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Chapter 178: Home Invitation

"Ms. Zhang?"

Gao Yi thought for a moment and recalled the beautiful woman he had met once in Shan'ao.

Because Zhang Chaoxian was kidnapped, if you want to know the subsequent development of the incident, you can only keep an eye on all the clues related to the victim. As a wife, Ms. Zhang is undoubtedly the best and only target.

Although Gao Yi has been extremely busy in the past few days, Xiao Di is still performing his tasks conscientiously.

Every once in a while, it will play different social roles and glean some information through phone calls or face-to-face conversations.

Ms. Zhang is very nice, or a bit too nice, and would not refuse her at all. Even though Xiao Di made a junk call that was no different from a sales pitch, the two of them were able to chat in a serious manner for about ten minutes without any embarrassment.

However, in this way, the gains are significant.

Gao Yi learned that in Ms. Zhang's influenced memory, her husband was not kidnapped by anyone, but was simply on a business trip.

As for the follow-up to the incident that he has been paying attention to. From February to the present, as always, there has been no movement at all, and it can even be said to be strangely calm.

Zhang Chaoxian seemed to have disappeared from the world and was completely forgotten.

"Why did the mysterious man in the mountain want to arrest him? Is he very important? But if it is so important, then why has it been so long without even the slightest sign of trouble?"

Gao Yi once thought this way. He wondered whether his judgment was wrong, or whether his intelligence direction was wrong and the focus of the investigation was wrong?


It's like all the doubts from the past have resurfaced.

Faced with this unexpected call, Gao Yi adjusted his breathing slightly, reached out, picked up the landline microphone from Xiaodi's head, and put it to his ear.


[Black Humor]——[Natural Sound] is activated.

Gao Yi's voice has become much more mature, and through the sizzling microphone, it reaches an unknown corner of the East China Sea.


The other person responded with the same kind greeting.

But what is a bit surprising is that it is a male voice, an old, magnetic voice.

He seemed to be in some open place. Gao Yi could even hear the slight echo of footsteps, as if someone was pacing back and forth.

"Who are you?"

Gao Yi still maintains his magnanimity, just like customer service, waiting for others to take the initiative to ask questions, thereby occupying the high ground in communication.

"Who am I?"

The old voice smiled: "I would also like to ask who you are? You hide an encrypted number in my daughter-in-law's communication records, and you get calls from time to time. Do you really think I can't decipher it?"


Gao Yi frowned slightly, was he discovered?

Who is the other party? Daughter-in-law...

Could it be that he is Zhang Chaoxian's father?

Zhang Chaoxian's father noticed my stalking, cracked the encryption of my number, then called back and contacted me proactively?

Gao Yi doesn't think the other person is a fool.

If you take the initiative to expose the information gap you have created, there are only two answers. One is that you don't care, and the other is to show sincerity.

Listening to the other party's chat-like tone, Gao Yi felt more like the latter. However, there are reasons to express sincerity, but for a guy who is spying on his daughter-in-law, this is obviously unreasonable.

There is only one answer, the other party knows you, or you know your identity.

"Descartes, thank you for your help regarding Shan'ao."

His next sentence undoubtedly confirmed Gao Yi's guess: "Without you, not only Chao Xian, but also A Ping and Xiao Yuan would have suffered misfortune."

"Who are you……"

Gao Yi asked again. The difference from before was that this time he was serious.

What was the reason that led to Zhang Chaoxian being kidnapped? At this moment, this mysterious father appeared, and Gao Yi desperately hoped that the other party could give him an answer.

"I am Zhang Shao, Zhang Chaoxian's father."

On the other end of the phone, he introduced straight to the point: "The leader of the largest antique trading market in the East China Sea..."

He added a series of prefixes to himself like a name for a dish. Gao Yizheng was speechless. Suddenly, the conversation changed: "I know that no matter how many glamorous identities you list, they are nothing more than the past for you."

Clouds and smoke.”

Gao Yi frowned, not understanding what the other party was trying to say.

"However, what you may not know is..."

The old voice paused slightly and finally said: "Many people call me..."

"Collector of the East China Sea."

Gao Yi's breath stagnated, and then he narrowed his eyes. The shock and surprise in his heart after the answer was revealed had obviously reached its peak.

It has to be said that the other party's intention was achieved. Gao Yi couldn't hold it anymore and immediately said: "It's you who got the tape left behind by "Seasonal Storm"."

"Yes, it's me."

The old man named "Collector" smiled lightly on the other end of the phone: "Descartes, I won't talk nonsense. I am contacting you this time for no other reason than that I want to cooperate with you on a deal. I don't know if you will."

interested in?"


Gao Yi was not surprised by this. He tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart and said calmly: "This is the first time I heard that there are people who make deals with evil people."

"Whether he is a villain or not, I don't care for the moment."

The old man laughed loudly: "It's just that I know that compared to other unreasonable dictators and tyrants, Mr. Descartes, you appear to be more pure, more like a believer, or a seeker."

"It's all about clearing obstacles for the goal, but for you, the scenery along the way is equally important."

"As long as everything does not become an obstacle to you, your bottom line, and even the virtues that extend from it, are highlights that cannot be ignored."

"Working with you, I am confident in my judgment."


Gao Yi couldn't deny it. The other party had investigated him. I guess he had probably been preparing for this so-called "transaction" for some time.

He suspected that even if he didn't keep an eye on Ms. Zhang, the old Mr. Zhang might come looking for her.

As for the content of the transaction, I am afraid that it is probably related to the missing Zhang Chaoxian.

"I do have some interest now."

Gao Yi nodded and went straight to the topic: "Please tell me a place

, I will personally come to negotiate with you."

"I don't think you want everyone to just rely on the phone and talk nonsense, right?"

"Haha... of course."

The collector laughed loudly and reported the address cheerfully: "No. 45, Wenzhao Road, Waterfront District... East China Sea Travel Museum. Descartes, waiting for your visit."

"Ha ha……"

Gao Yi also smiled, but his smile was a bit evil.

"However, Mr. Collector, you may have miscalculated one thing."


Gao Yi could imagine the confused look on the face of the old man on the other side of the phone.

His tone was slightly playful: "I am not Descartes.

"I am Mr. Gao, Descartes...

"The supreme leader."


This chapter has been completed!
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