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Chapter 270

Chapter 270 That hot summer

Gulu gulu...

Wei Le puffed out his cheeks, like a fish that almost died of thirst. He drank most of the bottle of water in his hand, and then he put his head down and took a deep breath.

"Thank you... thank you, great angel in red! Your timely help to me is like the light in the sky when the clouds clear and the mist disappears..."

Without warning, Gao Yi was held by Weile's hand, just like a leader who went to inspect the countryside and was shaken up and down by the villagers.

"Feel sorry."

Ville arranged his cheap outfit: "As you can see, I am actually an art worker. I have just arrived here these days, and there are still some gaps in the budget. The money for this bottle of water..."

"It's okay, just treat me as..."

Before Gao Yi could even say the word "send" in his words, he was interrupted by Wei Le.

"But please don't worry!"

He slapped his chest loudly: "As long as it is something I owe, I will definitely find a way to repay it. If you need help in any way now, please don't hesitate to ask!"


You have finished speaking, what else can Gao Yi say? He looked up and down at the young man in front of him, remembering the unusual identity beneath his ordinary appearance, and his mind suddenly became active.

The person who can travel with Brother Gou should not be a small person. He probably knows as much as Director Tao, maybe even more.

"Are you an artist?"

Gao Yi pretended to be shocked and used words to guide Vile's conversation bit by bit: "Excuse me, are you a sculptor? Or a painter?"

Of course, neither.

"I'm a playwright."

Vile stretched out his hand and showed the pen on his chest: "A poet who writes another kind of reality, I'm glad you asked, my friend, it reminds me of the beautiful talk in my hometown about exchanging stories for a glass of wine."

"If you don't mind, I can use this to pay for your kindness."


Gao Yi nodded.

This couldn't be better.

"The story happened on an unclear afternoon. I was sitting by the window, sipping wine little by little, thinking about what I should write today."

"Is this a true story?"

"Of course, of course it is, a true - it can't be true story."

It happened that the sun was so bright that it was a bit dazzling, so the two simply went to sit down by the shade of a tree and started Ville's story.

"My colleague suddenly broke into my house and shouted, "Ville, Vile, something bad is going to happen." I didn't understand what this guy was doing. It wasn't until I went to the local weather bureau that I really understood what happened at a certain moment.

The seriousness of the matter.”

Ville turned on his phone and showed a photo of the Meteorological Bureau's large screen that he had taken at that time.

"This was an unknown strong airflow observed on the sea east of the Solomon Islands at that time. It seemed to be just beginning to take shape, but it was growing at an unexpected speed."

Vile fell into memories: "Obviously I was only delayed on the road for less than half an hour, but the Meteorological Bureau was already in chaos as if it had been robbed."

"At that time, I asked at the top of my lungs, what on earth is going on -? Where is its target -?"

"I'm glad that someone answered me. I still remember the cold words spoken by that voice."

Vile patted his knees, looked at the clear blue sky, and sighed: "'Kyushu, Sabin City——Code name "Blue Whale"'"

(Kyushu, Shabin City - codename "Blue Whale".)

"Ah, I forgot to explain. It was August 13th, and I was on vacation on Dan Island."

"It's just that those were the last seventy-two hours before the 'Blue Whale' suddenly came ashore."

The water in the water bottle in Gao Yi's hand swayed slightly. He looked at Wei Le and said "confused": "This should be an incident that really happened a few years ago, right? But why..."

Wei Le understood the thoughts of the young man in front of him. From his perspective, he would feel sincerely suspicious when he heard that the interval from the formation of a typhoon to its landing was only four days.

But the fact was such a coincidence and so ruthless that Ville had no choice but to come up with his own excuse.

"Nonono... Friend, the reason why a story is a story is that it exceeds your cognition to a certain extent. Remember, I am a playwright, and everything is just the presentation effect of my own directing and acting, including these views.

Very realistic photos.”


Ville raised his index finger and shook it: "Don't pay too much attention to these details. Focus on enjoying the story. That's the fun of being an audience."

Gao Yi nodded, said no more, and continued to listen to Wei Le's story.

"When something like this happened, my vacation naturally came to nothing. I had no choice but to board the flight to Dan Island and return to the stronghold under the jurisdiction of the committee in Lavan. A large amount of supplies had been prepared there and I was planning to fly to the East China Sea."

"We are not afraid of pure natural disasters, because we have complete experience under the accumulation of history. What we are afraid of are changes, changes that are beyond common sense, because that means that experience may not only lose its effect, but will also be a huge hidden danger.


Ville looked at Gao Yi: "The extraordinary formation of the 'Blue Whale' and its ever-accumulating movement speed have alerted us who have been exposed to various unusual events all year round."

"In order to allow the Kyushu executive bureau to tide over the difficulties and gain new experience, the Lavan branch has assembled fifty-three people, including me. They will bring supplies and prepare to fly to the East China Sea tomorrow."


Vile swiped the phone screen and changed another photo: "This is me, next to me is Ovie, and this is Jappa, my God, how happy he is smiling, haha, we were still very young at that time, like just now

The kids graduating from campus..."

On the screen, several rows of young people gathered together arm-in-arm, smiling like tourists. Gao Yi saw that this photo had a title.

"Committee Lavan Branch, 53 people went to Shabin, Kyushu to take a group photo"


Vile quickly flashed through a few more photos, all taken before and after boarding the plane without exception: "We first arrived at the capital of Kyushu, which is also known as the central city of Jingshu..."

"Unfortunately, my partners and I were separated. They flew to Shabin with supplies, while I stayed in Jingshu to communicate with the personnel of the Executive Directorate."

Gao Yi thought of the "last seventy-two hours" and reminded: "You said that there were only seventy-two hours left before the 'Blue Whale' suddenly landed. You flew to Lafan and then to Jingshu, then


"That's right."

Vile nodded, his expression suddenly becoming heavy: "On the afternoon of August 15th, the 'Blue Whale', which was five days away from its predicted landing time, suddenly accelerated again, almost instantly..."

"We arrived at the beach and caught all of us off guard."

"At that moment, the sun disappeared, the wind picked up, and the rain came. Even Jingshu, thousands of miles away, was not spared from the continuous heavy rain..."


Wei Le patted Gao Yi on the shoulder and suddenly changed the topic: "Have you ever thought that this world might not be just one world?"

"Ah, I mean, are there millions of things hidden under the surface that we can see? These things are constantly operating, resulting in many supernatural events that would have been impossible to happen?


Gao Yi shrugged: "So, is this question also part of your efforts to increase your sense of immersion?"

Wei Le was stunned for a moment.

"Of course... of course."

"Then I choose to believe it."

Gao Yi spread his hands: "After all, you said it, it's just the setting of the story."

Is this guy trying to test me?

Gao Yi glanced at Wei Le without any trace.

By chance, he came to my door asking for water. Could it be that he wanted to verify something on his own?

Thanks to my friend "Moju" for the tip.

(End of chapter)

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