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Chapter 024: Bringing Beauty Home to Make Up Lessons

It's dawn.

When Jiang Wu and Li Xiangqian came over, Lin Yi was still sleeping. After he came back last night, he did not rest immediately. Instead, he took out all the sunglasses in the space, and then packed them into cardboard boxes. After doing all this, he went to bed.

"Brother Yi, how much goods did you bring in this time?"

"More than six thousand pairs." Lin Yi was brushing his teeth and said with a smile.

Jiang Wu stood nearby and said excitedly:

"Brother Yi, you don't know that your business has been getting better and better these days when you purchase goods. The goods were sold out the day before yesterday. Now the store is clean. Even some defective ones have been bought by wholesalers.

They said they would go back and repair it themselves, but later we simply gave it to them at a cheaper price."

"Yesterday, a lot of people came to purchase goods. They blocked the door and asked for goods. When they heard that they were out of stock, they insisted on making a reservation. We only made a reservation yesterday and ordered a thousand pairs."

If business is good and they can make money, they will naturally be happy.

"Xiao Wu, get a cart in a moment and ask Ma Dan and the others to come over and pull these goods to the front." Lin Yi ordered.

"I know, Brother Yi."

Jiang Wu was in a pile of boxes and found a box that was a little different. When he opened it, he saw that it was filled with calendars of beautiful women.

"Hey, wall calendar, Brother Yi, you also bought a batch of wall calendars?" Jiang Wu asked curiously, picking up one and flipping through it.

"Good guy, you have such a good figure, your legs are curved and long!"

Li Xiangqian was also attracted and went to look at bikini beauties with Jiang Wu.

Lin Yi had already washed his face and came over with a towel to wipe it. He said to Jiang Wu and Li Qianqian who were looking at the calendar:

"I went to buy sunglasses and found some wall calendars in the market over there. These were all passed down from Hong Kong, so I thought, this should be a good business," Lin Yi said.

"Do the supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores sell calendars?" Li Xiangqian asked confused.

"They have wall calendars, but they don't have this kind of wall calendar. The pictures on it are all old-fashioned things. People have long been tired of seeing them. If such a beauty calendar comes on the market, I believe it will definitely sell well." Lin Yi said confidently.

This conclusion was not his guess, but actually happened in history.

During the ten years, people did not dare to go beyond the limits. The contents on the wall calendar were basically pictures that would never cause problems. No one would make an issue of the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, the Yellow River Desert, etc.

It has just arrived in the 1980s, and people are beginning to pursue a new and better life. However, those responsible for these things have not changed so quickly. Even if someone realizes what is good to sell, they do not dare to take the initiative.

No one would have thought,

A few years later, beauty calendars became very popular and occupied most of the calendar market. At that time, it almost became a tradition to set off firecrackers and eat dumplings during the New Year, and post couplets to exchange calendars.

As for pictures of beautiful women.

Don't really worry about this,

Some people say that era was conservative, haha, they are really wrong.

From the reform and opening up to the 1990s, the degree of opening up in China as a whole exceeded people's expectations. On the contrary, as we entered the 21st century, these controls became even stricter.

In short,

**The Gini Beauty Wall Calendar is absolutely not illegal.

Li Xiangqian and Jiang Wu were completely convinced by Lin Yi's judgment. Whatever Lin Yi said, they would be done with it.

"Brother Yi, are you going to start a calendar business, or purchase goods from the south?" Jiang Wu said.

Looking at the beauties on the wall calendar, he thought it was a good job. It was good to make money while appreciating beauties.

"I do plan to start this business, but I don't plan to purchase goods from the south. One is that transportation is too troublesome. Nowadays, the railway control is becoming more and more strict, and it is not easy to transport sunglasses here."

"Wall calendars take up too much space, and make too little money. It's boring. On the way back, I thought about it. I have a plan. Can we find a printing factory, especially the kind that is not profitable?

Yes, let them make a batch for us." Lin Yi said.

Jiang Wu and Li Xiangqian looked surprised.

"Brother Yi, all printing plants are state-owned. Will they print calendars for us?"

In later generations of business, as long as you give money, there will be people to do any business, but in this era, state-owned factories are all bossy. We work for the country, how can we provide you with services as a self-employed person.

"I know it's not easy. I just give it a try and see if it succeeds or not." Lin Yi is not completely sure. Anyway, it won't affect the sunglasses business, so let's give it a try.

"Go ahead, I'll give you a task. Go to those printing houses, especially the big ones. Small printing houses may not be able to print calendars, and ask them if they are willing to take this business."

"Of course, don't ask directly. It will most likely not happen. You can look for connections and ask their leaders on the side. You should give gifts. This job is considered a private job, and any money earned can go into the factory's small treasury."

Li Xiangqian understood what Lin Yi meant.

"Cheng, Brother Yi, I'll go look for it right now."

"If it's not available in Jiangcheng, go to other cities. If it doesn't work, you can also go to nearby provinces and cities." Lin Yi asked again.

"I see."


In the seven or eight days since Lin Yi was away, all the sunglasses were sold out, and the total payment for the goods was more than 23,000. He also sold a lot of electronic watches, and the income was more than 7,000, totaling just over 30,000.

After the two reconciled their accounts with Lin Yi, they handed the money to Lin Yi.

The total cost of this purchase was less than 10,000 yuan. With this latest income, Lin Yi's wallet now officially exceeds 50,000 yuan.

The sunglasses were shipped to Hanzheng Street.

When the merchants who were waiting to receive new goods saw the arrival of new goods, they all swarmed over and dug into their pockets no matter what they saw.

To purchase goods, you really need to grab them.

Sunglasses have already opened up the market and are very easy to sell. As long as you bring the goods back home, they can be sold within a day or two. People are naturally rushing to do this kind of business.

Business is busy until evening,

After taking stock, I found that it sold for more than 10,000 yuan today.

This business,

Definitely the first one in Hanzheng Street.

Looking at the money in his hand, Lin Yi felt that he was not far from the 100,000 goal of opening new products in the system mall.

"Brother Yi, let's go out for fun tonight." Jiang Wu ran over and said to Lin Yi.

"playing what?"

There is really nothing interesting to do these days. There are thousands of entertainment projects in modern society, such as taverns, pubs, nightclubs, shows, KTV, karaoke bars, coffee shops, night markets, late-night restaurants, night tours, footbaths, saunas...


What's there now?

To be honest, it's really nothing.

"Jiangcheng Cinema has released a new movie. It is said to be very good. I plan to take Lin Doudou to see it." Jiang Wudao.

"Then go and see, why are you calling me, to be a light bulb?" Lin Yi said angrily, is there something wrong with this kid's mind?

During the week when Lin Yi went to purchase goods, the romance between Jiang Wu and Yang Doudou heated up rapidly. The two were already confirmed to be a couple, but Yang Doudou did not dare to tell her family.

"They definitely wouldn't agree if Doudou went out at night, so I asked a friend to go see it, that is Zuo Xiaoqing, but the three of us are not good. If Brother Yi goes, we will be two men and two women." Jiang Wu

said with a smile.

"Oh, you are using me as a shield, right?" Lin Yi said.

"This is also an opportunity to meet beautiful women, isn't it?" Jiang Wu said with a smile.

Lin Yi thought for a while, "Okay, I have nothing to do tonight anyway, let's go and relax today."

Jiang Wu was overjoyed, "Brother Yi, I will arrange the rest."


Lin Yi and Jiang Wu rode their bicycles to the cinema and deposited their bicycles in the parking lot. They did not dare to leave them outside. The environment was becoming increasingly chaotic. If no one was watching, it would most likely be stolen.

There are many people in front of the cinema,

"Xiao Wu."

While Jiang Wu was looking around, someone waved his arms and called his name.

"Brother Yi, they are over there, let's go over there."

Push through the crowd.

Lin Yi and Jiang Wu came to the two beauties. Yang Doudou was dressed very beautifully today. He wore a half-length windbreaker over a brown turtleneck sweater. His hair was spread out and there was a hairpin between his temples. He looked very beautiful.

Zuo Xiaoqing, who is beside her, is much more plainly dressed, wearing a Decorative coat and gray cloth trousers. His hair is still in a ponytail and bangs, and he has a one-shoulder canvas bag slung across his body. However, although he is plainly dressed, Zuo Xiaoqing is naturally elegant.

She is so beautiful that even plain clothes cannot conceal her beauty.

"Brother Yi, this is Zuo Xiaoqing."

"Xiaoqing, this is Brother Yi, whom you have met once before."

Jiang Wu introduced the two of them.

Lin Yi and Zuo Xiaoqing looked at each other, and an idea arose in their minds at the same time. We have seen this more than once.

"Hello, Xiaoqing." Lin Yi greeted politely.

"Hello, Brother Lin." Zuo Xiaoqing replied shyly.

Seeing that the two of them got to know each other, Jiang Wu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll buy movie tickets. You guys wait here."

Jiang Wu lay at the window and muttered to the conductor for a while, then rushed back with the tickets, "Okay, the tickets are bought, let's go in, the opening will take place in ten minutes."

The four of them climbed up the big steps.

Walking into the cinema, a staff member with a flashlight came over to look at the tickets and pointed out where people were. Jiang Wu handed two tickets to Lin Yi, "Brother Yi, these are for you and Xiaoqing."

Lin Yi and Zuo Xiaoqing were both stunned.

"Aren't we together?" Zuo Xiaoqing asked.

Jiang Wu looked helpless and innocent and said: "I wanted to buy consecutive numbers, but unfortunately they are no longer sold. I have no choice but to separate."

"You can't separate Doudou and me."

Zuo Xiaoqing was not talking.

Lin Yi knew that he was arranged by his brother,


Jiang Wu took Yang Doudou to his seat, while Lin Yi and Zuo Xiaoqing found their seats and settled down. The two were not familiar with each other at all, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

Zuo Xiaoqing's big eyes flickered,

Put your hands together and place them on your thighs.

The movie hasn't started yet.

People were chatting quietly, and Lin Yi felt that he couldn't let the atmosphere become so awkward.

"Miss Zuo..."

"Ah, Brother Lin, just call me Xiaoqing. I'm not used to others calling me Miss Zuo." Zuo Xiaoqing said.

"Xiao Qing, I don't know if you have any impression, but we have met before?" Lin Yi found a topic and said.

"I know, Brother Lin bought a lot of books at Xinhua Bookstore for the first time." Zuo Xiaoqing recalled that scene in his mind.

"Later, when I was on duty at night, you brought Xiao Wu to bandage. That was the second time." Zuo Xiaoqing chuckled at this.

"It was only after I found out that Doudou and Jiang Wu were dating, that I remembered that he was the one who bandaged it that night."

Having said this, Zuo Xiaoqing turned his head and glanced at Lin Yi.

"Another time it was on Hanzheng Street, Brother Lin punished the gangsters and saved us." Zuo Xiaoqing said this very gently.

"Thank you, Brother Lin, for helping us that time."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You have already thanked me. By the way, what are your usual hobbies?"

"Hobby, I don't have any special hobby, I just like reading books." Zuo Xiaoqing said.

"Literary and artistic type?"

"No, study books, I think, I want to take the college entrance examination." Zuo Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment.

"Brother Lin won't think I'm being too whimsical, right?"

"How come? It's a good thing to be motivated. Our hobbies are quite similar. I also like reading." Lin Yi said.

Zuo Xiaoqing thought of the day Lin Yi bought a stack of books from the boss at Xinhua Bookstore. She believed Lin Yi when he said he loved reading.

"Brother Lin must be very knowledgeable, right?"

"Miscellaneous studies, I just want to understand everything."

Zuo Xiaoqing suddenly thought of something and asked, "Has Brother Lin ever attended high school?"

Not to mention, the Lin Yi of this world actually went to high school. Just two months before graduating from high school, he chose to go to the mountains and go to the countryside, where he stayed for several years.

"I've been there before, what's wrong?"

"I want to take the college entrance examination, but I only went to junior high school, physics, chemistry, English, and advanced mathematics. I couldn't understand a lot of these high school knowledge. I wanted to enroll in a remedial class or night school, but my job didn't allow it.

I can only immerse myself in learning, I mean if Brother Lin has studied high school knowledge, can he help me answer some questions?" Zuo Xiaoqing said.

Although Lin Yi has been out of school for several years, after all, he has devoted himself to studying for the college entrance examination for three years, and his foundation is still very solid. Moreover, the college entrance examination questions in this era are all at the elementary level. Lin Yi feels that it will not be a big problem to tutor Zuo Xiaoqing.

"no problem."

Zuo Xiaoqing put the canvas bag he was carrying in front of him, dug around inside and pulled out a book. Lin Yi took a look at it under the dim light.

The high school substitute textbook, English, has a big English text on it.

"Brother Lin, do you know English pronunciation? I don't have a teacher to teach me. I can't pronounce many pronunciations well, so it's difficult to learn." Zuo Xiaoqing held the book in his hand and looked at Lin Yi with big eyes, looking like he was thirsty for knowledge.

Lin Yi paused for a moment, then whispered: "Xiao Qing, why don't we stop watching the movie and let Jiang Wu and Yang Doudou watch it by themselves? Let's find a place to study in peace. What do you think?"


Zuo Xiaoqing agreed without any hesitation.

The two got up and left the cinema.

After picking up the car at the parking lot, Zuo Xiaoqing sat in the back seat. Lin Yi dragged the girl away, "Where should we go for tutoring?"

"I don't know either. There are several people living in our dormitory. It's not suitable to take you back so late at night." Zuo Xiaoqing said.

"Then go to my house."

This chapter has been completed!
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