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Chapter 069: Spend money and you can remember it

The continuous beeps in his mind made Lin Yi overjoyed. The first small goal was finally completed, and he quickly opened the system panel.

A screen of light appeared in front of my eyes.

Player: Lin Yi.

Wallet: 1056857 yuan.

Skills: Level 1 physical enhancement, Cantonese, English, American English.

System Mall: Golden space, physical enhancement, language pack, photographic memory.

The system mall has added a new skill "Photographic Memory". This requires no explanation. Lin Yi knows what this skill means as soon as he sees the name.

He was very excited.

If I had this ability when I was in school, Qingbei would not be a dream. I am afraid that many people have this dream when they are in school.

Lin Yi now reads books every day to accumulate knowledge for the future. He often suffers from forgetting what he has read. Now that this skill appears in the system mall, it is simply his greatest blessing.

Checked the price.

"'Photographic memory', price 1 million."

In fact, he had already guessed that since this skill appeared at 1 million, it was normal for the price to be set at 1 million.

This skill has an advantage. It is a one-time purchase. There are no first-, second-, or third-level movies. It will disappear in the system mall after purchase.

But this skill also has a disadvantage, which is that when you use photographic memory, it also consumes money. The amount of consumption is calculated based on your memory strength and time.

Lin Yi thought to himself, this game is called "I Just Want to Make Money". It really makes money everywhere, and you have to spend money to use skills.

But considering the past operation of the system, it's not surprising. The space he is using now is rented for 200 yuan a day.

For this skill,

to be honest,

Lin Yi really wanted to buy it.

The storage space can continue to be rented, and there is no need to worry about world time. The worst he can do is come in later, but the skill of 'photographic memory' can bring him great convenience. The knowledge he has learned may be useful somewhere.


Take a look at the system wallet.

Now the total is over 1.0 million. If you buy this skill, you will really go back to before liberation. Do you want to buy it or not?


Lin Yi hesitated for a few seconds before making a decision.

Money earned must be spent, right?

“System, purchase ‘photographic memory’.”

The system responds quickly,

The numbers in the wallet jumped wildly, and finally settled on 56,857 yuan. Lin Yi felt distressed for a while, my little money was gone.

Immediately afterwards,

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Yi felt that his mind became clear for a while, and his thoughts seemed to be much clearer and smoother than before.

Looking at the system panel.

The product "Photographic Memory" in the system mall column has disappeared, and the "Photographic Memory" skill has been added to the skill column.

Lin Yi took out a book, selected a passage and read it.

After about 3 minutes, he finished reading one page. He closed the book and closed his eyes to recall what he had just read. Lin Yi felt like a photo was imprinted in his mind, and every word was very clear. This feeling was amazing.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy.

With the skill of photographic memory, you no longer have to worry about reading books. You can go back and organize what you want to learn, and study in a more systematic way.

A person with rich knowledge will be at ease wherever he goes.

He suddenly remembered something. Using the photographic memory skill seemed to consume money. He quickly checked the system wallet.

Three dollars less.

3 minutes,

three dollars,

That is equivalent to 1 yuan per minute.

He did some mental calculations,

Twenty-four hours a day is 1,440 yuan, which is equivalent to 144,000 yuan a day in modern currency. Lin Yi complained about the system again.

money games,

You are not here to help me make money,

Are you here to make money from me?

This is more expensive than renting space. It seems that in the future, don’t run around with skills. It costs money and should be opened at critical moments, such as when reading books and learning knowledge. It is usually useless.

Lin Yi gave the skill of photographic memory a new name, calling it "You can spend money to have photographic memory".

I bought new skills and spent a million. The "Golden Space" and "World Time" that were originally on were dim again. They were in a state of insufficient funds. Even the second-level physical enhancement was extinguished.


Still too little.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Yi tidied up the room, put the 56 semi-automatic into the space, and packed all the sunglasses and other goods. Only the TV was left outside.

Fall down and sleep.

After all the money was spent, Lin Yi completely entered the sage time. He had no other ideas and would continue to make good money from now on.

The next day,

Lin Yi said goodbye to the shop owner, found a puller, and took the TV to the train station. When entering the station, Lin Yi was inspected to the highest standards. All kinds of documents were reviewed, and the process was carefully questioned. Finally,

After confirming that the TV was indeed legal, Lin Yi was allowed to get in the car.

Sleeper carriage.

Lin Yi once again received a lot of attention. He carried the TV box into the car, and many people's eyes were fixed on the TV.

"Sony, I recognize that logo."

"They are all in Japanese and imported with original packaging."

"It's not easy to get this, and you dare to carry it on the train without fear of inspection. Isn't that young man an overseas Chinese?"

"It doesn't look like it. Maybe I have relatives over there."

In this era, people's love and obsession with TV far exceeds the obsession with fruit mobile phones in later generations. Modern people buy fruit mobile phones for free. This is nothing. In the 1980s, they really sold their houses to buy electrical appliances.

Someone in Beijing sold their courtyard house just to buy a 21-inch color TV. At this time, the price of a 21-inch color TV was 3,999.

Lin Yi was on the lower bunk. As soon as he sat down, many people gathered around him. Most of their eyes were fixed on the TV box. Some people couldn't help but ask: "Little brother, is this a Japanese color TV? How big is it?"


"14 inches."

"How much is it?"

"2600 Hong Kong dollars."

The person who asked was a little stunned, "How much is 2,600 Hong Kong dollars?"

A knowledgeable person next to me said: "It's almost 800 yuan."

People around were amazed.

"It's so cheap."

Someone shouted outside: "Brother, do you want to sell this TV? If so, I will pay 1,200 yuan."

The people next to him suddenly laughed.

"You think I'm stupid. This is a color TV. It costs 1,600 in a shopping mall. It also requires a TV ticket. Most people can't buy it. They sell it to you for 1,200. What do you think?"

"Then I'll pay one thousand six."

"One thousand and sixty is the original price, why would they sell it to you?"

"What are you doing to cause trouble?"

"I just can't see you taking advantage of me like this. Why, if you want to show off, revolutionary soldiers have never been afraid of death."

Lin Yi didn't say a word, but the two sides started fighting over the purchase and sale price of his TV. Lin Yixin said that I had said that I would sell it again, "Everyone, I am the leader of the TV. Take it back and use it for your own use. Stop arguing and disperse."

Let’s go.”

When everyone heard this, they dispersed one after another.

The two people who were arguing also stopped.

All that was left was whispering, "I knew it, I must have gone out and brought it back, otherwise how could I dare to take the railway."

"I heard that people who go out can bring back two large items and six small items. I don't know if it's true?"

Lin Yi was too lazy to listen to these people's random chatter. He lay down on the bed to rest and took out a book to read.

'Photographic memory' is not turned on.

It's just a novel, Zhang Henshui's "The Golden Fen Family", which is meant to relieve boredom.

The train starts,

The flight attendant inspects the carriage.

Lin Yi's TV went through a detailed inspection again. Many people were watching the excitement. When the flight attendant finally said it was OK and handed the procedure back to Lin Yi, disappointment flashed across many people's faces.

In fact, most people

I really don't want you to live a better life than him.

Angry people will laugh at others, comparison and jealousy are the lowest level of human nature.

After two days and two nights on the train, they finally arrived in Jiangcheng. The train arrived in Jiangcheng in the morning. Lin Yi carried the TV out of the station and went through a strict inspection when he came out.

After leaving the train station, Lin Yi finally found a truck carrying goods and took the truck back home.

open the door,

The courtyard is very clean.

There are no clothes on the rope.

The house was also very clean, but not very popular. Lin Yi guessed that Zuo Xiaoqing had not been staying at home these days, but he should come over frequently to clean and tidy up.

Put out the sunglasses of space.

Lin Yi rode his bicycle to Hanzheng Street. Lin Yi had been out for almost a month, and it was already April. Hanzheng Street was much busier than when he left.

"Boss Lin, long time no see." A familiar stall owner greeted Lin Yi.

"Yeah, I went out for a while. How's the business lately?"

"Not as good as your stall, your stall is the best seller in the entire Hanzheng Street." The stall owner said with envy.

along the way,

After greeting several stall owners, Jiang Wu finally arrived at his store. When Jiang Wu saw Lin Yi, he jumped out happily,

"Brother Yi, you are back~!"

When the others saw Lin Yi, they all came over and called Brother Yi one by one. Lin Yi greeted them and asked them to continue their work.

"Is there anything going on in the store recently?" Lin Yi asked Jiang Wu.

"Nothing's wrong, everything is normal." Jiang Wu said with a smile.

"What about moving forward?"

"Qiang Qian is in the warehouse over there. There is a guy who wholesales children's clothing who wants a lot, so he brought it over," Jiang Wudao said.

"You tell Xiang Qiang and we will reconcile the accounts at noon."

"Okay, I'll inform him."

"By the way, go to my house and get the sunglasses."

"Hey~ Okay, there are a lot of people looking for sunglasses these days. When I said there was no stock, they put down their money and made a reservation. They are just waiting for you to come back, Brother Yi. I will take someone to get it right now." Jiang Wu said and went to ask someone to get it.


Lin Yi wanted to go upstairs,

But after thinking about it,

He got on his bicycle and left Hanzheng Street. He was going to go to the street to find Director Chen. After getting the TV back, he went to tell Director Chen the good news.

This chapter has been completed!
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