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Chapter 61 Siren Head Town

Warning? Why warn?

In the past, even forcing my way into the strange world of Qi Weibo did not trigger such a serious warning from the system.

But now it's not just that.

After Gao Yi entered the dreamland, the entire system interface seemed to be affected. The UI and theme displayed in his mind were in a state of vagueness.

Gao Yi tried to call various functions of the system.

[Creative Workshop] Completely grayed out (×)

[Limited card pool] Unlimited reconnection(!)

Only [Illustration Gallery] everything is normal.

It seems that because it is counted as local inventory, [Illustration Atlas] is the least affected.

"It's good that the strange paintings are not affected."

Secretly he breathed a sigh of relief and temporarily blocked the system warning. Gao Yi stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and immediately chased in the direction where the black fog disappeared.

"What kind of existence is dreamland?"

At this moment, Gao Yi's heart felt extremely heavy.

His intuition told him: During tonight's incredible journey, [The Nightmare Attack] will bring about everything that will exceed his previous understanding of abnormalities.

Those two black fogs, and the strange language that confuses dreams and reality...

There is no way to judge Gaoyi.

Not supernatural.

It's not a weird story.

Not a legend.

what is that?

"Ayi, your clothes are too bulky, do you want to take them off?" His cousin's voice sounded from the front, immediately pulling him back from his thoughts.

Gao Yi came back to his senses: "It's okay, I'll change it now."

Because [Little Dream Monster] is too bulky and not suitable for chasing. Now he can no longer keep up with his cousin.

But now that we have entered the dreamland, the [little dream monster] that serves as the medium for traveling back and forth can naturally be replaced.

Gao Yi pulled out [Mysterious Surprise], and a dark blue trench coat and shadow running shoes appeared, immediately replacing the dark green monster pajamas.

His speed immediately increased and he immediately caught up with his cousin in front.

Passing by a fork in the road, the two stopped.

"Oops, we seem to have lost track."

In their field of vision, the figure of the black mist had disappeared. But now, there were two road signs standing in front of them.

→[Shuita Town].

→[Route 45].

"How do we go?"

As the leader of this operation, my cousin naturally asked Gao Yi.

"Hold on."

Taking out the "Exploration Notes" from his arms, Gao Yi turned to the latest page. But a surprising scene happened.

Before he could write down the question, two options appeared on the paper.


[Shuita Town]

——Incredible changes happened here, and in the end no one survived, leaving only an empty shell under the projection of humanity.

it's here.

You can find something that whistles.

You have to be careful about something that can whistle.

Enter→[Shuita Town]

* [You may get some interesting stuff]

* [You may encounter some extremely terrifying dangers]



[Route 45]

——The people of Water Tower Town may have passed through it to reach their respective destinations.

But now, with the disappearance of confidants, this road has long been aimless.

Don't worry, your journey will be safe.

But be careful, no one knows how long it is.

Enter directly→[Route 45]

*[Arrived in an unknown place]

* [Death in a deserted place]


"Black Mist must have a clear purpose in capturing Shiyi."

Gao Yi thought for a while: "But the notes say that this road may lead to anywhere. Then there is only one possibility."

"You mean, Heiwu knows how to achieve his goal!" His cousin answered.

"Yes, it must have entered the town and looked for transportation."

Gao Yi analyzed: "The notes say that we may find some gadgets that will be helpful on the journey.

"And this is a small town. Even if no one is alive now, there are definitely maps and other items."

"I think this may be the gadget mentioned in the notes."

The cousin concluded: "So, in order to pass the highway, we have to face the horror of the town, find transportation, and then chase the black mist."

"That's right, this is living toward death."

Gao Yi put away the notes: "Let's go."

Entering Shuita Town, there was a gurgling river outside. The two of them walked across the withered lawn and came to a residential building.

The cement floor was wet and there were parking lines painted on it. But what was strange was that there was not a single car here.

"Let's try to search the interior of the residential building first."

"Maybe we can find a map."

Gao Yi led the way, while his cousin acted as an observer behind him. The two came to the rolling shutter door on the first floor, ready to try their luck to see if they could steal a battery.


But soon, Gao Yi shook the door, shook his head and said, "No, it's all locked."

"Although I can force it open, the noise made by this kind of rolling shutter door is too loud. I can't guarantee whether it will attract anything."

Until now, he still doesn't know what happened to the town. The risk he needs to take in taking action in an away game is too huge.

"Ayi, look."

At this time, my cousin suddenly made a discovery: "Look at the row of stones over there, I just saw it seem to be moving."

The stone is moving?

Gao Yi made a silent gesture, changed the painting to "Calling Mountains", and slowly moved closer.

The field boots made a slapping sound when stepping into the stagnant water. He slowly pulled out the hunting knife from his waist and stared at a stone in front of him.

The stone suddenly moved.

It felt like something was pressing down underneath, as if the stone was being pushed around.

Gao Yi frowned, seized the opportunity, inserted the knife into the gap, and then pried it with one hand, and the whole stone turned over immediately.

"This is……"

The look of horror on his face was immediately palpable.

On the ground in front of him, a slender and small body lay quietly.

Like a frog that was trampled to death on the road after it rained. Its overly slender limbs were spread out stiffly, with its pale belly facing the sky.

But it's not a frog.


If Xiao Di is a Q-version character with a short stature, then the equally mini version of him is a proportionally reduced monster.

No matter how small and exquisite the body becomes, it can't hide its frightening and grotesque feeling.

"Could the changes in the town be caused by Siren Head?"

Gao Yi knelt down and carefully looked at the little monster in front of him. Under it, he also found a sign.

"Ayi, this thing... seems to be still breathing." My cousin pointed to his body and whispered.

Gao Yi nodded. The hunting knife in his hand fell, easily cutting off the spine and separating its head from its body.

"so weird."

I saw the neck wound where the siren's head was separated in front of me, and the pink flesh was actually exposed!

Along with the high temperature, the flesh and blood were quickly scorched.

This situation, which is obviously inconsistent with reality, has not attracted Gao Yi's attention for the time being.

I saw him pulling out a sign covered with mucus from underneath and shaking it hard.

Something even stranger happened.

The system actually scanned out the information!


[Identity plate of Qingshui Community]

Bring: room 206 key (spare), blurry photo, parent call number

(Doodle) Self-introduction: Hello everyone, I am □□□. I like dark places, which make me feel safer. I hate noise because it disturbs my rest.

(Correct) Mom's warning: You must go home before dusk!

Description: Please take your key with you so that you can find your way home before dusk.

From □□□□——□□□□!


"What the hell? Collectibles?"

Gao Yi took out the key: "Is this the little surprise the note said?"

"Wait Ayi, something is wrong."

Sensing something was wrong, my cousin immediately reminded: "Why does this sign appear under the monster? In addition, from my mother's warning and the description, it can be seen that there is indeed a problem with the dusk time period."

"Look, it's already dusk now."

Gao Yi raised his head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, the dim yellow sky is no longer bright, but has begun to dim. In probably less than a quarter of an hour, darkness will envelope the entire Shuita Town.

"not good!"

I think of the pink flesh when the police siren's head and neck were cut open.

Gao Yi seemed to suddenly understand something, and his face changed slightly.

He immediately pressed the stone back on the siren head and said to his cousin with a solemn expression: "We have to leave quickly and go to Room 206 immediately!"

He turned his back on his cousin and took advantage of the powerful physical fitness of [Mountains Call], Gao Yi rushed straight towards the residential building in Room 206.

He finally figured out what the mutation was.

"I'm afraid everyone here has turned into a siren head."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing Gao Yi's words, the cousin behind him immediately exclaimed: "You said these monsters were all transformed from humans?!"

"It can't be wrong."

Gao Yi raised the sign again and took a look at it: "Mom's warning, the font is neat, it looks like it was left by his mother when he was a human being."

"But if you look again, the self-introduction is now like graffiti. To be honest, I doubt it was written recently."

"It said that it likes darkness and is sensitive to noise."

Gao Yi looked at the darkening sky: "Cousin, look again. It's going to be dark now."

"Water Tower Town...is coming to life."


Suddenly, a gust of wind sounded quickly.

Gao Yi carried his cousin on his back and immediately dodged sideways without any panic, dodging the blow with incomparable accuracy.


In front of me, a slender arm was raised, denting the concrete pavement!

Gao Yi and his cousin turned around and suddenly saw a tall and thin figure rushing out of the darkness.

You can still vaguely see a few strands of cloth fragments hanging on its body.


The siren roared sadly: "Why don't you listen to your mother!"

"Oops!" Gao Yi's expression changed drastically, he immediately ducked around it and quickly rushed towards the residential building.

It's completely dark now, but the sad siren head is still looking up to the sky and howling.

"It's dark...Mom is here to find you..."

"Child...child...where are you..."

"Stop playing hide-and-seek with mom...Mom is so scared..."




Gao Yi dodged another attack and passed through the smoke.

The cousin looked back and saw a street lamp growing limbs, slowly crawling out of the ground and chasing the two of them.

"Oh my god!"




In the dark night, one after another buzzing sounds sounded!

Street lights, sirens, seats, fire hydrants, trash cans...everything ordinary is moving!

Smoke and dust filled the air.

One by one, tall and thin bodies walked out of the darkness, looked at the direction Gao Yi had fled, and began to run wildly!

"Welcome...to the dreamland..."

Coincidentally, a dull electric sound sounded: "Enjoy...your nightmare..."

This chapter has been completed!
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