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Chapter 212 Doll

Chapter 212 Doppelgänger

Wang Fu was robbed.

I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

Unlike Cai Jing, he concealed the matter, but reported it to the officials with great fanfare. The next day, the entire Bianjing city knew that the treasure house of young prime minister Wang Fu had been looted.

The loss of gold, silver and treasures worth tens of millions of dollars was a matter of great concern to the governor of Bianjing. The matter also alerted Song Huizong, who ordered all ministries to investigate with all their might.

Survey results show.

The thief was fascinated by the guards and entered the treasure house. When he came out, he was hit by a patrol. He killed several guards and escaped without trace.

But there are a lot of doubts here.

How much goods can one person take away? That is a whole warehouse of goods, and it would take dozens or hundreds of trucks to haul it away.

So some people doubted whether Wang Fu was lying.

But is it necessary to lie?

This kind of thing doesn't show your face and makes no money.

A normal person would definitely not be able to take away property worth tens of millions of dollars. Then some rumors and rumors began to appear, and people began to rely on ghosts and gods.

The most valuable clues.

That's the sentence left on the wall.

"Take away the ill-gotten gains, and next time I'll take Wang Fu's dog head. Mr. Dayu is here for a visit!"

Who is this ‘Big Rain King’?

In ancient times, those who dared to call themselves kings were all emperors and princes. Of course, some gods were also called kings, such as the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, the Six Stars of the Southern Dipper, the True King of Five Qi, the Green Dragon Mengzhang, the White Tiger Supervisor, and the Suzaku Lingguang.

Xuanwu Zhimingshenjun, Wudezhenjun, Huodezhenjun, etc.

Some emperors who believed in Taoism also gave themselves the title of king. For example, Huizong of the Song Dynasty called himself the "Master of Yuqing, the subtle Taoist king".

Jiajing is even more awesome, with a long name: Lingxiao Shangqingtong Lei Yuanyang Miaoyi Feixuan Zhenjun, Jiutian Hongjiao Puji Life Palm Yin Yang Gong Guo Dao Siren Ziji Xianweng Yiyang Zhenjun Yuanxu Xuanying Kaihua

The loyal and filial emperor who subdues demons, the Great Luo Celestial Immortal in the Heaven, the Purple Extreme Immortal Saint, the Wisdom, the Spiritual Tong Yuan Zheng, Ying Yuxu, the Master of Five Thunders, the Great Immortal, the Xuandu Realm Longevity Emperor.

Because some people hated Wang Fu, they even began to spread rumors that Wang Fu had been punished by the gods, which made Wang Fu nervous, fearing that Song Huizong would hate him.


He regretted it a little.

When the old thief Cai Jing found out about this, he snorted, "Wang Fu is still a bit young."

In the past, Wang Fu fawned over Cai Jing when he came to the throne. After getting Zhao Ji's favor, Wang Fu seemed to be a little dissatisfied. Later, the two had a falling out, and Wang Fu began to think about how to remove Cai Jing so that he could become prime minister.

Now the two of them also have a fighting relationship in the court.

The government investigated with great fanfare, and the matter spread throughout the government and the entire Bianjing city. Millions of people knew that Wang Fu had lost tens of millions of dollars in property.

Many rumors immediately appeared in the market.

"It is said that there are tens of millions of gold and silver worth, as well as countless treasures, filling a large warehouse. There are heavy soldiers guarding the outside. There is only one thief in front and behind. How much can that person steal even if he is carrying the package?

Something is very strange."

"Is it because you are guarding yourself and committing theft?"

"I even suspect that it was Wang Fu's own deception, which made it easier for him to swallow the money privately."

"But those gold, silver and treasures are his own?"

"It is said that there is a message in the treasury, signed as 'Great Rain Lord'. Could this Lord of Rain be a god who descended to earth and used a transporting spell to take away Wang Fu's belongings?"

The underground forces in Bianjing City were also brought out by the government and asked to help find suspicious people, but there were no clues.

this matter,

There are so many things that make people wonder.

Song Huizong was also surprised when he heard the investigation report.

And the name of 'Lord Rain', although I don't know where it comes from, has been completely spread.

In the third month of the lunar calendar, the ice and snow melt, the weather gradually becomes warmer, the willow trees sprout and become green, the young grass sprouts, and the palace examination is just around the corner.

The annual oiran preliminaries are being held here. Gorgeous boats are cruising on the Bian River, and girls from various families will come out to perform their talents.

Although Li Shishi and Cui Niannu are well-known in the capital, they basically do not accept foreign customers now. Each brothel brings out the best girls they have trained for many years, hoping to compete for the oiran this time, even if they cannot come out on top, they can still use this opportunity Be famous and raise your worth.

The entertainment industry in Bianjing is extremely developed. There are no less than a hundred brothels, and these are the high-end brothels with prestigious names, and there are countless ordinary brothels.

"Love is as deep as the ocean, and old memories are as far away as the sky. Thousands of tears are shed, which makes people even more sad. To see without a cause, it will be difficult to fight."

On a painting boat,

A beautiful and graceful girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old, was playing the pipa and singing. All the guests on the surrounding boats were looking at her.

Lin Yi was also on one of the boats.

The song this girl sang was composed for her by Lin Yixin. The girl is a new girl launched by Huaju Yashe this year. Her name is Luo Wan'er. If she can win the championship, her net worth will immediately increase dozens or hundreds of times. It's like The difference between an unknown trainee and a popular diva.

The steward asked Lin Yi to write a poem for him to use in the Oiran competition. Lin Yi is now quite famous, and with the blessing of his poems, it will be of great benefit to his fame.

Lin Yi was not stingy and wrote a sad poem, telling the story of a woman's suffering when she cannot ask for separation.

Today's Oiran Competition,

Lin Yi brought Cui Niannu over, and they came here half for a spring outing and half to watch the excitement. There was no street, so he just sat in the boat with Cui Niannu, drinking and watching the show, and commenting on the little girls. It was very interesting.

They say ancient times are boring.


Big mistake.

Rich and powerful people, whether in modern or ancient times, will never live a boring life.

After singing the song,

Received countless applause.

The painting boat left, and a new painting boat came up, but it was from Qingyue Zuihualou, the opposite of Huaju Yashe. Lin Yi also found that there was another painting boat not far behind. His eyes were very good and he could see into the cabin. The person sitting.

The woman is clearly Li Shishi, and opposite Li Shishi, sitting is a middle-aged man with a short beard. Generally speaking, he looks like a handsome guy. His body is very elegant, but there is a sense of confidence in his eyebrows.

Lin Yi thought for a moment and guessed that this person was probably Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, the first time I met Zhao Ji was at the oiran show.

But the person who was introduced to Qingyue Zuihua Tower this time was someone Lin Yi had met. It was the girl Furong who cooked tea for him when he went to meet Master Li.

Furong is about fifteen years old, with extremely beautiful appearance and gentle temperament. She is also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. After being trained by Master Li, she already has the temperament of an oiran.

"Luo Qi is fragrant and beautiful in spring. Golden lotuses bloom across the land and sea, and the capital city is beautiful. Baoyu looks back at the green peaks. The east wind blows and blows half the stars in the sky."

When Furong plays and sings it, it is also a new song.

Lin Yi's heart moved.


He remembered reading this poem, which was written by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Now that it is used here, it seems that the person who supports this girl Furong is the current emperor.

Lin Yi glanced at Zhao Ji again.

The heart says,

The person who is most unprofessional in the entire Song Dynasty is none other than you.

According to legend, Zhao Ji's father, Song Shenzong, dreamed of Li Yu before Zhao Ji was born. Who was Li Yu? The last emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty, known as the Empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, was proficient in poetry, calligraphy, calligraphy, and rhythm, and was especially good at poetry.

"The east wind blew in the small building last night, and the motherland cannot bear to look back in the bright moon." is his masterpiece.

Zhao Ji and Li Yu seem to have come out of the same mold. They are both proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and song, but they just don't know how to govern the country. If he were an ordinary prince, he would be praised as a good writer, but the world

It was so amazing that the throne finally fell on him after going round and round.

This guy started a 24-year-long series of various manipulations, bringing a country that didn't have any major problems to death in the end.

You have to say that there were many problems in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty and they had to fall apart. But his son Wanyan Gou managed to survive another 150 years with half of his property on the remaining half of the country. If it really didn't work, so what?

Maybe it can last.

Lin Yi has read the history of the late Song Dynasty. During the Huizong period of the Song Dynasty, there were indeed many problems, but they were far from the point of subjugating the country.

So he suffered for more than ten years in the later period.

Suffered all humiliation.

Totally deserved it!


Lin Yi and Cui Niannu returned to Huaju Yashe, and the girl who chose the oiran today came over to thank Lin Yi.

"Wan'er thanked Mr. Lin for the poem so that Wan'er could get the second place today." The little girl's voice was sweet and soft.

"It's a pity that I couldn't let you take first place." Lin Yi said.

The first place today is Li Shishi's maid Furong. With the blessing of Song Huizong's poems and her perfect performance, Lin Yi also thinks she should take the first place.

"There will be two more poems tomorrow and the next two days. In this case, I will give you two more poems. If you practice hard, you may not be able to win first place." Lin Yi said.

Wan'er was overjoyed and quickly thanked her.

Lin Yi thought for a while and wrote two poems. Cui Niannu read the poems and was reluctant to give the original manuscript to Wan'er, so he copied it by hand. Cui Niannu kept Lin Yi's calligraphy.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "How much do you want, I'll write it to you."

Cui Niannu said, "Mr. Lin, you know that one piece of your calligraphy has sold for 100 guan on the market, and these two pieces of paper have sold for at least 200 guan."

Lin Yi was surprised.

"Is there something else like this? Why didn't I know about it?"

"How could Mr. Lin care about these trivial matters?"

Lin Yi said: "Then I won't go out tomorrow. I will write a thousand copies of it, 100 guan per word. One thousand copies will be 100,000 guan, and I will go to Yangzhou with a hundred thousand guan on my waist."

Cui Niannu smiled and said, "Did Mr. Lin compare me to a crane?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you are a crane or not, the main thing is that I want to ride you." Lin Yi laughed and said.

"Lang Lang is so bad." Cui Niannu's eyes were as charming as silk.

The next day,

Lin Yi left Huaju Yashe.

That night,

Liang Shicheng's residence was robbed.

What's more serious is that Liang Shicheng was stabbed twice and thrown into the Fuzhong Lake. It was only March and the lake water was freezing. Liang Shicheng was frightened, injured, and soaked in water. He had a high fever that night.

At first, there was a fire in a house in the Liang Mansion. The Liang Mansion was in chaos. People were busy putting out the fire. But someone came over to Liang Shicheng. He directly pressed a dagger to Liang Shicheng's chin, "Where are the gold, silver and jewelry? Don't tell me."

I will send you to see the King of Hell immediately."

Liang Shicheng was shocked. He looked at the robbers wearing black masks in front of him. He didn't expect that there would be robbers who dared to rob his house.

"You, who are you? Do you know that robbing an imperial official is a serious crime of beheading?" Liang Shicheng said tremblingly.

Lin Yi sneered, "Of course I know, I might as well tell you, but I have heard the name 'Dayujun', I am Dayujun."

Liang Shicheng suddenly thought of the robbery at Wang Fu's home, "You, you are Dayujun, what do you want to do?"

"Stop being so nagging. If you want to live, tell me where the treasure house is, or else I'll cut off your head and take it away." Lin Yi shouted.

Liang Shicheng was scared.

"Just, right under my bed."

under the bed,

Lin Yi found an entrance to the cellar. He grabbed Liang Shicheng and went down together. He found that the secret room was very small, only about twenty square meters. There were two shelves beside the wall, and there were many gold, silver and jade items on the shelves.

There are several boxes next to it.

The box is full of gold, silver and jewelry.

Lin Yi glanced at it, pulled Liang Shicheng in front of him, and said sternly: "Don't think you can fool me like this. This is not your biggest treasure house at all."

There is a reason why Lin Yi said this.

Liang Shicheng was a eunuch serving as Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. His main job was to pass on edicts. Originally, this was not a critical department, but Liang Shicheng was so bold that he imitated Song Huizong's calligraphy, wrote the edict himself, printed it and distributed it together with the real edicts.

Through this method, he achieved the goal of selling his official position, forming cliques, promoting his own people, and receiving large sums of money. Even though he was just a eunuch, even Wang Fu wanted to curry favor with him, and he was called '

Hidden phase'.

From this point, we can also see how stupid Huizong of the Song Dynasty was. A dead eunuch could issue an edict on his own, but he, the emperor, didn't even know about it. He only cared about his hobbies and could be said to be indifferent to the country.


He really deserves to die.

Wang Fu even fawns over people, so the money in the hands of this sinister Liang Shicheng is definitely indispensable. This thing under the bed is probably just a cover-up.


The dagger in Lin Yi's hand was inserted into Liang Shicheng's thigh.


Liang Shicheng screamed.

"Tell me, where is the treasure house?"

"It's just this place. I'm just a little eunuch next to the official family. No matter how much money I can get, this place already has all my wealth." Liang Shicheng wailed.


The other leg was another sword.

Liang Shicheng howled like a killing pig again. Fortunately, the two of them were in the cellar and no one outside could hear it.

"The third sword will no longer be on the thigh, I will penetrate it directly through your anus." Lin Yi said coldly with a rough voice.

Liang Shicheng was really frightened.

"I said, I said."

Liang Shicheng pointed to the wall, then pressed down on two bricks, and then pushed the shelf next to it. The shelf flipped over and a doorway appeared.

Lin Yixin said this guy is so smart,

It turned out to be a set within a set.

Dragging Liang Shicheng in, he raised the candle and found that the area was huge, definitely no smaller than Wang Fu's treasure house, and most of the things piled up were gold and silver.


Lin Yi has a hand knife.

Hitting Liang Shicheng's neck, Liang Shicheng fainted immediately. Then he naturally absorbed it like crazy and deposited all the gold and silver into the system wallet, and the remaining pearls, jade, gems, etc. were also put into the space.

Just ten minutes.

Lin Yi harvested more than 18 million gold and silver, and seven or eight boxes full of jewelry. It was another great harvest.

After carrying Liang Shicheng out of the cellar and back to his room, Lin Yi still held on to Liang Shicheng mainly because he wanted him to serve as a shield for him. If he encountered the last situation and was chased by the nursing home, he could

Just throw Liang Shicheng out and buy time to escape.

But I was lucky this time.

Lin Yi carried Liang Shicheng out of the house. There were no guards patrolling the door. Liang Shicheng was still unconscious. Lin Yi carried him out and walked through a long corridor. He saw a group of guards coming in front. Lin Yi rolled his eyes and looked.

Looking at the lake next to it, Liang Shicheng was thrown directly into it.


The sound of water attracted many people.

"What's going on? Who's over there?" the guards yelled and ran over.

Originally, Liang Shicheng was knocked unconscious, but now he was thrown into the lake. He was jolted by the cold water and woke up immediately. Only then did he realize that he was in the lake. Liang Shicheng could not swim, so he struggled and fluttered desperately.

"Help, come and save me~!"

Someone heard Liang Shicheng's voice.

"It's the master. Why did the master fall into the lake? Hurry and get into the water to save people."

There's a fire in the yard over there,

The old man here fell into the lake.

There's really a lot going on tonight.

When Liang Shicheng was dragged to the shore, he was shivering with cold, his lower body was still full of red blood, and the two stab wounds were still bleeding.

"Hurry, the master is injured, call the doctor quickly." The nursing home began to call people to save Liang Shicheng again.

And Lin Yi,

He had already taken advantage of the commotion in the Liang Mansion to leave.

Wait until he returns to the hotel.

Just as I was comforted, a system prompt sounded in my mind: "Ding~ Loot Liang Shicheng's mansion and obtain 197 anti-thief points."

Immediately afterwards,

The system prompts again.

"If the anti-thief value reaches 1,000 points, you can draw a lottery."

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

Finally finished.

Opening the system panel, he bowed to the surroundings and said, "The sky is filled with blessings from gods and Buddhas. System, let's start the lottery."


A golden light flashed across the screen.

"Congratulations to the player, you have obtained the special item "Clone Doll"."

Special props?

How special?

Inflatable or latex?

(End of chapter)

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