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Chapter 231 Returning to Treat Mother's Illness

Chapter 231 Return to cure mother’s illness

Lin Yi was very happy to acquire new skills.

However, in this world, he has never seen such a creature as a 'ghost', and there is no way he can experiment with it.

No problem.

Wait until you go back to other worlds and try again.

Check the system time.

There are still more than ten days left until the end.

Lin Yi decided to take it easy during this period. Just as he was about to go home, someone came to report, Tong Guan, Zhong Shi Dao, and Zong Ze asked to see him.

"If these three guys come together, there must be something big going on."

Government Office.

Lin Yi saw three people.

The three of them bowed their hands in greeting.

"I've met Lin Xiangguo."

Lin Yi returned the favor.

"The three of you came here together, but what's the big deal?" Lin Yi asked.

Tong Guan said with some excitement: "Xiangguo, we have been studying these days and feel that the time is ripe, and now that the army below has sufficient food and salary, we will discuss starting a war again and strive to win Xixia in one fell swoop!"

in history,

Talking about the war between the Liao Kingdom and the Song Dynasty, in fact, they only fought in the 20 or 30 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. After the "Chanyuan Alliance", the two sides have been at peace for more than 100 years, and the real war in the entire Song Dynasty was with Xixia.

The war between the Song Dynasty and Xixia never stopped from the beginning, and it continued until the time of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Lin Yi remembered the history. A few years later, Tong Guan conquered Xixia, and Xixia became a vassal. Tong Guan made great achievements, and then he was crowned king.

Later, the Northern Song Dynasty fell, and the Western Xia Dynasty attacked the Jin Kingdom.

In fact, Lin Yi was not very interested in whether to fight Xixia or not, but Xixia had something Lin Yi wanted, and that was horses.

Horses are very important in this era.

At least until mechanization is truly realized, the importance of horses is irreplaceable, and it will last for at least several hundred years.

Xixia's territory covers Ningxia, Gansu, northeastern Qinghai, western Inner Mongolia, and northern Shaanxi. It occupies the Hexi Corridor and has large areas of horse breeding land.

How many people are there in Xixia?

They don't have a census, but it is estimated that there are about 2 to 3 million people. Xixia implements the practice of all soldiers, so it has 200,000 to 300,000 soldiers and 100,000 reserve troops, known as the 700,000 army.

Lin Yi looked at Master Zhong and asked: "General Zhong has been guarding the Western Army all year round and knows the situation in Xixia best. What do you think our victory rate will be if we use troops?"

Master Zhong said: "Back to the prime minister's country, in the last war, the Western Army captured many city passes along the Hengshan line. The Hengshan line is the most important line of defense in Xixia. However, due to logistical supply problems and the onset of winter, we waited for the final choice.


"If we use troops again, our plan is to start with the few city passes from last time, break through the city defenses, break into the hinterland of Xixia, and strive to capture Lingzhou. This way we will have a foothold, and Xixia will be unable to regain its defeat."

Lin Yi nodded.

The battle in history that made Xixia surrender was almost the same routine.

In fact, most wars are plots. It is not the norm to win with the small and the large with the weak. Most generals focus on using force to overwhelm others.

After talking about this, he looked at Lin Yi and said, "There is another reason why we are so confident this time."

"what reason?"

"It's those artillery, grenades and mines that the Prime Minister made. With those things, it is countless times easier to attack a city and take out a stronghold. So I have a request here. If the Prime Minister agrees to go to war, I hope that the Prime Minister will equip the Western Army with more artillery and firearms.


Lin Yi laughed.

"Why don't we just drag the new army over?"

Tong Guanzhong, Master Dao Zongze and the other two were all stunned.

The new army was organized by Lin Xiangguo. They are as precious as pimples. Why are they suddenly willing to let them participate in the war?

Lin Yidao: "The combat effectiveness of the army is honed through fighting. No matter how you train on a daily basis, it is not as effective as a few actual battles."

"The 50,000 new troops should bring all their weapons and go directly to the Xixia battlefield for training. Otherwise, Your Majesty and I will ask for instructions. This battle will be led by me, Tong Guan, and Zhong Shidao, how about you being our deputies?"

When Tong Guan and Zhong Shidao heard this, they didn't feel like they were being robbed of their credit. Instead, they were overjoyed, because if Lin Yi became the commander-in-chief, then the new army, logistics supplies, and court funding would all be guaranteed.

Now the entire Song Dynasty knows that Lin Yi is the God of Wealth of the Song Dynasty.


The four of them discussed the details of using troops.

On the second day,

At the court meeting.

Tong Guan went out to report that he wanted to attack Xixia, and then reported the reasons and plans for attacking Xixia. Immediately, some ministers came out to object, feeling that it was not good to use weapons for no reason. Now that Xixia has not invaded the Song Dynasty, why should it start a war.

Finally the emperor looked at Lin Yi.

"What do you think, Lin Qingyi?"

Lin Yi came out.

"Your Majesty, I have the idea of ​​​​training the new army. How about taking this opportunity to let the new army go out and experience it?"

When the other civil servants saw the Prime Minister's words and realized that this was the rhythm of the war, they immediately changed the direction of the war. Many people came out and agreed to fight.

During the discussion, some ministers mentioned that they should be wary of the Liao Kingdom's movements. After all, Xixia was nominally a vassal state of the Liao Kingdom.

Zongze came out to explain that Liao and Jin were at war with each other for many years, and they had no time to distract Xixia. It was a good time.

Finally, Lin Yi discussed the matter,

This time, he would lead the Western Army and the New Army to attack Xixia. Song Huizong agreed and let Lin Yi arrange the rest.

Lin Yi's idea is very simple. It may be difficult to destroy the country, but grabbing a piece of Xixia's chassis and getting back hundreds of thousands of horses shouldn't be a big problem.

With horses, he wanted to form the real cavalry of the Song Dynasty.

When the Jin Kingdom comes over, they will no longer suffer the hardship of not having cavalry.

That night,

Lin Yi changed his identity and prepared to stay overnight in the palace.


Lin Yi came to the back garden.

We first fed the cranes, and then went to the raptor area, where dozens of large falcons were raised, including goshawks, falcons, and black kites.

Song Huizong originally liked eagles. There is a saying in Dream of Red Mansions, "Song Huizong's eagles and Zhao Ziang's horses are both good at painting." This shows that Song Huizong was also good at painting eagles.

These eagles,

Now they all use bird communication and control skills and have become Lin Yi's pets. This time he is going to fight and plans to take them with him to serve as reconnaissance satellites and liaison officers. I believe they will be of great use.


Lin Yi ordered two more new beauties.

One is named Yuqin,

Another name is very interesting, called Chang'e.

The two girls are plump, thin and beautiful.

this night,

Lin Yi picked all two delicate flowers.

Lin Yi has already planned to return to modern times. As for the war, it will take a long time to prepare, so he can only talk about it next time he travels back in time.

These days, let's say goodbye to women properly.

Come next time,

They don't think so, they may have to leave for a few years.

Lin Yi returned to his mansion and favored Pan Jinlian and Anemone. For Jinlian, perhaps because the novel affected his heart, he wanted to ravage her every time to find it satisfying, but it seemed that the more he tormented Jinlian, the more he enjoyed it.

Two more days,

Then let Cui Niannu and Linglong serve.

Occasionally, I would go to Qingyue Zuihua Tower, flirt with Master Li, learn skills, and enjoy another style.

The time has come in a blink of an eye,

After dinner, Lin Yi came to the study room, closed the door and studied there by himself. He looked at the system panel and silently thought about returning.


Lin Yi opened his eyes again.

I found that I had returned to my villa in Chengdu.

Take a look at your surroundings,

pick up the phone,

It all made Lin Yi feel alienated and unfamiliar.

During the two years in the Song Dynasty, although I knew in my mind that it was a game world, my mind still needed to calm down before I could completely adjust.

Lin Yi turned on the TV. People rarely watch TV now, but Lin Yi felt that TV could make him feel at home, so he bought a big-screen TV.

Lying on the bed with a cigarette in his mouth,

Watching programs on TV.

There is a Coke next to it,

He went to the toilet to pee and checked the time at 1:30 in the morning. Lin Yi finally felt sleepy and lay down to sleep.

The next day.

early morning,

Lin Yi did not go to the gym, but came to the park. At this time, there were already many people doing morning activities. He found a place and started practicing breathing and breathing.

At Song Tai Hospital, Lin Yi learned acupuncture, a medical technique for treating rheumatism.

Later, he also tried to diagnose and treat several people with hemiplegia who had suffered strokes. He found that acupuncture and medication were indeed effective, but when using internal qi, acupuncture was even more effective, but if true energy was added, the effect would be excellent.

He knows through study.

Traditional medical techniques are no longer effective in trying to save my mother. Her illness has already caused neurological damage and it is basically impossible to fully recover.

Acupuncture can only relieve some conditions.

The internal Qi effect is better, and it is estimated that the mother's stuttering can become normal, and she can stand up on her own and walk tremblingly.

But if you want to be like a normal person, you must use your true energy to nourish your meridians.

Lin Yi didn't know if he could still practice in the real world, so he planned to try it first. Internal force mainly cultivates his own energy, and the level is lower than that of true energy absorbing the energy of the universe, so he chose to start with internal force first.

In the Song Dynasty,

Lin Yi has been cultivating internal strength for more than a year.

At the same time, he also practices Panlong Gong and has so many women in his harem. This condition is more unique than anyone else's, so his true energy can grow so fast.

The method of performing the exercise has already become instinctive. After standing upright, close your eyes slightly and start to feel it. While breathing, visualize the energy traveling through the meridians, circulating along the eight extraordinary meridians and finally returning to the Qihai point.

Doing this over and over again,

Lin Yi's body remained motionless, only breathing evenly.

About two hours passed.

Lin Yi opened his eyes with a look of joy on his face, because he had already felt that internal energy was indeed generated in his meridians.

Although very weak,

But his experience can be truly felt.

to him,

This speed is not slow.


It has a lot to do with his own success in cultivation. It is like a farmer who is very familiar with farming techniques. Now he can farm a new field again and still be able to grow a farmer.

Lin Yi stopped,

For him, knowing that he can practice is enough.

On the way back,

Lin Yi bought a scooter battery and a transformer. After returning home, he connected it and adjusted it to 1 volt. It only had a slight sensation to the touch.

Lin Yi crossed his legs.

Hold the wire in your hand and start practicing.

Visualize mentally absorbing the energy of the universe, and then guide the energy of the universe along with the electrical energy to travel through the meridians according to the Five Thunder Methods.

And I sit like this for a whole day.

The next day,

Lin Yi went out to exercise,

I went to Qingyang Palace to hang out with some Taoist priests, and shot a few videos. I returned to the villa at around ten o'clock, and then continued to practice.

This went on for seven or eight days.

Just when Lin Yi felt like giving up, suddenly there was a faint feeling in his Dantian. It was very weak, but Lin Yi was sure that it was definitely true energy.

He has cultivated true energy!

Lin Yi jumped up excitedly.

This ray of true energy is nothing, but it represents the budding hope, indicating that there is true energy in this world.

Calm down after getting excited.

It took more than ten days for a trace to appear. According to Lin Yi's calculations, it would take at least ten or eight years to practice to reach the level he was in the Song Dynasty.

He began to think about it again.

Could it be related to the cosmic energy content in the air?

In many novels, it is said that Liu Bowen cut off the dragon's veins, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth collapsed, and he could no longer practice practice. Perhaps in some places far away from people in the mountains and swamps, the concentration of spiritual energy will be higher.

How about going to the mountains and trying it yourself?

In fact, Lin Yi's home is equivalent to living in the mountains. His house is at the foot of the mountain, with the remaining Qinling Mountains behind him.

Lin Yi decided at that moment.

Go try to find a place with so-called spiritual energy, just in case it is true.


Be sure to bring a charger with you before setting off, as this is to assist in your practice.

This is Rongcheng,

Most of all, there is no shortage of mountains.

Lin Yi decided to go to Qingcheng Mountain.

Just get in the car and leave,

In the afternoon, he arrived at a town below Dujiangyan, left his car in the parking lot, and Lin Yi put on his backpack, transforming into a backpacker.

In fact, there are not many tourists like him.

After taking a taxi and arriving at the mountainside, Lin Yi looked at the map and then plunged into the mountain. Lin Yi was not trespassing this time.

In the world of the Song Dynasty, Lin Yi had learned Feng Shui. Looking at the topography, he could naturally see the so-called places with dragon veins and caves, and often those places were where spiritual energy gathered.

Where Lin Yi went this time,

It is the knot point of one of the small dragon veins in Qingcheng Mountain.

The mountain road is difficult to travel, and the backpack is getting heavier and heavier. Lin Yi misses the system space very much.


The system he got only gave money and nothing else.

After walking for a day, towards evening Lin Yi finally found the place he was looking for. This was a canyon between two mountains. There was a small pond next to it. The stream gurgled here, and when it was full, it flowed down again.

Quiet and not noisy.

This small pool is the dragon's lair.

Although this kind of cave is also called a dragon cave, it is only for gathering spirits, but it is not suitable for burying people, so there is basically no possibility of a tomb here.

There was a bamboo forest nearby, so Lin Yi chose a cliff to set up his tent.

Get the tent ready.

Lin Yi picked up a lot of pebbles from the river and set up a formation around the tent. The Spirit Gathering Formation, which can gather spiritual energy, was taught by Luo Zhenren.

Get it all done,

Night falls.

Lin Yi got into the tent without turning on the light. He placed a dagger and an engineer shovel at his entry point. The possibility of anyone being here was extremely low. It was hard to guarantee that there were also wild beasts in the mountains, such as leopards and mountain lions.

Take out the battery and lay it out,

Holding the wire with both hands.

Lin Yi began to practice.

About an hour later, Lin Yi opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy, because he felt that this practice had gone through two big cycles, and the growth rate was indeed much faster than before.

The days after.

Lin Yi was thirsty and boiled a pot of mountain spring water.

When you're hungry, take a few bites of the food you brought.

Sometimes during cultivation, you won’t feel hungry even if you don’t eat for two or three days. The energy of the universe can replace life energy.

that's all,

Time flies and a month passes.

Lin Yi opened his eyes this day.

one month,

He had achieved some success in his practice, and his true energy was now able to circulate stably and freely and could be released for use. He decided to go home and treat his mother's illness.

Receive it and salute.

Trash the rubble of the Spirit Gathering Array.

He was afraid that if he didn't come here in the future, some wild beast would take over the place, and it would be bad if another accomplished monster appeared.

After walking on the mountain road for a day, we finally returned to the town where we entered the mountain.

I drove back to downtown Chengdu. When I got home, I looked at the stubble on my face in the mirror. This was the result of a month. After taking a shower and changing clothes, I finally felt refreshed.

the next day,

He went to the best Chinese medicine store in the city and selected a batch of Chinese medicines. He prepared the prescriptions himself. He carefully selected each medicine and discarded the ones that were not effective enough.

These few medications cost thousands.

Finally I bought a few more sets of silver needles.

After everything was ready, Lin Yi drove home. Although he could not make his mother recover and return to normal this time, he was confident that her mother could speak fluently and stand up on her own.

The car is parked in his yard.

My sister ran out first.

"Brother~~Brother~~you are back."

Lin Yi happily patted the girl on the head, "Brother, there is food and drink in the car. You can take it down and put it in the refrigerator."


She likes to do this the most.

Dad Lin walked out of the house, saw Lin Yi and said, "You have only been gone for more than a month, why are you back again?"

"You don't want me to come back?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

"I'm afraid you'll delay work."

Father and son enter the house.

The mother was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at her son with a smile, "Mom, it's okay, don't always come back."

He speaks slowly and cannot enunciate clearly.

Lin Yi took his mother's hand and said, "Mom, our company recently sent me to Chengdu to explore the market. Now it's much closer to home. Do you remember Qingyang Palace? You said before that you and my dad went to Chengdu to visit Qingyang Palace?


Mom nodded: "Remember, of course I remember."

"Recently, I went to Qingyang Palace in my free time and met a Taoist priest who knew medical skills. I told him about your situation, and he prescribed a medicine for me and taught me a set of acupuncture methods. It's quite simple.

I've learned it, and I'll give it a try when I come back."

Before my mother could say anything, my father said excitedly: "Taoist priests generally have very good medical skills. Maybe they can really cure your mother's disease."

My mother also smiled and nodded.

Because of Lin Yi's childhood experience, my mother and father were more convinced of these things. I heard that it was the prescription of the Taoist Priest of Qingyang Palace, so they didn't have any doubts.

Heal the disease and heal the heart.

Once the patient convinces the doctor, her own willpower will be stimulated.

There was no rush to take the medicine. Lin Yi took out a box of silver needles from his pocket. Both his father and sister looked at him. After sterilizing the silver needles, Lin Yi quickly inserted it into his mother's mouth. He identified the acupoint and inserted the needle.

Stable and accurate.

Then I kept pushing for needles.

During the acupuncture treatment, the true energy of one's own Dantian is injected into the mother's body through silver needles to repair the damaged meridians.


Lin Yi recovered by sitting cross-legged and meditating.

Continue the next day.

At the same time, I took the Chinese medicine cooked by Lin Yi.

So for three days.

Mother Lin has undergone very obvious changes.

His mouth was no longer crooked and he could speak more fluently. He was basically just like a normal person. The whole family was very happy.

"The Taoist priest's prescription is effective. When the disease is cured later, Xiaoyi, you can take your father and me to Qingyang Palace to thank the Taoist priest." Mother Lin said.

"Well, when you can leave, I will take you to Rongcheng." Lin Yi nodded.

If it doesn't work then, just ask Taoist priest Zhang Mingxin to help you put on a play. In fact, parents are easy to fool.


Lin Yi continued to treat his mother's other meridians.

By constantly using his true essence to restore his true essence, Lin Yi found that not only was his true essence not lacking, but it was actually enhanced by one point.

It turns out that using it is also training.

Countdown 2 numbers

(End of chapter)

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