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Chapter 244 Imperial Commissioner

In this regard, Xiao Di had nothing to say and could only say "Oh" in displeasure.

Gao Yi didn't have much time to spare. He felt that it was almost time, so he got up and prepared to go out.

After he got dressed, Xiao Di came out of the bathroom belatedly, his whole body dripping wet.

"Why did you come out without clothes?"

Hearing Gao Yi's accusation, Xiao Di felt a little embarrassed and quickly turned around and returned to the bathroom: "Sorry, I forgot..."


The steps it had just raised suddenly stopped.

No, when did I wear clothes when I was riding a horse?

"Gao, I'm not done with you!"

"Don't make trouble."

Gao Yi dodged and avoided the attack of the vicious dog: "Don't pounce on me if you're wet."

Xiao Di jumped onto the window sill, and was about to shout that we are not done yet, but suddenly stopped abruptly, as if he had seen something extremely interesting, and turned around to look out the window.

"What's wrong?"

Gao Yi also walked up with some curiosity, and looked in the direction of Xiao Di, only to see a neat and uniform motorcade parked on the street a few hundred meters away.

The car door opened, and some smartly dressed professionals filed out and began to spread to the surrounding area.

"Is this someone from the Executive Bureau?" Gao Yi was a little surprised.

He had seen the Executive Directorate in action more than once. It was hard to imagine that at this time in the morning, he could still see these people.

What happened again?

Gao Yi found a person who was suspected of leading a team walking towards the entrance of Donghai International Airport, and the person in charge of the airport was already waiting at the door.

Not an unusual event?

Seeing Gao Yi's confused look, Xiao Di glanced at him sideways and said proudly: "Want to know what they are doing? I can go over and eavesdrop~"

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Gao Yi grabbed the flute and said, "Hurry down and see if there are any new developments from the Executive Bureau."

The two quickly got out of the hotel and sneaked close to the people standing guard outside before stopping. Gao Yi patted Xiao Di on the head, and the latter reluctantly shook his head and began to sense the vibration of the air in the distance.

"...I hope that we will take over the security of the airport..."

After a while, the flute was like a radio receiving a signal, and a human voice came from the head. It started playing at a volume that only two people could hear.

["I see."]

Gao Yi matched the body movements of the two people in the distance, as if he were a stranger at the scene, analyzing the information in the words.

Take over full authority for airport security?

Could it be that some big shot wants to board the plane?

Gao Yi eagerly waited for the next step. Unexpectedly, as the signal shook, a gurgling sound came from Xiaodi's mouth.

"Give me some strength. What is it called?"

"I'm almost hungry...I want to eat..."

"Cheer up, I'll let you eat until you're full!"

After receiving Gao Yi's assurance, Xiao Di finally gathered some energy. As the voice gradually became more stable, Gao Yi heard the voice of the person in charge in the distance again.

["This time, not only the jury from the General Administration, but also members of the International Security Committee and other friends are here."]

["The East China Sea is not only for them, but also for the entire international community. We must show the best side, tell them, tell the world, in today's strange and unpredictable era..."]

["Donghai is still a civilized and safe city..."]

"Xiao Gao, what are you doing."

Xiao Di saw Gao Yi plucking his fingers thoughtfully.

"Oh, nothing."

Gao Yi clapped his hands and said with an expressionless face: "I just did the math. I have had several copies of Donghai in my hands, and it almost made headlines, and it was almost destroyed several times."


"So, there is a big shot from above coming over, and the director wants to do a superficial job, so he sent someone over in advance to create a scene?"

Xiaodi turned around and asked.

"It should be more than that."

Gao Yi stretched out a finger: "Do you still remember the 'Pyramid' plan of 'City in the Rain'? The initiator of all this came from above."

"This time the investigation team comes here, it won't be just for investigation. As expected, there will definitely be someone from the 'Pymary Marion' mastermind faction, and he may even be here himself."

"But, as the saying goes, one is ebbing and the other is escalating. Many people stand on their own, and one move affects the whole body. Since one party's chess pieces end, there will inevitably be other factions' chess pieces that cooperate with each other. At the same time, there is also the involvement of the International Security Committee of unknown significance.

,The target is unknown.”

Gao Yi slowly exhaled: "In general, in my opinion, this matter is not much easier to handle than Zishan."

"Tsk, tsk."

Xiao Di marveled: "This East China Sea must not be a hodgepodge, where you have to put in all the good and bad yin and yang to endure. Can Director Tao really live to retire?"

Gao Yi looked at the time.

[March 30th, 1:24 am.]

"The flight time of the investigation team is unknown. We will stay here for a day. After one day, if they haven't come yet, the plan will be as usual. I will go to explore the railway, and you will go to Zishan to keep an eye on them."


Xiao Di nodded and touched his empty belly again, feebly: "So, can you eat now?"

Gao Yi waved his hand.

"Let's go eat!"

East China Sea, Xijin Road.

A traffic accident happened suddenly.

An automatic car crashed into a street tree on the side of the road. The entire front of the car was slightly deformed and white gas was emitting. Fortunately, there were no casualties at the scene.

"If you ask me, these people really don't look at the indicator lights at all. It seems that we set them up just for decoration."

"I run red lights every day when there are no cars around. I really treat this place as my living room."

In the traffic control room, a traffic policeman on duty pushed in the door, rubbed his temples a little tiredly, and walked to his colleague in front of the computer: "How is it, Xiao Wang, has the monitoring been turned up? What is going on? That

The car owner said he hit someone, where was the person?"

"Captain Zhang, I'll be ready soon."

Xiao Wang manipulated the mouse and dragged the time forward little by little. After a while, the thrilling scene on Xijin Road in the early morning reappeared frame by frame again.

At an empty intersection, a white car appeared in the camera lens, approaching the zebra crossing at a constant speed. At this time, there was green in front of it. The owner of the car accelerated a little, trying to pass quickly.


The white horse automatically swerved as if it had been stimulated by something, rushed into the green belt, and hit the street tree with a "bang".

"Stop, here, here, slow down."

Captain Zhang supported the back of his chair with one hand and pointed at a picture on the screen: "Zoom in, can you zoom in? When did this person jump out?"

In the picture, a man's figure suddenly appeared, and then the horse automatically changed direction, which contributed to the accident.

"It's hard to say, Captain Zhang. There are a lot of blind spots in the green belt here. Maybe you passed through without noticing."

"Zoom in, zoom in, yes."

Captain Zhang pointed to the face on the surveillance camera: "Check this person's citizen information. There has been an accident now and I don't know where he is. Look for him quickly."


Xiao Wang turned his office chair and faced the computer on the other side. His fingers were operating rapidly on the keyboard. After a while, a personal information interface similar to that of the man under surveillance was brought up.

Han Dafu, male, 35 years old...

"Why is it gray?"

Captain Zhang stared at the information, his brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

Xiao Wang did not answer, but took a deep breath and quickly scrolled down to browse his personal information until he "died suddenly on March 2nd due to myocardial infarction caused by overwork. The report has been approved, by..."

His eyes were full of disbelief.


"What's wrong?"

Captain Zhang also noticed something was wrong with his expression, leaned down and browsed carefully.

When he saw the same place, his eyes widened and he took a breath.

"He's dead?"

This chapter has been completed!
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