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Chapter 209 Competition Wreck

Gao Yi didn't move.

Although he didn't know whether the other party was just trying to spread suspicion or was just out of fear, it had to be said that this behavior successfully aroused his vigilance.

But before it was worth thinking about, Gao Yi had already discovered the clues.

Judging from the witness video, the skin of the meat grinder should be a violent dark red, and although the figure in front of him is set against the firelight, his skin color is obviously still somewhat blue-black.

Gao Yi tentatively stepped forward and walked around in a circle until he came to the side in front of the "meat grinder" and saw clearly the features hidden by the other person's lowered head.

"Siren Head?"

Gao Yi murmured.

What is in front of me is not a meat grinder, but a corpse of a siren head that has been dead for an unknown period of time. For some unknown reason, it has been piled here.

The farmhouse is the domain of the meat grinder, so will this siren head that appears out of nowhere become one of its victims?

Gao Yi found a large number of scars on the vital parts of his head. It can be seen that there must have been a life-and-death battle between the two parties in an unknown period of time.

The ending ends with the death of Siren Head.

Gao Yi didn't have time to explore why other siren heads appeared for the time being. Now he just wanted to know where the meat grinder went?

Judging from the position where the other party left at that time, it is only possible to go inwards, not out.

While Gao Yi was puzzled.

A slight movement sounded above the head.

He immediately raised his head as if he had been electrocuted, and saw a figure that was blurred by the firelight on the beam of the farmhouse, lurking motionless.

It's here!

Gao Yi discovered the other party belatedly.

The meat grinder has been quietly observing the human below for a long time.


The sound coming out of the terrifying mouth was no longer concealed, and the stinking blood poured out like rain, reflecting in Gao Yi's gradually dilated pupils below.


The entire beam suddenly collapsed, and a slender figure fell from the sky, with its big mouth open and it fell down without hesitation. The person seemed as small as an ant, with nowhere to escape.


Gao Yi doesn't have the dull stage that ordinary people have after being shocked!

He quickly put on the hood of the [Jueyu Jacket] and kept walking, with the whole body wearing the jacket spinning and blooming like a lotus.


The large amounts of blood were covered by the fabric of the "Jueyu Jacket" and bounced away one by one.

Suddenly, a gleam of cold light poked out from it, and the mirror-like blade reflected the blood that was constantly splashing in the air, and flew out with a "clop" sound!

"Have you been at ease for too long and your brain is rusty?"

Gao Yi wore a hood, and his figure quickly rushed in behind him.

His eyes were cold, looking at the meat grinder that fell down and extinguished the sea of ​​​​fire. His right hand reached out from his backpack, already holding a flashlight.


A beam of bright light came through the dim sea of ​​fire and was about to hit the head of the meat grinder, but because of the opponent's struggle, it was deflected into the air.


An arm like a steel whip swept across, kicking up a large amount of dust and smoke, and knocked the [Protein Hunting Knife] away.

Gao Yi ran and jumped, his body rolled several times, and he kept turning the beam on and off to sweep the sea of ​​fire on the opposite side.

When he realized that the effect was minimal, he didn't hesitate at all. He dropped the [high-gloss flashlight] and rolled out the stakes one after another from his backpack, arranging them in the air according to his wishes.

——Tai Zhuang? "Step by step"!


Gao Yi rolled and dodged an attack. Under the vibration of the earth, he moved back and forth into a blind corner of the opponent's field of vision. He stepped lightly and landed on a pedestal in the air, and then exerted his strength.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

He was as light as a gliding flying squirrel, climbing from low to high, constantly stepping on the stilts in the air.

The destructive power caused by the meat grinder is too strong. Although it is not impossible to break through the opponent's protective circle head-on, the conditions required are obviously not necessary.

Gao Yi wanted to use fire and smoke screens to cover up his whereabouts.

That's right.

Just like a famous scene in which a giant was chopped down, he escaped from the meat grinder. Now, while there is still some oxygen left, it is time for him to climb up!


In the fire scene, everything is burning, collapsing, and making different noises.

The violent offensive not only failed, but also lost its target.

The meat grinder lowered his head and scanned all the places where he could hide. At the same time, he used his senses to capture the vibrations everywhere in the air.

Unfortunately, the noisy environment seriously affected the performance. The first thing it felt was a huge group of sounds.

It was as if all the sounds under the fire were kneaded into a complicated ball of wool, making it difficult for it to find what it wanted.

It's not a siren head after all. In terms of perception, the winch head has no choice but to admit it even if it suffers.

However, for such very similar sounds, it is not slow to pick out the cocoons, but in just a few seconds, it has already filtered out most of the meaningless sounds.

All that was left in the air was the sound of a human body gliding in the air.

Human body...gliding in the air?

The meat grinder was stunned for a moment.

Why...are humans...in the sky...


Before its slow thinking could get the answer, it heard a "dong" above its head and looked up.

The smoke was lingering, and about fifteen meters in the air, a figure was hanging upside down. His legs and feet had already stepped on a platform stake, and they were arched...

For the first time since its birth, the meat grinder has felt a crisis.

The young man in front of him had eyes like a sword, deeply piercing into the target he wanted.

He's coming!


Gao Yi popped out suddenly!

He took out the hunting knife again from his backpack, and adjusted his position during the ejection as smoothly as he could.

"If you pile up all your vitals, no one will be able to kill you?!"

Gao Yi held his breath and thought fiercely in his heart.

At this moment, there was only one target in his eyes, and that was the cervical spine of the meat grinder.

As long as the hunting knife can be sent here, everything will be settled tonight.

The high fever burst will continue to destroy the nerves inside the cervical spine, causing the killing machine in front of you to have to stop, and then become paralyzed, allowing you to be slaughtered!

Opportunity, only this once.


Gao Yi set up his hunting knife.

The meat grinder roared with fear and anger.

Two big hands were raised from bottom to top, trying to intercept him in the air.

However, Gao Yi fell so fast that he didn't even have time to raise his hand!


The sound of gold and iron colliding was heard.

A hunting knife trembled, passed through the skeleton floating on the dark red body surface, and sank into the position of the cervical vertebrae.

The meat grinder's body trembled several times in succession.

His hands dropped helplessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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