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Chapter 263 Cheese Ah Shen

Chapter 263 Cheese Ah Shen

"Yes? Where is it? Why don't I know?"

Xiaodi scratched his head, with a puzzled look on his face. By the time the confusion on his face disappeared, it was already more than ten days later.

"I see!"

In the conference room, with an exclamation, the flute was about to hit the table, but Gao Yi pressed it back first: "Please be quiet."

At this time, the two people were sitting in the primary and secondary seats respectively, looking at the projection screen displayed on the white wall in front of them.

As the wilderness trap-style projector hummed, on the screen, the footsteps of a man walking were echoing in the empty corridor.




He has a neat short face, and his facial contours are like clear lines on white paper, unmoved by any external objects.

He looks like a traditional European and American tough guy. No matter where he is, no matter where he goes, he looks straight ahead as if staring at an invisible enemy.

Doug Anderson.

From the information collected in the past few days, Gao Yi likes to call him Brother Dog.

Now, what is the purpose of this "dog brother"?

Without looking back, he passed by the reception room, the archives room, the director's office, and the deputy director's office. Doug stopped in front of the director's office, and without relaxing in advance, he simply reached out and opened the door.


"Hello, Director Tao."

In the office, Director Tao, who had just sent away his old friend from the jury, was rubbing his brows and eyes with a headache.

"Mr. Anderson?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Director Tao raised his head, seemingly surprised: "Excuse me, what can I do?"

Today, I am entangled in trivial matters, just like being entangled by an anaconda. I am afraid that I am only one step away from being eaten dry.

And in front of me, this guy from the International Security Council...

Director Tao led Doug to sit down, wondering in his heart.

Originally, things were not very official, as if they were afraid of causing any sparks.

Why do you come to your door now?

"Mr. Anderson has only been here in Donghai for half a month, right? His spoken English is already so fluent."

Doug smiled and waved his hand: "It's just natural after we communicate a lot."

The polite pleasantries did not last long, and Doug got straight to the point: "Director Tao, I am here on behalf of the International Security Committee and want to reach some consensus with you."

Director Tao did not interrupt and motioned for him to continue.

"You must have noticed that in today's world, all kinds of abnormal events, like natural disasters, seem to occur endlessly, making us tired of running around."

"In fact, since the beginning of this year, our committee's internal statistics show that there have been a total of 8,524 recorded incidents in several major regions."

"The number of casualties must at least add a zero after this. Director Tao, do you think our leaders in each region are responsible for this?"

Director Tao, who is used to talking in circles, was interrupted before he could say a word: "I think so, because most of them can be avoided."

"Man-made disasters are taking on a new momentum, with more casualties than natural disasters."

Doug's eyes stared at each other: "The evil brought about by the world is training and natural selection. As long as we adapt and complete a corresponding system, we can still live a stable life."

"But the evil brought by man is greed, which is incurable. We have no way of knowing who among our companions put on wolf's skin, and who raised the butcher's knife. The strongest fortresses are first disintegrated from within.

, you should understand what I mean..."

"Mr. Anderson."

Director Tao interrupted, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking just by looking at his face: "Who gave you the instructions to say this?"

Doug looked calm and simply replied: "I think you should have guessed it."

Hearing this, Director Tao frowned.

"Hengyi Heavenly Movement Society?"

"Only they would put their self-explanatory ideas high in the sky, and then call it astrology. Mr. Anderson, you must have been influenced by it, so you directly vetoed all the efforts of our Executive Board?


Director Tao's face already looked a little unkind.

However, Doug still looked indifferent: "Of course not. We will never forget the blood you shed for this land, regardless of region or position."

"But at the same time, we will not ignore the people who made you bleed in vain. Director Tao, how long are you going to keep going? A city in the rain, a trip to Hades, where is the real source of the problem? You should be more knowledgeable than me.



Director Tao's pupils suddenly dilated. He obviously did not expect that even such a secret family scandal would be investigated by this outsider.


He shook his head in his mind.

Maybe it's the information left by the Fool. Now that the Fool is dead, the Fool's forces may use this to reach a consensus with the Hengyi Tiandong Society. Could it be that they are fighting for themselves now?

Doug's voice still sounded.

"That's the problem with people."

"There is no ultimate road, but there is no end to human desires. If someone fails, someone will come back."

"One wave after another, one after another, just like a wave. Sooner or later, one day, your city, your balance, and your persistence will be swept away."

Director Tao was silent.

He knows that this is bound to happen in the future, and the ruling seat of the past will no longer exist.

Having lost their authority to judge, all that is left is the blood of their battles.

I can only use some things to exchange for future help as much as possible.

I just hope...it won't be too much.

"So, what do you want from me?" Director Tao said slowly.

The request is very simple, or in other words, it doesn't look like a request.

"The knot where it all began."

Doug whispered: "That "seasonal storm", that fallen Shabin City, the fallen justice at that time, and you..."

"What are you fighting for?"


I don’t know how long it took, but Doug ended the conversation on the grounds that he was about to board the plane and left in a hurry.

The sound of the door closing sounded, but Director Tao was thoughtful.

To be honest, after a long period of empty talk, he had already determined that the other party was not here to cooperate at all.

Compared to cooperation, this is like a spectator who wants to know the origin of the story. After listening and understanding, he just pats his butt and leaves without caring about a single bit of it.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Putting aside the issue of cooperation, Director Tao himself also obtained a lot of useful information, including the ins and outs of the entire incident in Hades, and he did not lose anything in the real sense.


Just as he was sorting out the entire Hades incident, the knock on the door rang again.

"Please come in."

"Director Tao."

Doug Anderson appeared in the office again, followed by Ville, and he said in a deep voice: "My trip to the East China Sea is coming to an end, and I came here specifically to say goodbye."


Director Tao was a little confused: "But didn't you say goodbye to me just now? The one o'clock flight is only half an hour away. You hurry up..."

He suddenly stopped talking, and the micro-expressions on his face changed at an indescribable speed.

"Director Tao?"

Doug Anderson looked confused: "What did you say? The departure time of our special plane is obviously at four o'clock in the afternoon?"

Thanks to friends "Late Summer Slightly Cool" and "Postman SA101" for the tip

(End of chapter)

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