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Chapter 102: The Second Midnight


The peaked cap looked sad and helpless: "But that's what he said.

"We woke up when we heard the noise and found that he didn't know what was wrong and wanted to go outside."

Another foreign tourist added: "When we asked him that, that's what he said."

"When?" Gao Yi suddenly asked.

"We don't know. It's probably nine o'clock, maybe ten o'clock, or eleven o'clock..."

Yes, that doesn’t mean I didn’t say it.

Gao Yi turned his face away.

The peaked hat took it for granted: "When a sleeping person is woken up, he doesn't care what time it is, doesn't he just continue to sleep?"

Immediately, others held the opposite opinion, saying that they had a habit of checking the time on their phones when they woke up in the middle of the night.

"The benevolent is in the eye of the beholder and the wise are wise. Let's just ignore this issue for now."

Seeing that the conversation was gradually developing into a boring place, Zhang Chaoxian interrupted the discussion in time and asked Gao Yi's second question - "Why did the deceased suddenly become ill?"

The old man knocked on the table.

His idea was that the black cat scared the deceased.

"The deceased was frightened by the black cat in the outside world and killed the black cat in self-defense, but he also fell in the alley behind because of a heart problem."

This guess sounds reasonable at first glance, but the actual details cannot help but be scrutinized.

Not long after, someone asked: "If the deceased was frightened by the black cat, he would have discovered after the first attack that the other party was just a cat, so he had no reason to continue attacking."

"But in fact, the cat's scream is not just one."

Others retorted: "This issue also varies from person to person. It is possible that the deceased may continue to attack because he is angry."

Tuk Tuk.

Gao Yi knocked on the table and suppressed other comments: "Whether it was because of anger or other emotions, assuming that the deceased really continued to attack the cat, based on the cat's scream and the degree of damage to the cat body, it should be

It made a lot of noise."

"I would like to ask if you can hear the sound that someone made when you heard the noise?"

Others at the table shook their heads.

"But there are also big environmental factors involved. It may be that the rain is too loud, or..." Others made conjectures.

"No murder weapon was dropped at the scene, and there was no blood on the deceased. How did he destroy the cat corpse to this extent? Was it the force?"

Zhang Chaoxian showed a photo of the scene.

In the photo, the black cat's corpse was tragic.

Another person reflected on a detail: "If this is the case, even if the deceased had heart disease, he would not have died before we arrived."

"He even died so quietly, without even a cry for help." Someone else added.

"It's useless to talk more."

Gao Yi waved his hand: "From the very beginning, I thought the old man's speculation was completely wrong."

He is actually only one step away from becoming a real scene monster. So naturally he can see many things that others cannot.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and even said a line: "What's wrong?"

"A fact, the condition of the body."

Gao Yi pointed in the direction of a cubicle.

Due to popular demand, the body of the deceased was temporarily placed in a small cubicle in the lobby.

"You mean body temperature?"

The peaked cap thought thoughtfully: "His body is indeed too cold. He doesn't look like he just died."

"And his clothes are completely soaked."

Gao Yi gradually grasped the atmosphere at the entire table: "From these two points, we can see that he has nothing to do with the death of the black cat."

"Then when did he die?" My cousin couldn't help but ask.

Approximately determine the time of death of a person.

Unfortunately, no one here has relevant knowledge. Even if they want to "take it a thousand times", there is no way to disconnect it.

Gao Yi spoke again: "Since the death of the deceased has nothing to do with the black cat, then we can return to the original issue."

"Why did the deceased suddenly become ill?"

He spoke clearly, and the tone of each word was much emphasized.

Some people subconsciously want to answer "because of sudden physical reasons", but after thinking about it, they feel that it is wrong. They have an emergency. Shouldn't they shout for help to attract the attention of their companions?

But tonight except for the sound of rain, there was no other sound at all.

I can even hear a cat meowing, so why can't I hear a person calling for help?

"I think he was really frightened."

Gao Yi finally gave up his guess: "But it wasn't the cat that scared him."

Subconsciously, others asked: "What is that?"

"Something extremely terrifying."


"Stop being ridiculous, where in the world does this ghost come from?"


"Nonsense, go and find me a monster."

Xiaodi: We will be at your door soon!

The old man looked at Gao Yi, also in disbelief: "Young man, why do you think so?"

"It's just the most probable judgment based on reality." Gao Yi shrugged.

"If you want a person to die silently and without any wounds on the surface of the body, due to the other person's heart disease, I think it is only possible that the deceased was frightened and fainted, and then died in a coma."

Another foreign tourist stood up and pointed at Gao Yi: "It has only been so long now, and even the medical examiner may not be able to make a death report. You are a young boy who is not yet an adult. Who gave you the confidence to say this?"


"What kind of ghosts are there...you are just disrespecting my friend!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and he even looked like he was about to take action.

"Okay, okay, people are just guessing." The peaked hat quickly advised.

Gao Yi glanced at him: "I only said horrible and terrible things, and I didn't mean to blaspheme the dead."

"Okay, okay!"

The old man came out to smooth things over: "After all, we are not professionals, and no matter how much we discuss, we can't convince everyone, so we might as well stop arguing and go back to rest."

"Don't forget to go out and ask for help tomorrow."


The foreign tourist was persuaded by the cap to leave and went up to the second floor. Before leaving, he did not forget to give Gao Yi a hard look.

The rest of the people also dispersed.

Looking at the backs of the two people walking upstairs, Gao Yi narrowed his eyes.

This speculation of mine is not entirely true, but it is definitely not far from false.

Originally, he wanted to use this exaggeration to arouse fear in others, so that he could make the suggestion of spending the night together.

But because the foreigner looked like he was desperate, he had no choice but to give up.

This wave of their operations has the flavor of one trying to be a good person and the other a bad person.

"Cousin, let's go back too."

Gao Yi and his party were about to return to the room, but were stopped by Zhang Chaoxian: "Young man..."

"Uncle Zhang, what's wrong?"

Gao Yi didn't have a bad impression of the middle-aged man in front of him. On the contrary, because of the sincere importance he attached to his family, Gao Yi agreed with him very much.

With Xiao Yuan cleared of suspicion, Gao Yi naturally did not object to contact with their family.

"Why don't we two stay together for the rest of the night?" Zhang Chaoxian lowered his voice.

Gao Yi seemed to have thought of something and was slightly surprised: "Uncle Zhang, do you think my guess is reasonable?"

Regarding Gao Yi's words, Zhang Chaoxian did not affirm it, but he did not deny it either.

He just said with a solemn look: "There is a problem with the meteorite, there is a problem with the signal loss, and there is also a problem with the cause of the victim's death."

Gao Yi continued to test: "Do you believe they exist? This is just what I said casually."

Zhang Chaoxian said no more. The middle-aged man's tone was extremely serious: "Young man, that's all I can say."

This guy seems to have suddenly become interesting.

Gao Yi touched his chin.

My cousin now loses sleep whenever he thinks about the corpse living downstairs, and he doesn't object to being with other people at all.

There is no problem with my cousin, and naturally there is no problem with Gao Yi.

In other words, that's what he hoped.

In the room, under the warm light, the beautiful woman was sleeping with her clothes on. When she heard the sound of the door opening, she immediately went to greet her.

After hearing the general story of what happened from her husband, her face turned pale, just like her cousin, looking like she couldn't sleep well tonight.

On the bed, Xiao Yuan was half asleep and half awake when he discovered that his elder brother, who often stared at him during the day, had actually entered his room, and he immediately shrank into the quilt in fear.

Gao Yi smiled at Zhang Chaoxian and approached him with a kind face.

Now, he has an extremely important question to ask this child.

At noon...

That bloody frog!

This chapter has been completed!
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