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Chapter 322 'Dessert Crisis'

Chapter 322 "Dessert ~ Crisis"

The cold wind howled.

Just like a street corner in the middle of winter, Gummy Bear's mood at the moment was no different from the outside world. No matter how many calculations she made, she failed to calculate that she would actually be unable to move due to the environment.

"Make a fire quickly!"

While she could still complete the turning movement, Gummy Bear hurriedly looked behind her. Although Ma Chang and others were a little confused, who made her the captain? Just listen and that's it.

Chen Tuan unloaded some wood that he had picked up before from behind him, while Xu Ze started to arrange them into a suitable structure. Ma Chang leaned down, put his thumb and middle finger to the center log, and snapped his fingers.

A thin line of smoke slowly rose.

Looking at everyone's turned faces, Ma Chang smiled sheepishly: "Mistake...Mistake."

"It will definitely work this time."

However, the next few times, there was not even a cigarette left.

On the other side, Allen was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: "She is the only one who can lead the way. Now that she is frozen, we can't keep her, and we can't keep her. What should we do?"


"The gummy bears are gone, we have to rely on you!"

The big deal... The big deal is just that, I am also a brave man, so how can I be inferior to the gummy bears?

Let's just... give the gummy bear his life.


The horse leader fell down in an emergency, and suddenly felt a cold current passing through his back, and at the same time heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground from the side.


He turned around and saw that it was Chen Tuan with wide eyes. He saw that most of his body was covered in frost and was covered with candy shards of different sizes.

Allen was lucky enough to escape the disaster. He looked at the tourists gathered around him, and his heart went cold: "Ma Chang!"


Ma Chang clenched his right hand hard, and all the knuckles suddenly reacted from within. Light groups mixed with tiny arcs slowly expanded, covering all the tourists.

I'm afraid ordinary abilities can't do anything to it. Now that the matter has come to this, I can only use this move... The beating figure of the sixty-seven-year-old veteran appeared in Ma Chang's mind, and he couldn't help but twitch his face.

The severe cold not only froze the gummy bears, but also interfered with the movements of Ma Chang and even other gummy bears. At this moment, their whole bodies felt extremely stiff, like a robot that had forgotten to oil it.


“So warm!”


"No...it's impossible!"

This move of my own is destined to save only one of them. Either I sacrifice myself to save my companions, or I give up my companions to save myself. There is no other way!


At this time, a sudden and familiar voice came from not far away.

On the other side, people broke the horse's long fingers into knuckles one by one and threw them at the tourists at the same time.

Mr. Peanut straightened up from the bar, seemed to take it seriously, and stared directly at the captain.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they all looked in the direction of "Daddy's Ice Cream House", only to see Mr. Peanut in blue clothes and a bow tie leaning against the counter, looking like a bartender at leisure:

"How about you stay here together? Sometimes our lives are too far away. Don't think about saving yourself or others. How about having an ice cream ball with blueberries and strawberries and enjoying life? Everyone likes it very much."


The second explosion sounded. It was the tourists who were carrying frost that were detonated by Captain Ma relying on his ability. Sand and rocks were flying for a while, and countless fragments were scattered all over the sky.

"Don't let him come!"

The horse captain raised the five fingers of his left hand and broke them all with his right hand. Under the astonished eyes of others, he aimed at the nearest tourist and threw it out with all his strength.

He raised his arm suddenly, and the joints, which were already extremely brittle due to the ice, suddenly made a clear cracking sound.

"The answer is simple, my dear visitors."

Is it coming? Boss battle...

The horse's long arm moved, and a whip shadow gradually emerged.

What’s even more outrageous is that the senior is treated just like the protagonist teacher in the anime. He is usually very awesome, but as soon as he enters the incident, he is accused of all kinds of things and can’t move his hands and exits at the speed of light. Is it possible that he really has to explode on his own to save the team?

Seeing more and more tourists gathering nearby, Ma Chang felt cruel.


The horse leader was stunned.

Looking at Mr. Peanut's leisurely expression not far away, Ma Chang felt bitter in his heart: Shouldn't he be following behind his seniors to gain experience now? Why did the encounter suddenly begin...

"I'll go, ice blast source stoneworm!"

At this moment, Ma Chang stretched the calculations in his brain to the limit, his eyes formed an invisible track in the air, frantically calculating the timing and angle of his attack, thinking about how to protect himself and his companions to the greatest extent.

Gummy Bear: "..."

He was devouring the ice cream sundae in his hand, and wisps of frost visible to the naked eye began to spread outward from his stomach, like an unstable time bomb that seemed to explode at any time.

The face of Mr. Peanut, who was walking towards him, was stagnant. He had no idea what this guy meant by doing these actions. However, the fine electric arcs that were constantly beating on the opponent's body were a real threat, so he had to treat it with caution.

The ice cream quickly covered the area like growing mycelium. Then the fruit fell to the ground, violating the rules and jumping higher and higher in constant motion. It was like an airtight barrage, attacking everyone.


Large swaths of frost were like flying snow, falling on the bodies and shoulders of everyone behind the bunker. Ma Chang, who had lost the five fingers of his left hand, turned around, looked past the gummy bear's body, and looked at Mr. Peanut, who was slowly walking towards him.

A male tourist staggered over. The cold also had an impact on his candy body. However, this was not the most terrifying thing. What was truly terrifying was the other person's behavior.

The horse leader only saw a large amount of hot liquid pouring out from the gap, swallowing everything in this straight line as if it was nothing.

"Give me some strength, Captain Ma!"


Ma Chang moved the fingertips of his right hand, and a small electric arc danced on it.


During this limited period of time, Ma Changru was hit hard.


The building next to Mr. Peanut was instantly emptied by a huge force.

There were exclamations, and several people standing by the fire turned to look, only to find the gummy bear that was already hard. Mr. Qian quickly stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and his expression changed drastically: "It's broken, senior sister."

It’s frozen!”

Mr. Peanut actually didn't even have time to utter a scream. Along with his fruit bombs, he was wiped out under the crazy toffee syrup tide.

"No, my knuckles are frozen..."

He tried his best.

It took out a basket full of various fruits and ice cream from its hollow body and poured it directly onto the ground.


His consciousness gradually became clearer, and when he was about to shout the last three words, suddenly——

"Lightning b..."

The sound of footsteps came from nearby, and everyone realized that the tourists who had bought ice cream before leaving did not leave. They actually took a detour and made dumplings for themselves and others!

Ma Chang trembled his lips and snapped his fingers violently, but there was only a "click" sound. Everyone looked at his half-dragged fingers and looked at each other speechlessly.

It wasn't until he heard the voice of his companion that he raised his arms as if waking up from a dream, and realized that the original sense of isolation due to the cold had long since disappeared.

It's toffee!

Entering the final decisive stage.

Don't be anxious during the exam, my biggest promise is not to cut it, the bosses will wait for me.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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