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Chapter 234 First Cooperation

Looking at Jian Weilan who had no intention of answering, Gao Yi smiled and continued talking nonchalantly.

"This is us, as small as dust. Once caught off guard, tens of thousands of units are needed to fill the gaps on the paper."

"Living in such a dramatic world, despite the ups and downs, a peaceful life is as fragile as a bubble... I don't know whether I am lucky or unlucky."

Gao Yi's sigh didn't last long. He changed the topic and his voice gradually became more solemn: "That was an ordinary summer vacation."

Jian Weilan frowned.

"The sweltering streets, the annoying chirping of cicadas, the green leaves swaying by the window, and the girl's swaying white skirt and hair..."

"On TV, the weatherman introduced the typhoon that was about to land. I was doing my homework, but I had no idea that a major change in my life was coming quietly."

In Gao Yi's eyes, Jian Weilan's expression gradually changed, from the previous carelessness to the current seriousness.

"'Seasonal storm,' that's what you all call it."

"And I."

Gao Yi approached and handed the sand and stones in his hand to Jian Weilan: "It was in this incident that I lost my parents."

"They are like this handful of gravel."

He gently rubbed his palms, and the sand and gravel overflowed from the gaps between his fingertips and kept falling: "It is small, subtle, and as light as nothing. Even if it is taken away by the wind, it will not leave any trace, and it will disappear from the world."

"I hate this wind."

"But as I grew older, my rationality told me that it no longer makes any sense to hate something that doesn't exist."

"In the end, I could only hate myself."

What Gao Yi said was half true and half false. The most important thing was that it was combined with his "own" personal experience of this world, and was rendered by the art of language to achieve a state of sincerity.

"Haven't you always wanted to know who I am?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost complete, Gao Yi raised his head and said calmly: "Okay."

"Please take a look."

Gao Yi put his hand on the mask and slowly took it off while Jian Weilan's breathing was slightly rapid.

This time, he didn't use any disguise.

It’s not just that all pretense is useless in front of fools, Gao Yi is determined to put his true gold and silver honesty on the scales.

Thus, making the other party's will tilt toward yourself!

What a crazy idea to win over a fledgling Judiciary as an ally?!

"Get acquainted again."

Throwing away the mask, this is the first time Gao Yi talks to the world with his true self: "Gao Yi."

"The pace of chasing the "seasonal storm" has led to today without stopping."

"Like you, I have endured countless pressures to achieve my goals."

"Donghai regards me as a dangerous person, and the negotiation conference wants to put me to death. Now, with the end of "City in the Rain", I guess there should be someone behind the bench who is eyeing me, right?"

Gao Yi kept looking at Jian Weilan, witnessing the latter's emotions from being unmoved at the beginning, to being solemn later, and then to the shock of seeing his identity clearly!


Jian Weilan looked in disbelief. The indifference on his face had long since disappeared, and his body was trembling slightly inexplicably: "How could it be him... He is still so young..."

"Why not?"

With a confused expression on his face, Gao Yi struck while the iron was hot: "Age is not a yardstick for measuring ability. Carrying burdens is the driving force for people to move forward. Coming from an ancient inheritance, I think you will be more enlightened."

"So now, with the same burden in your arms, after witnessing my sincerity, can you sit down calmly and discuss a topic that is meaningful to you and me?"

Gao Yi stretched out his palm and smiled.

"Come on, how about we start a subversive cooperation?"

Railway tracks.

The wreckage of carriages is everywhere. No matter what kind of material they are made of, they cannot escape the destruction of the terrifying kinetic energy. They grow wildly on the ground, twisting like vegetation after rain.

"We have searched most of the carriages, but no survivors have been found to have escaped."

The mist-like darkness was suddenly blown away by a dim light.

A young man in indigo camouflage clothing held a lamp, followed by a young man in pure black combat uniforms. A large number of nameplates of other team members were waving in his hand.

"Under such violent kinetic energy, I am afraid that only your low-end version of Invulnerability, as well as my qualities and special abilities, can survive."

Jian Weilan glanced at Gao Yi beside him and said nothing.

Although Gao Yi successfully gained the basic trust between the two through a punch-like verbal attack, after all, they didn't get along for long, and the other party couldn't be passionate. Just like in the story, he promised to save the world with you.

It sounds like Gao Yi has suffered a loss.

But in fact, his calculations were very loud, and he was determined to cultivate trust between the two of them during the rest of the journey. At the same time, they could jointly resist this dangerous environment. Why not have one more helper at the tribunal?

However, not everything goes as planned. Now a piece of bad news has made Gao Yi extremely anxious.

Xiaodi is missing.

Due to unknown interference in Hades, the two have long lost contact.

But it stands to reason that the scope of the crash of the high-speed train is only so large. As long as the two parties are willing to join together, they should be able to encounter it soon.

However, Gao Yi returned to the track from the wreckage of his carriage, passing many other carriages on the way, but found no trace of Xiaodi.

This is very strange.

Gao Yi had no way of knowing what exactly caused them to leave without saying goodbye. He only hoped that they could meet each other on the road ahead when their purpose was clear to each other.

"This should be the last carriage."

Gao Yi looked at Jian Weilan who emerged from the wreckage of the carriage and sighed slightly: "Except for some who are still missing, the rest of the team members have been confirmed dead."

"What are your plans?"

Hearing Gao Yi's question, confusion flashed across Jian Weilan's face, and his renewed will made his mood clearer than ever before.

"Do you remember where you came from, that rail car?"

Jian Weilan clenched the nameplate in her hand and said solemnly: "I want to activate it and continue to move towards the end of Hades!"

Gao Yi also remembered that a railcar similar in appearance to a locomotive was parked on another track.

From the outside, except for the internal cab, a small inspection platform and guardrails outside the door, the space in the car is not large. It seems that its prototype was designed for a single person.

Now that the trains are gone, it would be a blessing to have a means of transportation compared to walking. Even if it comes from the steam age.

Of course, the premise of all this is that it can still move.

This chapter has been completed!
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