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Chapter 180: The Value of the Tape

"Mr. Collector, please tell me."

Gao Yi crossed his arms and raised his head calmly.

Next to him, Descartes, who was dressed strangely, stood quietly, without saying a word, looking extremely obedient and humble.

From anyone's perspective, this was an oppressive scene filled with the aura of the boss. However, in reality, Descartes was thinking about what to have for lunch, and was a little lost in thought.

Gao Yi secretly considered how to bring up the tape later.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

The collector nodded helplessly and led the two of them to a rest area, where they sat opposite each other.

"I'm not hiding it from you. In other words, I expect you to have guessed it."

The collector picked up the teapot and weighed it in the direction of Gao Yi. After receiving a negative answer, he poured himself a cup: "Because of my negligence, during the Shan'ao incident, Chao Xian was kidnapped by the people of Lost Paradise.

Let's go...I want to save him."

"Paradise Lost."

Gao Yi remained calm and muttered something silently in his heart.

Is this the force that the mysterious man with the original skill [power] belongs to?

"Paradise Lost".

Compared with the negotiation meeting, I wonder how different the two parties are?

The other party took away Zhang Chaoxian, obviously hoping to use this relationship to coerce the collector. As for Gao Yi, the only coercive value of this collector is probably the audio tape.

Gao Yi confirmed: "Is this your condition?"

"That's right."

The collector took a sip of tea and slowly exhaled: "Tell me your conditions. As long as I have it, I will try my best to satisfy you."

This sounds very beautiful, as if the other party would give everything for his son.

However, Gao Yi understands that as long as everything does not reach the last step, the appearance should not be too ugly. Not only will he be devalued by then, but he may also create a potential enemy.

So, Gao Yi held his chin and simply said casually: "Don't you know what Mr. Collector means by doing your best... including tapes?"

Although I didn't expect that this thing that caused the major forces to fight to the death would be able to benefit me.

However, you still have to try what you need to try. To take a step back, if you don’t need the body, you must at least know the content.

However, something unexpected happened.

The collector didn't think too much and quickly nodded: "Okay."


This time, Gao Yi was stunned.

You can take out something that makes a group of people fight to the death so easily?!

He almost didn't doubt whether he heard correctly.

It was only the collector's subsequent actions that made Gao Yi understand.

The old man clapped his hands, and the curtains of the surrounding floor-to-ceiling windows were immediately closed. A cool beam of light came out from the gap in the ceiling, and a virtual projection screen slowly took shape in the void.

"But within the scope of my privileges, I can only play you the first half at most."

He emphasized "playing" and "first half".

The Collector stood up and walked towards the virtual projection screen: "Some time ago, the Executive Directorate completed preliminary communication with me, and they allowed me to live knowing the content of the second half."

"But if you are still there, once this news is leaked, it doesn't matter whether I save Chao Xian or not...because everyone related to me will die."


The collector placed his finger on the virtual play button and turned his head: "Mr. Gao, do you still confirm that you will only have the first half of the audio as your transaction condition?"

Gao Yi sat in the darkness, listened to the other party's words quietly, and suggested: "What if... you dictate the second half of the content?"

Although it is just a paraphrase, the content is still complete, and you can try to elaborate. Otherwise, there is only half of the recording, and Gao Yi might as well not use it.

"No, I think you misunderstood me, Mr. Gao."

The collector chuckled: "If you really just want to know about the "Seasonal Storm", the first half can already satisfy your desire for knowledge."

"Because the focus of the second half of the record is not events, but... people."


Gao Yi stood up and walked towards the virtual projection screen.

"A very important person."

The collector had a smile on his face and watched him approach quietly: "Didn't you ask me just now if you could dictate the content of the second half? My answer is, I can't do anything."

"That was encrypted content. Because of the unique encryption method, I couldn't understand what the person recording said, so the Executive Board let me go."


"That's good."

Gao Yi stopped, thought for a moment, and stretched out three fingers: "Three conditions."

"The original sound of the first half of the audio."

"Everything you know about the second half of the audio."


Before he finished speaking, the collector already looked embarrassed.

"There is no need for you to make this gesture deliberately."

Gao Yi had no expression on his face and accurately picked up on the pulse of the intelligence: "Paradise Lost has original skills. Going against them to save people is the same as facing the judgment seat."

"I think this is the right trade-off."

Gao Yi stared at each other.

"All right."

The two faced off silently for a while, and the collector finally relaxed.

He turned around and looked at the virtual projection screen in front of him: "But the second condition you mentioned can only be fulfilled after I see the emperor."

"Based on reasonable considerations, I agree."

Gao Yi's tense face finally relaxed a little at this time.

He also raised his head and looked at the huge projection screen: "So Mr. Collector...can you start fulfilling the first condition now?"

The collector nodded slightly and reached out to press the play button of the virtual projection screen.

Audio, start playing!


Gao Yi was very alert and listened attentively.

The equipment layout of the Chronicle Museum adopts a 360-degree all-round surround. Even if Gaoyi doesn't move, the subtle sounds coming from the audio in any direction can be clearly captured.


There was a strong wind, accompanied by harsh sobbing, and the sound of rain hitting the windows.


Gao Yi felt like he was on the scene, as if he had truly arrived in Shabin City where the typhoon hit a few years ago.

Outside the window, there was endless heavy rain, and the entire city was under the influence of the storm and was crumbling.

"Today is the second day after Typhoon Blue Whale made landfall. I am Ke Heng from the combat team of the Executive Bureau of Shabin City..."

A deep male voice sounded from above Gao Yi's head.

Is he the owner of the tape?

Gao Yi glanced at the collector, but found that the other person's expression at this moment was filled with awe, and an indescribable... unknown fear?

"We still can't make any contact with the outside world."

Ke Heng said tiredly: "Perhaps the signal tower was affected by the typhoon. We are already on the way to repair it... It is best not to have any major problems."

"This morning, the convoy sent to other cities has set off. I hope everything is safe and that we can contact the outside world as soon as possible."

This chapter has been completed!
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