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Chapter 243 Running to Death

Chapter 243 Rushing to Death

At this moment, Gao Yi understood everything.

When they first stepped into the magical realm in the mountains, the information stream Xiaodi received was none other than the sound waves emitted by the Great Mother's loudspeaker all the time while she was sleeping.

Theoretically, "Mother" has absolute control over all lower-level Siren Heads.

Gao Yi didn't know whether this setting was useful to Xiao Di, but the fact was obvious.

Descartes...is no longer the silly little flute he used to be.

It stood tall on the siren's head and shoulders, with its arms folded across its chest, and its whole body exuded the air of a cold dictator, as if the things in front of it that were about to be crushed, including Gao Yi, were all inconspicuous insects.

"I should have thought of that."

Gao Yi's fingertips trembled slightly and murmured to himself: "After that strange thing happened, I shouldn't have let it get involved again..."

"What’s wrong with you?!"

On the other side of the reef, Jian Weilan looked at Gao Yi's sudden emotion and couldn't figure out what was going on here.

Pain swept through his body again, and Jian Weilan fell down with a pale face. A large amount of blood overflowed from his abdomen and quickly spread in the tide.

On the tide, "Uncle Gong" glanced at the two of them lightly, then turned his head and said loudly: "As you can see, now, the final chapter of the agreement between me and that lady will be fulfilled by them."

"April 3rd."

"Uncle Gong" took out a classical clock from his arms: "Forty-three minutes and fifty-one seconds at eleven o'clock, the last sixteen minutes left before Qingming... Yin and Yang are about to change, and the world is about to be rewritten."

"You are honored to witness the end of an era and the rise of a new era in the last second of your life."


The sirens knocked through the waves and walked up to the shore. At this moment, the earth was shaking, and countless sand and dust rose high, and then fell inconspicuously until they were trampled to their skin.


A section of railway track was grabbed by an arm, yanked upwards, and immediately cut off at the waist.

The blocking train was lifted high and thrown towards the distant platform.

The outlet of the river was blocked in a large area, and foreign objects continued to fall.

Everything along the way was destroyed.

[High justice!]

[Wake up!]

In the chaos, listening to the call coming from nowhere, Gao Yi's confused eyes suddenly became a little clearer. When he looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, the other party stopped him: "Be careful! Don't let it go.

He discovered that it was me."

On the reef on the other side, Jian Weilan, who was pretending to be near death, cast his gaze from afar, and the two gestured to each other.

[I am communicating with you with my heart, feeding back what you want to say in my heart, and I can also receive it!]

Jian Weilan calmly withdrew his gaze.

[Listen, we have to stop him!]

[This guy destroyed Hades just to force these souls who should have rested in peace to return to the living world, and then, under the natural environmental inducement of Qingming, deformed into evil spirits!]

[I don’t know exactly how many cities’ lines in the country he destroyed, but a conservative estimate is that it’s at least half! Otherwise, he will definitely not be able to cause the kind of unrest he wants!]

Facing Jian Weilan's deafening shouts, even the pain caused by losing Xiaodi could not make Gao Yi continue to paralyze himself.

The path that determines the direction of the world has unknowingly arrived at my feet.

What kind of decision you should make is very important.

Gao Yi thought: [After all the effort to achieve this step, what does he want?]

[New Era.]

Jian Weilan's voice sounded, and he had the same solemn expression on his face as he lay on the rocks in the distance: [Use the turbulent situation to urge the tribunals to...completely split!]

[Don’t believe it.]

[If what happened today continues unimpeded, this is a certain future. We will die here, and the whereabouts of the fool will be unknown. Suspicion will make them lose any trust, and turmoil will create a breeding ground for ambition.

[The society of the past is no longer replaced by a group of powerful factions. The world has returned to an era of strife, and even overseas is not immune!]

[So, we have to stop him here!]

[Either kill him once and for all, or...leave here alive, return to the headquarters, and take charge of the overall situation!]

Now that things have come to this point, the "Hundred Ghosts Night Parade" during the Qingming Festival is inevitable, but it is not hopeless.

As long as Jian Weilan survives and returns to the headquarters, there will be no last straw in the precarious situation. There are many lawful leaders among the eight seats. It is obvious that they are not willing to go to that step if it is not necessary.

In her heart, Jian Weilan had already conveyed her plan.

[Look at his feet.]

[Although his body is in the air, there is always a gap between his feet and the water surface. Obviously, the rules of the dead world also apply to him. As a later entrant, we were completely deceived by the atmosphere he deliberately guided.]

Jian Weilan analyzed.

[As long as he can be dragged into the realm of death...]

Gao Yi cast his gaze on the back of "Uncle Gong", silently calculating the distance between the two parties, and suddenly shook his head: "No, I am too far away, and there is no way I can get close without alerting him."

You only have one chance. If you give the other party time to react, they will have no room for maneuver in the future, so you must be cautious.

But, time is running out.

The edge of the reef in Gaoyi has been spread by the tide, and Jian Weilan on the other side has even less than half of his body immersed in the tide.

If it weren't for the [Fool] in him still resisting, he would have been completely swallowed up by the tide of death.

To do and not to do.

A decision must be made.

[Let me do it.]

Jian Weilan tried hard to raise her head from the puddle and stared at the back of "Uncle Gong" not far away: [As long as I can drag him to touch the water a little bit, the rules of the death world will take effect...]

[But what should you do?]

Gao Yi was in disbelief: [You were injured by a gunshot. Let’s not talk about whether you have physical strength or not. Even if you succeed, the tide will swallow you together!]

[Without you, what’s the use of cracking this situation?! The outside world will still lead to the same ending as he planned!]

[I won't.]

At this moment, Jian Weilan's eyes were firmer than ever before: [The Fool's will can also protect me from being affected by the tide. At least... I will never fall before dragging him down into the water, who is so high above me!]

[Now, it’s up to you, Gao Yi! Attract attention—create opportunities for me!]

His voice was cut off unreasonably, and Gao Yi could only hammer the rock with his fist, and then slowly stood up.

This series of deliberately slowed down movements naturally caught the attention of "Uncle Gong". When he saw Gao Yi pull out his hunting knife, he simply stopped talking and asked with interest.

"Do you want to take action? But...can you cross this realm of death and reach me?"

Of course Gao Yi couldn't do it.

He just stopped on the edge of the tide without saying a word, and it was this "hesitant" look that made "Uncle Gong" even more convinced of his judgment.

He smiled, as if chewing the pages of a book, with endless aftertaste: "If mortals no longer fear death, they can only take death as punishment. However, in the end, this is still a matter of ups and downs."

"In the final analysis, people are still human after all. What you can't do will never be done. This is the consciousness you should have..."



A voice sounded from behind him, "Uncle Gong"'s expression changed slightly, and he was a little confused as to who the owner of this voice was.

Jian Weilan would not give "Uncle Gong" time to react. He leaped from the air, clasped his arms firmly on the opponent's body, and moved downwards!

"not good……"

"Uncle Gong" felt his body sink suddenly, and most of his body fell into the tide with a "bang" without any time to react.


He heard the roar of a weak male voice mixed with the sound of the waves behind him.

"Then let's see now... among us... who is in charge of the ups and downs!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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