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Chapter 092: Three Million Loans Arrived

County Magistrate Li smiled.

"Lao Lu told me that Manager Lin is a very capable person and has brought many foreign exchange orders to the province. Their factories also benefited from Manager Lin and received many foreign exchange orders."

"I would like to ask Manager Lin something. There are also some factories in our county that also produce some things, such as musical instruments, flutes, suonas, erhus, etc., which are quite famous. There are also bamboo weavings and various bamboo weaving products. The styles are very beautiful.

The processed Chinese medicinal materials are all local wild medicinal materials that are purchased and processed. I hope Manager Lin can help promote these products and find some foreign exchange orders for the county."

Nowadays, people, especially officials, are crazy and want to earn foreign exchange.

As long as there is such an opportunity, I will not let it go.

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Then he smiled and said, "County Magistrate Li, I promise you, you will get a batch of samples later and I will take them to Hong Kong and let the trading company there find customers."

Hearing Lin Yi's promise, County Li was delighted.

Shaking Lin Yi's hand vigorously, "Then I'll leave it to Manager Lin."

"Don't call me Manager Lin anymore. I'll make you acquainted with each other. From now on, you can call me Brother Lin." Lin Yi said.

"Sure, brother Lin, then don't call me the county magistrate, call me brother Li."

"Okay, Brother Li."

Zuo Xiaoqing stood nearby, feeling very proud as he watched his men chatting and laughing with these big shots.

I am so lucky to find such a man. My mother said that women should know how to cherish blessings. What is meant by cherishing blessings is to take good care of your man, take care of the house well, and don't let the man worry about trivial matters at home, so that he can have the strength to go to work.

Conquer the world outside.

Finally it was Secretary Zhang's turn. As the township secretary, he was a figure in this land, but he was still far behind in front of the directors of large factories such as County Magistrate Li and Director Lu.

However, when Lin Yi shook hands with Secretary Zhang, he was no less enthusiastic than County Magistrate Li. He also specifically mentioned his uncle Zuo Dahong and thanked Secretary Zhang for taking care of him.

Secretary Zhang was very happy to hear this.

have a look,

Advance working relationships work.

Zuo Dahong’s matter must be done this year.

Open the banquet.

Eight hot and four cool.

Chicken, duck and fish are all available.

The wine is from Xiaohuanghelou.

Two bottles are placed on each table for one dollar and thirty-five cents. If the host says there are not enough, they will be returned.

A large box of Qianmen cigarettes is placed on the table.

Smoking is self-service.

Nowadays, in rural areas, there are still many families who don’t have enough to eat. When people get married, it’s usually enough to put together six dishes and prepare four or five tables. How have you ever seen such a luxurious banquet?

The villagers were really satisfied this time.

County Magistrate Li, Director Lu and others were invited to the east room to have a separate table, where they exchanged glasses and continued chatting.

The villagers were having a banquet,

On the one hand, they sighed at how heroic Zuo's uncle was. They had never had such a good wedding banquet before. On the other hand, they also lamented on Zuo's uncle's connections. The county magistrate and the township secretary came to congratulate him in person.

No worse than the county magistrate, his connections are really well connected.

Halfway through the banquet.

Lin Yi and Zuo Xiaoqing toasted at the table and received countless blessings. Jiang Wu had a camera hanging around his neck and kept taking photos beside him. It seemed like the film was free of charge.

This banquet,

The guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

This is not over yet,

When County Magistrate Li, Secretary Zhang, and the others said goodbye and left, Secretary Zhang specially grabbed Lin Yi and said, "Brother, I have already told the projectionist in the village that I will come to the village to show a movie in the evening. If anything happens to my brothers and sisters in the future, please give me a call."

Just one word."

Lin Yi quickly thanked him.

At that time, showing movies was the most popular entertainment program in rural areas.


The projectionist comes over,

The villagers once again went out en masse.

Bring the benches and wooden chairs over here,

In the brigade courtyard,

Once again, there was a lot of excitement and excitement.

While the film crew was adjusting things, the villagers had nothing to do and chatted, and naturally the topic couldn't be separated from the Zuo family and Zuo's uncle.

"Little Qing girl, you really have found a good husband. Look at that uncle, he is so talented. He needs to be tall and handsome. You can't find such a distinguished young man from all over the country."

"It's just about good looks. The most important thing is that you are capable. The county magistrate, township mayor and so many important people came to congratulate you. There were five or six cars on the street today. Who has ever seen such a grand scene?"

"Stew meat and vegetables the day before, have a banquet the next day, and play a movie in the evening. Let's not talk about all the villages in the country. Not even in our county, or even in the whole of Huangshi, I have never heard of anyone marrying so beautifully."

"The old Zuo family will definitely not be sad if we have this uncle in the future."

"I'm not sad now. Dahong works at the rural agricultural machinery station, and Xiaowang works in Huangshi and drives a big truck. How can I be sad?"

"By the way, I heard Xiaowang say yesterday that Xiaoqing seems to have been admitted to college and will go to medical school. After graduation, he will be a doctor in the city. He is beautiful and is a doctor. I think he will be worthy of this city girl.



After dinner,

Zuo's father, Zuo's mother, Zuo Dahong, his fiancée, and Xiao Wang all went to see a movie. Lin Yi and Zuo Xiaoqing were the only two people left at home. The east room was specially cleaned up for Lin Yi and Zuo Xiaoqing to live in. They all had new mattresses and new blankets.

Li Xiangqian and Jiang Wu followed Factory Director Lu back to Huangshi in the afternoon so that they could go back a day earlier. They also took away all the tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans they borrowed from the garment factory. Everything was packed properly. As for the remaining things, they were all given away.

To the Zuo family.

Zuo Xiaoqing was going to get water for Lin Yi to clean himself. It was hot now and Lin Yi was sweating after working all day.

"You are the bride today." Lin Yi grabbed Zuo Xiaoqing.

"The bride has to serve the groom even more."

There was no condition for taking a bath, so Zuo Xiaoqing brought warm water and wiped Lin Yi's body with a towel in the house, "I don't have a place to wash in the house. I feel sorry for you."

"I'm not that pretentious." Lin Yi said with a smile.

After Lin Yi finished washing, he lay down on the bed. Zuo Xiaoqing changed a basin of water and started scrubbing himself. Lin Yi saw that his eyes were hot. When Zuo Xiaoqing poured the water back, he pulled him over and held him in his arms.

The moonlight tonight is better than yesterday.

The moon is bigger,


Shine into the house through the window.

Under the moonlight, a woman’s skin is white and reflective,


The contrast between light and dark is strong.

They say you can see beauty under the lamp, but actually it is definitely not as good as under the moon.

Under the moon,

With a mysterious flavor.

Because it was at his own home, Zuo Xiaoqing suppressed and did not dare to speak out, biting his lips tightly. Perhaps it was because Lin Yi felt more excited at his father-in-law's home.


The next day.

Lin Yi took Zuo Xiaoqing to say goodbye. The Zuo family also knew that Lin Yi was a busy man and it was difficult to retain him. Xiaowang drove a truck and took the two of them all the way to Jiangcheng and returned to Huangshi without staying.

Lin Yi is indeed busy,

Lin Yi has reorganized the business on Hanzheng Street. Now it is stable at around 30,000 yuan a day. He sits on the second floor and reads a book every day. In the evening, he will earn tens of thousands of dollars during the settlement. He feels very happy watching the system wallet grow day by day.

Although he has not been to Hong Kong these days, the news there has not stopped. This month, two more orders were sent from Hong Kong. Although not a lot, it was still a big achievement. In addition, there were also orders from Jiangcheng.

The goods have begun to be delivered one after another.

As for the situation in Shekou, this is what Lin Yi is most concerned about.

end of July,

Suddenly a postman came to the door with his telegram. When he opened it, he saw that it was from He Qiming. There were not many words on it, but Lin Yi was very excited.

"The factory construction loan has been received."

Lin Yi clenched his fist and waved it.

"I've been back for more than a month, and it's time to go to Hong Kong."

Lin Yi rented a space, opened the cabinet partition, and put the two guns hidden inside, some Hong Kong dollars and US dollars, as well as passports and other documents into the space.

He called Li Xiangqian and Jiang Wu and told them that he was going to Hong Kong again, the time was uncertain, and asked them to take care of their home.

The two nodded to express their understanding.

After settling today's income, it was more than 30,000 yuan. When Lin Yi absorbed it into his wallet, his wallet successfully exceeded one million.

Open the system panel,

Player: Lin Yi.

Wallet: 1005602 yuan.

Skills: Level 1 physical enhancement, Cantonese, English, American English, photographic memory, Arabic.

System mall: golden space, physical enhancement, language pack.

After the wallet reaches one million, the skill options that originally required one million to be opened light up again, and you can buy world time and gold space.

Lin Yi did not move,

Turned off the system, went out and cycled home.

Zuo Xiaoqing has returned to work at her workplace. She has been trained by her employer. During this period until the start of school, she is still a nurse in the hospital. She is not on duty today. She has returned from get off work and is cooking.

The two had dinner, and Lin Yi told Zuo Xiaoqing that he was going to Hong Kong. Zuo Xiaoqing quickly prepared clothes for Lin Yi. He took out his pants and shirt and ironed them with an iron. He was very patient and careful.


Naturally, a lingering parting moment is indispensable.

Three days later,

When Lin Yi arrived in Shenzhen, he had notified He Qiming and Chen Tiancheng in advance, and they had already opened a hotel in Shenzhen and were waiting for him.

The two of them also brought the latest planning book this time.

He Qiming is in charge of the construction of the trade center,

Lin Yi has designed two functions in the trade center. One is to contact import and export foreign trade businesses, and the other is a real commodity trading center. Some commodities can be shipped here and traded directly. Of course, the settlement method and taxes of the transaction will be in accordance with

The industrial zone requested it.

Even so, there is still a lot of profit here. He can ship goods directly from Hong Kong, and some local merchants in China can directly buy Hong Kong goods. After all, very few people can go to Hong Kong now.

As for the price, it will naturally be more expensive than smuggled goods, but it is legitimate, and being legitimate means that it can be sold to all parts of the country openly.

The other is that domestic products can be placed directly here, and domestic merchants can buy them. Nowadays, commodity exchanges mainly rely on state regulation, while regulation by private enterprises is basically blank. Lin Yi wants to occupy this blank market.

Another is to attract traders or ordinary wholesalers from Hong Kong to come over and buy goods from the mainland. If you like what you want, Lin Yi will be responsible for delivering it to your door.

to be honest,

This trade center is a three-way link.

Communicate with the Mainland and the Mainland and Hong Kong at the same time.

The trading company's land area is actually not very useful. A few rooms in Hong Kong can be used for offices, but the trade center cannot do it. It requires a large area. Lin Yi's initial plan was to build several real buildings, similar to

Future trade building cargo distribution center.

But the investment is too big.

Later it was converted into a greenhouse.

A closed greenhouse can also be divided into small areas, where goods can be stored and sold, killing two birds with one stone and being cheaper.

As for the sunglasses factory, it mainly went into more detail and developed a purchasing catalog based on the machines and raw materials that the mainland can provide.

Lin Yi read it and said: "Tomorrow we will go to the China Merchants Bureau again and give them a more complete plan. As for the funds in the account, we will talk to the China Merchants Bureau later. We have to purchase a lot of things and need to raise some funds.


This chapter has been completed!
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