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Chapter 205 Poems move Jinghua

Chapter 205 Poetry Moves Beijing

A group of people stayed in a hotel, and the next day, led by Yunsi Yamen officials, they came to the Ministry of Etiquette to register, and then all they had to do was wait for the exam.

"What are your plans next?" asked a classmate.

"Go back and continue studying. There is still one month left, so we need to work harder." One of them said.

Some people disagreed with his point of view, "We have been preparing for three years, and now that we are not here for three or five days, I think we should look for opportunities to travel around more, make some friends, participate in some poetry gatherings, etc., and maybe have a chance to become famous.


Everyone has different ideas and naturally they part ways.

As for Lin Yi,

He must be a liberal. He feels that fame is more important, and not only this provincial examination, reputation is also related to the next palace examination.

have to say,

Lin Yi's confidence is quite high and he feels that he can pass the provincial examination smoothly. There are not many like him. Even if he is one state Jieyuan, he is not completely sure that he will pass.

Xie Yuanqiu Gu, who was in the same class as Enzhou, and Shang Mian, who was in second place, all chose to go back. The rest looked at Lin Yi, who was in third place.

"Brother Lin, what are your plans next?" asked a man named Zhao Yuanbi.

"Are you guys interested in visiting a brothel? Bianjing is home to famous actors from all over the world. It would be a pity not to take this opportunity to see them." Lin Yi said with a smile.

"I think so too."

"I'm willing to go with you."

Several people echoed, and Lin Yi looked over. Zhao Yuanbi, Xia Tingzhi, Han Liang, Xie Qian, Liu Tan, Zhang Yinglu, plus him, there were seven people in total. They were all young people in their twenties and full of energy.

"Let's discuss where to go?" Lin Yi said.

Someone immediately said: "I heard rumors that there are two oirans in Bianjing who are the best in Bianjing. One is Li Shishi and the other is Cui Niannu. Why don't we go and see them?"

Some people shook their heads and said, "I have also heard of the two women, but they are quite famous. Scholars, princes, and grandsons are competing for them. We may not be able to see Master Li or Cui Niannu if we go."

"Try it, just in case there is a chance." Someone said.

Finally, they reached an agreement to go see the most famous Master Li. However, when they arrived at the Qingyue Zuihua Building where Master Li lived, they found that the downstairs was full of scholars. The whole hall was so busy that there was no room to sit.

There are also many people writing poetry and painting.

After asking, I found out that Ms. Li would not show up to see guests easily. She had to make an appointment first, and only after being notified would she have the opportunity to have a cup of tea and chat with her, and she would also be offered generous rates.

Lin Yi thought in his mind,

At this time, according to the timeline, Li Shishi should have already followed Song Huizong, who wrote the poem "Let's drink together in front of each other, hugging each other by the soft jade lamp, looking back and hugging each other with affection. It hurts, and gently pushes the man, and gradually

Trembling at the sound, 'should have been written.

So now I rarely meet people, and even if I do, it's just tea and tea, but even then I still flock to them.

"How to make a reservation?" Lin Yi asked.

The servant immediately said: "You can leave poems, calligraphy, or paintings. As long as your literary talent is recognized by Miss Shishi, the post will be sent to the address you left."

Only then did Lin Yi and others understand why there were so many scholars writing poems and paintings in the hall, but they all stayed at the door to pay their respects.

"Prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones for us," Zhang Yinglu said.

"One with two guan for calligraphy and one for five guan for painting. How many copies should you prepare, gentlemen?" the servant asked.

A meal for a few people.

good guy,

It costs money to write greetings, so this is too good of a business.

However, this can also separate the crowd. Those who have no money and no confidence in their literary talents should not come in, and there is no need to waste the time of both parties.

In the end, only Lin Yi and Xia Tingzhi asked for pen and ink.

Xia Tingzhi had a few poems he had written before, and he felt they were pretty good, but they were not widely circulated. If they could be favored by Master Li and become famous, it would definitely be of great benefit to him.

As for Lin Yi,

After getting pen, ink, paper and inkstone, I thought about it and wrote a famous poem.

"Ask what love is in the world, and tell me that life and death are mutually beneficial?

Traveling from all over the world, Lao Wing has been through the cold and heat several times.

Pleasure is joyful, parting is bitter, and there are even more idiotic children..."

Now is a good time to become famous, so Lin Yi naturally did not hesitate to come up with good poems and wrote the famous "Yanqiu Ci".

As for calligraphy,

Naturally, it is Dacheng’s Zhao style running script.

After finishing the poem, Lin Yi did not stop and continued to write the source of the poem, "In the autumn of the Jiawu year in Enzhou, a goose hunter on the road said: "If you catch a goose now, kill it. The one who escaped from the net screamed in despair.

Go, actually throw himself to the ground and die while composing "Yanqiu Ci"..."

good poetry,

There has to be a good story to go with it.

The final signature was, "Enzhou Qinghe·Lin Yi."

The servant was not Bai Ding. When he saw Lin Yi's handwriting, he couldn't help but praise Lin Yi's handwriting. Several classmates in Linyi also praised Lin Yi's handwriting.

"Dongyang, I didn't expect you to have such good calligraphy. We are really surprised."

"I used to think that I was good at calligraphy, but when I compared it with Dongyang, there was a world of difference."

After they read the poem, they were amazed again.

"What a poem, what a poem."

"This line, 'Ask what love is in this world, it will tell you whether life and death are mutually beneficial.' The beginning of the poem is stunning and stunning."

Xia Tingzhi, who originally wrote poems, after seeing Lin Yi's poems and calligraphy, picked up the copy he had written and tore it up. Everyone was surprised.

Meaning, I won’t show off my ugliness.”

Lin Yi handed over the money.

The servant left with the poem.

Everyone didn't stay at Qingyue Zuihua Tower and came out directly. "If you can't see Master Li, what will you do next?" someone asked.

"Go see Cui Niannu." Someone said with a smile.

"There are six to seven thousand people coming to take the exam this time. Cui Niannu's side is probably about the same as Li Shishi's side, and the possibility of seeing them is not high," Zhao Yuanbi said.

"It's just fun, success or failure doesn't matter." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Everyone thought about it, what kind of shame would they have to go out to a brothel? They asked for a good road and walked towards Cui Niannu together. After walking for about two sticks of incense, they came to a quiet place with white walls and green tiles. A plaque on the porch said

Author of "Huajuyashe".

There is a welcoming servant at the door.

Someone came up and asked, "Is this a place for niannu?"

The servant nodded,


"Can we see Miss Niannu?"

The servant said: "There are hundreds of scholars waiting to see the girl in the living room. You gentlemen can go in and have a look."

Several people's hearts trembled.

It seems to be similar to Master Li's.

Entering the courtyard,

It was like a garden in the south of the Yangtze River, with lush forests, bamboos, pavilions and pavilions. Lin Yixin said it was nice here, comparable to the Yuyuan Liuyuan he visited in later generations.

Come to the main hall,

There are many scholars sitting here.

It’s the same as Master Li’s. Leave a message to make an appointment for the work. If the girl likes it, she will naturally post and contact you.

This time, no one in the same year as Lin Yi spoke, and they all looked at Lin Yi.

"Brother Dongyang, come on."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Bring a pen and paper."

Not long after, paper and pen were delivered. Lin Yi asked if he had any requirements. The servant said that he had no requirements and that he could do whatever he wanted.

"So Miss Niannu, do you usually like euphemistic love poems, or poems about family and country?" Lin Yi asked again, and as he spoke, he stuffed a piece of silver in his hand, about two yuan or so.

The servant took it with a smile, "Young lady probably likes the feelings of family and country. I don't know too much."

Lin Yi nodded with a smile and started writing.

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.

Right or wrong, success or failure turns to nothing.

Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns."

When several of Lin Yi's friends saw that Lin Yi had written a new poem, they all watched it carefully. When Lin Yi finished writing, everyone cheered in their hearts.


"Enzhou Qinghe·Lin Yi".

"Okay, let's give this to Miss Niannu. Remember, I live in Tongfu Hotel." Lin Yi said.

After saying that, he handed over a piece of silver.

The servant quickly took it.

Everyone left the Huaju Yashe.

"That's it. What should we do next?"

"Haha, it's hard to find another brothel. Qingyue Zuihua House and Huaju Yashe won't accept them. There are also Lichun Courtyard, Yihong Courtyard, Fatty House, and Flower House. I can't see Niannu, Master.

, and Zhenzhen, Lianlian, and Aiai." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

"Yes, let's take a walk and find another place to drink."

Cui Niannu was leaning on the soft pillow, looking lazy. She started her career at the age of fifteen and is now twenty-two years old. She has seen too many men.

The scholars outside did not arouse much interest in her.

it's the same,

There are young men, there are talented scholars, there are men who have a lot of money, and there are handsome men. But there are very few men who are young, handsome, have a lot of money, have outstanding talents, and know how to love women and understand their taste.

The door opens,

A maid came up with a tray with a thick stack of rice paper on it.

Cui Niannu supported his cheek with one hand, picked up a piece of writing at random with the other hand, glanced at it, and threw it to the ground.

"not good."

"not good."

"Still not good."

She was already very talented and learned, and ordinary poetry could not catch her eye. But when she picked up another piece of writing, glanced at it and subconsciously let go, she suddenly stopped.

Good words.

This is her first impression.

good words.

This is my reaction after reading the poem.

Look at the signature,

Lin Yi, Qinghe, Enzhou.


Cui Niannu stopped looking at the others. Cui Niannu took Lin Yi's painting of Linjiang Fairy and looked at it over and over again. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. Every word felt so beautiful. She dared to say that this calligraphy could be included in all the calligraphy she had ever seen.

The top few in.

Including copybooks of great calligraphers from the previous dynasties on the market.

"Ask the servant to come over and ask questions." Cui Niannu said.

The little maid hurriedly went to call someone.

Not long after, the servant who was serving Lin Yi was called over. Cui Niannu asked a few questions. The servant replied: "He is a young man, about twenty-six or seventeen years old. He is quite tall and handsome. His classmates seem to be called

He is Dongyang."

Cui Niannu thought for a while, took out a beautiful invitation from the drawer, opened it and wrote an invitation, inviting Mr. Lin Yi to come to Huaju Yashe for tea and chat tomorrow.

"Send it to the address he said."

The servant quickly took it.

On the other side of Qingyue Zuihua Tower, Li Shishi was also looking at a poem. When she saw the first line of the poem, she was deeply attracted.

"Ask what love is in this world, and you will learn how to make love between life and death!"

This sentence seems to penetrate people's hearts.

The poem is good.

Words are also good,

She was good at poetry, calligraphy and painting, and music. The man composed poems for her and gave her many precious copybooks. She even read the original works of calligraphers.

And the calligraphy in front of me is really not inferior to the two kings.

He stretched out his hand and called his maid, "Haitang, please send an invitation to Mr. Lin Yi and invite him to have tea tomorrow."

She just finished saying,

Something suddenly occurred to me.

"Lin Yi, Lin Yi, is he the Lin Yi who wrote 'Pinch a you and mold a me' and 'Only if you don't miss lovesickness in your life, you will miss lovesickness, and it will harm lovesickness'?"

Drinking in a brothel.

Didn't stay overnight.

Lin Yi and others returned to the hotel. As soon as they entered the lobby, the shopkeeper saw Lin Yi and immediately shouted: "Master Lin Yi, you are back. There are people here who have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Yi was surprised who was looking for him.

Two people dressed as servants came over. One of them came forward with an invitation in both hands and said respectfully: "Mr. Lin, my girl Niannu invites you to come to Huaju Yashe for tea and chat tomorrow."

Not to be outdone, the other one also handed over an invitation with both hands and said: "Mr. Lin, my Miss Shishi invites you to come to Qingyue Zuihua House for tea and chat tomorrow."

After the two of them finished talking,

Don't forget to glare at each other.

Lin Yi's friends, other scholars in the lobby, the shopkeeper and the waiter, all looked at Lin Yi blankly.

"Cui Niannu invites Lin Yi to drink tea!"

"Master Li invites Lin Yi to drink tea!"

"Two oiran leaders invited Lin Yi to tea at the same time, and it was on the same day. What did Lin Yi do to show such dignity?"

Lin Yi was very calm, took the invitation and said he would go to the appointment the next day, and gave each of the two servants a piece of silver.

Lin Yi returned to the house.

But the news spread quickly.

Countless people wanted to meet Li Shishi and Cui Niannu but couldn't. Why did this man named Lin Yi suddenly receive invitations from the two courtesans at the same time?


But soon new news came.

The two poems written by Lin Yi were seen by friends who went with him, and naturally they were used as a means of showing off. In a short time, Lin Yi's two poems spread throughout Bianjing.


Two other poems by Lin Yi were also translated.

Many people suddenly realized, oh, it turns out that this Lin Yi is the same Lin Yi who wrote "Pinch a you, shape a me" and "Only if you don't miss lovesickness in your life, you will miss lovesickness, and it will harm lovesickness." Who can write Yanqiu Ci and

Linjiangxian is not surprised either.

Lin Yi's name was quickly learned.

Don't underestimate the speed of ancient information transmission.

Rumors and gossip spread faster than normal information, often 2 to the 20th power of the normal information spread speed.

Li Shishi also knew the news and wrote a poem called "Linjiang Xian". He also liked the lyrics very much.

On the other hand, Cui Niannu also wrote the poem Yanqiu, and she also liked this poem very much.


How could I write such a good poem for 'her'?

See you tomorrow.

I must ask him to write a better poem.

Women are jealous.

The two women are equally famous, and they often compete with each other openly and secretly, so naturally they are not willing to lag behind.

(End of chapter)

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