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Chapter 293 Extra People

Chapter 293 Extra People

The cartoon alarm clock was picked up by a dark shadow. Taking advantage of the close proximity to the camera, Gao Yi keenly captured a tuft of blue hair illuminated by a dim light in the darkness.

That's not animal, let alone human.

He had only seen such neatly dyed hair on plush dolls, such as...the ones at KK Amusement Park!

For a moment, Gao Yi felt like he was enlightened!

As for what I have provoked recently, there is no doubt that it is only the Haunted House at KK Amusement Park. During the day, the "staff" tried every means to trick them into entering the Haunted House. Maybe it has something to do with the current game.


Gao Yi murmured to himself: "The blue leather case is..."


[So, now.]

On the TV, the black shadow asked in its dry voice: "Who is going to tell me this answer? Hush, don't worry, listen to me first."

Hearing this, fitness coach Chen Tuan rested his forward head on the load-bearing pillar.

"If the person who submits the answer gives the correct answer, then he will be released directly by me——"

"But if it's wrong."

After that, an invisible gaze shot out through the screen and scanned everyone present: "Then the punishment caused by the mistake will also begin with him."

"So, who among you will be this person?"

At this moment, everyone's mentality after learning that the correct answer can be released has changed from the initial surprise to deep fright: if the answer is correct, it will be released directly, but if the answer is wrong, you will be the first to be punished. This...

"Is it hard to accept?"

The shadow seemed to see their inner thoughts and twisted his neck: "But this is something you have to taste."

"One minute."

He grabbed the alarm clock with one hand, quickly twisted the spring on his back a few times, and then banged it in front of the camera.

"If you haven't decided who will submit the answer, then I will judge that you have no answer and directly fail!"

Tick ​​tick tick tick...

The second hand on the alarm clock moved quickly on the dial, and soon it passed three o'clock.

Fifteen seconds have passed!

"Hey, what should I do? Who will submit the answer?!"

The mess underneath was like a pot of porridge. People were struggling wildly in the iron chains, looking left and right, shouting, as if hoping that someone in the darkness could give them answers.

When things have developed to this point, the backbone of several organizations that were originally named are now in chaos.

Chen Tuan lowered his head and kept repeating the names he had written down earlier in his mind. Beads of sweat the size of soybeans fell from his forehead as he was confirming them over and over again.

It can't be wrong...it should be right...the number of people here is twenty-four, don't be affected by its words, you can do it, you can escape!

He raised his head, his thick Adam's apple rolled, and looked at the shadow on the TV screen. He was about to speak, but suddenly a voice jumped in front of him: "I'll submit the answer!"

"I'll submit the answer!"

The hysterical voice continued to echo in the empty indoor venue until everyone was awakened from their hesitation. The man was still shouting: "I——! Let me do——! I know the answer——!"

"Liu Dong?"

A surprised voice came from Chen Tuan's mouth. He looked in the direction not far from him and saw the young man tied to the iron chain.

Chen Tuan remembered him. He had also said during the introduction that he was a college student.

"I'm sorry, Brother Chen."

Liu Dong turned his head with difficulty, tears streaming down his face: "I...I can't stand it anymore...I really can't stand it...staying in this hellish place...I want to live...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry."

"I've been looking at you...I noticed you just raised your head...wanted to say something...I couldn't hold it back...I thought..."

Chen Tuan's face was filled with astonishment.


The black shadow stopped the alarm clock with one hand and looked at Liu Dong wordlessly.

"The answer...the answer is twenty-four!"

Liu Dong shouted at the top of his lungs: "There are twenty-four of us in total, right? Right?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another, the big lights lit up above the head, and after a while, the originally dark space became as bright as day.

Gao Yi squinted his eyes that were stimulated by the bright light and quickly looked around. Only then did he realize that the place he and others were currently in seemed to be a place similar to an underground parking lot.

There is no debris within the field of vision, only load-bearing pillars arranged in rows and rows toward the distance.

"It's not my place to announce the answer."

A voice came from the TV: "It's up to you to see and count your true number."

"One, two, three, four..."

Chen Tuan immediately counted them one by one according to the original counting position, not just him. Others were the same. They all wanted to know, is twenty-four the correct answer?

"Ten, eleven, twelve..."

Gao Yi's eyes moved slowly.

"Eighteen, nineteen, twenty..."

Zhang Yu's whole body began to tremble.

"Twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four..."

Liu Dong's heart almost jumped into his throat.


When he finished counting the twenty-fourth person and looked back and found that there was one more person, he was completely confused.

"Twenty-five...why are there twenty-five people?"

Almost at the same time, Chen Tuan's unbelievable voice also sounded. His strong and powerful body kept rising and falling, causing the chain to "clatter": "Why are there twenty-five people? Where did the twenty-fifth come from?"


Others find it difficult to accept that they have obviously calculated it so many times, why? Why is the final number of people still wrong?! Why on earth?

Liu Dong's face turned pale, he pursed his lips, and his whole body was shaking like chaff: "How could...how could..."

"It seems you already know the answer."

On the TV, the black shadow spoke faintly: "Twenty-four people submitted answers, and 25 people submitted correct answers. This contestant who submitted wrong answers, are you ready to accept the punishment?"

"No! Don't... please..."

Liu Dong collapsed.

"It seems that it was not done well. But it doesn't matter, because you yourself are not worthy of respect. Goodbye, annoying humans."

The black shadow suddenly stood up and pulled his hands into the air. Suddenly, at the other end of the screen, the iron chain binding Liu Dong suddenly seemed to be pulled by some huge force and immediately tightened!


Everyone could only watch helplessly as Liu Dong was continuously tightened and oppressed by the huge force, until his eyes popped out, and a large amount of saliva mixed with blood foam continued to drip from his mouth.


His overburdened lungs were throbbing hard like a broken bellows, but compared to the iron chains, it was in vain.



Along with the sound of broken bones, Liu Dong's bloody orifices drooped down. This young life was shattered and disappeared forever on the execution rack.

The iron chain slowly loosened, and a black vortex appeared, swallowing Liu Dong's fallen body mercilessly.


A patch has been made. The "Ma Chang" of the college student above has been replaced by "Liu Dong", and the "Ma Chang" has become a high school student.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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