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Chapter 287 The Haunted House

"Hello, do you need additional photo services?"

"No...no need..."

After getting off the Doomsday Speedster, Mr. Qian and the others seemed to have committed a murder. They didn't care about their shivering calves and almost fled the "crime scene" without even looking at the photos.

"Who came here to ride the roller coaster when they were full and had nothing to do? Don't let me remember who it is...otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?! Isn't this your idea? Who is there to say that men should drive big cars? So why not play with bumper cars - does it offend you?"

“Aren’t we here to experience the haunted house?”

Seeing the three soft noodles blaming each other, the wise Gao Yi chose to remain silent. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he was ready to run away first.

But what they didn't expect was that the three of them suddenly stopped arguing and all looked at him.

"Speaking of which, Lao Gao, you..."

After pondering for a long time, Lao Luo finally said, "Why did you come to the amusement park alone?"

"It does not matter."

Gao Yi quietly moved back. Unexpectedly, after taking a few steps, his back seemed to hit something and he had to stop.

He looked back, but his field of vision was already occupied by a huge ice cream sundae. As the little hand under the sundae shook, Xie Yingying's panicked voice rang out.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?"

Xie Yingying handed over the ice cream angrily. Gao Yi took it without thinking and asked subconsciously: "You don't want to eat it?"

"If I don't eat, I'm afraid my stomach will hurt."

Xie Yingying smoothed her ponytail, opened the booklet in her other hand, and happily showed a brand new print to Gao Yi: "Ayi, look - challenge the high-altitude print!"

“And – maple sundae print!”

"Eh? It seems there is one missing?" Gao Yi exclaimed, holding a spoon in his mouth.

Xie Yingying opened her eyes with a puzzled look on her face: "Huh?"

"Why is the timid Yingying print missing?"

Gao Yi is very happy.

And because of this moment of happiness, he paid the price.

The sundae almost dazzled his face.

When the storm came to an end, Gao Yi suddenly remembered something. He turned around like a thorn in the side, and the first thing he saw was the unfamiliar eyes of his friends.

"This kid..."

Allen whispered next to Lao Luo, with a face full of bitterness and hatred for the reactionaries: "You have really betrayed the revolution."

"Oh~ In other words, you are here to help Xie Yingying collect stamps?"


"Want to challenge the haunted house?"


The two groups of people met together and chatted while walking.

Understanding the reason why Gao Yi and Xie Yingying appeared, everyone couldn't help but smile with "relief": "By coincidence, we are also going to the haunted house, so we just happen to be together."

Gao Yi wondered: "Didn't you say it was being repaired?"

"Who knows, it's been a morning now, maybe it's been repaired. Let's go take a look."

Walking on a road with fewer and fewer pedestrians, after a while, the five of them saw a gloomy building standing in front of them. Compared to other facilities in the amusement park that had been whitewashed over and over again, this place seemed much colder.

A plain cement wall, a standing sign indicating the rules of the game, and nothing else extra.

"Hello? Is there anyone there?"

Mr. Qian shouted inside, and immediately a staff member wearing a rabbit costume came over: "Yes, yes, there are some tourists, do you want to visit the haunted house now?"

Under his doll clothes, he looked at the five people in front of him one by one. Only when he came to Xie Yingying, the girl hurriedly raised her hands and waved her hands: "No... I will not participate..."

"That's four."

The staff member laughed and said, "Four of you, please follow me."

"I'm outside, waiting for your good news."

After giving Gao Yi an encouraging buff, Xie Yingying immediately retreated to the crowded road. It seemed that she was determined to wait on the bench for her to come out.

Gao Yi shrugged and quickly followed the team in front. The staff's magnetic explanation came: "You guys have been playing for so long, so you should already have a certain understanding of the background story of our park, right?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The staff gave himself a slap on the forehead and said speechlessly: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"The story probably happened in the last century. Mr. Kent, the founder of the predecessor of KK Amusement Park, participated in the creation of his four children and created the images of four dolls based on the four letters of his name."

[——"Big brother KK, who has blue skin, long limbs, but is a bit dull."]

Among the four people following behind, Mr. Qian whispered: "It turns out there are so many clues to the origin of the park's mascot KK."

[——"There is also Telek, who has red skin, a sturdy figure, and looks like someone who is not easy to mess with."]

Allen poked Gao Yi with his elbow: "Tell me, if KK had a full name, would he be called Kennedy Kennedy?"

[——"And Elva, who has yellow skin, a slender body, and often plays a role as an adviser."]

"Who knows."

Gao Yi replied seriously: "He just said limbs. Maybe there are only four limbs with no holes left."

[——"There is also Nura who has dark skin, likes to blindly follow others, and often has no independent opinion."]

"Hey hey hey hey..."


The staff finally stopped and turned around. Unprecedented strong emotions burst out from the empty doll eyes: "Can you stop telling that fucking hell joke? I'm still here to introduce the background of the game. It's very tiring.


"Ah, sorry."

The four of them shut up immediately.

The staff turned around and continued walking and said: "But everything does not necessarily have a happy ending. Completely opposite to the prosperous business of the amusement park, Mr. Kent's four children passed away one after another, and he himself also died because of

I can’t bear this kind of blow and I can’t afford to get sick..."

"From then on, every night, the managers in charge of the doll warehouse could hear strange footsteps coming from deep in the corridor. Some people said that those dolls came to life."

"The ghosts of KK, Telek, Elva, and Nura have all found their own bodies. They will appear in any corner of the warehouse every night, looking for traces of their father..."

"Immediately afterwards, news came out frequently that warehouse personnel had died. Their deaths were miserable, as if they had suffered inhumane abuse and torture during their lives."

"Under pressure, the new director had to permanently abandon the warehouse and destroy all the first-edition dolls, leaving only a cartoon image of KK to commemorate the founder."

As they entered the scene inside the facility, the bright sunshine outside began to disappear little by little, and the vision of several people was gradually encompassed by darkness. Under the guidance of the staff, they arrived at an empty cubicle.

——[Staff Lounge]——

"I'm done. This is the story of the predecessor of the amusement park."

"It is worth mentioning that when the dolls were destroyed, four other dolls hid and escaped."

"And this is the former warehouse."

The staff member turned around, with an unknown light flashing in his eyes: "Players, your goal is to complete the daily inspection of this warehouse and successfully escape from here before being killed by the four brothers and sisters."

Thanks to my "piano stealing" friend for the tip.

This chapter has been completed!
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