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Chapter 194 Strong

Chapter 194 Strong

Lin Yi came to the Qinghe County Yamen. After waiting for a while, the people in front of him had completed their family status. When it was Lin Yi's turn to go in, Lin Yi stepped forward with a smile and cupped his hands. "Thank you for your hard work, officials," he said, putting a piece of silver into his hands.

on the table.

When the clerk saw it was Lin Yi, especially the broken piece of silver, a smile immediately appeared on his face, "It turns out to be Lin Yi, what are you doing here?"

"Sign up for the imperial examination, please help me write a family statement." Lin Yi said.

"Hey, Mr. Lin has stopped taking the imperial examination for a few years. Why do you think of taking the exam now?" the clerk said, putting the broken silver into his sleeve.

"Do people always have to pursue something?" Lin Yi said.

"That's right, it's good to pursue something. I'll give Mr. Lin a family status right away. Mr. Lin's family status is innocent, so there is absolutely no problem."

The clerk picked up a pen and wrote down Lin Yi's situation on the official paper.

Lin Yi got the family certificate and thanked him for his hard work, said goodbye and left. When he left, the clerk stood up and saw him off with a smile. This was the use of the money.

As soon as I walked out, I met several people. I knew they were scholars by their clothes, but I didn't know them. However, one of them recognized Lin Yi and whispered to a few friends: "This is the ignorant Lin Yi."

Senior official, look at the documents in his hand, does he want to participate in this autumn ceremony?"

One of them heard Lin Yi's name and looked at Lin Yi carefully with annoyance in his eyes. At this time, someone next to him reminded him, "Zhang Erlang, your family borrowed his silver to redeem you and your eldest brother from the Liangshan bandits."


This young man who was called Zhang Erlang was the second son of Zhang Yuanwai. The Zhang family borrowed a loan shark from Lin Yi and redeemed them. After coming back, Mrs. Zhang cursed Lin Yi a lot, saying that he

Taking advantage of the situation to rob is worse than the Liangshan thieves.

Zhang Erlang naturally also hated Lin Yi.

Another point is that Zhang Erlang also covets Golden Lotus and Anemone. I heard that Golden Lotus and Anemone were bought by Lin Yi. This Lin Yi is quite famous in the county, so Golden Lotus and Anemone must have been brutally murdered.


Thinking of this, I feel even more hateful.

"Hmph, I've been studying so hard that I can't say I can pass the exam. It's ridiculous that a playboy like him, who is ignorant and has no skills, wants to take the imperial exam to gain fame. It's really ridiculous. If he can pass the exam, I'll do it myself.

Thrown into the canal."

Lin Yi did not hear what these people said. Although they looked down on Lin Yi, they did not dare to openly provoke him.

Especially Zhang Erlang,

Hate returns to hate,

But now the family still owes Lin Yi a large amount of money. If he offends Lin Yi and this guy goes to the family with an IOU to collect the debt, the Zhang family will not be able to get that much money now.

After leaving the Yamen,

Lin Yi began to visit his classmates. He had already found out from the registration clerk who had signed up this time. Several of them had studied together in the school, and it happened that the joint insurance company was looking for them.

Lin Yi came to visit,

I invited these people to go out for a drink together, and seven or eight of them were called at once.

Several of them happened to have no joint guarantee yet, so they hit it off and decided to jointly guarantee with Lin Yi. They decided to go to the Yamen to apply for joint guarantee documents in the morning.

While drinking, someone asked Lin Yi curiously, "You haven't taken the imperial examination for several years. We all thought you would never take the imperial examination in this life. Why do you think of taking it again?"

Lin Yi smiled and said: "I didn't take the exam before, but I actually didn't miss studying. These days, I suddenly feel enlightened and have gained a lot of experience in studying. I am ready to try again. If it doesn't work, I will completely give up the idea."

Someone next to you laughed and joked: "I heard that you took in two beautiful maids in the Zhang family. Isn't it because after taking in the maids, you feel comfortable using them and your mind becomes clearer?"

"Haha, maybe it's right." Lin Yi said with a smile.

After a long drink, the last few people were drunk by Lin Yi.

He himself was very sober.

He asked Youcai to call for a bullock cart and send the drunken people back, while he strolled to his shop to check the situation.

The herbal medicine shop has been operating for many years and has its own set of procedures. Lin Yi checked the accounts and found nothing, so he told the shopkeeper a few words and left.

Went to the sugar shop again.

When the shopkeeper saw Lin Yi, he immediately said: "Master, what you asked me to do has been completed. I have purchased two thousand guan of brown sugar. I was just thinking about reporting to you for a long time. This brown sugar will easily get damp after being stored for a long time. What should I do with it?"


Only then did Lin Yi remember that there was such a thing.

He once ordered the shopkeeper to buy brown sugar. At that time, his idea was to turn the brown sugar into white sugar. Later, things got so complicated that he forgot about it.

"I remember our family also has a sugar workshop." Lin Yi asked.

"Yes, by the Shilipo River outside the city." Shopkeeper Liu said.

The Lin family has more than 200 acres of land outside the city. The Lin family does not cultivate it themselves and rents it all to tenants. On the edge of this land, they set aside about three acres of land and built a sugar workshop next to the river, mainly for making sugar.

Brown sugar, most of the sugar sold by Lin's sugar shop, is purchased, and a small part is produced in the own workshop.

"Tomorrow, accompany me to the candy store." Lin Yi said.

"It's Master."

Shopkeeper Liu didn't know what Lin Yi was going to do, so he just followed the master's orders.

After Youcai sent someone to look for him, Lin Yi said goodbye to Shopkeeper Liu and took Youcai to a shop selling horse-drawn carriages in Qinghe County.

When the shopkeeper saw Lin Yi, he quickly came over to entertain him.

Lin Yi expressed that he wanted to buy a mule cart. Horses were too difficult to handle, donkeys were too small, and oxen were too slow, so mules were the most suitable.

The finished carriage was placed under a shed in the courtyard. The shopkeeper introduced Lin Yi to the dimensions of the carriage, the wood used, the carvings, etc., which gave Lin Yi the illusion of buying a car at a 4S store.

In the end, I spent 150 yuan to buy the largest and best car here. You can lie down directly in the car, and there is absolutely no problem in carrying three or four people. I also bought a well-trained young mule, and the carriage was ready.


As for driving a car, it is natural to let talented people come, otherwise what is the use of raising him? No matter who he is, he must be multi-talented.

Get on the newly bought carriage and go home.

When I got home, I saw that Jin Lian had already gotten up, but she was still a little awkward when walking. In the study, Lin Yi grabbed her and rubbed her.

Jin Lian looked at Lin Yi charmingly, "The master promised to pity Jin Lian last night, but he used so much force that Jin Lian was tortured to death."

"I'm just asking you, do you like it or not?" Lin Yi asked with a smirk on his face.

Jin Lian was shy and said, "I like it, Nujia."

"It's over if you like it."

In Lin Yi's arms, Jin Lian's body became hot from being teased, "Sir, it's daytime now, so it's not appropriate. Jin Lian will serve you again at night."


Practice martial arts in the martial arts field.

Continue reading after dinner.

Chunmei and Xiuer were supposed to be waiting for her tonight. Lin Yi had just accepted Pan Jinlian and was in high spirits. He said to Chunmei, "You and Xiuer should go and have a rest. Wait for me again tomorrow morning. Let the golden lotus and anemone come tonight."

Chunmei felt a little tasteful and said, "Master, I can take care of you."

Lin Yi looked at her and felt funny, "Okay, let Xiu'er go back to sleep. Jinlian comes to my room and you wait outside."

at night,

Lin Yi was even more merciless than last night. Even though Jinlian was biting the corner of the quilt, the sound came out clearly. Chunmei in the outer room heard it so clearly that she felt blushing, heartache, and leg cramps.

After that, Lin Yi called Chunmei outside.

Chunmei came in with a copper basin, but her steps were sloppy. Her hands holding the copper basin were trembling a little. When she wiped Lin Yi's body, her breathing became even faster.

Lin Yi pinched Chunmei's little face.

"Are you scared?"

Chunmei shook her head vigorously.

The next day.

Yesterday, I made an agreement with several classmates to come to the county government office at the appointed time, and the four of them issued a joint guarantee document together.

Since then.

Registration for Lin Yi Qiuwei is complete.

The government will send people to send these documents to the state capital, and then they can just take their own documents and take the exam.

I made an appointment with several classmates to meet again when I went to the state capital to take the exam. Everyone dispersed. Many people wanted to use the rest of the month to sprint again.

back home,

Had lunch.

Lin Yi said to the girls: "Do you want to go outside the city?"

"Okay, okay!" the women said in unison.

These girls have no chance to go out on weekdays. If they don’t have to worry about their livelihood, the activity circle of women in this era is very small. It is good for them to go out and see the scenery, and they are not too old. It is love.

Playing age.

There were a total of five people sitting in the carriage, including Lin Yi. Fortunately, these girls were light in weight, otherwise a mule might not be able to pull them.

Youcai was not very familiar with driving a cart, so he led the mule to the sugar shop, called shopkeeper Liu at the sugar shop, and walked slowly out of the city together.

Shilipo is said to be ten miles away, but in fact it is only five miles away. After walking for more than half an hour, the group arrived at the sugar workshop.

There are about a dozen sugar workers here, all of whom are workers of the Lin family. The leading master's surname is Niu, a big-name Niu Chengqun. There are also his two sons here, named Niu Danniu Er, and the others are all Niu Chengqun's apprentices.

Accompanied by shopkeeper Liu and master chef Li Chengqun, Lin Yi took several women to inspect the sugar workshop.

Shandong Road mostly grows sugar beets, which are then used to squeeze sugar juice and finally make brown sugar. There are many farmers growing sugar beets in Qinghe County, so many sugar-making workshops have emerged.

Lin Yi looked all the way.

There are a large number of beet lumps piled up in the yard.

Some people washed these beets in the river, washed them, and brought them to the house to cut them into shreds. The sugar factory was built by the river for the convenience of cleaning.

Although the river next to it is not big, the water flow is not slow. The workshop specially built a waterwheel to help squeeze the juice.

Niu Chengqun introduced the entire sugar making process to An Yi. A beet goes through a series of processes such as cleaning, shredding, juicing, evaporation, crystallization, honey separation, and drying, and finally brown sugar is made.

After hearing this, Lin Yi asked Niu Chengqun: "Can you make sugar?"

Niu Chengqun immediately shook his head, "I know that some sugar makers know how to make white sugar, but that is a secret that is not passed down. White sugar is two or three times more expensive than brown sugar. If I have that skill, boss, you have to give me a salary increase.


Lin Yi looked at the other party with a smile, "I have a recipe for making white sugar. Do you want to learn it?"

Shopkeeper Liu looked at his master in surprise and said to himself that the master asked him to buy brown sugar because he had obtained the recipe for making white sugar. If his own workshop could make white sugar, he would make much more money than before.

As the shopkeeper, he also gets a commission. The more the shop makes, the higher his bonus will be, so he also hopes that the shop will make more money.

Master Niu was even more shocked, "Sir, you really have a recipe for making white sugar. If you have it, I will naturally be willing to learn it. This is a craft that makes you rich."

He knew that with this craft, his Niu family would be better off than now.

However, he also knew that the master would not easily pass on this recipe to them. No one would easily teach this kind of technology. The master must have spent a lot of money to buy it.


Lin Yi's next words confirmed his thoughts.

"I want to learn the technique of making white sugar. It's not that I don't want to, but I have a few conditions." Lin Yi said.

Shopkeeper Liu, Jin Lian, and Chun Mei all looked at Lin Yi curiously, wondering what conditions the master would propose.

"This recipe is hard-won. If you learn it, you will have an inherited skill, which can ensure that your Niu family will have food and drink for generations to come. After you learn it and make white sugar, I will also give you a salary increase.

Including your sons and disciples."

"However, if you want to learn this skill, you must swear to me that you will never betray the master's family and take refuge with other families. At the same time, you must write down documents and file them with the government. If you master the skill and leave, I will

The reporting officer will hold you accountable."

Master Niu was a little hesitant when he heard this.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry,

Asking him to discuss with his children and apprentices, Lin Yi took the four Jinlian girls to the river to see the water wheel and play with the water.

In the pebbles by the river, you can catch shrimps and touch crabs, and the girls had a lot of fun.

About half an hour later, Master Niu came over with more than a dozen people from the sugar workshop, including his two sons. These people came to Lin Yi and knelt down directly, "Master, we are willing to swear."

Lin Yi nodded.

Master Niu took the lead. He said something to his son and his apprentice followed suit, and swore an oath that after learning the sugar-making technology, he would not spread it to outsiders and work wholeheartedly for Lin Yi. He would never join another family until his master gave up. If he violated the laws of nature,

Thunder crackles the clouds.

Lin Yi asked Youcai to take the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the car. Lin Yi asked Chunmei to take them to the car in advance. At that time, the girls were wondering why the master would bring these. Now they finally know. It turns out that the master had already prepared them.


Lin Yi wrote the receipt and read it to the craftsmen. After hearing this, the craftsmen had no objections and then pressed their fingerprints one by one.

"Youcai, take what I asked you to bring." Lin Yi said.

Youcai took a package from the shelf at the back of the car. The package was heavy and seemed to weigh about ten or twenty kilograms.

Then they entered the sugar factory, and Lin Yi began to teach these people how to make white sugar. There was ready-made brown sugar in the workshop. Lin Yi asked the craftsmen to melt 10 kilograms of sugar in warm water, and then opened the package. Only then did people see clearly what was inside the package.

It's a pile of burnt pale bones.

Xiu'er asked in surprise, "Master, what is this?"

"Burned cow bones and pig bones are also called bone char. Porcelain kilns that produce porcelain use them. The burned bone char is crushed into powder and added to the porcelain to make the porcelain better."

After explaining, Lin Yi directed Master Niu to pour all the bone charcoal into the pot.

Master Niu obediently obeyed and poured the bone charcoal into the pot. Lin Yi asked them to stir it with sticks. Under people's gaze, they were surprised to find that the color of the red sugar water in the pot became lighter and lighter, and finally turned into white soup.


"Ah, why has it changed?" Anemone asked in surprise.

"Your master, I can do magic." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Lin Yi asked Master Niu to pour out the sugar water, and after evaporating it to dryness, he harvested a batch of white sugar. Shopkeeper Liu picked up the white sugar and looked at it. He was pleasantly surprised and said: "My boss, the quality of these white sugars is much better than the white sugar we bought."


"From 10 pounds of brown sugar, we can produce 7 pounds of white sugar. This is a huge profit."

Lin Yi was actually not too satisfied. Although it was indeed whiter than the current sugar, it still could not achieve the pure and flawless whiteness of later generations.

Lin Yi's method is actually the activated carbon decolorization method, which uses the dense pores of bone charcoal to absorb the pigment in the sugar water to achieve the purpose of decolorization.

Many people who have traveled through ancient times like to use the "yellow mud glazing sugar method" in "Tiangong Kaiwu". In fact, to be honest, Lin Yi has studied the yellow mud glazing sugar method and feels that what is said in the book can basically be concluded to be wrong.

, or not completely.

There is indeed a yellow mud decolorization method in the south, which uses yellow mud, plant ash, etc., and filters it through multiple earthen jars to finally obtain white sugar. In fact, that method involves high losses and slow coagulation time. It often takes a month to harvest one jar of white sugar.

Lin Yi suspected that the current white sugar was produced using this method.

And his bone charcoal method is much faster and more advanced than the yellow mud decolorization method. This is definitely an exclusive technical secret recipe.

Factories in later generations often used the bone char decolorization method before using real modern chemical decolorization technology. In fact, even in modern times, bone char decolorization is still used, and bone char is not disposable. After use, it can be washed and dried, and it can continue to be used.


Lin Yi brought these today just for a test. When formal production begins, he will definitely purchase a large amount of bone char, enough to support large-scale production of white sugar.

The craftsmen learned the technique, and they were all ecstatic. At the same time, they also understood why the master made them swear that this technique was so simple that it could be said to be just a layer of window paper. If someone betrayed them and took away the technique, they could start a new one at any time.

Things are over here,

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Yi returned to Qinghe County with a few girls. Lin Yi asked the girls to get in the car while he and Shopkeeper Liu strolled down below.

"In the future, our sugar workshop will be able to produce a large amount of white sugar. From now on, your focus will be on purchasing brown sugar and selling white sugar."

Having said this, Lin Yi looked at Shopkeeper Liu and said, "Lao Niu and the others, I have promised to increase your salary. Shopkeeper Liu, I have decided to give you a salary increase as well. What do you think?"

A salary increase is definitely a good thing.

But shopkeeper Liu is not stupid. After thinking about it for a while, he knew what his boss meant. After thinking about it, he bowed and said: "My boss, I, Liu Qiandong, swear once again that I will never tell the secret of Baitang. I will follow my boss for the rest of my life and will never be abandoned."

, otherwise they will be flooded and burned to death.”

Lin Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Your previous remuneration was an annuity of 60 guan plus 2% profit commission. From now on, your annuity will be increased to 100 guan, and the profit share will remain unchanged. But you have to know that with

Sugar is a powerful tool, and the profits of sugar shops will more than five times increase in the future. Work hard, and the better you do, the more you will earn."

Shopkeeper Liu had a smile on his face and said, "Don't worry, boss, I will do a good job and I dare not let down my boss's expectations."

Pan Jinlian looked through the window at Lin Yi who was talking to shopkeeper Liu outside. The more she looked at the moon, the more she felt that Lin Yi was a very powerful person.

He pinches people to death.


She also pinched herself very hard at night, showing no mercy at all with such force.

These women around me,

No one can escape in the future.

The people around him probably can't even think of escaping.

She could see that Lin Daguan was very strong, but following such a man, for a woman, she felt more at ease.

Just that night,

Pan Jinlian was once again manipulated hard by the powerful male chauvinist Lin Yi. Tonight, Pan Jinlian was served by Anemone, and Anemone trembled for a long time again.

After everything was done, Lin Yi said to Pan Jinlian: "I'm going to leave for the state capital early to prepare for the exam. Then you can be obedient at home and continue studying."

Pan Jinlian was a little reluctant to give up, hugging Lin Yi and said: "Sir, it only takes three days from our Qinghe to the state capital. There is still more than a month left, why do you go there so early?"

"I still have some things to do on the way."

(End of chapter)

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