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Chapter 059: Trading

See Lao Hei?

Lin Yi thought for a while and finally decided not to meet these people. He called Li Xiangqian and Chen Ding, "You follow Ma Dan to contact that old black man and ask him how much goods he can get and at what price."

"Okay Brother Yi."

Lin Yi was reading a book on the front door. He lit a small charcoal stove, which could both keep warm and boil water. He found a book and read it slowly.

Sometimes Lin Yi also laments that he is an ordinary person after all. After reading so many books and so much knowledge, he can only remember a very small part.

never mind,

It’s all about increasing your knowledge.


Li Xiangqian, Chen Ding, and Ma Dan came back. Li Xiangqian went upstairs to report: "Brother Yi, we met that old black man. He was very alert. He also brought two people with him when we met. I asked him how much goods he could bring out.

, he gave a rough estimate, saying that tens of thousands of goods were available, and as for the price, he wanted 28 per gram."

Lin Yi frowned slightly when he heard the price. Twenty-eighty-one grams was a bit expensive. Brother Shui said that the bank charged about twenty-three or four yuan, and they added four or five yuan per gram.

"Go forward, I'll go find that old black guy in two days and tell him 261 grams. The quantity I want is large."

"One more thing, can you get a gun?"

Li Xiangqian was stunned.

"Brother Yi, why do you want a gun?"

"Have fun."

"Those guys would be in trouble if they were caught." Li Xiangqian said.

Lin Yi patted Li Qianqian on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I won't take you out randomly."

Li nodded forward, "I'll look for it."

"Don't worry, and don't tell anyone."

"I understand Brother Yi."


Two days later,

Before the gold purchase was settled, Li Xiangqian completed his task first. He slept in the store at night. When Lin Yi came over the next day, he went directly to the study and took out a long bag from the cabinet.

"Brother Yi, May Fourth is hard to find. Can you look at these guys?"

Saying that, he opened the zipper.

Lin Yi was shocked when he saw it.

good guy,

I originally asked Xiang Qiang to find a May 4 Black Star or something, but I didn't expect that there were two Type 56 semi-automatics inside.

There were several magazines placed next to them, filled with yellow bullets.

"Brother Yi, can you use it?"

Lin Yi really wanted to say that he fired 5 rounds during military training in college.

"I touched it when I was in the Northeast Forest Farm."

Li Qianqian picked up a handful, crackled it apart, and then crackled it back together again. His movements were crisp and clean.

"It's an old gun that's 20 to 30 years old, but it's in good condition. It has four full clips of bullets." Li Xiangqian said.

"Where did you get it?" Lin Yi asked.

"There are many militiamen in the countryside, but those who are registered will get into trouble. But some people also hide guns at home. I asked my friends and got two."

Lin Yi was not surprised by Li Xiangqian's words.

He also knows some of the history of this period.

The "Interim Measures for Firearms Management" promulgated when the country was first liberated stipulates that civilians can possess civilian firearms, such as country guns, shotguns, etc., with a maximum of 2 per person, and military firearms are not allowed.

Cadres at or above the section chief level, traffic officers of various agencies, correspondents, personnel of factories, stores, and school security departments can all wear military firearms.

At that time, China had the largest number of militiamen. Not to mention the young men and women in their prime, there were old men and women, as well as childish teenagers and girls. They all had to be pulled out to touch guns. Militia training was the norm, and you didn't have to participate if you didn't want to.

At that time, the militia organizations had not to mention semi-automatic rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, heavy machine guns and grenades. In some places, they even had anti-aircraft guns.

In the 1970s, a certain city once had an unprecedented scale~~

Fight with weapons!

That’s right, it can only be defined as a fight with weapons.

There were more people, maybe tens of thousands, and the fighting lasted for about a month. Except for the aircraft, tanks and heavy artillery, everything else was used. Afterwards, it was estimated that about 2,000 people were killed and thousands more were injured.

Oh shit,

If these people are pulled out, some small countries can be destroyed, but in the end it is defined as a armed struggle.

There was also an armed fight between two villages in a certain place. At the beginning, two teams of militiamen from the two villages were involved. Later, both villages joined forces. Finally, the two sides brought together nearby villages with whom they had good relations. Each sent 2,000 to 3,000 troops. Between the two villages,

A melee broke out. Rifles and grenades were trivial, and even native cannons and heartless cannons were used.

If this was placed in Japan's Warring States Period, it would definitely be at the level of a national war and would be recorded in the history of the Warring States Period.

Available in China,

It's just two villages fighting each other,

The top organizer is the village chief of the two villages.

In the 1980s when Lin Yi lived,

It’s actually quite messy,

Although the militia existed in name only, guns were still left in the villages or in various units, and there were a large number of guns in the society. The car gangsters and road bullies at that time were definitely not the kind of people who imagine people today, holding a pole and a stick to cheat you for hundreds of dollars.

If you don't stop, I'll shoot you with a gun.

If these guys didn't have guns, you would think that those big truck drivers are easy to deal with. Anyone who dares to stop the truck will directly hit you to death.

The slogan hanging outside at that time was:

"For car robbers who are committing armed robberies, they can be shot dead on the spot, and the public will be rewarded for killing them."

"It is illegal to rob a police car."

It is precisely because of the proliferation of guns that there have been many cases of extreme violence in society, which is also one of the important reasons for the severe crackdown in 1983.

In the years following the crackdown, it is said that millions of guns were confiscated.

It is not surprising that Li Xiangqian got two 56 semi-automatic guns so easily, because there are too many civilians, and you can find them just by looking. On the contrary, the 54 pistol is difficult to get, because it is a gun used by cadres, compared with civilians.


"Very good, please keep the gun." Lin Yi said.

Li Qianqian was about to go out, but he stopped after turning halfway and said, "Brother Yi, if something happens to you, don't do it yourself, I'll take care of it."

Lin Yi felt warm in his heart when he heard these words.

"It's okay. I won't hide anything from you." Lin Yi said.

Li Xiangqian felt relieved and went downstairs to work.

These days,

Lin Yi has been running about passport matters. With the help of Director Chen, he has obtained two official seals, which is definitely much faster than others.

Day four.

Ma Dan went upstairs and said to Lin Yi.

"Brother Yi, that old black man couldn't sit still anymore and came to me and said that the price of gold can be reduced to twenty-seven per gram."

Last time Lin Yi asked Li Xiangqian and the others to quote a price, the old black guy disagreed and said he couldn't even take the price offered. In fact, it was just bullshit. He just wanted to get more points. They are all businessmen, and Lin Yi naturally understood the other party's tricks.

Lin Yi asked Ma Dan to reveal to the other party that he wanted a lot, and the amount was large, starting at 100,000. This amount immediately made the other party excited.

He probably discussed it with his people and took the initiative to come over this time.

"Tell him, I won't change the price. They will definitely make a profit at this price."

When talking about business, it depends on who can hold it tight.

These guys, if they collect gold from below, they are cheating and using all kinds of tricks. They will definitely not reach the amount purchased by the state. The price given by Lin Yi exceeds the state price by two or three yuan, and they will definitely make a lot of money.

The most important thing is the large quantity.

Ma Dan went to talk to the other party again and came back about an hour later with a look of victory on his face.

"Brother Yi, Lao Hei agreed."

Lin Yi was also very happy.

If you exchange it for gold at this price, even if you don't take it to Hong Kong, you can still make a lot of money by just selling it to Brother Shui.

"How much goods does he have in hand?" Lin Yi asked.

"Lao Hei said they only have goods worth 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, but they can contact people in other cities to restock the goods. It won't be a big problem to get 100,000 yuan in the short term."

"Okay, you tell him I want everything, and I will deliver the goods when the time comes. I will pay you and deliver the goods." Lin Yi said simply.

It's already evening,

Lin Yi told his brothers to go home.

Zuo Xiaoqing worked the night shift yesterday and will come over today.

before going out,

Lin Yi hid the two guns in a secret compartment of a mahogany furniture. If someone hadn't deliberately removed the back panel, there would have been no hidden door.

back home,

From a distance, I could see smoke coming from my chimney.

As soon as you entered the hospital, you could smell the aroma of food.

Hearing the sound, Zuo Xiaoqing came out of the kitchen and said, "Brother Lin, you're off work. The meal is almost ready. Wash your hands and get ready to eat."

What is life?

This is called life.

Such an obedient and sensible daughter-in-law, I continued to teach her in the evening.


Two days later,

Orchard Cottage.

Lao Hei brought his two brothers to the orchard.

The three of them entered the house,

Li Xiangqian, Ma Dan, and Chen Ding were all present, and the two parties started trading.

Lao Hei unbuttoned his coat. There was a military satchel inside his coat. He opened the satchel and took out a cloth bag. It was very heavy at first glance.

Falling onto the table with a crash,

They are small golden cakes, about the same size as sugar cubes.

"There are two kilograms here, just a little more."

After saying that, he asked his men to take out a small scale. This scale was exquisite and small. It had a proper name called "Sima Scale". He put all the gold on the small scale and weighed it directly in front of Li Qianqian and others.

"Four pounds and one and a half cents."

Li Qianqian smiled and said, "You are so out of date."

As he said this, he took out a scale from the box next to him and said, "This is the most accurate one." He and Chen Ding started weighing together.

"A total of 2007.5 grams, that's right."

Lao Hei did the math in his mind for a long time. Four kilograms is equal to two kilograms, which is two kilograms. One penny is equal to one-tenth of a tael, one cent is equal to one-tenth of a penny, and one tael is equal to 0.05 kilograms, so one penny and five cents is equal to

0.015 kilograms is equal to 0.0075 kilograms, which is equal to 7.5 grams.


Lao Hei breathed out a breath.

I'm so tired.

"That's right, it's 2007.5 grams."

Li Xiangqian winked at Chen Ding, and Chen Ding took out a canvas bag from underneath and opened the zipper. It was full of bundles of bundles.

"The price we agreed on is 26 per gram, so the total price of these golds is 52,195, right?"

"That's right."

There was 60,000 yuan in the bag, and Li Xiangqian took out 7,800 yuan from it.

"The rest is all yours, and I'll give you the bag as well."

It didn't take long. Lao Hei and the others counted the money, smiled and said to Li Qianqian and others: "The amount of money is correct. We have a happy cooperation. I can still get this much in about half a month. We will contact you then."

"Okay, contact me again."

Lao Hei and the others left happily carrying a canvas bag of banknotes.

Li Xiangqian put the gold into the bag and said, "Let's go, let's send it to Brother Yi together."

This chapter has been completed!
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