Turn off the lights
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Chapter 58 Nightmare Strikes

It's late at night and the lights are out.

Everyone had gone to sleep. It seemed like endless darkness enveloped the house again.

In Gao Yi's room.

The light was still bright, the cupboard door was wide open, and Gao Yi took out many clothes from inside, as if he was looking for something.

"Although there is [Mysterious Surprise] following..."

"There is also [Ode to Ice and Snow] to stabilize your mood..."

Gao Yi thought: "But it's not safe enough."

After all, the origin of the enemy this time is unknown, and it is suspected that he came into reality from a strange dream. So just in case, he also had to prepare for the worst.

If all measures in reality cannot prevent it, then Gao Yi will have to consider the possibility of entering Shiyi's dream.

Yes, this sounds like fantasy.

But Gaoyi is different.

Through customization, he can obtain various paintings with different uses, and then turn this fantasy into reality!

He needs a nightgown to complete his new painting.

With great difficulty, Gao Yi finally found a pair of pajamas, but at this juncture, he hesitated again.

The dark green monster pajamas in front of him had a towering head and sharp teeth and claws. Gao Yi had forgotten who bought it for him, but because he was so ashamed, it seemed that he had never worn it before.

"Forget it, I don't care about being ashamed now."

The more plans you have in mind, the more chances you have to win.

Gao Yi is now, after all, someone who has experienced great storms. Regardless of his experience and courage, his inventory of illustrations has also become much more diverse.

It shouldn't be difficult to create a strange painting involving dreams.

After selecting the illustration costume, Gaoyi clicks to confirm: "Confirm customization!"

[Illustrations have participated! Numerical values ​​are being constructed...]

[Various paintings are being generated...]

A burst of white light emitted.



【Little monster in dreamland】

Quality: Lime

Binding item: Little monster nightgown

*You can sneak into any child's dream.

Description: Little monsters like to sneak into children's dreams.

Because only in dreams can it really act like a monster, destroying cities and villages without restraint.

The most important thing is that there is no Ultraman to punish it.



As expected, Gao Yi nodded.

He placed the chair against the wall and sat down slowly.

Opposite the partition wall is naturally Xiaodi.

If an abnormality occurs, Gao Yi can hear the dog barking immediately and open the chimney.

Next, all you have to do is wait.



Listening to the second hand of the alarm clock on the bedside.

Time passed by unconsciously, and Gao Yi's eyelids began to feel a little heavy.

He suddenly stood up, twisted his waist, stretched his body, and let out a tired groan.

"What time is it now... I'm not going to miss you tonight..."

Walking to the ice and snow gift tree placed in the corner, Gao Yi took off some small ornaments and played with them: "There will be online classes early tomorrow morning~"

He yawned again.


On the other side of the wall, there was a sudden muffled sound.

Gao Yi opened his eyes suddenly, and the fatigue between his brows suddenly disappeared.

He immediately pressed down the headset and asked in a low voice: "Descartes, what's going on?"

In the darkness separated by a wall, Xiaodi has transformed back into the siren head form.

It whispered back: "Mr. Gao, something is wrong with your cousin. She started talking in her sleep."

Descartes gently approached the bed, learned all the murmurs of Gao Shiyi on the bed, and repeated Gao Yi.

[Living room...Brother...The living room is ringing again...]


As soon as the door opened, the windbreaker whirred.

[Mysterious Surprise] With the added body, Gao Yi plunged into the darkness alone, followed the invisible stairs, and quickly rushed to the living room below.


Turning on the high-gloss flashlight, Gao Yi searched around the living room.

"Nothing at all……"

[Kitchen...it went to the ceiling...]

In the headset, Descartes' retelling came again.

Rushing into the kitchen, Gao Yi's [Mysterious Surprise] perception was fully activated, but he still didn't find any problems.

[Study...it seems to be tearing apart dad's books...]

"Why did you go to the study again?"

Gao Yi frowned and was about to rush to the study again.

But Descartes' next retelling was like a bucket of cold water pouring down on him, chilling him from head to ankle!

[There are still sounds...]

[Elsewhere...there is still the sound of gongs and drums...]

Somewhere else?!

[Second floor... Wuwu... It's outside me... It... It's opening the door!]

"Not good!" Gao Yi's expression changed drastically.

There are two wheels!

Change——[Ode to Ice and Snow]!

[Miracle Gift Tree] Teleport!


Gao Yi's figure instantly appeared in the room on the second floor. His magenta cloak was flying, and the chimney nameplate was shining brightly on the chest of his frosty white dress!

While breathing, a chimney passage appeared, opening up the cousin's room next door!

Gao Yi immediately got in. At this time, he finally heard his cousin's whispers of hoarse crying that were trying to suppress the panic.

"I'm in the cabinet...Mom...where are you...didn't you say you wanted to stay with Shiyi..."

"Brother...where are you...not that you want to protect..."

There was no movement at all on the bed, and the mother and daughter seemed to be sleeping soundly. But Gao Yi suddenly understood something, and his heart was shocked.

It can travel between reality and dreams at will!

By reversing dreams and reality, the person involved is unable to clearly recognize the situation he or she is in and makes wrong judgments.

Just like now, Shi Yi was clearly sleeping soundly in bed, but she thought she was still in reality and had hidden herself in the cupboard to avoid the sound of the door opening.

It does this...why?

Gao Yi suddenly turned around.

There was only a "click" sound behind me, and the door in reality was opened!


The sound of rolling wheels sounded slowly, accompanied by a strange laugh.

"Hoo ho~"

"To paralyze...the real victims in reality?!"

Change——[The Mountains Call]!

With a "crack" sound, the protein hunting knife suddenly came out of its sheath!

Gao Yi had nothing else to think about. The psychic searchlight in his hand immediately turned around and the light shone brightly!


He stepped forward and slashed away with his knife.

On the pulley, the standing black figure had no time to react, and was immediately killed by Gao Yi!

The cardboard-like material was mercilessly swallowed up by the high temperature, and suddenly turned into large black flying debris, flying in the room.

Turning around, Gao Yi swung his sword.

"... Just die like that?" Gao Yi frowned, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

It's so incredible to be able to travel between dreams and reality at will, but to die so easily?

"Descartes, what do you think?"




In the headset, the original communication with Descartes had been disconnected at some point, and was filled with a large rustling blind sound.

"Descartes? Where have you gone?"

Raising the psychic searchlight, Gao Yi walked towards the corner where Xiao Di had been placed.

The corner was empty, except for a rag doll lying quietly on the ground.


Picking it up, Gao Yi held it in his palm, and the doll suddenly made a funny "creak" sound.

On weekdays, a perfectly normal doll can't help but look a little creepy under the lamp in the dark.


An extremely absurd idea suddenly arose in Gao Yi's heart.

He slowly turned around and pointed the psychic searchlight at the bedside.

She made such a loud noise, even if Shiyi was trapped in a nightmare and couldn't wake up, her aunt should have woken up long ago.

But now there is no movement on the bed, as if there is no one at all.

The dim yellow light shone directly in front of the bed.

Under the quilt, two rag dolls of different sizes were lying quietly. Half of their heads were exposed and they were staring at me with blank eyes!

Walking forward, Gao Yi lifted up the quilt.

As soon as I took the quilt into my hands, a soft feeling filled my palms.

So soft...as if you were holding a ball of air!

Use your palms hard.

The touch gradually disappears!


He opened his eyes suddenly.

The vision gradually became clearer, and a bright light came into view.




The hand on the bedside alarm clock reached 3:45 in the morning.

The chair placed by the wall was still there. He sat on it, still waiting for Xiaodi's warning, as if he had never left.

Gao Yi lowered his head and stared at his tightly clenched palms in disbelief.

"When did I fall asleep?"

This chapter has been completed!
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