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Chapter 104 The Voice in the Cylinder

Chef Wang couldn't sleep.

Somehow, after returning from the discussion in the lobby, he felt that his room was full of gloom.

In front of me, the body of the black cat and the pale face of the deceased seemed to be still vivid in my mind.

"Fuck, I can't sleep."

Chef Wang turned over on the bed and made sure that every part of his body was wrapped in the quilt. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little resentful towards someone.

"It's all my fault that high school student, talking about horror or not, makes me unable to sleep now."

He took out his phone and looked at it.


It was already two o'clock, but Chef Wang couldn't sleep. Whenever he thought of a corpse with a strange death shape lying in the lobby not far from his courtyard, he trembled from the bottom of his heart.

Since he was a child, he has loved listening to the bizarre stories told by the older generation.

Of course, this does not mean that Chef Wang is very courageous. On the contrary, he is very courageous. In the words of today's young people, he falls into the category of being both good at food and fun-loving.

The highway was built and times changed.

The story moves from the gods and ghosts of the mountains to the elevator hospital. The narrator has also changed from a gray-haired old man to one who operates a smart phone. The only thing that has not changed may be his single-minded cowardice.

Not only food, but also love to think.

"Will this corpse undergo a transformation?" Chef Wang suddenly thought.

I heard it said in Uncle Ying's movie that people have to strive for success when they are alive, and they have to die when they die. If this corpse really died of heart disease, would he still be obsessed with something, causing his breath to accumulate? For example, that bottle

The quick-acting heart-saving pill that cannot be reached...

"The lobby is locked now. Will it bite all the tourists?"

If you open the door by yourself the next day, will you...


Suddenly, a voice sounded outside the house.

Chef Wang's heart trembled, and he was so frightened that he almost forgot to breathe.


The sound of water continued to sound. He listened with bated breath for a while and realized that the source of the sound seemed to be the large water tank at the door of his house.

In the past, rural families would place a water tank under their roof to store rainwater so that it could be used at any time.

"Damn it, who is touching my water tank?"

Chef Wang cursed secretly in his heart. He didn't understand who came to him to get a spoon of water after he had eaten enough and had nothing to do.


The sound of water was suddenly mixed with a cat's meow, followed by the sound of claws scratching.

It seemed that it accidentally entered the tank by mistake, clawing at the tank wall in panic, but it couldn't get up.

Chef Wang decided to ignore it. Anyway, the water level in the tank was high and it was not far from the edge of the tank mouth. Animals like cats could flutter around, so there was no need for him to go out and save his life.


As if aware of Chef Wang's mental activity, the cat meowed louder, one after another, like screaming, but also like pleading.

Chef Wang buried his head under the quilt, but he couldn't escape the ear-splitting demonic sounds, which made him feel heartbroken.


He got up with a curse, put on his slippers, and walked towards the door.

"If I weren't afraid that you would die in my tank, I would save whoever I wanted."


The hinge of the old-fashioned door made a sound, and the air-conditioning from outside suddenly rushed in. Standing on the threshold, Chef Wang held an umbrella and poked his head towards the water tank.

Why was there no movement in the water tank when I came out?

Wouldn't he have drowned?

Chef Wang was shocked and quickly took an umbrella and came to the water tank.

The mouth of the water tank is wide, half a person's height, and weighs about 700 kilograms.

Peeking in from the mouth of the tank, it was completely dark. Not to mention cats, there were not even a single insect.


Before he could finish speaking, two black shadows suddenly burst out of the water and quickly wrapped around his neck. Chef Wang suddenly felt an overwhelming force coming towards him, and his body became uncontrollably top-heavy, like an onion planted upside down.

Just like that, he fell headlong into the water tank.




His limbs were kicking randomly, and his head was twisting in the water, trying to make a cry for help so that the people in the courtyard next to him could hear it.

But the huge force coming from the bottom of the water kept dragging his body, making it impossible for him to send out a complete cry for help.


Chef Wang's hands and feet slipped, and even the last strength to resist was lost.

Cold water invaded his trachea, and darkness enveloped his vision. He felt the pain of almost suffocation. In a daze, he seemed to see a creature crawling at the bottom of the tank, floating up and approaching him.



Chef Wang's mouth was forced open, and the black shadow couldn't wait to get in...


There was a loud cracking sound, as if it was the beginning of the world, and it shocked Chef Wang to wake up.

The water tank was broken!

Immediately afterwards, a strong force came from behind, grabbing him by the neck and picking him up.

Caught off guard, the underwater creatures were also pulled out.

With his eyes adapted to the darkness, he finally told his master what exactly was attacking him.


For a moment, Chef Wang couldn't think of how to describe the creature in front of him.

Its body is as long as an adult's arm. Its head has a mouth like a frog, but there are gills undulating on both sides, and two slippery tentacles grow on its chin.

What wrapped around his neck were these two tentacles!

Chef Wang had no time to be surprised. As if because of being disturbed, the other party's mouth opened, and a long tongue kept enlarging in his pupils!


But a sound of wind happened to intervene between them, cutting off the "affectionate look" between them.

That's a hunting knife.


Tongue, tentacles, eyes, fear... everything was completely cut off with this clean knife!

There was a burning smell, as if something was burnt.


Chef Wang exclaimed and was thrown out by someone coming from behind.

Gao Yi had his left hand free, his eyes were like lightning, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick to plunge into the water, his five fingers were clasped like iron pliers, and he tightly grasped the head of the unknown creature.

[The Call of the Mountains] Although there is no warmth and liberation, the power cannot be underestimated.

This guy's number of evolutions has come to an end!

Gao Yi was about to lift it out of the water, but his palm slipped, and the opponent was like a slippery loach, easily out of his control!

Beside the broken water tank, a black shadow quickly emerged.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Gao Yi raised his hand and threw the knife. The hunting knife flew away whistling in the rain, and narrowly missed a forelimb, nailing it to the ground.

But the opponent's determination was also evident. He lowered his head and bit off his forelimbs without hesitation. Then he arched his hind legs, like a bowstring with a full moon, ready to rise into the sky!

Being in darkness, his vision is greatly hindered. The existence time of [The Call of the Mountains] has not reached 10 minutes, and Gao Yi cannot use [Survival of the Fittest] to reverse the blindness caused by the darkness for the time being, and there is no way to judge its effectiveness.

Drop point.

It ran away again!

Gao Yi kicked hard and completely shattered the water tank, causing a huge noise.

In the distance, the alpaca weirdo was walking slowly.


[Be careful, be careful, everyone, please pay attention!]

[Gather now, gather now!]

Air raid sirens sounded continuously in the rain.

This chapter has been completed!
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