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Chapter 061: Who are you busy for?

Get up the next day,

Zuo Xiaoqing packed Lin Yi's clothes. It used to be normal for the man to go out to earn money and the woman to take care of the house.

I don’t know when it became,

The argument that men are responsible for making money and women are responsible for spending money.

Regarding this trip to Hong Kong.

Lin Yi was still full of expectations. On the train, he was thinking about what he should do after arriving in Hong Kong.

But in the end he found to his dismay,

With only seven days, it seemed like he couldn't really do anything.

It is said that Hong Kong is full of gold.

That is in relative terms. At this time, wages in Hong Kong were dozens of times higher than those in the Mainland, so some people who went there felt that it was easy to make money.

If you go there, you can bring back electrical appliances that are in short supply in China, and the prices are twice as cheap. These are all attractive features.

But Lin Yi doesn't like this little money.

What he wants is big money, millions or tens of millions.

But you are an outsider,

There is only a week in total, and just wanting to make millions or tens of millions is just a fool's errand, let alone stocks, futures, and some evil stocks, these are of no use to Lin Yi.

This is a game world, which may not coincide with real history. The rise and fall of a certain stock in history may not be the same here.

As for the general trend.

This is indeed Lin Yi's advantage.

For example, after the 1980s, commerce developed rapidly, in the 1990s, the Internet emerged, and in the 1920s, real estate was booming. These should not be much different, but these all require time and cost, and they do not happen overnight, let alone a week.

It can be completed internally.

on the train,

Lin Yi was eager from the beginning,

After thinking about it, calm down slowly.

He set several small goals in his mind. This time, as long as these small goals are completed, it will be considered a success. As for other opportunities, he will look at them.


Lin Yi arrived in Guangzhou two days later,

See Brother Shui again.

"Brother, are you done?" Brother Shui asked enthusiastically when he saw Lin Yi.

"It's done." Lin Yi took out his passport.

Brother Shui took it, looked at it, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are quite capable. It only took a month to complete it."

"Brother Shui, what are the next procedures?" Lin Yi asked.

Brother Shui patted Lin Yi's passport and identity certificate, "Don't worry, with these things, you can get the pass in at most two days, and someone will take you through the customs then."

The customs clearance has been finalized.

Lin Yi asked again: "Brother Shui, what's the price of exchanging currency now?"

He planned to sell gold in the past, and when he had Hong Kong dollars in hand, he wanted to find out what the current price was, so that he would know whether it was a good deal.

"During this period, the black market price of Hong Kong dollars has increased again. Other stores are offering 65 cents for one Hong Kong dollar. If you want to exchange it, brother, I will give you a preferential price, 63 cents for one Hong Kong dollar."

Upon hearing this price, Lin Yixin said that the price had indeed increased again.

"I won't change it. I still have some Hong Kong dollars I exchanged from Brother Shui last time, which is enough to spend this time."

Lin Yi originally had more than 18,000 Hong Kong dollars, and spent about 5,000 at the Friendship Store. Now he still has 13,000, which is enough.

Besides, he planned to sell gold in the past, so he shouldn't be short of money.

"Then I'll go back and wait for news." Lin Yi took the money and left.

"Two days at most, I will send someone to find you directly where you live." Brother Shui stood up and saw Lin Yi off.


inside the hotel,

Lin Yi is in a room alone,

Nothing to do,

lock the door,

He took out a canvas bag from the space and took out two Type 56 semi-automatics. In modern times, Lin Yi had indeed only touched a gun during military training in college, but in the memory of this world, Lin Yi often played with guns when he went to the countryside at a forest farm.


And his shooting skills are pretty good.

Hunting wild boar, roe deer and pheasant.

The magazine is full, press hard into the magazine, and Katsa pulls the bolt. Now, as long as he gently pulls the trigger, the shuttle will be empty of bullets in a few seconds.

Put the gun on the table.

Lin Yi lit a cigarette and smoked it.

This scene,

He suddenly had a vague feeling, as if he had seen it in a movie.

I am like this now,

Isn't he just a standard gangster?

Lin Yi laughed when he thought of this, "The world is like this for my generation. Once I enter the world, time will rush me. I have the semi-automatic in my hand. I have the world. Cover your face. I can do whatever I want in the Central Gold Store."

Brother Shui is very trustworthy.

Within two days, someone came to look for Lin Yi.

"My name is A Ming. Your customs procedures have been completed. Brother Shui asked me to take you through the customs. We won't care about you after you pass." A Ming said.

"I understand." Lin Yi nodded.

The money he spends will last until the moment he enters the country.

To enter the customs, you have to go to Shenzhen Luohu Port. This is Nansha County, which is 100 kilometers away from Luohu. The two of them had to take a long-distance bus to get there.

While waiting for the bus,

Lin Yi and A Ming chatted.

It has to be said that since he mastered Cantonese, communication here has become more convenient. It is precisely because he mastered Cantonese that Lin Yi dared to go to Hong Kong alone. Otherwise, he would not understand the language there and would not be able to do anything.

The 10,000 yuan spent on Cantonese is well worth it.

He handed over a cigarette and the two of them lit it. Lin Yi asked: "A Ming, have you been to Hong Kong?"

"Of course I have, and I go often."

"Want to play?"

A Ming looked at Lin Yi, "Before I followed Brother Shui, I worked as a delivery boy. A large number of vegetables, fruits, pigs, sheep, cattle, ducks, goose, and seafood were delivered every day from the mainland. You will see it when you get on the bus after passing Luohu.

, there are big trucks everywhere on the road.”

"Then why don't you do it?"

A Ming took a sip, "I was caught by my work unit while carrying the goods and was fired, so I just went to work with Brother Shui."

A Ming opened his chat box and started talking to himself,

"Actually, delivery people work very hard. Every day, vegetables, meat and eggs are delivered by train from all over the country, and they need to be sorted and sorted. We delivery people have to go to the market to load the goods at two o'clock in the morning every day, and then deliver the goods with the train.

, these dishes will be delivered to the vegetable market in Hong Kong at five o'clock in the morning, and may be on the table at six-thirty or seven o'clock."

"When we come back, someone will ask us to bring goods, not much, just a small package at a time, mainly electronic watches and the like, about twenty or thirty yuan."

"If we pass the test, we earn one yuan per watch. If it is found and confiscated, we don't have to pay compensation. Many people will take this job. If it is not found, it will be one month's salary. If it is found, it will be bad luck."

"Originally, it wouldn't be a big deal if I was caught. The worst I could do would be a salary deduction, criticism and education, etc. But last time we were cracking down on smuggling, I was caught, and I was fired immediately."

At this point, A Ming spread his hands and said, "I had no choice but to come over and hang out with Brother Shui, but it's okay, I'm making much more than before, and it's not that hard."

Lin Yi thought of the anti-smuggling operation in Wenzhou when he first arrived. Later, when Lin Yi went to Guangzhou to purchase goods, he heard from many people that the anti-smuggling operation was becoming more and more intense, causing the price of contraband goods to rise a lot.


This kind of beating can never be finished.

As long as it is profitable,

There will be people who take desperate risks.

Lin Yi knew that this was just the beginning, and that this smuggling craze would not be contained until the late 1990s.

And the intervening ten or twenty years.

It can be described as a group of demons dancing wildly.

"Over in Hong Kong, where do you pick up the goods? Do they look for you or do you look for them?" Lin Yi asked.

"What, you want to do this?"

"I'm just asking out of curiosity. I'll gain some insights and it's easy for others to talk about it." Lin Yi said with a smile.

A Ming said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, I won't do it anyway. The main thing is that over there in the New Territories, they have people who are looking for big truck drivers. There are a lot of traffic stoppers on the road, and they often become mature people after a few contacts.

As long as you're brave and don't fear getting caught, there's plenty of stuff."

"Then how do you sell the goods that are shipped here?"

"There is no need to sell. There are people over there who deliver the goods, and there are people here to collect the goods. The passing drivers just earn the freight."

"Of course, there are also people who buy and sell their own goods and want to make more money. As long as you have the ability to ship them over, there are plenty of places in the mainland to collect them."

"Luohu, Yantian, Futian, Nanshan, and Longhua all have delivery points. There are markets in Panyu, Shunde, Dongguan, and Nansha in the distance. As long as you have goods, you can sell them. Don't be afraid of goods.

No matter how much, they can eat it."

Lin Yi remembered a sentence, "In the South in the 1980s and 1990s, there was no place without smuggling!"

A Ming looked at Lin Yi and said with a smile: "What are you doing here this time?"

"There is a relative in Hong Kong. I have contacted him through letters before. I went to see the relative to see if I could find a way to make money." Lin Yi made nonsense.

A Ming said with some envy: "That's good. It's much better to have relatives and at least someone familiar with the situation there than to wander around alone."

As the chat progressed, from the initial conversation about smuggling to the customs and customs of Hong Kong, the topics of the two grown men gradually became distorted.

"When you go to Hong Kong, it's best not to go to nightclubs and the like. I've never been there, but I heard people say they are very expensive. You can spend thousands of Hong Kong dollars a night. Damn it, you can buy a house at home with that kind of money.


"By the way, there is Loufeng over there. You don't know what Loufeng is. It's a house where a woman lives and does that business. The driver I followed, Master, took me there, but every time we went there, the car only

You can stay for a few hours, but you can't stay overnight. Those ladies in the hotel only cost a hundred yuan a time. Some of them are very young and beautiful. I heard that there are also foreign girls, but I haven't tried them."

"The driver master I follow almost all the money he earns from carrying goods on the bus every month is given to the landlords. Sometimes my master himself sighs, working hard for whom, suffering losses, and being deceived.

, sooner or later he will die on the coin."

Lin Yi laughed after hearing this.

This is a bit vulgar, but very true.

This chapter has been completed!
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