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Chapter 034: Foreign Exchange

It's December.

The weather is getting colder.

People put on sweaters and cotton clothes.

The calendar business is still very popular.

Those merchants who wholesaled the calendars took them back and sold them for six to seven yuan a copy, and the darker ones even for eight yuan. They were cheaper than those sold by the supply and marketing cooperatives, and they were novel beauty calendars, so people were naturally willing to buy them.

Lin Yi once again took Li Xiangqian to the Yueyang Printing Factory to pick up the goods.

Lin Yi went to visit Factory Director Wang, while Li Xiangqian and Liang Yiyi went to load the car. Li Yixiang pulled Liang Yiyi to a hidden place and stuffed a red envelope into his pocket. Liang Yiyi was stunned, and reached in to dig it out. He felt that it was thick and felt that it was thick.

At two hundred.

"Go forward, what's our relationship? You're still doing this with me." Liang Yiyi declined and was about to take it out.

Li Qianqian pressed Liang Yiyi's hand, "Brother Yiyi, it wasn't me who gave it to me, it was Brother Yi's wish."

Liang Satisfied thought for a while before accepting it.


Factory Director Wang's Office.

Lin Yi was still carrying a canvas bag.

"Are you bringing new pictures?" Director Wang asked with a smile.

"No, I brought you some tea. I didn't know what you like to drink, so I bought a few more, as well as some local specialties." Lin Yi said.

"Okay, let's put it there." Director Wang asked Lin Yi to put the bag in the corner.

"Xiao Lin, I heard you say when we chatted last time that you often go to the south to pick up goods, right?" Factory Manager Wang asked.

"Yes, is there anything you want me to bring? What do you want, I can bring it to you next time?"

Lin Yi thought that Director Wang wanted something like a tape recorder and television.

Factory Director Wang paused and said: "It's like this. The Provincial Light Industry Department organized some light industry enterprises in the province to conduct inspections in Hong Kong. I will go there this time, but the foreign exchange quota given by the province is only two yuan per person.

One hundred Hong Kong dollars.”

"This opportunity is rare. Everyone wants to walk around and see more, but 200 Hong Kong dollars is probably not enough to even go out for a meal or take a taxi. You often go to the south. I want to ask if you can get it.

Foreign exchange?”

At that time, the national policy stipulated that you could buy two large and six small items duty-free in one trip. Pay in Hong Kong and pick up the goods in Shenzhen. A 20-inch color TV over there costs 2,400 Hong Kong dollars, which is equivalent to less than 800 yuan in RMB. In domestic stores, the same color TV costs at least 2,400 yuan.

RMB, but also need indicators.

Even some leaders rarely go out once, so they all want to take this opportunity to buy more things.

These leaders have money but no foreign exchange.

As the saying goes, cats have catwalks and mice have mouse paths.

Factory Director Wang and others don't have any connections in this area, and Lin Yi, who often travels to the south, may not have the same, so I asked tentatively.

"How much do you want to change?" Lin Yi asked.

When Director Wang heard Lin Yi's tone, he realized that there was a way to do it. He immediately became energetic and said, "If you can change more, I will change more."

Foreign exchange is a good thing now. Even if you can’t use it all in Hong Kong, you can still buy good things at the Friendship Store when you bring it back.

"To tell you the truth, I actually know someone who does black market foreign exchange, but the black market exchange prices are really bad." Lin Yi said.

Factory Director Wang, on the other hand, didn't take it seriously.

"I asked people to find out. Those who do money exchange outside seem to exchange one dollar for one Hong Kong dollar. It is said that it is much more expensive than in the south. The price is fine. The key is that they don't have much money at all. They can spend two or three thousand dollars.

That’s pretty good.”

Lin Yi remembered that the last time he was in the smuggling market, the price he asked was 1 yuan for 2 Hong Kong dollars. The foreign exchange dealers in Jiangcheng were quite shady.

"How much do you plan to exchange for?" Lin Yi asked.

Factory Manager Wang thought for a while and said, "You haven't paid the payment yet, right?"

"No, I'm here to pay you a visit first. I'll pay you a visit when I get out soon," Lin Yi said.

"Don't pay, just use this payment for Hong Kong dollars." Director Wang said.

Lin Yi was slightly startled, "Replaced all 36,000?"

"Yes, I've replaced them all. It's not much. I'm not the only one who is short of foreign exchange. The leaders also need to use it." Factory Director Wang said.

It seems that Factory Director Wang is planning to use foreign exchange to flatter his leaders, and maybe he can take a step forward in the future and get an official position in the Department of Light Industry.

"When will you use it?"

"Leave before New Year's Day, only half a month left."

Lin Yi pondered slightly.

"Why Xiaolin, is it difficult?"

Lin Yi seemed to have made up his mind, "I promise to replace it for you, but I can't say the proportion."

Factory Director Wang laughed and said, "You can decide the proportion. As long as you get the foreign exchange, it's okay. The payment of 36,000 yuan can be exchanged on a one-for-one basis."

What leaders care about is not whether there is more or less money, but whether it can be done.

"It's already ordered. Let's go after dinner. I'll call the cafeteria and ask the master chef to cook some more dishes for you. Eat before you leave."

"Thank you, Director Wang."

As for the fact that the payment was not handed over to the accountant, Lin Yi was not worried. Today's factories are just like the Dominion, with very strong autonomy.

Their payment for goods was originally put into the small treasury of the printing factory, and every time Lin Yi and the others paid, there was no receipt.

As long as he gets the goods, Lin Yi doesn't care about the rest.

The dinner arranged in the canteen of the printing factory was very sumptuous, including chicken and fish. Apparently Director Wang specially ordered it. Liang Yiyi accompanied him, Lin Yi and Li Xiangqian, and the driver and master had a good meal.

Just when Lin Yi and the others were preparing to set off.

Director Wang's car returned to the factory and stopped Lin Yi and the others. Director Wang stuck his head out of the car and said, "Xiao Lin, get in the car."

Lin Yi got into the back seat of the 212 Jeep.

The driver had already got out, and only Lin Yi and Factory Director Wang were left in the car.

"What's wrong, Factory Director Wang?"

Lin Yi was surprised as to why Factory Director Wang had returned in such a rage.

"Xiao Lin, can you exchange more Hong Kong dollars?" Director Wang asked.

"Change more and add more?"

Tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars are not enough to spend. Do you want to go shopping in Central, or do you plan to visit the Chinatown Monopoly?

"I've also changed the payment for the next batch of goods." Director Wang said.

Lin Yi understood the meaning of Factory Director Wang's words. He would not pay for it, but would use the payment for the goods, and Lin Yi would temporarily put the money in advance.

He thought for a moment.

"Sure, I'll deliver it to you next week." Lin Yi promised.

Director Wang smiled and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, "I know Xiao Lin is a capable person, so I'll trouble Xiao Lin. Don't worry, your calendar will be fine."

Lin Yi got off the car,

Say goodbye to Factory Manager Wang.

When the truck started, Director Wang waved goodbye and watched the truck leave before getting in and going home.

Lin Yi thought about it for a while on the way, and he could roughly guess the whole story without Director Wang having to explain it.

It must have been Factory Manager Wang who went back and reported to his boss that there was a way forward for foreign exchange. The boss was very happy.

Then, the leader called his own leader to report again. The leader's leader also needed it. He turned around and suppressed the problem. Those who can do more work asked Factory Director Wang to make more preparations. Finally, the problem came again.

Lin Yi's side.

As for Lin Yi advancing money,

It really doesn’t count.

The money he paid this time was the payment for the previous batch of goods, and the second payment was the payment for this time. No amount of calculation could fool him.

The truck arrived in Jiangcheng at 12 o'clock. Jiang Wu and others were playing cards in the store's dormitory, their faces covered with notes. When they heard the sound of trucks outside, they ran out to move the goods.

After all the goods were unloaded, Lin Yi asked Li Xiangqian to make arrangements for the driver. He turned to Jiang Wu and said, "Go buy me a sleeper ticket tomorrow morning, and I'll go to the south to purchase the goods."

"Brother Yi, you just came back, why don't you take a day off?"

Lin Yi patted Jiang Wu on the shoulder, "It's okay. You can rest for three days on the train. I have other things to do this time."

"Okay, I'll find someone to buy tickets tomorrow morning."


three days journey,

Lin Yi basically spends his time reading books.

Still staying at the hotel last time.

He asked the boss to contact the ship and boarded the ship at four o'clock the next morning. On the ship, Lin Yi thought of one thing. He could compete with the sunglasses seller. It was best to communicate with the foreign exchange dealer to feel at ease. He thought of the system mall language package.


I thought silently to open the system panel.

Click to open the language pack.

“Buy ‘Cantonese Dialect’.”

in an instant,

Lin Yi has more knowledge of the Cantonese language in his mind, and now his Cantonese is no different from that of the locals.

His main purpose this time, in addition to purchasing goods, was to exchange foreign exchange. He also had to communicate with those black market dealers in foreign exchange. Learning Cantonese would definitely make it much easier.

Fishing boats arrive at the shore.

Lin Yi did not rush to purchase goods, but went directly to the foreign exchange place, "Thunder Monkey, how much is the Hong Kong paper?"

"One Hong Kong dollar and six cents."

"It's increased so much. Last time I asked, it was still one Hong Kong dollar and fifty cents." Lin Yi said in surprise. The last time he came over and asked, it was indeed one Hong Kong dollar and fifty cents.

"Brother, you haven't listened to me for half a month. The price has been rising every day during this period. If you don't change it today, it might cost 70 cents tomorrow." The other party said.

"Can I get a better price if I exchange more?" Lin Yi bargained.

"How much do you exchange?"

"Eighty thousand."

Eighty thousand is not a small amount. The other party looked at Lin Yi and did not expect that this ordinary-looking young man in front of him could exchange so much in one go.

The boss thought for a while.

"Fifty-eight cents."

Lin Yi nodded.

Putting the bag on the table and taking out the money in piles, the boss called two people to count the money. They didn't count the money one by one. They took the pile of money in their hands, squeezed it and threw it aside.

Seeing Lin Yi's somewhat surprised look, the foreign exchange dealer smiled and said: "Don't look at them just touching it casually. It is absolutely accurate. Even if there is a difference, it will not be more than one cent."

Lin Yi really believed this,

Everything will become perfect if you do it too much. For example, I have been an electrician for 20 years. I can tell when I touch a wire... Bah, why did I suddenly think of that myth on the Internet?

Eighty thousand yuan, every penny is a lot.

Of course it won't be less. The system products must be accurate.

The other party took out Hong Kong dollars and said, "Brother, what kind do you want? Taurus, big bull, red bottom, flower crab, or blue crab."

Lin Yi knows that the gold bull is 1,000 yuan, the bull is 500 yuan, the red bottom is 100 yuan, the flower crab is 50 yuan, and the blue crab is 10 yuan.

“I’ll bring some for convenience.”

"There's a problem."

Stacks of Hong Kong dollars were thrown on the table, and they were counted as they were thrown. The last bundle of money hit the table, and the boss said: "Brother, there are 138,000 in total, and they are all here."

A table full.

Lin Yi had already counted the money he had just taken, and put it into the bag without any objection. Before leaving, the other party smiled and said: "Brother, come over if you have business. My name is Ah Shui. I should be a few years older than you. You can call me Brother Shui.


"Goodbye, Brother Shui." Lin Yi smiled and waved goodbye.

This chapter has been completed!
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