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Chapter 176 New Year's Eve

Chapter 176 Chinese New Year

Although the new products in the system mall are very expensive, Lin Yi still decides to buy them. He knows that such rules-based skills can be amazing if used properly.



The system panel flashed a golden light.

The wallet is 100 million less, and the skill bar has a new skill.

Lin Yi drove the boat back to the dock and left the boat here directly. The boat was rented, and someone would naturally come to collect it when the time came.

Return to the hotel.

Looking at the time on the wall, it was already January 6, 1982. It happened to be Xiaohan, and the New Year was only 20 days away. Lin Yixin said it so quickly and decided to go home to celebrate the New Year.

Going back this time,

Lin Yi was not empty-handed.

some days ago,

Roman brought a new order for fur bears, this time the quantity was larger than last time, the amount reached 3 million US dollars, mainly for daily necessities.

The list and price list of the products they exchanged were also given to Lin Yi. This time there were dozens more types of products than last time.

It happened to be the Chinese New Year period and I asked Jiang Cheng to study it carefully. After the Chinese New Year, he could take it and trade it directly with Roman.

As for Jiang Wu and the others.

Lin Yi also planned to bring them some gifts. After following him for a year, he made hundreds of thousands of profits for himself, so he must be rewarded.

Of course, money and new year’s goods are indispensable.

Lin Yi bought 10 Japanese-made color TVs in Hong Kong as a reward for Jiang Wu and the others. Because there are no tariffs, the price of color TVs in Hong Kong is much cheaper than in the mainland, and it is difficult to buy them in the mainland if you have money.

As for Xiaoqing,

Naturally, I also prepared gifts.

After taking a shower, I lay on the bed and got ready to sleep. I turned on the TV. TVB was playing an advertisement. A group of future Hong Kong and Taiwan stars were singing and dancing to promote a real estate project.

Today's real estate in Hong Kong is at an all-time high, and property speculators are everywhere, like oil blooming in a raging fire. From 1976 to 1982, house prices tripled.

When a market opened in a community, the queue stretched out for several miles the night before, and the police had to send people to keep watch for fear of fighting over positions.

However, Lin Yi knows that in the second half of this year, Hong Kong's real estate will collapse. The iron lady has fallen into a big trap, scaring many people to sell their houses and immigrate. Hong Kong housing prices have plummeted by 40~60%, and industrial land prices have plummeted.


This is also the biggest reason why Lin Yi did not buy a house in Hong Kong.

Why did you jump in when you knew you were losing money?

When housing prices collapse to a certain level, you will be able to buy whatever kind of houses you want. For example, luxury houses in Mid-Levels in Hong Kong are hard to find now, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them. Wait until the second half of the year, and you will be able to choose from Mid-Levels villas.

Lin Yi has already made a plan. He has registered a real estate company and is going to buy a lot of houses in Hong Kong.

Buying a house is also a money laundering process.

When you want to use the money, the money from selling the property will be transferred directly to the bank account, and the cash can be turned into bank funds, clean and tidy.

Moreover, Lin Yi is also preparing to short the real estate market. The plummeting housing prices will inevitably cause the stock prices of real estate companies to plummet. Emperor CEO Yang Shoucheng almost went bankrupt this year because he invested too much in real estate speculation.

None of the four real estate kings were spared, and astute Li Bancheng also suffered heavy losses.

The only ones that survived were the powerful real estate family businesses, while many smaller real estate companies were wiped out.

The next day.

Lin Yi found He Qiming, and the two discussed the company's New Year celebrations. After a busy year, the employees here also had to give out red envelopes and year-end bonuses. Only when the money was given to the employees would they be motivated to work, and of course there would be no less.

He Qiming’s year-end bonus.

Arrange company affairs,

Lin Yi returns to Shenzhen.

Here, Chen Tiancheng picked him up at Luohu Port. He was also wearing a Crown, which Lin Yi matched for Chen Tiancheng. The two of them were on their way to the sunglasses factory, and Chen Tiancheng reported on the recent situation.

"Boss, you made good arrangements before. Now sales are not a problem at all. We sell as much as we can. Large trucks are waiting at the factory every day. As long as the goods come out, they will be loaded immediately."

"Nowadays, all major shopping malls have our sunglasses sales counters, including some larger department stores."

"Export sales are better than expected, mainly because the dozen or so glasses you personally designed are very popular and now have the largest sales volume."

In order to ensure sales, Lin Yi took it upon himself to design more than a dozen classic sunglasses styles for later generations. Naturally, being classic is because it conforms to most aesthetics, and it also means best-selling.

Don't say Lin Yi cheated, God let him cheat from the beginning.

"The factory is now recruiting workers for the second phase. Once the workers are recruited, the output should be able to temporarily meet the current sales volume."

"Also, according to your request, we have started advertising on major radio stations. People can hear the advertisements for 'BOSS' glasses every day. The TV stations are also in contact. It is estimated that there will be news after the year."

Lin Yi's strategy is to plant the seeds of the brand in people's minds now, which is very important.

Moreover, Lin Yi also used some opportunistic tricks. He also placed advertisements in newspapers, magazines and radio stations in the United States, Europe and other countries. At home, the promotion content was that BOSS glasses are a major brand in Hong Kong and have been sold in developed countries in Europe and the United States.

It is on the market and is an internationally renowned brand. Domestic glasses and foreign glasses are sold simultaneously.

Because of this publicity, major newspapers also reported on it. The simultaneous sales of the same models in Europe and the United States has another meaning, that is, respect.

Come to the factory,

Under the leadership of Chen Tiancheng, Lin Yi inspected the production workshop, and also looked at the dormitory and canteen. The dormitory is a bunk bed for eight people. Each room has a bathroom, which is similar to a university dormitory. Such a living environment was definitely considered in the 1980s.


The factory has a collective bathhouse where you can take a bath for free. You need to pay to eat in the canteen, but the price is relatively cheap. Every meal is guaranteed to include meat and vegetables. The staple food is whole grains, including rice, white flour and steamed buns.

in this era,

This kind of food will definitely be the envy of many people.

Everything was arranged well. Lin Yi stayed in Shenzhen for one night and took the train back to Jiangcheng the next day.

Lin Yi returned home,

Zuo Xiaoqing hasn't had a holiday yet until the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month. The house is very clean. It seems that Xiaoqing comes back often to clean it. She also wipes the windows and sweeps the house. I guess the woman did it all by herself while she had nothing to do.

Lin Yi turned on the heating stove. After an hour, the house gradually became warmer. The decision to install the stove last year was really a wise one.

The TV was released from the space and placed in the east room. They had no children or elderly people, so the east room was basically used to store things.

Looking for Xiaoqing?

Going to Hanzheng Street?

Or go to a foreign trade company?

Finally, Lin Yi decided to go to the foreign trade company and tell District Chief Yang about the new order. He rode his bicycle to the foreign trade company and met Yang Zhicheng.

"Hey, Xiaolin, you're back. I was just wondering whether you would be back as the Chinese New Year is approaching. Come and sit down."

The two sat down and chatted.

Lin Yi's words made Yang Zhicheng excited.

"I contacted Mao Xiong for another order, 3 million US dollars, which is enough for us to work for half a year next year." Lin Yi said.

"That's great! It's great!"

Lin Yi took out the goods list, and Yang Zhicheng quickly took it, looking at them all the same, "Oh, we need several kinds of machine tools, and these agricultural machinery are also in great need."

Yang Zhicheng read it briefly and stood up excitedly, "Xiao Lin, I want to report this news as soon as possible. The leaders must study what to buy, their orders, and which factory to give it to. It is estimated that it will not be released until after the year.


"Don't worry, I have to celebrate the New Year at home and won't go back until after the New Year." Lin Yi said.

"Okay, then there will be plenty of time."

"Boss, I'll leave then. By the way, I'll drive the car away," Lin Yi said.

"Let's go, that car is just for you. By the way, you can call a driver at work for the Chinese New Year. There are drivers on duty at work. Also, go to Secretary Wang and get some gas tickets." Yang Zhicheng said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yi was not polite.

After leaving Yang Zhicheng's office, he found Secretary Wang. Hearing that Lin Yi wanted gas coupons, he immediately took him to the finance room. Lin Yi signed and received the gas coupon for 500 liters of gasoline.

After getting the car key, Lin Yi drove the Volga out of the foreign trade company compound. Instead of going home, he drove to Jiangda.

Pick up your wife.

After not seeing each other for another month, Zuo Xiaoqing saw Lin Yi trotting over, "Brother, you're back. I was wondering when you would come back. It's earlier than I expected."

"Is there any evening study tonight?"

"No." Zuo Xiaoqing shook his head.

In fact, this woman lied and she was going to skip class again.

The two had dinner outside, and Lin Yi took Zuo Xiaoqing to the bathhouse to take a bath. It was already past 9 o'clock in the evening when they came out.

Zuo Xiaoqing sat in the car and said with a smile: "It's good to have a car. You don't have to worry about catching a cold after taking a shower in the winter."

The car stopped under the streetlight outside the alley.

There are no private cars these days, so I don’t have to worry about blocking other people’s way. When I return to the house, it’s warm and I say, “Brother, please turn on the heater. It’s really warm.”

"Well, I'll seal the stove and you go make the bed." Lin Yi said.

Zuo Xiaoqing's pink cheeks were filled with joy and shyness. She got up on the bed and spread out the mattress. Two quilts were spread on it. After thinking about it, she put away another bed.

Next, of course, it’s rainy night in Bashan.

The next day.

After sending Zuo Xiaoqing to school, Lin Yi drove the car to Hanzheng Street and found a spacious place to park outside. The Chinese New Year was about to come, and it was the busiest time of Hanzheng Street. People were coming and going, and the sound of hawking and bargaining was endless.

Lin Yi's two stores are still the busiest in the entire Hanzheng Street. When Jiang Wuqiang and the others saw Lin Yi coming, they could only call out "Brother Yi". They were surrounded by customers and couldn't get out.

Lin Yi wandered around and realized that he had nothing to do here, so he ran to the Friendship Store again.

Last year, he had to buy New Year's goods from family to family at the farmer's market. This time, he planned to buy them all at Youyi Company. Youyi Company had everything, but he needed to pay foreign exchange, but this was the least of Lin Yi's worries.

There are still 500 million US dollars lying in the space, which is more than the national foreign exchange reserves.

The car stopped at the door of Friendship Store. When the receptionist saw the car, he thought it belonged to some big boss. Lin Yi entered the store and immediately went to report to the manager. The manager came out to look at the car and looked at Lin Yi who was picking things.

step forward,

"Excuse me, are you Manager Lin of the Provincial Foreign Trade Company?" the manager asked.

Lin Yi was surprised.

"you know me?"

When the manager heard that it was really Lin Yi, he immediately smiled and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Manager Lin, hello, I don't know you, but I know your car. I am a classmate with Manager Liu of your foreign trade company. After the year, my son

When I got married, I heard that the Foreign Trade Bureau had a good car, so I went to my old classmate to borrow it."

"My classmate said that this car is the special car of Manager Lin. Except for the occasional use of General Manager Yang of the Foreign Trade Bureau, no one else is allowed to use it. I saw you driving this car here today. You are still so young. I guess it could be you. You

Are you going to buy something?"

"The Chinese New Year is coming, and I plan to prepare some New Year goods for my relatives and friends. People in the department store are crowded outside and can't get in. I have some foreign exchange in my hand, so it's useless to keep it. Just in friendship

You can buy it in the store." Lin Yi said with a smile.

The store manager said to himself, "You dare to say that foreign exchange is useless. If you have foreign exchange and don't want to secretly sell it to the black market to make more money, only a big business like Lin Yi is willing to come to the Friendship Store."

"You just need to come to our Friendship Store. We have everything here. If you don't have anything, just tell me and I can help you transfer it." The manager said with a smile.

"That's great. I think there are really some things here that I don't want to have." Lin Yi said.

Rice, flour, grains and oils are of course indispensable, pork, bacon, ham, sausage, salted duck, roast chicken, peanuts and melon seeds, tobacco, wine, sweets and tea, there are dozens of them. The store manager asked someone to write them down to ensure that the ones that are available are available and the ones that are not available are dispatched as soon as possible.


There are so many things I want that I can’t even put them in the trunk, mainly because they are for ten people and there are things I plan to take to Zuo Xiaoqing’s family.

"Don't worry, I'll ask someone to send it to you on a truck." The manager said immediately.

When Lin Yi left, he shook hands with the store manager and said goodbye, "Manager Qian, I will go back and tell the driver that if the child uses the car for the wedding, let the driver drive over."

Manager Qian was overjoyed.

"Thank you so much, Manager Lin. If you have anything in the future, if I can help you, just ask."


Isn’t it just accumulated bit by bit like this?

this car,

To him it is a means of transportation.

If he could gain connections with him, how could Lin Yi be so stingy as to lend it to others? Besides, it wouldn't cost him anything.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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