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Chapter 094: Loans

The phone call lasted nearly an hour. This was an international long distance call, and the phone bill was estimated to be less than two to three thousand Hong Kong dollars, which made Lin Yi feel distressed.

"Xiao Lin, I will inform the leaders to do research right now. You can wait for me in Hong Kong at any time." District Chief Yang said excitedly while holding the directory list.

Lin Yi remembered another thing,

Asked: "One more thing, the leader, I have given the other party our product list, which is the product catalog we ordered before, but the other party asked me if we can provide tobacco and alcohol, because tobacco and alcohol are exclusive, I am not good

Agreed, so I’d like to ask you if you want to ask for instructions from above?”

"Understood, I will ask for instructions." District Chief Yang said.

It was almost time to get off work, but District Chief Yang still called the leader. This kind of matter cannot be delayed. After listening to District Chief Yang’s report, the leader immediately said: "You come to the province immediately, and I will notify the relevant units to come and negotiate together.


meeting room.

Burning the midnight oil and fighting at night,

A group of leaders studied what they wanted from the list.

car wants,

I want a truck too,

Fertilizer wants,

I also want plastic,

How can we not have a refrigerator and TV?

When the final list came out, it actually reached more than 3 million, which was too much.

what to do.

Let's find a way to reduce it.

As for the tobacco and alcohol that Lin Yi asked about, the leader immediately decided that it can be sold, why not? As long as we have it, we can sell it.

The local leadership at this time was much more powerful than in later generations.

After cutting back and cutting down again, we still had US$2.45 million in the end. I felt like I didn’t want to give up anything. Finally, the leader said to District Chief Yang:

"Xiao Yang, talk to that Xiao Lin and see if you can increase the number?"

"I will contact Lin Yi immediately."

At 11 o'clock in the evening, District Chief Yang called Lin Yi's hotel room phone and told Lin Yi about the situation. The amount was exceeded and the leader did not want to reduce it. He wanted to see if he could talk to the other party.

"Commander, I'll try with Roman tomorrow."

"Xiao Lin, the leader said that after the deal is concluded, I will come back and make a contribution to you." District Chief Yang said.

Lin Yixin said that I am not a member of the public, and I cannot be promoted for meritorious service, but I may have a chance to make a fortune.

In fact, the better he does,

The stronger the amulet is, the stronger it is.

Lin Yi also heard about something. At the meeting, some leaders mentioned that the business of certain merchants on Hanzheng Street was getting bigger and bigger, which had affected the business of supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores, and suggested that they should be rectified.

Later, the leader found out that the person he was talking about was Lin Yi, and the matter was eventually dropped. There was definitely a protective umbrella of foreign exchange orders at work.

The next day,

Lin Yi found Roman again.

Roman asked his secretary to make a cup of coffee for Lin Yi. Roman's female secretary was very beautiful. It was said that she was from Belarus. She was tall, blond, blue-eyed, and had a sweet look. However, Lin Yi always wondered if this woman was a swallow.

At first he was embarrassed to say,

Later, they made a deal with Luo Man, and the two became partners. Lin Yi asked humorously, and Luo Man smiled and said: "You guessed it right, she is Yanzi, but don't worry, she is mine and she is completely obedient."

"I might as well tell you that I actually belong to..."

After hearing this, Lin Yi cursed in his heart, "Damn it, it turns out there are really no simple things in this world."

"Roman, have you received a letter from over there? How is the research on the order going?" Lin Yi asked.

Roman smiled and said, "I have already sent a telegram. As long as it is light industrial products, I will decide on the subdivision of the products."

"In the past two days, I have been working on product catalogs, clothing, leather shoes, down jackets, high heels... and many more."

"By the way, did you ask about tobacco and alcohol? It involves my order accounting."

"After asking, we agreed to export tobacco and alcohol, of course, mainly tobacco and alcohol produced in our local area."

Jiangcheng is a province that produces tobacco and alcohol, but on the export list, the tobacco and alcohol produced in Jiangcheng are obviously not as good as those of major famous brands such as Maotai and Zhonghua. Since there is such an opportunity to barter, it is natural to use home-produced products.

"That's okay, as long as it's not too bad." What is provided to the people does not need to be too good. This is a tradition left over from the Soviet leaders.

Comrade Dalin has said many times in public speeches, "The Soviet people do not need high-end daily necessities."

It was also from that time that the Soviet Union focused entirely on heavy industry. According to reports there, their investment in heavy industry accounted for 84% of the total investment, while light industry only accounted for 16%.


It’s not that the Soviet Union didn’t have light industry.

During this period,

The Soviet Union ranks first in the world in terms of wool textile production, cotton production, sugar production, beer production, and wine and candy production.

The problem is that it is too simple and not rich in variety. Importing goods from China is mainly to enrich the domestic product structure.

"Roman, we hope to increase the order volume, such as adding 600,000." Lin Yi wanted to say 500,000 at first, but thinking that 250 didn't sound good, he simply added 600,000.

Roman didn't hesitate much and said with a smile: "Lin, the quota we gave me also fluctuates. I agree with the amount of 2.6 million. I will add the extra money to tobacco and alcohol."

Tobacco and alcohol in the Soviet Union,

It is a product that is always snapped up.

In the current Soviet Union, there is still a quota system for tobacco and alcohol. Once it is relaxed, it will definitely be snapped up by the masses in a short time.

Contact District Mayor Yang again,

"Boss, after sincere negotiations with the other party, the other party agreed to increase the transaction amount to US$2.6 million."

"Okay, Xiao Lin, you did a great job." District Yang was delighted. Lin Yi not only completed the task, but also improved a bit.


Just keep in touch and negotiate.

After all, it is an order of US$2.6 million, which is not a small number.

It took 20 days of busy work to finally get the order. Lin Yi operated it through the trading company many times, and he and Roman could each share 120,000 US dollars.

As for Lin Yi himself, he can still make more than 300,000 US dollars in profits. Although not as much as last time, it is still extremely considerable.

in the middle,

Lin Yi went to Shenzhen again,

To withdraw 1 million yuan from the bank, the reason stated in the application was still to purchase factory equipment.

The system wallet has also increased to 3 million.

Time flies,

Entering August.

Lin Yi had just gotten up that day, and the system panel suddenly popped up on its own, with an additional prompt:

"There are still 30 days until return!"

Lin Yi was stunned,

It’s been almost a year since I came to this world, it’s really fast.

Sitting on the bed, Lin Yi lit up a cigarette,

A lot came to mind at once.

In early September last year, he suddenly came to this game world. During this period, Lin Yi experienced many things, which were more exciting than anything he experienced in his previous life.

smuggling electronic watches,

selling sunglasses,

Hanzheng Street Alley Store,

Selling calendars, selling clothing,

Later, he came to Hong Kong, set up a trading company, built a factory in the Special Administrative Region, and did business with Luo Man, earning millions in succession.

Meet Zuo Xiaoqing,

with girls,


The days when the two of them live together can be said to be Lin Yi's dream life. In the real world, he will never have it, but here he gets it.

In the past, my parents had talked to me about finding a wife to get married, but in the real world, I had no place to stand.

What to get married for.

it's here,

He found a woman who made him feel happy.




Still so beautiful.

If my parents knew that I had found a wife like Zuo Xiaoqing, they would definitely be very happy.

It is so difficult to find a wife in the modern world.

A good wife is harder to find.

In fact, he once thought about it, so what if he just lives in the game world for the rest of his life? In fact, the so-called happiness, isn't it just the feeling in the heart?

What reality and illusion,

Just happiness is enough.

And he feels more and more that this world is not illusory, but also real. He believes that this is just one of many parallel worlds and it really exists.

You and the people you love and know are all real.

Lin Yi decided to return to Jiangcheng.

But there was one more thing he had to do before going back.

Lin Yi came to the company, found He Qiming, and asked: "Qiming, do you think our company can apply for loans using orders?"

"I think it should be possible. After all, this is a foreseeable profit." He Qiming said.

"Boss, we don't lack money in our accounts. Why do you want a loan?" Lin Yi's company does not lack money. In fact, his operations are all formal. He eats the price difference through trade, but he just hides it from the Soviet side and the Chinese side.


The US$200,000 invested in building a factory in the SEZ Industrial Zone was transferred to the accounts of the trading company. During this period, the trading company and domestic companies also completed nearly one million orders, and the profits were still considerable. Now the company's accounts are still there.

a sum of money.

This transaction with the Soviet Union still followed a formal process, and the benefits could be calculated from the transaction sheet, but outsiders had no way of knowing it.

Lin Yi just wanted to use this profit as a guarantee to lend a sum of money. His purpose was simple: to get as much money as possible before leaving this world.

As for the future,

He believes that he can earn more money from other worlds, and then he can use it to subsidize this world.

"Well, I want to make some investments elsewhere." Lin Yi made up a nonsensical reason.

"Go to several banks and ask them to see which one has the fastest loan speed, what's the interest rate, and how much it can lend." Lin Yi explained.

"Okay boss, I'll make a call right now."

He Qiming acted quickly and contacted many banks such as CITIC, Wing Lung, Dah Sing, and Hong Kong Commercial Bank throughout the morning.

Why don't you go to HSBC or Standard Chartered? Because the bigger the bank, the more stable things are and the speed is relatively slow, but not as fast as small banks.

"Boss, after asking clearly, the other party said that based on our situation, we can probably get a loan of about 300,000 US dollars. Several banks are similar. As for the interest, Wing Lung Bank has the lowest, and the processing speed is also the shortest promised by Wing Lung. They can handle it in about three days.

Okay." He Qiming said.

"Bring the information and go to Yonglong." Lin Yi made a quick decision.


A Yonglong business manager received Lin Yi. What Lin Yi came up with was fine. With past performance and foreseeable revenue orders, this loan was definitely a high-quality loan business. The other party promised to complete it within three days at most.

The next day,

The other party sent a salesperson to the company to check the accounts.

On the third day,

Lin Yi went to the bank to sign.

On the fourth day,

The loan was transferred to the account of Yishida Trading Company.

Lin Yi didn't hesitate at all,

He immediately withdrew US$300,000 in cash from the bank. He did not withdraw large-denomination banknotes, but US$5, US$10, US$20, US$50. When he first contacted Brother Shui, Brother Shui said that he would rather have these banknotes.

It’s also convenient for people who go to the United States to spend money. Very few Americans use hundred-dollar bills.

Open the system,

There are still 25 days left in the countdown.

After talking to He Qiming, Lin Yi left customs and returned to Shenzhen the same day.

This chapter has been completed!
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