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Chapter 204 Livestock

All the way west.

The two of them moved separately, picking up firewood for a while.

Although it is a field practice, it is still a teaching-based course, and it is impossible for students to really make their own lives.

For example, drilling wood to make fire is not only a skill, but also requires a lot of practical experience.

In the words of the instructor, it's like this - just bring a lighter and make flints, doesn't it smell good? How much time do you have if you have to waste it with a few pieces of wood?

What he said was not from his own perspective, but from the perspective of a student. Under normal circumstances, which student would parachute into the wild with nothing like the TV show?

Learning jungle awareness is better than anything else.

What Gao Yi and the others picked up now was of course not wood for drilling and making fire, it was just fuel for the campfire for a while, so the two of them were not in a hurry, and it was as pleasant as an outing.

"Lao Gao, come here quickly."

Gao Yi heard Mr. Qian's exclamation, came to the edge, followed the direction of his finger, and looked up to the sky: "Purple Mountain is really strange, and there are different levels of darkness."

It's dusk now, and the sky in the distance has dimmed.

But an amazing scene appeared above the Purple Mountain. The sky was like the progressive brushwork on an oil painting, with colors gradually changing, from light to dark, with overlapping layers.

"So beautiful!"

On the horizon, the last ray of light disappeared, and the shadows of stars quietly emerged, occupying the sky like a curtain and gradually lighting up.

"Since I left my grandfather's house, I have never seen the sky full of stars."

Mr. Qian sighed, his tone somewhat lonely.

What separates him is not distance, but time. A period of time that will never happen again.

Gao Yi couldn't stop sighing and wanted to say something. However, his expression suddenly condensed and he seemed to smell a very familiar smell.

"The smell of blood?"

He followed the direction of the night wind and shrugged his nose again as if to confirm.

"It's unmistakable... I've captured enough of this smell on the farm."

This is a scenic spot, why does the smell of blood appear? And it is spread by the wind.

How much blood loss would it take for the smell of blood to spread here?

Gao Yi calmly took a step back, and while Mr. Qian was unaware, he quickly hurried towards the direction where the wind was blowing.

After passing through the sparse forest, a gurgling stream came into view, but what was different from ordinary times was that the stream was dyed red.

Gao Yi walked upstream along the stream, but within a few dozen meters, the source of the anomaly had already appeared.

A corpse, a mutilated corpse fell on the stream, as if it had been destroyed by something terrible, and it was almost impossible to recognize any human characteristics.

"The deceased...this kind of death, could it be..."

Gao Yi's expression changed.

What's going on?

Why does that guy appear in the scenic spot again?! The livestock on the farm are obviously the targets of his killing spree...


Gao Yi suddenly woke up.

Only now did he realize that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

A fatal misunderstanding.

"Cows and sheep are livestock to us."

"To us, it is nothing more than livestock...

"There is no difference between us and cattle and sheep."

Wherever there are plenty of livestock to kill, that's where it will go.

So now, where is the most “livestock” available for killing?

The answer is...

"The campground is in danger!"

Gao Yi turned around immediately.

During the action, [Call of the Mountains] appeared, and at the same time there was a lion's roar, [Lingshi Zhengjia] triggered [Plunder] in the background, and his speed suddenly increased by more than one level.


Amidst the whistling wind, the phone was connected, and Xiao Di was about to report the situation: "It's almost done here, everything is normal..."

"It's in the scenic spot, get back to defense immediately!"

Gao Yi interrupted directly.

"What did you say?!"

Descartes looked surprised, but he understood that the situation was urgent and did not ask any more questions: "I understand, I will come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yi bypassed Mr. Qian who was still staring at the stars and quickly hurried towards the camp.


Stacks of tents have been erected, forming a circular shape stacked inward, surrounding the campfire in the center.

"Because there are lamps, I don't need a campfire to spend the night, so I arranged the tents so densely. If you encounter a similar situation in the future, you still have to take this layer into consideration."

"Now, including the fact that I drilled wood to make fire just now, it is just for the purpose of introduction. I don't really want you to learn anything. After all, it is hard to say whether you will learn it or not, and it is even harder to say whether you will use it or not."

Beside a simple bonfire made of stones, students wearing thick coats were warming themselves by the fire while listening to the instructor's lecture.

Compared with the city, the climate in the mountains is still different. When the sun is shining during the day, it feels like spring. But at night, the large forests begin to cool down, and the entire Zishan seems to be back to the beginning of spring, and everyone's arms are actually a little cold.

However, sitting around a warm campfire and wearing thick coats, this coldness actually became a catalyst for the mood, making everyone present particularly enjoy it.

Get close to nature and feel nature.

This is where the camping atmosphere comes from.

"By the way, those two guys collecting firewood have been out for a while, why haven't they come back yet?"

As he was talking, Instructor Huang suddenly became uneasy.

Because he was in a scenic spot, he didn't care too much about collecting firewood. What's more, for safety, he specially sent an extra person to join him. In theory, there shouldn't be any accidents.

But it can't last long.

Seeing that Gao Yi and the others had not returned for a long time, Instructor Huang, who was actually not very old, immediately used his rich imagination in school and began to imagine the dangers that the two encountered.


When his imagination reached an extreme, he finally couldn't help but stand up: "I went over to see what those two guys were doing, and they haven't come back for so long."

"Okay, just leave it to me." Teacher Ma nodded.

After passing one tent after another, Instructor Huang left the campsite. Just as he was about to go in the direction the two of them left, he heard an unexpected sound in another direction.

Machinery? Or equipment?

He was a little confused, so he temporarily changed his route and walked towards the source of the sound.

The closer you get, the louder the sound becomes. It seems that you are not only approaching the source of the sound, but the source of the sound is also approaching you.

Buzz buzz...

Finally, when he noticed that the vibrations coming from the ground were intensifying at a rate similar to that of a human walking, the memories left during the special training began to revive.

"At first glance, you can't understand it, it won't understand you."

The old man in the executive bureau quietly told his bizarre experience.

There seemed to be countless bloody events hidden in his cloudy old eyes.

"You can only be a survivor and at the same time a warrior, with the dignity you deserve and the best you can do..."

"Try to survive."

This chapter has been completed!
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