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Chapter 209 Second Place in the Provincial Examination

Chapter 209 Second Place in the Provincial Examination

Gao Yanei was shot through the chest with an arrow.

The people in the temple were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

Lin Chong was also frightened.

He looked at the arrow in surprise.

He never thought of it,

At this moment, someone shot a cold arrow and killed Gao Yanei. He immediately thought that if Gao Yanei died, he might also be implicated.

Seeing that Gao Yanei was dying with blood spurting from his chest, several of the gangsters in Gao Yanei carried him and ran away, preparing to find a place to seek medical treatment.

Come to the hospital.

The doctor only took one look and said: "It's hopeless, it's already cold."

Gao Yanei was shot and killed, which shocked the entire Bianjing. Although everyone knew that Gao Yanei was a playboy and committed many evil deeds, he was the son of Taiwei Gao after all, so his murder was a big deal.

But many people also applauded secretly.

It's good to die from that misfortune.

Very satisfying.

Taiwei Mansion.

Gao Qiu looked at Gao Yanei, who was lying on the board, already cold, with a look of anger on his face.

No heartache.

He himself was unable to have children, and he only recognized this son so that he could have an offspring. Naturally, he knew what this guy did on a daily basis, and it had ruined a lot of his reputation. But since he had already recognized him, he could only let him go.

Although he also looked down upon his godson, he would never allow anyone to kill him. This was a serious provocation to himself as a lieutenant.

I picked up the arrow next to me and looked at it. I couldn't see anything wrong with it. It was just an ordinary folk arrow with no marks.

"Is the Governor of Bianjing here?"

"Here you go, sir."

"Tell him to investigate this matter thoroughly and find the murderer for me."

"There is also Lin Chong. My son was shot and killed when he had a conflict with him. He could not escape his involvement, so he asked the Bianjing Yamen to interrogate him strictly to see if it was his accomplices."

"Also, send our people to investigate who did this."

"There are also future generations, you just have to look at the arrangements."

Several orders were given in succession.

Gao Qiu dropped the arrow and turned around to leave. As for Yin Gao Qiu of Bianjing Prefecture, he did not see him, and he would not attend Gao Yanei's funeral. The living Gao Yanei could carry on his family lineage, but the dead Gao Yanei was just a useless corpse.


It would be nice to find a way to have another son in the future.

However, Lin Chong was unlucky. He was interrogated by the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion. Lin Chong felt very wronged. His wife was molested, so he did not hit Gao Yanei in the past. He was prepared to settle the matter. Who would have thought that an arrow would fly over at this moment?

, shot Gao Yanei to death and implicated himself in it.

The Jingzhao Mansion Yamen also agreed with Lin Chong's remarks, but still put Lin Chong in jail.

An in-depth investigation followed, including some tourists who were at Daxiangguo Temple that day, but nothing was found.

This thing is too strange.

No one was seen carrying any weapons, and no one ran away in panic afterwards. The arrow seemed to appear out of thin air. In the end, even the investigators wondered whether the arrow flew from somewhere else and happened to be shot.

The unlucky guy in Zhonggaoyanei.

The murderer could not be found.

This matter has become an unsolved case.

Lin Chong, on the other hand, has always been imprisoned in a prison as a suspected accomplice, and it is nothing more than imprisonment. What makes Lin Chong even more uncomfortable is that the Lin family came to visit and told Lin Chong that he had been expelled from the front office of the palace and was no longer the instructor of the Forbidden Army.

Moreover, without Gao Qiu's words, the Jingzhao Mansion Yamen would not let him go easily, and now he has no hope of going to jail.

Lin Chong was heartbroken.

After Lin Yi killed Gao Yanei, he met up with his classmates and returned to the inn together. As for what happened to Gao Yanei, they also heard about it and kept talking about it on the way, but no one doubted Lin Yi.


No one in Bianjing doubted Lin Yi, because it can be said that he had no interaction with Gao Yanei.

Who knew that Lin Yi, a time traveler, killed Gao Yanei just because he hated him, and he also had the ability to hide bows and arrows.

It's February in the blink of an eye.

During this time, the hustle and bustle of the capital became much less. Originally, there were many candidates walking around, visiting brothels and participating in poetry recitals. But now that the exam is approaching, everyone is nervous again, and many people go back to the inn to read all day.

Lin Yi is similar.

In addition to going to Cui Niannu's place every now and then, and spending most of his time reading in the inn, Cui Niannu also helped Lin Yi get a set of "Answers to the Imperial Examination Scholars over the Years". This thing is very precious, and many people who have money buy it.

No, Lin Yi benefited a lot from watching it.

During this period,

Xia Tingzhi, Zhao Yuanbi and others also relied on their connections to find relatives who were officials in the capital. These people were Jinshi scholars and had participated in the imperial examination. They paid money to explain the imperial examination process and precautions to them. Everyone gained a lot, and they would not be in trouble when the time came.

Both eyes turned black.

February 12th.

The day for the provincial examination has arrived.

It was a cold morning, filled with frost, and the branches on the roadside were covered with frost flowers. Candidates rushing to take the exam got up in the dark, carried food boxes and stationery, and set out outside the exam hall early.

Outside Gongyuan,

It's densely packed with people.

Everyone was so cold that they couldn't help stamping their feet and rubbing their hands.

People gathered in small groups and whispered about what the test questions would be this time.

Lin Yixin said that fortunately it was the Song Dynasty, not the Ming Dynasty. The Song Dynasty was more trouble-free and would not sleep in the Gongyuan. If it were the Ming Dynasty, they would lock you in a hut for three days, eating, drinking, and defecating. It would definitely be a mess.

A great suffering.

"Dang Dang Dang~~!"

The sound of bells and drums rang.

The gate of the Gongyuan opened, and all the people who were squatting, standing, talking or chatting stopped, and two teams of forbidden troops came out. An official stood on the high platform and shouted "candidates enter," and the candidates began to enter the Gongyuan one after another.

The chief examiner of this examination is the Minister of Rites, and the deputy examiner is the Grand Bachelor of Xuanhe Hall. In addition, there are more than a dozen other officials to cooperate.

The officials took the lead and led the candidates to worship Master Kong Sheng together, and then began to search their bodies to formally enter the examination seats. Lin Yi got his examination card, looked at the seat number, Bingding 68, Lin Yi looked at the seat and found it.

Sit down.

Knock on the cloud board.


After getting the paper, Lin Yi glanced at the questions. The provincial exams were similar to the state exams, including classics and meanings, poetry, policy theory, and current policy.

Today's first session is about classics and poems, which fall into the category of basic questions.

After that, there will be one day of planning and discussion, and one day of current affairs planning.

Although Lin Yi was confident, he still answered the questions seriously and did not dare to slack off in the slightest. Wasn't it just for this moment that he had been preparing for many days?


There was a noise in the distance.

It made many people look up.

At this time, the patrol came over and shouted to everyone: "Please answer the questions seriously. Someone was cheated just now and was kicked out. Don't make any mistakes."

No matter how strict the prison is, there will still be people who take desperate measures and use various methods. However, once caught, the consequences can be very serious, ranging from being suspended from the exams several times to being banned from the imperial examinations for life.

Lin Yi didn't care about this, lowered his head and continued to answer the questions.

There are a total of five questions on Jingyi, and the amount of questions is quite large. In previous years’ exams, many people could not finish the questions. In the end, they begged the examiner for more time and were kicked out.

After finally finishing answering the questions on the meaning of the Five Classics, Lin Yi looked at the time and saw that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

He took out the food box, took out a box of pastries and took a bite, then took out the bamboo thermos, poured himself a cup of tea, and padded his stomach. The examiner and the inspector went over and watched Lin Yi eating without paying attention.

This is what is allowed in the examination room.

After the examiner left, Lin Yi had a warm chicken drumstick in his hand and took a big bite. An examinee opposite Lin Yi looked at Lin Yi in surprise and said to himself that this guy really brought everything and treated this place as a picnic.

Lin Yi felt much better after eating.

Start answering the poem.

After Wang Anshi's reform of the imperial examination, poetry is no longer valued in the imperial examination. Poetry used to be extremely important, but now it is only one of the minor items in the examination.

This couldn't help Lin Yi, so he wrote another flattering poem. Examiners would never dare to give a low score to this kind of poem.

There is no problem with the rhythm of his words and sentences, and they are praising the emperor. If the examiner gives a low score, if someone says that he has disrespect for the emperor in his heart, he will have no place to cry, so this kind of poem written by Lin Yi

, the most stable way to get points.

If you say poetry is a hundred percent score, his score is definitely above eighty-five percent.


The cloud plate rings.

It heralds the end of the exam that day.

Start winding up.

The examination room became lively again.

Some people asked for a moment of grace before they finished answering, but the examiner did not give them a chance.

Lin Yi and others walked out of the examination room.

When walking to the inn, I met a few classmates and chatted about how the exam questions went while walking on the road.

After returning to the inn and having dinner, Lin Yi fell asleep directly. But that night many people were still reading with books and sharpening their guns before the battle.

The next day,

Examination policy theory.

There are three channels in total.

The amount of questions is not small.

And it is very difficult to write every article well.

There were many more people who had not finished answering the questions when handing in the paper than the previous day.

The last day.

Exam time policy.

Current affairs policy involves the examination of current affairs, such as water conservancy and farmland, domestic affairs and diplomacy, officialdom, finance, taxation and treasury, etc.

This content is a test of students' knowledge of current affairs. It cannot be answered by reading a few books, four books, and five classics. In previous years, there were two or three questions on current affairs policy. This year, there were three questions. Many candidates lamented their bad luck after seeing it.

The larger the number of questions, the higher the requirements for students. To solve the problem and write the argument, each topic will not be less than seven or eight hundred words. All these must be completed within one day. Many candidates are unable to do so.

It failed on this one.

Even though Lin Yi had a photographic memory and the skills of a master calligrapher, he felt very nervous about completing these three articles on current affairs and did not finish them until the end.

When rewinding.

There was a cry of mourning in the examination room.

After going out, Xia Tingzhi, Zhao Yuanbi and others saw Lin Yi and asked, "Brother Dongyang, how are you doing on current affairs?"

"Anyway, I've finished writing. As for whether it's good or bad, it depends on how the examiner evaluates it. What about you?" Lin Yi asked several people.

Xia Tingzhi spread his hands and said helplessly: "I only answered two questions. I didn't have time to write the last question. It seems that I can only fight again in three years."

"I didn't do very well in the exam. I could barely finish the third question, but I didn't have time to pass it properly. I just forced it on, so I'm afraid it's hard to pass." Zhao Yuanbi said.

Lin Yi smiled softly, "Now that the exam is over, don't think so much. Let's wait until the results are released in a few days."

Several people also know that it is useless to think too much now, so they simply stop thinking about it.

I have been very tired these past few days,

After returning to the inn, a few people ate something, washed up, and then fell asleep.

Lin Yi did not go back to the inn, but went to Cui Niannu's place. After not seeing him for many days, he missed him very much. After bathing and changing clothes, he took care of the beautiful woman and then fell asleep with his arms around the beautiful woman.

The exam is over.

The examiners are busy.


Initial screening.

Copy papers.

Select the ones you want and hand them over to the examiner.

This process has deleted 90 percent of people.

The best candidates will be selected from the best among the main and secondary examinations.

Finally, the roster is determined and the candidates for this pilot test are selected. Of course, these have to be handed over to the emperor, especially the top ten examination papers they selected, which will usually be read by the emperor, and then the province will be appointed.

Lin Yi's paper is among these ten papers.

But it was not the first place chosen by the examiner.

In this exam, Lin Yi still wanted to be steady. Whether it was about policies or current affairs, his answers were quite satisfactory, without any extreme remarks, and he occasionally made remarks that praised the prosperous times of today. Of course, he also had the right sense of proportion.

There is no talent and beauty,

But it is also full of flowers.

The chance of being selected for this kind of test paper is very high, and it is more likely to be selected than those that take a more extreme approach. After all, the examiner will take a huge risk by selecting those extreme articles.

You choose articles like this,

Just show that this is what you stand for, otherwise you would choose him.

And if your extreme articles are seen by the emperor, what will the emperor think of you? Isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?

And Lin Yi's article is just right.

Although the names of the ten examination papers given to Zhao Ji were all anonymized, they were all original papers. There was no need to copy the papers when they were shown to the emperor.

Although Zhao Ji was mediocre, he also attached great importance to the imperial examination. After all, it only happened once every three years. Moreover, he was a literary emperor. His lack of knowledge and skills was in the governance of the country. No one dared to say that he was incompetent in literary talent.

Read the articles one by one.

Zhao Ji feels quite satisfied with the essays of this year’s candidates.

But when he saw one of the articles, his eyes lit up.

What a beautiful regular script.

The font is elegant and beautiful, full of energy, strict and strict, and does not exceed the rules. When it is dignified and solemn, there is a free and innocent charm.

He fell in love with these words at first sight.

Moreover, he also saw that these words should have been written by the candidate named Lin Yi. Although most of the words written by Lin Yi to Li Shishi were in running script, they could not be separated into regular scripts and the context was completely unified. Everyone could recognize the calligraphy of Zhao Ji at a glance.

Read the article again.

There is nothing unusual about being upright, but it can also be seen that Lin Yi is a steady person. Song Huizong was very satisfied with Lin Yi's answers.

Why are you satisfied?

Because people who are talented are often the most likely to be arrogant. Lin Yi's poetry, calligraphy, painting, and music were all recognized by him. Song Huizong was a person with high vision. It was rare in the world to be recognized by him. Lin Yi was

One of them, this is the greatest affirmation for Lin Yi.

If Lin Yi wrote some wild articles, he would not be surprised at all, but if he wrote upright articles, he would be surprised.

That kind of people.

He is steady and talented, and he is so good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. Lin Yi has also been investigated and has no connection with any forces that he doesn't like. He is exactly the person he can use.

"This one, let's put it in second place."

Zhao Ji said to the examiner, Minister of Rites.

"Yes, official."

The Minister of Rites quickly took the paper and took a look at Lin Yi's paper. He was also very impressed by this paper.

Good calligraphy,

When he saw the paper, he was also deeply attracted by the candidate's handwriting.

As for the article?

Upright and peaceful.

There are upper and middle schools.

So when he submitted the ranking, he was ranked fifth in this paper, and now the official named him second. Maybe this word was right for the official.

But no matter what.

He must obey the emperor's words.

Five days later.

Gongyuan released the results.

Countless people are crowded here, as well as their servants. There are ten or twenty thousand people outside Gongyuan Square, which is very lively.

Several of Lin Yi's classmates couldn't see Lin Yi, and they all commented:

"Have you seen Brother Dongyang?"

"I didn't see it. He doesn't seem to be here."

"Since the exam ended, Brother Dongyang has moved to live with Miss Niannu. He is so happy that I envy him."

"Isn't he just waiting for news from Miss Niannu?"

They really guessed it right. Lin Yi really didn't come. He knew how chaotic this place was. Anyway, the result was already determined. How could it be any different if it was earlier or later.

The rankings are finally open.

When the huge imperial list was posted on the wall of the Gongyuan, people crowded forward even more. If it were not blocked by the Imperial Guards, a stampede might have occurred.

"First place, Bingzhou Gaodong."

"Second place, Enzhou Lin Yi."

"Ah, Brother Lin Yi came in second place in the exam. He is really awesome."

Cui Niannu had already sent a servant to watch here. When the servant saw that Mr. Lin Yilin's name was high on the list and ranked second, he jumped up happily and ran back howling, because he knew

, this time my reward will definitely be indispensable.

This servant is still at the street corner,

Just shouted loudly.

"Mr. Lin Yilin, second in high school in this subject."

"Mr. Lin Yilin, second in high school in this subject."

Just like that, he shouted all the way into Huaju Yashe, his voice was three levels higher, and he shouted all the way to Cui Niannu's small courtyard.

His shout attracted many people, especially the girls in the courtyard. When they heard that Mr. Lin Yilin had won second place in the exam, they all chased after him.

This time, Huaju Yashe became completely lively.

(End of chapter)

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