombs on hand." The woman said.


In fact, it is useless for Lin Yi to ask for a nuclear bomb, but he cannot let the other party get it easily. It must be exchanged at equal value, and verbal agreement is also acceptable.

"Where to trade?"

"Hong Kong, I will go there to deal with some things in the next few days." Marty is in Hong Kong, and he is going to ask Marty to help him form an investment team. To make international investments, you do not have to be in the United States. Hong Kong is also a global financial port.

the next day,

Cypher left.

Lin Yi came to Hong Kong and met Marty. Jack's illness was gone, and Marty was naturally fine. Marty himself was an economic investment consultant, and Lin Yi asked him to recruit people to form a team to handle his money.

Nowadays, due to the economic crisis, the stock prices of major companies have plummeted, but this is also a good time to enter the market to buy at the bottom.

Lin Yi made a list.

Those companies in later generations that survive and do well are all listed on his list, and these are all within the scope of investment.

In every world, Lin Yi doesn't want to catch all the money. He feels that these worlds can become his back garden. He can save an asset in these worlds. If he encounters trouble in other worlds, he can come back and get the money.

Just like a squirrel.

Fill the tree holes with hazelnuts and pine nuts to survive the winter.

Leaving the investment matter to Marty, Lin Yi carried the camera and started shooting all over the world. After purchasing the photography technology, he is now definitely a master in technology.


a few days later,

As another Chinese, Lin Yi went through the customs and came to the mainland. He was going to give some things to the mainland.

The hard drive snatched from 'General' Jonathan Kranz not only contained information about the people they controlled, but also a lot of technology beyond modern times. Some of the technology was useless to Lin Yi and would be a waste if left alone. He planned to give it to the country.


It is impossible for him to open his clothes like a street seller and ask someone, "Brother, do you want a hard drive?"

That's great.

After Lin Yi checked into the hotel, he directly called a certain bureau and said, "I have a batch of information and technology in my hand. Do you want it?"

After a while, several black cars were parked downstairs of the hotel. Take a look, this is much more convenient than finding customers by yourself.

The two sides meet,

The other party was serious and suspicious at the same time.

Lin Yi could understand this. If someone gave him his phone number and wanted to sell him a hard drive and said that the drive was full of seeds and flakes, he would be suspicious.

Lin Yi first showed the other party two videos to watch.

But only show them the first half to seduce them to death.

The other party was indeed moved.

Lin Yi patted his chest and assured, "I have more than a dozen technologies like this. They are all produced by top major companies in the United States. They are not expensive. These are packaged for 2 billion yuan."

"It's not expensive. It only costs us a lot of money every year."

Lin Yi spread his hands and said, "You can handle the business yourself."

"I need to ask for permission."

"Okay, I'll give you some of my skills first, and let your leaders see if they're worth it. Also, don't think too hard. I'm just an errand boy. If you catch me, all my skills will be lost. The gain outweighs the loss, don't you think?"

The person opposite was very calm and said, "Don't worry, we welcome friends like you."

to be honest,

Rabbit is really rich now.

Only a few hours passed before the other party agreed to trade.

You can also transfer money,

Cash is also acceptable.

Lin Yi wants cash.

To avoid being traced, the two parties agreed to trade in Hong Kong. Two days later, on the coast of Hong Kong, Lin Yi found an unwanted fishing boat and found some money on it.

As a good citizen,

Lin Yi kept the money for himself. As for the boat, he could just leave it there.

Lin Yi has another 400 million US dollars in his wallet.

And the other party,

There is a series of new technologies.

These new technologies,

The R&D cost may not be 40 billion, let alone 400 million. People in China were shocked when they saw the complete technical information, and then shouted that they had made a lot of money this time.

Someone proposed to trace Lin Yi.

Leaders stopped.

There is no need to pursue it, it will be useless, leaving room for such a transaction next time.


You say it's a coincidence or not.

Half a month later.

Lin Yi picked up another fishing boat, a 50-ton one. When he opened the cabin, he found that there were no fish inside, but full of banknotes. They were more colorful and more beautiful than the fish. There were also many kinds, including Australian dollars, Canadian dollars, New Zealand dollars, and even

Brazilian Real.

Looking at these currencies, Lin Yi wondered about the origins of Seifer and his organization. Maybe they came from Europe.

All currencies are absorbed.

Lin Yi's system wallet funds skyrocketed again, reaching 10.6 billion US dollars.

Lin Yi now has more than 10 billion in legal funds in his accounts elsewhere, adding up to more than 20 billion U.S. dollars. He should be able to meet the conditions for the next system mall opening.

But Lin Yi felt it was a pity to absorb them all.

The speed of making money in this world is much faster than that of the world in the 1980s. Now that we have ample funds in our hands, it is not difficult to make more money. It is all in the wallet, and it is not easy to get it back.


So he wants to invest that money.

Marty was doing that for him.


a few days later,

Cypher is here.

Lin Yi knew she was here for the electromagnetic bomb.

a yacht,

Cruising on the high seas.

There were only two of them on the boat. Saifu came over, handed a glass of prepared wine to Lin Yi, and then sat astride Lin Yi's lap.

There were no words of love, no ambiguity, but Lin Yi knew what Seifer expressed. This woman is a doer.

This location is very good.

When Lin Yi was about to kiss, suddenly a white patrol boat in the distance came over, arrived near their yacht, and shouted with a loudspeaker: "This is Japan's exclusive sea area. Your ship has not been reported. Leave as soon as possible. Leave as soon as possible."


The other party spoke in Japanese.

Lin Yi won a Japanese language skill through a lottery. She could hear the other party's words clearly, and Seifer also frowned. She felt that the other party was annoying and was disturbing her good things.

"Leave as soon as possible, otherwise we will fire water cannons to drive them away." The other party shouted again, very arrogant and unreasonable.

The two big demons were a little angry.

Seifer looked at Lin Yi, "I have weapons on my ship. Are you interested in a naval battle?"

"Of course I'm interested." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Seifer pressed the button, and a row of missile holes appeared on the side of the yacht. Swish, swish, swish, and more than a dozen missiles were fired at the Japanese patrol boat.

"Boom boom boom boom~!"

The patrol boat exploded continuously, eventually causing a raging fire. Before a nearby rescue ship could arrive, the boat sank, and all the people on board were shot and sank to the bottom of the sea. Severin and Yi left first.

This is what happens when you anger two demons.

Lin Yi spat at the sunken ship and said to himself that this was just a trivial matter. When I get a nuclear bomb later, I will go to Japan to short someone. I can just detonate it without any nonsense.

Seifer stayed in Hong Kong for three days,

Get the electromagnetic bomb and leave.

Lin Yi directed Marty to invest and invest in businesses and companies he was optimistic about. Now is a good time to buy stocks at low prices.

Another month has passed.

The world time has entered the countdown, and things here are almost over. Lin Yi chooses to return. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was still lying in his rental house.

If Zuo Xiaoqing’s world is the first dream,

Then this parade around the world is just another dream.

Look at the car keys on the table.

The world is real.

Open the system panel and look at the amount on it. It's more than 50 billion. Lin Yi is very satisfied with this world trip. If he follows the system regulations, he can withdraw and exchange for 500 million. It's a showdown. He is now a complete billionaire.

Don't accuse the system of being a trap.

If you are given this opportunity and I ask you if you are willing to take it, someone will probably say, I can do it one thousandth of the time.


This chapter has been completed!
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