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Chapter 278 The Baron and the Mad Hatter

The words are divided into two parts.

Just when Xiao Di was being beaten by Gao Yi, several people from Lost Paradise outside the yard had been watching the scene in front of them for a long time.


The hot cauldron was emitting bursts of steam. The dwarf stirred vigorously with a wooden stick and added ingredients to it from time to time. The amount could be considered fatal, which made several people who had been watching for a long time outside the room feel a little scared.

"Hey, let me tell you, have we traveled to some mythical story?"

Someone was whispering: "There are twists and turns of maze corridors everywhere, and there are dwarves and potions! If I hadn't seen the poisonous dragon yet, I would have even thought I was looking for the Golden Fleece..."

"Boss, how long will we continue to observe here?"

Another person looked at the leader's face, which looked uncertain in the darkness and firelight, and asked: "Since we turned into this fork in the road, there has been no new fork in the road for a long time. If we want to move forward, we can only go through this room. "

The leading man narrowed his eyes: "I'm worried that the guy in front of me is like the wall of the maze, with some unknown danger."

All I can say is that he was right to worry.

No matter what kind of world, whether it is strangely generated or controlled by humans, it is not reality, and naturally everything in it cannot be measured from the perspective of reality.

Will, who died without any body parts before, made this mistake of taking it for granted. The leader's experience in participating in many operations told him to be careful about this dwarf.

If there was no other way, he would have gone around it.

What should I do...should I go back and take another branch?


The leading man quickly shook his head.

The biggest taboo when exploring a maze is to turn back.

The environment here is too dark, and there are complicated shrubs blocking the road. Even if there is flashlight lighting, there is no guarantee that something will not be ambushing on the retreat, and I cannot take care of both ends.

"What should I do..."

As time passed, the leader looked at the dwarves who were still busy working up and down in the hedge room. For a moment, he was once again in a dilemma.

Only this time, someone forced him to make a choice.


"What sound?"

"The ground is shaking?!"

The few people crouching behind the bunker immediately felt the unusual earthquake in the distance and hurriedly looked around.


"Approaching! The shaking position is closer to us!"


"It seems like something is approaching us! Boss!"

The leader man gritted his teeth and looked at Kevin: "How is it? Can [Tactile Extension] be activated again?"

Kevin shook his head in fear: "No, although the regenerative cells we transplanted can offset the irreversible damage caused by some techniques, regeneration also needs a certain amount of time to buffer and extend the sense of touch to the feet of the creature that caused the vibration... "

Although he did not continue speaking, the meaning of his words was self-evident.

No one knows how he will die in a public way. The difference is only between being in pieces and covered with blood and flesh.

The leading man made a quick decision and got up first: "Let's go!"

"Go to that dwarf's potion room!"


The shaking continued, as if it recognized them, clinging to them behind them. None of the people in Paradise Lost had the courage to look back, but just ran towards the room ahead that was filled with fire.

Whoop whoosh!

It wasn't until they entered the room that they slowed down a little.

The leader quickly turned the muzzle of his gun towards the dwarf, and gave a signal with his eyes, asking his men to find the exit from the room as soon as possible.

However, after searching around, they didn't find any door or window.

At this time, the dwarf jumped down from the steps in front of the cauldron. As if he had just discovered the uninvited guests in front of him, he shouted in surprise: "Hey! Lost travelers, where are you from?"


Following the leader's cold words, the dwarf stopped. It looked at the black muzzle of the gun, as if it didn't realize the damage it represented, and said with some confusion: "Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm, and so do I."

Imprisoned here."

"What do you mean? Where is this?"

The team leader glanced at the darkness outside the room with his peripheral vision and found that the vibrating sound that was chasing them had disappeared since unknown time?

"You ask here?"

The dwarf said in a high-pitched voice: "This is the Cole KS labyrinth under the Caucasus Mountains. Aren't you explorers who came in to seek wealth? Don't you even know this?"

Caucasus Mountains? Cole KS Maze?

The Lost Paradise people looked at each other in confusion at this time. They were obviously in the East China Sea in the Kyushu region, and they still came by plane. The touch of the cushions in a civilized society can still be recalled to this day.

But according to the dwarf, he actually arrived in another completely strange place? And judging from the name, it seemed like it was in a remote and cold wilderness and high mountain area?

The team leader did not reveal his doubts, but still raised his gun and asked: "Just now you said that you were also arrested. What happened? Who is the owner of this place?"

"Master of the maze?"

The dwarf was stunned for a moment, and there was a real fear on his face: "The Baron, we all call him the Baron, he and the Mad Hatter created this maze together!"

"There's more."

The leader still refused to give in and raised his gun.


The dwarf tilted his head: "I don't know about the rest. The baron caught me here because he just took a fancy to the magic potion I refined..."


There was a sudden gunshot. It was the trigger in the leader's hand. A burst of fire shot out from the barrel, with a scream in the air, and hit the dwarf with a "bang"!

Obviously, this man believes that what is in front of him has no value anymore. Instead of listening to its true and false narratives, it is better to find a way out as soon as possible.

But what he didn't expect was that the dwarf's reaction was faster than he thought. Almost at the same time as it was hit, its high-pitched scream also sounded: "Do this - you will regret it -!"


Its body exploded into a ball of mist and slowly dissipated, but no body was left behind. There was only a hole, appearing inconspicuously on the ground beside it.

"Did it escape?"

The team leader had a solemn face.

Behind him, his men were already searching the room.

After a while, someone found a hidden secret door behind the cauldron. In addition, there were bookshelves lined with bottles and jars, and some things that looked like candies but were actually compressed towels inside.

Everyone worked together to push the big pot away, and when they were about to leave the room through the secret door, someone suddenly turned around and said reluctantly: "Boss, are we really not going to take some of the contents of the pot with us? The dwarf said it was refined for the master of the maze.

It should be something good."

The leader's figure paused slightly.

It wasn't because of the other party's words that he thought the unknown liquid in the pot would be something good.

He was just thinking from a veteran's point of view whether the contents of the pot would play any role at some point in the future.

"This dwarf does not look like an accomplice of the master here, otherwise there would be no need to accept us here and let us escape the pursuit of the footsteps."

The team leader thought: "Its words should still have some credibility. These magic potions...maybe they will actually be useful."

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and ordered the man: "Find a bottle and bring both pots of potions with you. Let's move on."

At this time, far away from the man's thoughts, Gao Yi couldn't help but laugh: "So that was the idea. I thought the potion couldn't be delivered."

"Since you want to stay alive, we can only change our strategy slightly."

Xiao Di crossed his arms and his head almost went up to the sky: "Whatever cause he wants, I will give him the cause, and then he will achieve the effect I want. In other words."

Gao Yi continued: "What he saw was just what I wanted him to see."

"That's right, the fun is yet to come."

This chapter has been completed!
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