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Chapter 194 The wandering soul

"Cousin, I'm going out to take a look."

Gao Yi thought about it and decided to go out and take a look first.

"I'll go with you."

The zipper sounded, and a hole opened in the tent. Gao Yi and his cousin filed out, raising their heads and looking around.

It is already around ten o'clock in the evening, and the entire community seems quiet. Under the dim lights, there is no one on the road, and there is no sign of anyone collecting waste.

"That's weird, I heard it just now." My cousin scratched his head, puzzled.

Gao Yi aimed his eyes at the surrounding street lamps, trying to find any irregularities in their arrangement.


The sharp-eyed Gao Yi immediately discovered a clue. An original street lamp post seemed to have been taken away by something. Now there was only a hole left, revealing half of the wires inside.

"Have you left already?"

Gao Yi took a closer look and murmured to himself.

The traces still look fresh, indicating that not long ago, some unreasonable creature seemed to have passed through here, but then left for some reason.

"As expected, it should be Siren Head. But... why did it appear and then leave?"

First of all, he congratulated his community for becoming a common refresh point for siren heads. Secondly, Gao Yi noticed something strange.

The other party disguised his appearance and made seduction sounds at the same time. It seemed that he was targeting the two of them, but why did he give up inexplicably now?

Gao Yi stared at the gap thoughtfully, and was thinking about whether to follow it, when he heard a flapping sound on the other side of the lawn, and a Samoyed jumped over.

"Woof woof!" (What happened? I wasn't late!)

Xiaodi arrived.

"It's nothing. It's just that a relative came to your house. I didn't even entertain him, but he left inexplicably."

Because he had no clue and was still hungry, Gao Yi felt his head throbbing and simply gave up on the idea of ​​tracking.

When he returned to the tent with Xiaodi, his cousin had already packed everything up and carried it on his body: "Ayi, I think it's really not safe to sleep on the street at night."

"Not to mention urban weird stories, even meeting gangsters is enough for us to drink a pot. Let's be safe and go back to our living room to teach."

Gao Yi said it didn't matter.

As long as he can have enough food, he will go to the primeval forest where there are real savages.

On the way back, Gao Yi was still sketching the shape of spaghetti in his mind when he suddenly felt his trousers move. He lowered his head and found that Xiao Di was winking at him.

Following his gaze, Gao Yi looked towards a corner.

I saw a middle-aged man squatting on the ground.

It seems that he is no different from a frustrated middle-aged man... provided that he does not have a transparent body.

This is a piao!

Gao Yi winked at Xiao Di, who immediately rushed forward like crazy. Without noticing, his cousin, who was holding the traction rope in his hand, screamed and was immediately taken out.

"Ayi, your fox is going crazy. Help me control it!"

Gao Yi looked at his cousin who was forced to leave the scene with satisfaction. With a flash of light from his fingertips, the [Calling Mountains] glowing with indigo light had appeared. He stepped forward and was ready to go!

The spirit body...seems to be a spirit body that has been dead for a long time. How could it appear in your community?


[Protein Hunting Knife] unsheathed, Gao Yi cautiously approached the middle-aged man, but seeing that the other man didn't react at all, he couldn't help but take the initiative to test: "Hey..."

Hearing the sound, the man slowly raised his head, stared blankly at the unkind-looking Gao Yi in front of him, and said, "You..."

"What are you doing here?"

"Can you see me?"

The two voices sounded at the same time. Gao Yi looked at the other person who was completely different from ordinary supernatural beings, and felt slightly relieved.

"It's late at night, don't you have somewhere to go? You don't have to worry about scaring others if you sit here."

"Ah...I'm sorry, I thought I was still alive, so I just wanted to find a place to sit, and I have been sitting there until now..."

Seeing how unprofessional the other party was, Gao Yi put his hand on his forehead and completely relaxed.

He is always very friendly to a normal ghost. Seeing that the other person looked lost, he suggested: "Where do you live? Do you need my help to transport you?"


The middle-aged man was stunned, staring at Gao Yi for a long time, and then uttered a few words with difficulty: "I forgot..."


Gao Yi was also shocked. Can you forget this?

"Then how did you show up here? Where are you going?"


"Then what's your name? You always had a name when you were alive, right?"


"Forgot too?"


Gao Yi held his forehead, he now understood why the other party was sitting here. If it were him, he would probably have to find a place to think about life.

What I encountered turned out to be a ghost with amnesia!

"Then what do you remember?"

With the mentality of treating a dead horse as a live horse, Gao Yi casually asked again,

I just didn't expect that these words seemed to trigger some kind of switch on the man in front of me, and immediately he cried with a headache in his arms.


"Hey, are you okay?"

Gao Yi had no idea what to do and could only watch the man holding his head and crying while talking intermittently.


Railroad tracks? Darkness?

Gao Yi was stunned for a moment.

Did he come via the railroad tracks at night?

Without waiting for Gao Yi's reaction, the middle-aged man continued.

"Cross the bridge hole...take the middle line...be careful...be careful...the crying thing..."

"Wuwuwu will catch up...don't let it catch up...don't let it catch up..."

"Remember... don't... never try to get out of the car!"

Cross the bridge hole and take the middle line. Is this the route? Did he really travel on the railroad tracks?

Also, be careful of the crying thing, wuwuwu, what is it? Wuwuwu seems to be a description of the sound of crying. Does it refer to the crying thing in the previous sentence?

The origin of this middle-aged man is probably not simple.

Just from the description in a few words, Gao Yi could feel a primitive and great emotion rising in his heart.

Fear is also a desire for knowledge.

By the time Gao Yi wrote down these pieces of information, the other party was already struggling to get out of the painful state.

Invisibly, big beads of sweat dripped from his forehead, as if remembering these things put a huge load on him.

"I... don't know why I appear here..."

The middle-aged man lowered his head and his voice was inexplicably dry.

"But there is a voice in my heart that always exists... He wants me to find something... see something..."

"So, I'm here..."

This chapter has been completed!
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