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Chapter 165 The final weapon - [Mirage Dragon]!

"Miss, can we take a photo together?"

"Sister, you are so beautiful."

"Nao Po, Nao Po, just a v."

After entering the exhibition hall, Gao Yiyi had no chance to have any leisure time. She spent most of the day chatting up people, using the same lines, rejecting thousands of people who wanted to please her.

After going around, only a few young ladies succeeded in the end. The reason was for no other reason than Gao Yiyi, a pure-faced person, occasionally showing kindness.

But even so, as long as there are successful cases, Crazy Bees and Butterflies still have no intention of stopping. Even as time changes, some more disharmonious things quietly appear.

Gao Yiyi has already "killed" several idiots who would crowd over to eat tofu if they disagreed. Not only that, she also encountered invitations from some amateur photographers to cooperate.


How to combine and how to do it?


Gao Yiyi made a cold face and left directly.

"Hey? Hey! Don't leave!"

Ignoring another guy with impure motives, Gao Yiyi walked with a group of seniors and presidents from the famous No. 3 Middle School, acting like good sisters.

"Yiyi, many people want to get close to you."

The petite and exquisite President Guzheng stood next to Gao Yiyi, and she was a little surprised in her words: "I really didn't expect that I could meet a talent scout here."

The tall, slender Hanfu president crossed his arms and hummed softly: "Where do you get so many talent scouts? Most likely, they are just like those salty guys, cheating money and sex."

Hearing their conversation, Gao Yiyi smiled slightly and thought about it in his mind.

There were not many women who met the requirements at the comic show today. If we were to count numbers, I and others would definitely win.

If the negotiation meeting really takes action today, then there is no doubt that they will be the best choice.

It is only an hour before the end of the Comic Con. For safety reasons, the girls will go home early when they are alone outside. In other words, they are about to embark on their return journey.

And just in case, he must continue to stay in it.

Gao Yiyi deliberately brought the topic back home, pretending to be a coincidence, and in a few words created the illusion that he had another family.

"It's almost time now, shall we go back?"

The president of the literary club suggested, and the other girls naturally had no objections. After playing all day, everyone was already tired and wanted to go home early to rest. They had classes tomorrow.

Seeing Gao Yiyi and the others leaving the exhibition hall, the group of people who were still there felt secretly resentful in their hearts.

Damn it, why is this girl so ignorant? Don’t they all say that girls at this age are best cheated, as long as they control their vanity?

No, it's best to follow her and find out her home address...

There were quite a few people with ulterior motives mingling among the crowd, and they were just one step behind. But as soon as they walked out of the gate, they saw only a world covered by rain, and there were pedestrians holding umbrellas everywhere, so they were nowhere to be found.

In the rain, under the umbrellas, the girls walked towards the platform.

Others may not have felt the change in the environment, but Gao Yiyi, who has never taken it lightly, has already noticed it.

The sky is getting dark.

Layers of rain clouds pour down, like an airtight wall, isolating the entire sky. Darkness is born in the wind and rain, bit by bit, shrouding the silhouette of the city.


Suddenly, a horn sounded from the side.

Everyone turned their heads and found that at some point, a taxi had arrived.

The car window was rolled down, revealing the face of the man inside: "Where are you going? I have no passengers now, so I can take you."

Before anyone else could answer, Gao Yiyi took the lead and said coldly: "There are many of us, so we won't bother the master. Just take the bus."

The man stared at Gao Yiyi for a while, and finally his expressionless face moved back into the shadows, the engine sounded, and he drove away.

"What's wrong, Yiyi?"

The senior sisters noticed that Gao Yiyi's expression was different and asked with concern.

Gao Yiyi looked ahead.

Under the misty rain curtain, three black figures slowly walked towards them. They were wearing raincoats of different colors, like devils walking from hell, and their whole bodies were filled with a frightening aura.

"Are you so impatient..."

Gao Yiyi murmured to herself. Under the wide sleeves of her robe, her fingertips came together lightly. A card was presented to her eyes and she stroked it gently.

The card face of the different painting shows Gao Yi dressed in white. He is standing on the top of a mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist. It seems that it is because of the early spring that there is still fine snow falling.

However, with the animation of live2d, Gao Yi's perspective suddenly changed, facing the majestic river, behind him were countless fine snows that were turned into rain, mirage rising like mist, and clouds steaming between the mountains and rivers.


【Mirage Dragon Travel】

[Quality: royal blue]

[Binded items: Straight train "Mountain and Moon White", Walk "Looking for Smoke and Waves", Jinghong Pendant, Haoran Jade Belt, Mirage Furnace]

[Independent affix: [mirage]

——You can get mirage in one direction through contact with water.

Mirage is shaped like clouds and mist, and the activation of [Mirage Dragon Walk] ability requires consuming the mirage existing in the current environment.

*The transformation of mirage takes a certain amount of time, and the time is determined by the number of single tasks and the shape of the target water source.】

[The default passive has been collapsed, click to view (3): Transformation (passive), Transmogrification (passive), Mimicry (passive)]

【Mirage/Phantom (Active):

——"Phantom Dragon Journey" will be combined with different paintings/illustrations.

?If the matching object is a different painting, after consuming a certain amount of mirage, a brand new upgraded special painting will be generated.

?If the matching object is an illustration, after consuming a large amount of mirage, the illustration will be simulated in real time, completely replacing the surrounding terrain environment within a certain range.

*Both options can be combined at the same time.】

【Hualong (active):

By consuming all the existing mirage, [Phantom Dragon Walk] temporarily obtains "Mirage can also be generated without completing direct contact, and greatly improves the upper limit of the number of transformation tasks, and the transformation efficiency."


?According to the amount of mirage consumed above, the alien painting currently in use will receive an equal numerical increase. (It cannot exceed the current quality threshold of the alien painting)

*When the amount of mirage in the environment reaches zero, [Transformation of the Dragon] is forced to end, and the mirage originally consumed will gradually be returned.】

[Description: The ice and snow melt, and the hidden dragon emerges from the abyss]


"Who are you?"

Questions came from the front, but facing the girls, the three people at the meeting turned a blind eye. Their eyes invariably focused on Gao Yiyi, the voice in the crowd.

Nod slightly.

"Good evening, beautiful ladies."

Blue Raincoat, who seemed not to be very young, opened his mouth and looked at the group of girls with different looks in front of him, looking a little unable to hold back: "Welcome to our game..."

The black raincoat ignored her indifferently and simply reminded her: "Besides her, you can do whatever you want with the rest."

As for how to become a monster, it has never cared much about the methods of its subordinates. It doesn't matter whether it kills or plays evil, as long as it achieves its goal.

But what no one expected was that the routine of reading out the procedures as usual and then the lambs running away in panic was broken today!

"Do you really like to play with others?"

A cold voice sounded, and everyone subconsciously turned their attention to the speaker.

Is it her?!

The girls were slightly startled, and even the blue raincoat who was looking around with greedy eyes was a little stunned.

The eyes of the man in the black raincoat were slightly focused, staring at the girl who was walking out slowly.

Gao Yiyi raised her crystal clear chin and neck, her skirt rippled, and she looked proud.

【Mirage Dragon Travel】!



Gao Yiyi waved his sleeves, and a large mirage suddenly rose, cutting off the sight of the senior students.

Snap, snap.

"Oh well……"

She walked slowly, and the traces of mirage on her body dissipated, and a young man wearing a dark windbreaker walked out, with a playful look on his face, and took out a red and blue drive from his pocket.


【evol driver!】

Gao Yi pressed it on his waist, and suddenly a large piece of mirage turned into a belt wrapped around him.

"Today next year will be your death anniversary."

This chapter has been completed!
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