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Chapter 258 The Last Day of Qingming

Chapter 258 The last day of Qingming Festival

Perhaps many people feel that a lamp like this, which is purely meant to focus on someone or something, is of no use in a place like home where there are not even enough people to sit at a table of mahjong.

But Gao Yi will not.

He was good at using reverse thinking and quickly came up with a good idea.

What if [Standing Spotlight] is oriented, through the window, towards the courtyard?

When you and Xiao Di have a home to stay, whether someone enters the courtyard, you only need to refer to whether the lamp is bright or not. It is not too simple.

The characteristics of those who stand in the dead world are that they can even break through disguises such as invisibility, right?

Gao Yi pointed the headlight out of the window, preparing to give it a try again when he was free.

Next item - [Thomas' Mini Railway Integration].

Gao Yi picked up two toys that looked like Lego models from the coffee table and looked them up and down.

Beside the hall made of light yellow building blocks, there is a train schedule inlaid with white characters on a black background. A clock that does not move on the red wall faces the platform, stretching out a blue canopy.

"After the starting and ending stations are placed, a railway will automatically form between the two stations to transport any items through...Thomas and his good friends?"

Gao Yi came to the center of the living room, first placed a platform under the ice and snow gift tree, then walked a little further and placed another platform at the door of the greenhouse as the terminal station.


I saw that rails and sleepers fell out of thin air, like falling dominoes, overcoming various obstacles on the way, extending all the way "over mountains and ridges".


Gao Yi watched a small train painted in blue, starting from the white snow under the ice and snow ceremony tree, singing loudly as it drove past the potted plants, climbed over the steep backrest of the sofa, and finally arrived in front of him after going through four seasons.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

The small train made an electronic sound, but Gao Yi had no time to pay attention to it. At this time, with one eye open, he leaned over and carefully looked at the cargo box carried by the small train.

Although the number of these cargo boxes seemed to be large, their capacity was very limited. Apart from carrying gingerbread men to clean distant rooms, Gao Yi really couldn't think of any other use for a while.

"But how about a mobile plant fortress?"

A sudden thought occurred to him, and the image of remote plants planted on cargo boxes and being dragged by a small train to patrol around the villa emerged in his mind.

To be discussed.

Next item - [Worm Trap].

This is an arched ring similar to any door. As long as they are placed close to the wall, a small cave will be generated in the arched portal.

A small bridge worm will automatically spawn inside the cave. As its name suggests, it is a living mousetrap.

However, Gao Yi does not plan to put it in his home for the time being. Whether or not there are mice is one thing. It would be too embarrassing if he accidentally catches a passing gingerbread man.

Finally——[Amplification Boy].

Although the name was taken from the Great Mother, I don’t know if it was because Gao Yi’s crusade against the loudspeaker was not very complete, and the central furniture did not drop like the Dream Lord during the New Year.

This furniture, which looks somewhat similar to a loudspeaker, is just a mobile subwoofer. Within the scope of the home, Gaoyi can specify any sound to be amplified and then broadcasted by it.

All illustrations and trophies have been sorted out.

Gao Yi yawned, set the alarm clock for the afternoon, lay down on the sofa, and looked at the morning light shining through the window.

Finally, there was one more thing he needed to complete.

He fell into a deep sleep with the surround sound of "Nothing to Tell".


The slightest drizzle drifted from the sky, making this bustling city look a little sad.

The colorful umbrellas are like mushrooms, blooming one after another on the wet road, stretching deep into the green mountains.

This is Changle Cemetery. During the Qingming Festival, there is an endless stream of people coming to pay their respects. The sounds of condolences, voices, and a few sporadic cannon shots make this place quite lively.

However, in one of the areas, it seemed quite solemn at this time.

People, uniformly dressed in black, stood in front of dozens of portraits. As the leader observed a moment of silence, they also lowered their heads under the pouring rain, looking sad.

"The battle in Hades..."

Director Tao's gray hair was swaying in the wind and rain.

He looked at the black and white portraits in front of him, his eyes especially lingering on the members who belonged to Donghai for a few seconds, and he said in a low voice: "A total of fifty-one members have left us."

"They are from Donghai and Zishan, the elites of the two executive bureaus.

"They are Gong Yiyan, Fang Changshan and Jiang Zheng from the jury."

"And him, the Fool..."

There was still some deep disbelief in Director Tao's eyes.

No one would have imagined how shocked and exhausted he was when he first heard the news delivered by the Pope.

I have spent countless years regulating the balance of the East China Sea, but nothing is as exhausting as this sentence. It is like the magic of time, which rots away armor and burns away youth.


The assistant hurriedly stepped forward and patted Director Tao, who was out of breath. He wanted to open the umbrella, but was blocked by a hand and was a little at a loss.


Under the black umbrella in the distance, Doug, who had come from afar, looked at the scene in front of him without saying a word, feeling quite regretful in his heart.

Today, incidents from all sides are increasing in number that is difficult to suppress. Although they do not belong to the same party, as a warrior, he respects them equally.

"Sir, do you know who that flower basket is dedicated to?"

Beside it, Vile looked curiously at a gorgeous flower basket.

Compared to this time, such a flower basket should appear during awards, weddings or other festive occasions. Why is this now?

When Doug heard what he said, he turned his head and looked around, and said in a low voice: "That should be dedicated to some unknown hero."

"Unsung heroes?"


Doug looked at the flower basket and saw that under the water of the rain, the flowers became more and more vivid: "I have been informed by Mr. Pope that there is actually someone else who came to the end of this incident."

"You mean... carrying out the will of your dead companions, putting your own life and death aside, and finally wielding your weapon to change your fate?"

Wei Le's eyes have already lit up: "I can already faintly smell the fragrance of the story in it. It would be great if I could know everything that happened in it!"

"Ah, sorry, I was a little too excited."

When Wei Le saw the silence in front of him ending, he felt that he had spoiled the atmosphere, so he lowered his voice: "But you know, every playwright who comes out of Lavan has a dream of writing about heroes."


Doug looked intently: "But I thought before that the biggest dream of every playwright who came out of Lavan is to own a theater of his own."

"It's all..."

Wei Le suddenly stopped speaking and looked behind him.

Not far away, I saw a silhouette floating away, walking further and further away.


Bathed in the rain, Gao Yi dropped an origami white rose in his hand down the mountain path, held up a black umbrella, and murmured to himself: "This time, I really say goodbye forever."

"Jian Weilan."

(End of chapter)

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